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9:01 PM
Reminds me of this tool we had to use in school.
Personally the only thing which I find really wrong with inheritance is that it's intrusive. Other than that, I like how it allows separate compilation and DI in general. The alternative mechanisms for polymorphism (e.g. templates) are super-cool, but hardly scale IMO because 1) everything goes in headers and 2) compilation times easily get very high.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I gave her a go. Talented, but not for me. Already got so much of that kinda stuff on my playlists. Back now to Ayria, which is my fantastic new-sound find for the week.
If we had a non-intrusive mechanism for dynamic polymorphism, I'd use it pretty much everywhere - and I wouldn't mind it being "OO"
Oh oh.
Generic methods
9:03 PM
@JDiMatteo Maybe - it's hard to tell without knowing you, and for some people this isn't true at all, but usually it's best to avoid "books on design" because they lead to blinkered thought processes.
I wish there was more RTTI available
I.e. use a different language :v
@AndyProwl hence your proposal?
@JDiMatteo I can well imagine that you work with some terrible monolithic crap, though. Due to working at big firms.
@Ell hence my proposal :)
@CatPlusPlus what is that?
9:04 PM
Don't read books about patterns
Read books about patterns, just don't get too obsessed on them
@sehe Probably a combination of timing and luck--I wrote most of a Smalltalk implementation before most people had heard of OOP at all, so by the time it got popular I'd already been cured of over-enthusiasm for it.
Burn books about patterns
I burn religious books. That includes GoF books.
9:06 PM
I really can't see what's wrong with giving mechanisms a name
Is there anything in boost that eases launching external processes in a portable way ? (CreateProcess, execve) ?
Design is not Lego
Not claiming it is
@ereOn look up Boost.Process
it's under review though
9:08 PM
Having a vocabulary of architectural elements helps communicating your design
@ereOn There's a non-ratified Boost Process. Otherwise, system() (I kid) or PoCo
@Rapptz for about 26 years
Give or take
Someone shared this on Facebook. Does that mean I can spend all my time alone programming?
lol yeah
@rightføld It means you can spend less time on fb
@rightføld "Masturbation is sex with someone I respect" (Woody Allen).
9:09 PM
Well played. Have a blowjob. (Not by me though; my bounded queue is full.)
Never had a need to say which patterns happened to happen in my code
<expressions of disbelief>
@rightføld It means you can spend all your time with us in the Lounge.
9:10 PM
This class is abstract command factory proxy manager!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@LightnessRacesinOrbit jealous?
@AndyProwl this, at most
Yeah no thanks
I reckon lobster is not quite masochist enough to confuse the lounge for love
@AndyProwl I can see this being useful, but only for those people who are capable of recognising that categorisations are not intended to be rigid. IME, that describes frustratingly few programmers.
9:11 PM
If you'd all die I wouldn't give a shit.
My default suggestion, therefore, is to mostly avoid "design patterns" mantra altogether.
If someone finds a need to describe their design, they'll be able to figure out an existing name for it.
except for alex i love alex
@rightføld I seriously doubt that. I mean, who would you talk to?
@rightføld Is Alex your boyfriend?
Describe your design with intent and reason
@Lightness: it always feels like terrible monolithic crap. at first I thought I was just unexperienced and just didn't understand the design. Maybe if I did a startup for a while I would feel better being able to shape the design early on, and then I can make my own monolithic crap that others will be saddened by
9:12 PM
@rightføld no
> location Boulder, CO
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Perhaps that's true, but it would be easier for people to develop this capability if they actually had a tool that allows non-rigid categorizations
So some people here really live under rocks.
@AndyProwl I think the overriding problem is a lack of creativity and insight in programmer culture. This leads to devs grasping onto every single hold they see. "Patterns" give that hold. It makes life feel safer, easier to convince managers and coworkers about etc.
I went to Boulder CO once, for programming really, really, really loosely programming-related work
9:13 PM
General guidelines like SLID are much better and way more useful than patterns ever will be
(I don't believe in the O sorry)
@JDiMatteo btw it's "Boulder, CO, USA". There's a whole world out here, pal.
@Lightness: I just moved from NYC to Boulder, maybe that didn't help my chances of learning from other great design on the job
How would you describe in a short way the fact that you're using the actor model? OK, actor model is not a GoF pattern, yet it is a pattern
@LightnessRacesinOrbit: Boulder CO is friggen awesome btw
@JDiMatteo lol @ "did a startup for a while"
@JDiMatteo Yes I remember it well
I really liked it
9:14 PM
@AndyProwl Naming "good practice" things feeds into that.
