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1:23 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] Korean character in title: 바카라확률【 BSS689.COM 】바카라타이dd by jhon lee on stackoverflow.com
2:05 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in body: How can I search the listview that has a list view and text? by Nikko Llanes on stackoverflow.com
2:37 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE REQUIRED by Ravi Shankar on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported answer: Run a cron job from within a php file by Anita Windi on stackoverflow.com
3:03 AM
library/tool/resource Is there a Python equivalent to Perl's Data::Dumper? - Rob Wells 2010-03-29 19:09:48Z
library/tool/resource Gradient generator for android - orchidrudra 2011-11-07 11:43:43Z
library/tool/resource Magento and Campaign monitor integration - mononym 2012-06-12 14:54:37Z
library/tool/resource Any Course/Lecture videos on Design Patterns - howtechstuffworks 2012-05-02 20:45:09Z
4:20 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, pattern-matching website in body, blacklisted user: What All Are Key Ingredients Of item? by sefylijams on stackoverflow.com
1 hour later…
5:58 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website in body: SAP SUCCESS FACTORS Training by prema78 on stackoverflow.com
1 hour later…
7:04 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: SAP FIORI Online Training IN INDIA by dagny06 on stackoverflow.com
7:24 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: FETCH MAX DATE FROM MULTIPLE RECORD by SHIVKUMAR on stackoverflow.com
7:38 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: MAILCHIMP_HTTPERROR ON USING MAILCHIMP by achuthomas on stackoverflow.com
user error & not enough information on the settings that were changed. This is more of a software-configuration question than a programming one. Strophe Ejabberd not registering new users. - John 2015-09-03 07:33:31Z
1 hour later…
9:19 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title, bad keyword in title: ABINITIO ONLINE TRAINING IN HYDERABAD by swapna12 on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Few unique characters in answer: Check if 'Access to my location' is enabled - Android by user5296065 on stackoverflow.com
9:49 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] Pattern-matching website in answer: Resetting ROOT password in MySQL 5.6 by Baker Green on stackoverflow.com
10:59 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title, pattern-matching website in body: Best Online HADOOP Training by punamrao on stackoverflow.com
11:14 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title, bad keyword in title: SAP MM ONLINE TRAININGS by monasuki on stackoverflow.com
12:02 PM
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in answer: Viewbag, model, and Actionlink do not exist in current context by user5296658 on stackoverflow.com
12:30 PM
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, pattern-matching website in body: Foods During Pregnancy: Get To Know The Right Foods For You! Intellux by alexandrachloe on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector tp-
1:17 PM
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in body: No clue why this doesn't work by user3670019 on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported answer: whats is limit for WhatsApi sending whats app messages by manzar on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive body detected: Java tTorrent libraries: how to install and use these? by belgiumarthur on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported answer: how to load mysql data in html checkboxes by priya on stackoverflow.com
1:56 PM
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported answer: Admin panel - Creating an edit users button by çetin on stackoverflow.com
2:18 PM
library/tool/resource Open Source Key Management Solution - Dave 2012-11-14 17:55:49Z
3:04 PM
[ SmokeDetector ] Pattern-matching website in body: Freeswitch SBC Setup by bmkdigital on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector why
@durron597 Body - Position 912-929: onlinesolution.co
too broad Sharepoint quiz - Chubsdad 2010-09-07 04:36:50Z
3:19 PM
too broad/no mcve jQuery custom wysiwyg button - Clément Andraud 2015-09-03 15:07:41Z
3:44 PM
[ SmokeDetector ] Few unique characters in answer: How close the console in the geth console by Bob on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector tpu-
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: WORDPRESS HTML AND CSS ISSUE by kaburat on stackoverflow.com
Unclear - Wordpress HTML and CSS issue - kaburat 2015-09-03 15:47:51Z
4:17 PM
4:34 PM
I want to do X. Here's Y. How do I detect spam? - Dylan Black 19 hours ago
4:50 PM
5:10 PM
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: PayPal Sandbox returning Internal Service Error by pissedoff on stackoverflow.com
5:32 PM
too broad Linux source code location - Larry Lawless 2015-09-03 11:42:53Z
too broad Indenting by 2 spaces - Ryan Zhang 2015-09-03 16:48:41Z
no mcve JComboBox inside JMenu - Vaughan Durno 2015-09-03 16:14:19Z
6:08 PM
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: FILL MISSING NUMBERS IN SQL by Shyam Pandian on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector ignore-
duplicate FILL MISSING NUMBERS IN SQL - Shyam Pandian 2015-09-03 18:08:12Z
6:49 PM
too broad Understanding cycle notation - Dustin Taylor 2015-09-03 17:10:43Z
@SmokeDetector gone
library/tool/resource Getting metadata of a Java sourcefile - Randbedingung 2012-09-20 07:14:44Z
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: INDEX CATEORIES AND RETURN VALUE by Art Hans on stackoverflow.com
1 hour later…
10:35 PM
no mcve Conflicting scripts… probably - Avalikia 2015-09-03 20:25:51Z
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: FIND FILE BY NAME IN JAVA by Rivas Kun on stackoverflow.com

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