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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

12:13 AM
@PaulRoub are you stalking that guy? :p
2 hours later…
1:52 AM
Need 1 delete vote to avoid reopen.
@Mogsdad boom
Knew I could count on you! Thanks!
5 hours later…
6:34 AM
^ fp, I don't seem to have the privileges to actually mark it
7:12 AM
@TinyGiant I like it, but got to remember to check the checkbox. It's great that it now populates the reason field. Can this be fully automated? ;)
4 hours later…
11:11 AM
do you think people would agree this is NAA? it fixes a bug in an existing answer related to a backwards incompatible change in versions: stackoverflow.com/a/32758385/1652962
@TinyGiant Hey @TinyGiant
@cimmanon It's definitely not NAA nor VLQ. It would be better as an edit, but as it is it can stand on itself.
Are this question and this question duplicates?
The questions are slightly different, but the answers are pretty much the same (also my two most upvoted ones, and the one on which @TinyGiant gave me the sacred sword of close votes)
According to this Meta question they should be duplicates
Sooo which should be the target? The one with the most upvotes on the question, or the one with the most upvotes on the answer?
11:33 AM
@kyll depends how similar the questions (and answers are)
@JonClements They have maybe one difference (accessing a constant vs a mutable) which are irrelevant both in JavaScript (there's no constant in ES5) and in the answers provided
11:50 AM
the question that's "really" the question with the most obvious text ideally should remain the target dupe
but that's rarely the case it's that clear cut
Then I guess it's this one
The question is to the point:
> I followed the documentation to put the constants in the lib/constants.js file. However, I am unsure how to access these constants in my client side html and js files.
> How can I do this?
Haha the new version of the CV Request Generator is amazing, congratulations guys!
Good morning
hows it going?
Fairly well, just got my first Enlightened!
12:04 PM
1 hour later…
1:16 PM
@Kyll \o/
anyway - afternoon all
1:44 PM
@Kyll Yeah - @Undo had a good idea. @TinyGiant is a wizard!
would it be better to close this or give it some downvotes to get the roomba to clear it? stackoverflow.com/questions/27563997/… (no mcve, code doesnt reproduce the problem)
@cimmanon Both?
@cimmanon The roomba won't delete an open question with answers. Need to close.
@cimmanon I voted to close as no repo/typo.
Morning all
1:54 PM
what about a self-answered one? stackoverflow.com/questions/31356219/…
@cimmanon same thing.
@SmokeDetector why?
@NathanOliver Title - Position 1-17: Packers N' Mover
@SmokeDetector deleted
@KevinBrown I cast a delete vote on all of them.
2:09 PM
@KevinBrown theres no point in casting votes on some of those answers, the questions themselves already have 3-4 delete votes
@cimmanon Oops :\ I don't have 10k rep, so I have no way to checking delete votes ahead of time
Though I'd rather see people use downvotes over delete votes, personally
Awesome is dead.
one of those answers has 10 upvotes, its easier to get del votes than downvotes for cases like that
2:17 PM
@SmokeDetector edited
@SmokeDetector edited
2:27 PM
an alternative to tanks in advanced
@ArtjomB. How do you mean fully automated?
@PaulRoub All boom
Same with your requests @NathanOliver @josilber
@PaulRoub That would be a good one to monitor @mogs
@tripleee You should include the reason you think they should be closed for.
yeah, sorry. The first one is a support request for Travis-CI and the second is run-of-the-mill configuration help (albeit missing the Posfix tag)
2:56 PM
is this question on-topic for SO? it seems like it would be a better fit on Programmers: stackoverflow.com/questions/32757571/…
profile, profile, profile. theory is fine but real numbers will speak for themselves. — NathanOliver 44 secs ago
Protected, not closed? Times have changed. What is a good and free X Server for Windows
@cimmanon Yeah I think it would be better on programmers.
3:25 PM
@TinyGiant There are no rss feeds for that kind of query. (I'm assuming you're suggesting that this be added to the Burned Tag Monitor.)
@cimmanon boom.
@cimmanon I have a css question for you.
@Mogsdad i might have a css answer for you
I'm struggling with positioning a one-row table in question headers. (My Roomba-VTZ tool.)
@Mogsdad got a demo i can play with?
With one td, the table floats left, against the SO logo. Every time another td is added, the whole table shifts right.
Example questions that show it: 1 td 2 td 3 td
It gets pathalogical.
I'm adding smart scaling, which would allow me to keep all the vote cells in the header, but the right-shift slides the whole thing under the SO navigation on the right.
Check if a number is a float by... detecting the presence of a dot. stackoverflow.com/a/10034063/880772
3:40 PM
@approxiblue lol
@Mogsdad i dont see anything there?
@NathanOliver and if you don't like regex we can do that too stackoverflow.com/a/24022821
@cimmanon Gotta use the user script he mentioned originally.
@TinyGiant sounds like a failure to provide an mcve then :p
@cimmanon That would be true.
3:42 PM
@cimmanon You need to be using my Roomba-VTZ userscript
@Mogsdad I made a div wrapper, 600px wide.
But I don't know how that would work on smaller screens.
Also, set the padding for the vote cells to 1px.
@approxiblue and this is why I don't use javascript. I happen to think a type system is a good thing.
@TinyGiant I'm playing with a container div, but in mine, the table still doesn't move left.
3:45 PM
@Mogsdad Hmm... I'll load yours up in a sec. Sidetracked by $(document).ajaxComplete()
Uhmmm.... what? "isAudit":false
Q: What the hell is string in c+