Case in point: Who hasn't seen A Successful Branching Model For Git linked at least 24 times?
but you still need to append the country name
@AndyProwl Giving mechanisms a name is fine--but the very size of the original GoF book (not to mention the others it...inspired) points to the fact that people get obsessed with them. A good book on patterns would be closer to pamphlet size, covering the (roughly) dozen or so major patterns that emerge. The number, complexity, and similarity of patterns already covered in the GoF book points to already having gone overboard with taxonomy creation (another problem for OO programmers).
@sehe First I've seen it.
@AndyProwl I can't think of a time I'd be asked to :/
I also wouldn't document it that way.
9:14 PM
Why does it have to be short way
Describe the benefits
Or maybe I would.
@Rapptz That "model" is very underwhelming. It's just that people, when presented with lots of choice, find it hard to decide what to do, and they go with whatever is popularized as "Good(TM)"
And why it fits the project
It has to be short because it doesn't need to be long
It is shared knowledge
"I'm using actor model" in itself is useless
9:15 PM
@rightføld Thank you. You're quick
Why are you using actor model is interesting
No, it's not useless. It sets a well-known context
(Sure, you can call it 'actor model', whatever, but that's really not the important part)
You don't need the goof book to call things factories or proxies either
I guess my framework (and the three projects that use it) are sort of almost following this "actor model" of yours
9:16 PM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit It's a Wikipedia article about programming, of course it is
except it's based on message subscription, not targeted recipients
@CatPlusPlus Going forwards we should leverage our synergies into a Wikipedia article that more fully energises the knowledge sharing potential of this component.
> This article may require cleanup
also make sure to include the gays and disabled
My favourite actor is also my role model.
@rightføld I didn't know you were an actor
9:18 PM
@JerryCoffin I agree there are overlapping patterns and the number of them could be reduced. I simply don't agree that patterns are an inherently evil thing. For me, they just help communication between people with shared knowledge. I couldn't imagine going to a colleague of mine and suggesting "how about using visitors here?" without using the word "visitor" or (worse) without him knowing what I'm talking about
@AndyProwl I agree fully that common language is important. Identifying patterns is useful in the same way that having a concrete set of grammatical rules for a spoken/written real-world language is useful, no matter how much the kids on the internet wish that "omg its a living language" made it not so
Ask 20 people about what "visitor" is and everyone will have a different answer anyway
yeah because they didn't read GoF
@CatPlusPlus I don't think so
Visitor is a pretty well defined pattern
@CatPlusPlus How would you describe it, out of curiosity (I had a hard time coming up with something succinct just now)
9:20 PM
I would struggle with patterns in a job interview. I'm using visitors right now, but because I think about patterns so incredibly rarely, I couldn't tell you off the top of my head what makes them visitors that doesn't also apply to X other code over here
That's probably me having gone too far in the Cat direction
Also not reading anything ever
I never just drop a pattern name
my direction is best direction
@CatPlusPlus There will undoubtedly be some differences, but unless you work with completely ignorant buffoons, all of them should have pretty similar ideas of what it means, what it's used for, etc.
anything in moderation, Cat
Say, if rightfold went too far in your direction, his member would rupture your spleen. That would be an example of poor moderation.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit hah
dat edit
9:21 PM
Also, the visitor pattern.
@Ell shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
@Ell cough. Ask them about implementing it in C++. Visitors are often inverted (and the hierarchy made to "accept" the visitor). It's not very well understood
@AndyProwl like a brain?
I see visitor pattern as a glorified way of doing higher order functions
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Too much to ask in this industry
@JDiMatteo ran away when I pointed out his Americentricity :(
@CatPlusPlus precisely my concern
9:22 PM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I guess that would do as well :P
maybe it's not well defined then. maybe me thinking it is is just evidence of the badness of using pattern names
@Ell nobody said the Visitor Pattern is poorly defined
I just said I'm bad at knowing lots of useless fucking shit about endless patterns
I don't mind using pattern names, really, I mostly mind the pattern mindset
for example, I have literally nothing to say to Rapptz's previous comment
@CatPlusPlus there we go
honestly I don't think any of us in this entire room fundamentally disagree on this point
the Visitor pattern is for double dispatch to me
9:24 PM
If someone says "which pattern should I use for this" in my vicinity I want to grab a nearest spoon and beat them with it
@AndyProwl The problem, to me, is still that those "Brand Names" are attracting the feeble-minded like flies and stifle the much-needed insight. In practice. This is what I see happening. I'm not saying "ban pattern jargon" for that reason, but is a counterpoint to "I don't see why naming things would be bad".
