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7:16 PM
Given a single index...
I need to greedily section out indices.
@ThePhD Definitely compute the secs greedily. Nearly everybody is greedy about secs.
7:39 PM
I don't know if .size() should return the total number of elements in the multi-dim array
Summing all the dims of the entire array
@sbi Nope :)
Or just the number of dims at the highest level.
Does anyone want to buy our album? We still need 44€ (out of 3000€) and there are 3h30 left :o
@Morwenn What album?
7:42 PM
@Morwenn Much better.
@JerryCoffin I was in the process of finding the English link.
Fuck me I can't make a decision.
.size() for all elements and .extents(index) for the size of that extent / dimension, or...
like all languages do the do
or make array.size() return a list of integers
where array.size()[0] is the total size and array.size()[1] the size of the first dimension and so on
@ThePhD How does array_ref handle this?
7:48 PM
@Morwenn .bounds()
@nwp wtf
@Morwenn maybe you'll stop at 2999
.bounds()[ index ]
.size() for span returns... all elements, I believe.
@AlexM. We're fine since we only needed 2300€, but it would be a bit sad not to reach 3000€ now since we promised to reveal another when we reach it ^^'
7:54 PM
Q: Checking if a char is pressed

Beach WilliamsThe program should read 2 ints and calculate the sum or product depending on the symbol introduced from the keyboard. If you press q at any given momement, it must exit. #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; int main() { char k, l ='h',c; int a,b,...