Mono pendencieroHello people I'm trying to learn c+plus and I does not know what is string? please help. I tried dis and It output error: string var = 2, sntaxx error Thanks

@josilber There's also Good lick...
omg someone who has all of there main function inside of a try...catch: stackoverflow.com/questions/32765722/…
4:06 PM
@josilber and of course God luck.
@NathanOliver gotta catch 'em all
just had my NAA flag on this answer declined. something needs to change. if you cut the link out the answer becomes "On Browsers supporting Media Source Extension you can use"
@rene are you around?
> look guys i got 3 favourites
Yeah. I favorited it to show my favorite troll.
i just love how the guy validates his question by the fact that he got 3 favorites
4:21 PM
@NathanOliver barely
@cimmanon This made me suspect OP could have been a troll
@rene I was just wondering how your find review user script works. I am trying to find a review on an answer I flagged as NAA but I am not sure what to put in the search box and I have not had any luck finding it manually.
@NathanOliver you either put the question id or the answer id in it
it depends on the type of queue you're in
@NathanOliver are you on chrome?
okay. right now I am in the LQPRQ. Yes
I didn't test it on FF with greasemonkey
@NathanOliver try to search for 32759205
should be on the first page
4:27 PM
@rene that did work. guess it never entered the queue.
@NathanOliver yeah, I might improve on detecting that...
no problem. just figured I would ask you if you were around. I am writing a meta and wanted to include the reviews if it was reviewed.
Is this eligible for "too broad"?
@Siguza yes
Well, let's go then
5:12 PM
@Closey status
SOCVR ChatBot version, running for 4 days, 13 hours, 21 minutes and 7 seconds.
5:34 PM
@gunr2171 wow
@NathanOliver many stupid
much rage
1 hour later…
6:39 PM
@KevinBrown 3 == 7
7:00 PM
If anyone is interested, I wrote a userscript to enable inline editing anywhere. If you don't have the edit anywhere privilege on a Stack Exchange site (it would normally redirect you to an edit page), this user script enables the AJAX inline editor where it would otherwise be disabled.
And I'm not going to mention the other user script in that repository.
@TinyGiant ...how did you test this? ^^
On meta.stackexchange.
I don't have 2k rep there
7:04 PM
But I like the inline editor.
@TinyGiant Aaah...
@KevinBrown youre better off asking for delete votes on this one: stackoverflow.com/questions/1174240/…
@Siguza It was going to be part of the modified Auto Editor Tool as a way to hijack the inline editor, but I found a better way. (the modified editor works anywhere there is an editor now)
Note, the regexes in that version of the editor are still experimental, make sure to check the diff before submitting.
@cimmanon you asked for it...
7:31 PM
@SmokeDetector omg a java question with downvotes. I never thought I would see that ;)
@NathanOliver Next milestone: JS question with downvotes :P
7:48 PM
Haha, "clear the CVQ"? So... whatcha dreamin' about at night?
@Siguza Me and mogs were talking about a way to make that happen.
@TinyGiant Enlighten me
Well, right now, I can write a script to spend all of your review votes in line with the consensus, pass every audit that it comes across and skip any reviews where no one else has reviewed it yet.
@Siguza I found out that the longer title I used before got cut off on the main chat page where events are shown. So I have to keep it in < 20 chars. A kind of micro-tweet. This was the closest that still makes sense and is enough of a teaser to get people in...
Literally making a robo-reviewer.
7:53 PM
@AudriusKažukauskas voted
Give the script to anyone with > 3k rep that doesn't want to review but likes badges.
Boom, the whole cvq cleared in a day.
@TinyGiant do you have a minimum number of votes already needed before the bot would vote on it. I would have for one person to VTC and then a bunch of bots just pile on that as that is not a consensus.
@NathanOliver Well there is no script yet, but yeah that could be a condition.
I figured. just trying to whack the moles before they come up ;)
