No, it just mentioned it in an email. "We know all this is exciting, so feel free to share your progress with your friends and family. However, keep in mind that our interview questions are confidential, so sharing them publicly would jeopardize the process for both you and the other folks who are interviewing."
@nebulae It was about what I expected it to be. I didn't fly through it easily, but I didn't completey flop. They asked one problem and I got through it in about 45 minutes, it took me a little longer than our alotted time spot.
But I copied my code after and checked it out and I had a few minor syntax errors but I tested the code against all my edge cases and it worked
When my dad's company got acquired (now, he doesn't work in software, but still one company acquired by another) he had to interview, but they gave every employee of the 'bought' company the opportunity to interview if they wanted it.