Ugh cat you idiot
@AndyProwl The problem is that isn't what patterns are, it's how people use them.
they try to compose their code of patterns like molecules are composed of atoms.
9:24 PM
@CatPlusPlus I only have a knife on my desk
don't just want to do it
@CatPlusPlus Yes that's my point. But in order to use pattern names you must read what those patterns are. Not getting obsessed is the important part, burning books is silly
@LightnessRacesinOrbit It only happens on the internet
@CatPlusPlus awwww
Programmers who know me irl know my opinions about patterns :v
9:25 PM
there we go, the important points are starred
@sehe as linked to Bayesian statistics - interesting idea. It would probably take a certain type of person to call that 'intuitive'. Not sure it would help all members of a jury. Maybe...
Singleton is verboten
No more () for you!
singleton never makes sense
I never read goof book
Just fragments
9:26 PM
I never read any book completely.
Programming books are boring
LYAH was fun.
@aclarke hi
If you want that shared knowledge it's better to build it on organic examples
@Puppy Which is not a good mindset, I agree with that
9:27 PM
Not handcrafted overengineered shit
I liked code complete
and c++ primer
@Sofffia Dude, that's so two months ago.
@CatPlusPlus how many spoons did you break vs. how many became permantly lodged in said person's eye-socket?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit: is it really practical for me to gain out of country experience programming? What do you suggest, more open source development?
I also liked Programming Erlang.
9:27 PM
@JDiMatteo Eh?!
@sehe howdy. Waking up for the morning. Jnr's daycare got inundated last night in all the rain, so I get to spend the day working from home in my pyjamas.
And Clean Code.
@sehe I'm lucky enough to have worked with either people who weren't bad enough or people who didn't know anything about patterns
I just said you should write ", USA" after "Boulder, CO" in your Stack Overflow profile, otherwise it looks like you think (a) the entire world / your entire audience lives in USA, or (b) we should mentally select ", USA" by default in our heads if one of our own, third world, inferior countries is not pattern-matched instead.
9:28 PM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit: ok, thanks, I can do that
@JDiMatteo Cheers mate! :-)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit See also zipcode. SPEW
don't do it
it will only make him stronger
I see this crap all over the net and it winds me the fuck up. People from literally no other country do it.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit why does it wind you up so much?
you gotta loosen up
9:29 PM
Any moron recognises state abbreviations and knows it's in the USA.
"I'm from Spain." "I'm from Japan." "I'm from Germany." "Hi there, I'm from Raleigh North Carolina!" #STABINTHEFACE
LRiO does too but he just doesn't want to.
States might as well be countries
maybe because USA states are as big as many countries?
@rightføld Honestly, being able to determine the geographical location is really not the point.
9:30 PM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Where are you from?
@JDiMatteo "I'm from Russia."
@JDiMatteo Because the notation is widespread on the Internet.
@JDiMatteo "I'm from Australia."
apparently having a facebook is a requirement for school now
@Ell Cos these people have a broken and offensive mindset and it is my job as Lord and Ruler of All to fix those people!
9:30 PM
@aclarke not bad, meguesses
@corvid lolwut???
We were forced to use Trello at school.
> a facebook
Man, what a horrible tool.
9:31 PM
@rightføld that's less bad
@CatPlusPlus That gives special privileges to the inhabitants of one single country that really doesn't need its ego feeding any more.
It's fine if you don't care about Holy Process
my professor said "you've been updating the facebook, right?" and I said "I don't have a facebook", and she said "you HAVE to have a facebook, it's not optional"
define "school" please
maybe your professor is a massive paedo
Just say no and don't do it.
9:32 PM
@corvid lol, tell her to point that in the rules
yeah and also that might work for the FB thing
And drop out, too. School is shit.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit "I'm from Perth, Australia" (possibly just to disambiguate)
"I don't agree with bookface terms of service and therefore cannot have 'a bookface'"
@sehe a bit chilly, so it can't be the emperors new pyjamas, which is a bit disappointing for a Sydney spring ;-( I blame global warming. Who's taken our heat???