7:58 PM
It's more of a joke right now anyway.
I could do it, but I don't think I want to.
@Closey refresh tags
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
@rene Tag data has been refreshed.
Mainly because I like not being banned.
That's why I didn't mention the other userscript I wrote.
8:00 PM
@Closey start event
9,766 need review
1,532 reviews today
2,823,956 reviews all-time
The tags to work on are: , , .
@closey starting.
@TinyGiant Sorry, I don't understand that. Use commands for a list of commands.
@Closey next 10 tags
@rene The next 10 tags are: 1337, 1336, 1335, 1334, 1333, 1332, 1331, 1330, 123, 109
8:00 PM
oh, is that a manual edit?
of the sede query?
@Closey starting
@TinyGiant By the power of the Vote! Review!
ah, good idea
8:01 PM
@Closey starting
@gunr2171 By the power of the Vote! Review!
those numbers seem a little high...
@gunr2171 I was to lazy to write code for closey to read the room tags or find out if CE.net can
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[third-party] [scrape] [scraper]"
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[third-party] [scrape] [scraper]"
8:02 PM
@rene well, now that we put the tags we are working on in the room description, CE.Net should be able to easily fetch them
@gunr2171 I just select 'thitdparty', 1337 union select ....
@Closey starting
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[screen-scraping] [web-scraping] [code-smell]"
@Closey starting
@Siguza Sorry, you need more permissions to run that command.
8:03 PM
oh, ok
not, then
@Closey add user 2302862
@gunr2171 Ok, I added Siguza (2302862) to the tracked users list.
sorry, now you're in
@Closey starting
@Siguza May Shog9's Will be done.
8:03 PM
@Closey starting
@rene May the Vote be with you!
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[exclude]"
@Closey starting
@NathanOliver Happy reviewing!
8:04 PM
oh wow, a full house today
> passed javascript audit
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "off-topic, unclear what you're asking, too broad, primarily opinion-based; [screen-scraping] [web-scraping] [code-smell]"
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[screen-scraping] [sources] [code-smell]"
oh look, a haskell question...
passed haskell audit
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[google-apps-script] [google-docs] [google-spreadsheet]"
> passed c++ audit
8:08 PM
passed java audit
@NathanOliver, I found a java post with downvotes: stackoverflow.com/review/close/9625430
I should go by a lotto ticket. 2 in one day ;)
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 3 hours to continue reviewing.
@TinyGiant Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
passed rsa audit
@Closey last session stats
8:10 PM
@TinyGiant Your last completed review session ended 11 seconds ago and lasted 9 minutes and 41 seconds. You reviewed 40 items, averaging a review every 14 seconds.
that was new
14 seconds
I bet you had better loading speeds than the rest of us
Probably not the reason.
8:12 PM
It was probably because I'm a nasty cheater.
> You have no more close votes today; come back in 3 hours.
@NathanOliver The review session has been marked as completed. To set the number of items you reviewed use the command last session edit count <new count>
I should buy "dontblamecaching.com"
@Closey last session edit count 20
Review item count has been changed:
User: NathanOliver (4342498)
Start Time: 2015-09-24 20:04:22 UTC
End Time: 2015-09-24 20:13:03 UTC
Items Reviewed: [Not Set] -> 20
Use the command 'last session stats' to see more details.
8:13 PM
@Closey last session stats
@NathanOliver Your last completed review session ended 30 seconds ago and lasted 8 minutes and 41 seconds. You reviewed 20 items, averaging a review every 26 seconds.
@gunr2171 You can get it for $2.99 US godaddy.com/domains/…
for the first year
and then it jumps to like >$10
yeah 14.99 after that
meh, too much, plus I don't like that company
8:15 PM
still after using it for years on SO you might be able to sell it for like $30
Pekka will probably buy it
later guys
8:18 PM
with a Z? that makes it extra rad!
Word man
