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@ChenZissu it tells you
@Abhishrek belive me that if was so easy I wouldn't ask...the thing is that lets say that my site redirects to google fonts...it's important cause if not the client wouldn't be able to see this font...but there are also redirects that are not relevant so...I need help to see what's good and what's bad...would you like to help me?
how would i have to change my query string, if the first ? = '+' and the second ? = 1
 UPDATE userAccount SET
	userAccountSpecialDays = userAccountSpecialDays  ? ?
	userID = ?
it´s in node with mysql
@elsololobo Not sure if parameterized queries work like that.
what other option´s would i have? Only to "stop" the query like
UPDATE userAccount SET
	userAccountSpecialDays = userAccountSpecialDays  `+variable+` ?
Have you tried it?
this would work
but not sure if this is good ;)
is the variable an user input ?
no, he can choose from a list
so yes it is user input
best to do userAccountSpecialDays = ? and set that param with (<index>, <userAccountSpecialDays + variable>)
but it´s validated against either + or -
ah well, replace the 2nd one with + / - based on condition
Maybe you can help me with another problem i currently have. I get an array of users to update from the client. I´m using promises, but I´m running into problems inside my for loop. How could i best do this? jsfiddle.net/dLge59mh/1
have removed not relevant code
i just need to know how to update multiple col´s based on the array length when using promises
i want to know if my DOM contains radio buttons how do I do that in raw javascript?
@BenFortune seems to be what i was searching for. Thanks!
@Bhargav just check !!document.querySelector('[type="radio"]')
if that returns non null it means radio buttons exist yes?
(I edited so that it's a boolean, for clarity)
ok cool
im a java dev, javascript is like magic to me lol
adding the two !! just makes it return boolen
thats just insane man
short question: is this the correct way to use jquery and jquery mobile?
in <head>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquerymobile/1.4.5/jquery.mobile.min.css">
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquerymobile/1.4.5/jquery.mobile.min.js"></script>
@Bhargav Any sufficiently advanced language is indistinguishable from magic. Especially when you come from Java.
@DenysSéguret Yep.
Java developers response to perl
@BenFortune have tried several things, the .each seems to work. But it always results in a TypeError: Cannot read property 'then' of undefined jsfiddle.net/dLge59mh/2
how do you invoke a click on link such as these ? <a href="javascript:submit()">
they don't have ids or classes or any selection identifier attached to em
@elsololobo return
just call the javascript method sumibt() ? i guess thats the only way right? I mean can't simulate a click here
I had already returns nearly everywhere and had a .then() on the database call
but always the same result
 return usersDatabase.updateUserSpecialDays(userID, data.operation, parseInt(data.newDays)) ?
does not work. Also with a .then() attached
can i chill here?
@MaryDaisySanchez sure ;)
I'm looking for a lazy loading images for mobile ( phonegap) but without writing ahead - empty <img/> tags. I want it to be injected automatically as I scroll. Any recommendations ?
@Abhishrek out of all languages out there you chose perl as example?
@GNi33 Purposely
@BenFortune thanks, now it works!
can I chill here too?
hey every one
@SeunLanLege Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix thanks
I have a problem with my react website not rendering on the native android browser and uc browser, it works with chrome and firefox but not the native android browser, I've tested other react websites on them and they work fine. It also doesn't work with safari on ipad 3.I'm not sure if i'm using a dependency that causes it not to render.
the website is www.myestores.com.ng
is this a valid way of "installing" node?
download the .tar.xz from the website, untar it, go to the bin of the tar, and `cp node /usr/bin/node`?
it works, but there's probably something awfully wrong with it
Nothing wrong with that, only other difference is the installer installs npm and adds it to your path
I change the aliases to node and npm instead of copying into /usr/bin
(with ln -s, I mean)
did you accept the job in the end, @DenysSéguret?
I had no real proposition, because I said I didn't want to move to Dublin
(or anywhere)
well, didn't you ask them if maybe you could do it remotely?
@RoyiNamir You can create Image object in JavaScript to preload images.
what's the purpose of that account ?
Shits n giggles
Hum. How do you tell GH one of your projects depends on another one ? I see their stats, but I don't know how to for example say that miaou.snow depends on miaou?
@DenysSéguret A submodule?
I don't think so
I refer to
@DenysSéguret looks like it's limited to Ruby gems only? github.com/blog/2300-visualize-your-project-s-community
@FilipDupanović ok, I understand it better, thanks
hey guys, what is consisten webdesign?
is it when you've stable base and work with it?
oh that module thing seems neat
Thanks for mentioning that. Gotcha keep an eye on that
It's Monday! Monday! Gettin Work Done on Monday!