Robot claims fastest Rubik's Cube solving time bbc.com/news/technology-37925033
practice makes perfect I see @R.MartinhoFernandes
also here's a country you never heard of before
The Republic of Upper Volta (French: République de Haute-Volta) was a landlocked west-African country established on December 11, 1958, as a self-governing colony within the French Community. Before attaining autonomy it had been French Upper Volta and part of the French Union. On August 5, 1960, it attained full independence from France. == OverviewEdit == Thomas Sankara came to power through a military coup d'état on August 4, 1983. After the coup, he formed the National Council for the Revolution (CNR), with himself as president. Under the direction of Sankara, the country changed its name...
@AlexM. But what about the Mars Volta?
I only ever heard of Johntra Volta
Then there's Voltali.
8:04 PM
There's no sized free in C, is there?
Are you really thinking about freeing just part of a block, you monster?
No, but I am writing a compiler and having the size of the block with the free call like sized C++ delete would be nice.
I'll just dump it somewhere else.
@ThePhD there was at some point
@nwp Kek, no multi-return.
Speaking of, our language doesn't have multiple return either.
tfw not better than C.
@ThePhD Sized c++ delete???
8:25 PM
@CaptainGiraffe delete[] with a size, yes.
It's a new addition to C++.
what for?
@Shoe Overloaded new[] where passing the size to the corresponding delete[] might be more efficient.
@JerryCoffin Plot twist: he was running from his schizophrenic father who was mistaking him for an alien
I like my stories just like my coffee, humor and dicks
Why do you like dicks in your coffee?
8:38 PM
@nwp For the cream of course.
Not sure which one to star...
@Ven obviously both
@AlexM. You should try Villa Volta
It's amazing
@Morwenn Pwnd! :D
8:45 PM
Well, there are actual videos with that scenario around the internet.
@Morwenn Unfortunately, I can totally imagine that.
Well, I just completed the RTL employee survey. Feels weird.
@EtiennedeMartel RTL? Right-to-left?
@wilx RTL Group.
@EtiennedeMartel That...did not help.
8:50 PM
RTL Group is a European entertainment company. It has interests in 59 television and 31 radio stations in 10 countries. The Luxembourg-based media group operates TV channels and radio stations in Germany, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Spain, Hungary, Croatia and Asia as well as production companies throughout the world. It is majority-owned by German media conglomerate Bertelsmann. Its shares are quoted on the Xetra stock exchange in Germany. It is one of the world's leading producers of television content, such as game shows and soaps (particularly through its ownership of London...
These guys.
> Maybe profunctor should be difunctor, or dimap be promap.
you can always paint a bikeshed ugly
Profunctors are awesome
@LucDanton A disfunctoral language would clearly fit well in the real world.
you are using your diss map well
@milleniumbug i don't care I got first star :=
Also sorry @Mysticial for using you to grab stars. It's the 2nd time now
9:08 PM
Looks like my body hair starts to grow slower and thinner :3
@EtiennedeMartel luxembourg, nice :D
tfw no auto in C
@ThePhD auto is C tho. ;)
Yes, I understand you pedantic fucks.
I meant type deduction.
9:12 PM
@набиячлэвэли it's also completely useless there
@milleniumbug v0v
@ThePhD you want me to be pedantic? It's not type deduction. It's bottom-up type derivation
@Ven :I
@ThePhD: If you need some people pics your LaTeX: ftp.math.purdue.edu/mirrors/ctan.org/graphics/pgf/contrib/…
@wilx Nice.
9:15 PM
@Ven 'type deduction' is not a term of art like 'type inference' is, it doesn’t have to mean anything specific
@Morwenn Are you taking a picture in the same pose every week to make one of those time lapse videos?
@nwp No, who's got time for that :o
@LucDanton tu sais, en physique quantique [...]
@JerryCoffin I can assure you vim+emacs works well for me :)
I need a condition variable in C.
Goddamnit this code is so fucking stupid and verbose.
Wish I could just compile to C++ or some shit for the first go-arounds.
9:30 PM
> computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/
10:13 PM
@ThePhD cnd_t
That's C11 though, so probably mostly unsupported.
Looks loke we won't reach 3000€ u_u
10:30 PM
Automatic generation of comparison operators:
> Explicit opt-in without going much further into the details? 8 | 12 | 3 | 0 | 2
Why strongly against? D:
10:41 PM
std::codecvt just got deprecated by unanimous consent apparently.
@Morwenn s/code/got/ ?
Damn, I can't write straight D:
@Morwenn codecvt?
@Morwenn What is the replacement? I mean, it is used in streams and all...
10:44 PM
@Morwenn <insert "pansexual?" "no" comic here>
@Ven An obscure class to convert between character encondings. I never actually got to properly think about it.
@Ven Probably the worst designed facet of all (and facets in general are pretty horrible).
@wilx Nothing, it will just sit quietly near <strstream> until there's a decent replacement.
@Morwenn lol
@набиячлэвэли I don't know that many comics about pansexuality.
10:46 PM
@Morwenn you know the one
Haha, the top 4 highest voted SO questions in the past 30 days are all . lol
@набиячлэвэли Ooooook, here you go.
xD not that one but that's p good too
@Mysticial obviously C++ has poor performance
Rast best languidż for perfomans
10:49 PM
@Morwenn Being a dirty old man, I'm more interested in a completely INdecent replacement... :-)
@Morwenn wow if that's what deprecation means, I'm writing a proposal to deprecate C standard library
@Mikhail And 11 of the top 15 are either or .
@milleniumbug <doubidou.h> headers are already deprecated for some reason.
@набиячлэвэли So you wanted the full comic, right?
@Morwenn I've never seen the full version before, just highlights of the first line
The whole Go Get a Roomie webcomic is great :)
@milleniumbug Well, that also means that it probably won't get fixed in the future. It's a « we don't care anymore » zone.
> Ville: If people doubt that this is used they should take it up with Linus Torvalds as he can provide polite assistance.
11:02 PM
@набиячлэвэли No real loss though.
@Morwenn He can provide polite assistance. But the chances of its really happening are remote, to put it mildly...
Seriously, how would the meta-police handle Lounge<Linus Torvalds>?
@Morwenn "This user has been suspended...until hell freezes over (or 1e308 days, whichever comes later)."
> SO has been suspended...
Looks like we might have if [[likely]] (condition) { /* ... */ } in C++20.
@Morwenn :( Such a step backwards. Might as well reintroduce register.
9 mins ago, by Morwenn
> Ville: If people doubt that this is used they should take it up with Linus Torvalds as he can provide polite assistance.
11:11 PM
room != user
I'd rather like to see a standard interface for profile guided optimization.
@nwp Why would the C++ standard even want to touch that? That is an implementation detail. Also, you cannot profile everything easily, IMHO.
And sometimes you truly know which way the condition will fall in majority of the cases.
Like exceptional error handling.
register was also useful when compilers were unable to make good choices regarding register allocation.
11:17 PM
It is a micro optimization and therefore the job of the compiler.
I can see it getting used, but it means valuable human resources are wasted on stupid stuff that a program can do better.
@nwp There you are wrong about the "that a program can do better."
@Morwenn Let me tell, my error handling will be exceptional. It'll be great, believe me.
@JerryCoffin :)
@JerryCoffin You whole being is exceptional.
exceptional - does that mean that your error handling will re-throw a lot of exceptions?
11:29 PM
^ Nice rant again.
11:40 PM
Consider how many people 'love' trump, then consider how many US presidents were assassinated
well ...
@Telkitty I think that the Secret Service is considerably more cautious since Kennedy's assassination.
Yeah, during Kennedy's time, the president's car wasn't even armored.
@Morwenn Physically, I'd guess I'm about as UN-exceptional as humanly possible. Average height. Average weight (i.e., average degree of overweight). Average brown hair. Average level of strength. Average...you name it.
@JerryCoffin Average name. :)
@wilx That's no physical...
11:44 PM
@JerryCoffin Oh. Right.
I shut up.
US presidents probably have a higher mortality rate on the job than roof cleaners
@JerryCoffin you thought you'd cover all bases with that last clause eh? :P
and all by assassination
@JerryCoffin and you were involved with the Air Force? say, I’ve heard about that before
@wilx I can hardly agree more. That's some powerful shit. Shame people won't hear it
11:52 PM
> Rien ne sert de pourrir, il faut mourir à point.
@LucDanton Yes, I spent 4 years in the USAF. They may have redesigned cockpits, but uniforms are still designed to not fit anybody...

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