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 3 hours to continue reviewing.
@Siguza Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
@Closey last session stats
@Siguza Your last completed review session ended 13 seconds ago and lasted 15 minutes and 8 seconds. You reviewed 40 items, averaging a review every 22 seconds.
8:21 PM
@Closey starting
@Mogsdad Happy reviewing!
There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[google-docs] [google-spreadsheet] [google-apps-script]"
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 3 hours to continue reviewing.
@rene Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
@Closey last session stats
8:23 PM
@rene Your last completed review session ended 12 seconds ago and lasted 19 minutes and 47 seconds. You reviewed 40 items, averaging a review every 29 seconds.
passed fortran audit
There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[forms]"
Today in baffling reviews: stackoverflow.com/review/low-quality-posts/9622002 ("this should really be a comment, not an answer"... "Please treat this only as an attempt to solicit more information and not at all an answer to your question."... "I don't understand how your input relates to you output."...) --> Looks OK!
passed c++ audit
Alright, last close vote spent, I'm off to bed
cya all
8:28 PM
@Siguza Bye :)
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 3 hours to continue reviewing.
@gunr2171 Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
@Closey last session stats
@gunr2171 Your last completed review session ended 3 seconds ago and lasted 27 minutes and 20 seconds. You reviewed 40 items, averaging a review every 41 seconds.
8:28 PM
Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 3 hours to continue reviewing.
@Mogsdad Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
@closey last session stats
@Mogsdad Sorry, I don't understand that. Use commands for a list of commands.
@Mogsdad Your last completed review session ended 19 seconds ago and lasted 7 minutes and 7 seconds. You reviewed 40 items, averaging a review every 10 seconds.
There ya go
8:29 PM
Held back by slow loads, too...
Feb 19 at 16:34, by gunr2171
Disclaimer: The CV Chat room does not encourage excessively fast review times, especially if it sacrifices accuracy.
@rene @durron597 that might be something to include in the FAQ
Everything in moderation. Including moderation.
@gunr2171 sure
yo dawg...
8:40 PM
Does this tag edit strike anyone else as odd? stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/9623527
Setting a tag up to be ambiguous doesn't seem smart.
There's a meta post about that tag.
> Intentionally making the tag ambiguous between two different ideals is not a good idea. Bring it up on meta if new tags should be made.
Note, there was a recent tag edit. — gunr2171 36 secs ago
@gunr2171 We need to reject this too: stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/9623526
@PaulRoub Thanks, Paul.
done (er, rejected)
@gunr2171 Needs more votes. Anyone?
8:52 PM
@Mogsdad Nope, done.
@PaulRoub Cool.
for realz this time
and I'm out, bye
Use an image editor, or a programming language of some kind. This isn't a job for CSS. — Tiny Giant 7 secs ago
9:21 PM
A: Ambiguous tag [restler]

MogsdadI hit both suggested edits as well, and had the same reaction that you have. It's a bad idea to introduce ambiguity by giving a tag dual meaning. While use of the php or nodejs tags would serve to disambiguate, the need to do so can be easily avoided. To proceed, community members with an intere...

how many cvs left for this?
Q: OpenGTS User Error

AlexandruEventually I managed to install I OpenGTS but a problem arises when creating an account. Account, User, Password are texx and the error that appears to me is: Error reading Account and if I login with another account that is not initialized appears to me the following error: Error reading Account...

@Closey starting
@josilber May the Vote be with you!
@cybermonkey It has none
9:56 PM
And unfortunately, I have none as well.
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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