Everybody's lookin forward to the work week. 🎵
@DrSheldonTrooper I didn't hear that used before... maybe it means you're following a style guide?
/me kicks @rlemon
@DrSheldonTrooper google for "visual consistency" (that term comes from there). Enough articles about that.
@rlemon try record your song, you'll get famous
@KarelG thanks, will search there
I will use rlemon's song to shoo off pesky beech martens coming to my car here.
good afternoon
@rlemon Typing Typing, Yeah, Typing Typing.
@jAndy You can chill but you'll have to think about the Game every 30 seconds while chilling, and now that I have said it every once in a while you'll always remember about this message and thus remember the game. So ultimately you'll lose the game :D
is there a way to auto generate forms from a given object structure?
let's say my object structure is
var obj = {
    key: [
        'a', 'b'
    key2: [
             a: 'ok'
Yes... window.createFormFromMySelfDefinedObject( obj );
I would like to autogenerate a form that creates that object structure
to save it to the database
is there any plugin that can do this?
I'm not certain what you expect. A magic function which is there, which generates HTML from a given data structure?
@jAndy Thats a good use-case though
there is no form "schema"
except for well html :D
a form from a given object (the above one for example)
I need to store to database
@neoDev First of all, no, there is no such method or magic available. There might be any 3rd party script/plugin out there which does something similar, but I don't know any. It shouldn't be too hard to write a little renderer which does exactly what YOU require, actually it is quite simple.
For example to create form for pure inputs, start there :D
Clean database storing would be harder. But of course there's also MongoDB
What you can do is to create form data on the fly (check out the FormData constructor on MDN)
I'll need to check if any of these properties/values already exists in the database
if not, add to database
all this logic should be generated from the given object
so I first defie the object, and I have everything ready
form (with empty field checking)
database checking/storing
the form should give me select elements with database values
so everything is connected
by the initial given object structure
does it make sense?
I'm not sure if you're serious... but in any case... go start coding?
suggested database for handle this?
there is never any "plugin" or 3rd party script just available which satisfies your requirements. You need to write some code on the client and some code on your backend, but nobody will do the job for you.
Pretty much comes down to personal preference, I'd probably choose couchDB or Redis for that kind of job.
are they simple to use to handle js objects?
By the way you described what you want, it doesn't make much sense to use a relational database, but a document oriented one, especially because you could deal with the form data in JSON notation very well.
@neoDev if all ya want is a bunch of forms
they even have a WYSIWYG editor :D
or Google Forms ;)
I think form.io makes a very compelling case :3
why pdf generated using jspdf would work on chrome browser.. and a little bit on ie 11 and nothing on acrobat reader ?
@Abhishrek I just created a new form.io project
it looks complicated to understand....
Its a drag and drop editor FGS
where do I paste the object struture?
@neoDev why don't you google that ?
@neoDev take time to read the chat and the main page of that link ...
it's time to be a serious developer
@KarelG exactly
have you ever tried it?
it's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum, ...and I'm all outta gum.
@neoDev you can write complete sentence in a single go..
I'll roll my own.... bye and sorry... to be "so not serious"
@neoDev yes.
@neoDev good luck !
@jAndy so the game?
People here. My company wants to buy a SQL tool for the Oracle team. Do you know which one is better ? Toad ? SQL Developer ?
@DenysSéguret how big is your company
Doesn't matter. It's just a department and a few licences.
@DenysSéguret everything matters...
Trump became president, Gamma from Nigeria running away, that little cat crying outside... all this matters whether you care or not..
thanks for your insight
@DenysSéguret you look bit serious today#
can someone help me with this promise? The 2nd .then() throws the error (invalid arguments, expect 2) But i just expect one
return Promise.each(data.users, (userID) => {
            return usersDatabase.updateUserSpecialDays(userID, data.operation, parseInt(data.newDays))
                .then(usersDatabase.getSingleUser(userID)) //another promise
                    //here i want to work with the result of the 2nd promise
            return "Success";
@DenysSéguret oracle sql developer ?
@elsololobo I think you want Promise.map() instead of Promise.each
free and crossplatform
@KarelG yes
@MadaraUchiha yes bluebird. Hm with .each() i can´t do?
@Sheepy I know. but that's not what I meant. I'm looking for a library that will inject img tags ( nicely) as I scroll in viewport
@elsololobo same semantic than forEach: isn't used for the return value
@elsololobo You're calling usersDatabase.getSingleUser(userID) instantly, rather than passing the result to your promise chain
I figured out my problem
I need a free online mongodb database where can I easily add values from UI
so nothing to install
just go online and have like my account
fill few inputs
and then do ajax calls
(these are made from my client)
I get excited when I see Tau in code
I googled and I found keystonejs but installation is required
Im googling "mongodb free cms"
@rlemon Does that frequently happen or are you just looking at your own code?
what sould I search?
@DenysSéguret came up in a file in the company codebase
I didn't write it
sure ? Do a git blame
the code was written before I started at the company
I think you shouldn't hesitate more. Mary him or her
@DenysSéguret is my question non-related to this chat IYO? chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/35251053#35251053
@neoDev mongodb isn't especially popular here. And CMS probably aren't. But there's no problem asking.
sorry guys for asking again, but I´m so confused now with the promises. If someone have some time left, would be great if you could help me here. jsfiddle.net/ofyz6ky3/1
@el solo lobo is this your first time with promises?
no, but the first time with .map / .each() and calling some promises in a row inside .map()/ .each()
maybe it´s just monday illness ^^
IE/Edge --- what a difficult to use browser
can't even write to console !!
@Mathematics Never had a problem, edge has amazing perf debugging
can't find clear cache, can't find console like editor we have in chrome
why it can't be obvious :S
same for fire fox..
I am about to give up
Please do, this is obviously not for you
@OliverSalzburg I am not going to install an extension just to run code ?
why these browsers are not update to date like chrome
i've used sequelpro but this time I need to store to a mongodb database
@neoDev Try nosequelpro
ideal would be be able to easily fill the objects structures fields in the UI
like phpmyadmin for mysql
That took me 10s to find, try "phpmyadmin mongodb" in Google for more
i just created a mlab database on heroku
what do I need next?
@neoDev A spell checker
@OliverSalzburg it requires installation
I need an online one with account
@OliverSalzburg don't you have to specify that within .listen() command
my ? is always too late before i press enter. Dammit
@KarelG You know you can edit your posts :P
I do
but that would ping him again
I found this for now humongous.io
but it happens often that my ending ? is not at the message when I press enter, but in the box for the next comment :P
Why would you pay for that...
should type less fast
@KarelG It's the port that is used to connect to. In this case it denotes the port on which the APNS is listening. It is very unlikely that Apple is suddenly listening on a non-standard port. Also, if the error clearly indicates that the ip+port combination does not work, why would you still use that specific combination?
And even go so far as to report it as a bug :P
just curious
how did you found out that he's on an apple computer?
@KarelG He didn't?
linux distro's allows /home and if you have configured the machine to listen to a given port, it should work
whats up guys
that is great
can somebody help?
@Srle So just mock your socket and emit the event
@Oliver thanks would go definitely with that if i dont find solution
what he has suggested is a simple approach
the best solution in my opinion would be to simulate as it is without mocking/emitting
but if not possible
why are angular 2 errors so uninformative?
or a'm i doing something wrong
well most likely i am
almost every error i got is : EXCEPTION: Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: Cannot set property 'stack' of undefined
That sounds pretty informative to me
if i forget to export a component from module
Relative to some errors
if i wrote a wrong for statement on html page
@Abhishrek Hey! Things are good! Slick is going well.
always the same
@Abhishrek How are you?
Huh. That's odd.
well i does not seem that informative to me
since those 2 things are totally different
I mean, maybe it's just because I'm not writing your app
But that seems like maybe there's something that's not correctly defined. More of a core problem than the errors you're finding.
yeah that much i figured...
is there a CSS only way to color the background of tr where one of the cells contains input[data-id] ? Man, CSS needs a look up thingie
oh, just discovered CSS4 relational pseudo class :has() drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#relational
@KarelG tr input[data-id]?
that selects the input, not the tr
Oh I get you
Might have to be a JS jobbie
so I spent this weekend getting a moving truck and picking up a fucking giant arcade
it looks so insane in the front room...
I need to get the rest of the tmplding + side art and marquee for it still
but man it's pretty badass
@Loktar omg
4 player dude!
it has like every control on it actually lol
track ball, spinner, ect, ect, ect lol
10/10 would mod
and an actual arcade monitor
that sob weighs around 300lb at least

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