9:33 PM
Cat's getting worse at the word thing
@Ell Because in reality, he's the worst Merkin of all, and it pisses him off when anybody assumes that "the world" doesn't refer to his little county on his little island in the middle of nowhere in particular. Read what he says as a body, and it's quickly apparent: his unsupported assumptions/beliefs/etc., are all just "what's right", whereas everybody else's are horrible, misleading, and downright intolerable.
What wrod thing
school is pretty terrible in general. not a very good place to actually learn things
@aclarke rubbing hands gleefully
@corvid you learn one thing really well
@corvid so be happy to have fb instead
9:34 PM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit give it back. The tomatoes aren't growing!
umm.. hi
@aclarke soz no
@19greg96 Good luck.
@corvid You can just make FB account and not use it for anything but that school project.
@19greg96 eer, I mean, hi!
No need to put any personal information on it.
9:35 PM
@JerryCoffin that makes sense
@LightnessRacesinOrbit all knowing one, why doesn't this compile? checker.reg<std::tuple_element<Is, typename function_traits<FT>::args>::type>()...; if I remove the ... it complains about unexpanded parameter pack. Is is the parameter pack
Because you have to put it in some context.
Is and FT aren't defined.
@Ell You can only expand packs in some contexts, not all. That's why swallow is an idiom.
Also function_traits is broken by definition.
@Ell because it's awful code and you should feel awful
@Ell Okay, well, the error is self explanatory, is it not?
9:37 PM
does this: char *ret = new char[l + 1]; allocate ret on the heap?
@19greg96 No.
It orders it from Amazon
It allocates *ret on the heap.
there's plenty of SAP - ABAP crap going on around my college
I prefer to order it from Google
9:37 PM
ret is "allocated on the stack", the array it points to is "allocated on the heap"
and the first advantage they list for these jobs is
ret is on the stack or in a register.
"You'll learn a new object oriented language."
@nf071590: Session hijacking is typically prevented by doing an IP check on the server end, but yes there are absolutely scenarios where you can do this. Just two examples: (a) insecure website; (b) the session you want to hijack belongs to an individual using the same WAN IP as you. Consider an internet café, for example, though you'd need access to your target's laptop for long enough to look up and copy down their session ID. ;) Honestly, you can do that if they leave their laptop for a bathroom break but then, arguably, they deserve the Fraping that's coming to them. — Lightness Races in Orbit 2 mins ago
9:38 PM
Depends on compiler and optimisations.
@AlexM. Bullshit, clearly.
@AlexM. top kek
@rightføld What heap is that?
Sessions should be UA-locked, too
9:38 PM
@rightføld It may not even exist.
@Puppy never heard of this. I'll gugle it
@AndyProwl if I return ret, will the array pointed to by it be removed? Or will that only happen once I free(ret);
I know a guy who works at SAP and he hates his job.
On an insecure network you really don't need physical access either
@19greg96 No.
9:39 PM
@19greg96 evaluating free(ret) results in UB.
@rightføld I know a guy who contracts for SAP clients and he's fucking loaded.
@19greg96 only when you delete[] (not free)
@rightføld Poor sap
@AndyProwl delete[], not delete.
@AlexM. oh - OO COBOL?
9:39 PM
@rightføld right, sorry
@AndyProwl ohh, okay, thank you
@aclarke COOBOL
@AndyProwl Also ~vector. :)
@rightføld string I would say
@AndyProwl Depends on what you want.
9:40 PM
@Sofffia I love how you/your source internationalised it, though. LOL
Want to represent text? string
Want to represent a byte array? vector<char>
how about vector<unsigned char>
Unsigned chars are insecure, you should always use signed ones
Depends on whether you want array of unsigned bytes or implementation-defined-signedness bytes.
9:41 PM
@rightføld Implying that std::string represents text.
@aclarke so SAP competes with Visual COBOL?
makes sense
@CatPlusPlus insecure?
implementation defined signedness of char is such a terrible idea i don't even.
or is ABAP the language
For binary data they are necessary, aren't they? for doing shifts and whatnot
9:42 PM
I will never actually know
ABAP is a programming language.
I need to make a game in ABAP
@Ell Yes, you can't verify who made them (do I really have to explain jokes)
9:42 PM
From what I can recall it's like a mix of COBOL and SQL and Perl.
@AlexM. I once made a game in COBOL.
^this is a bap
@CatPlusPlus it was a terrible joke in my defence :P
@Ell yes
glad you now get it
9:44 PM
@AlexM. nfi - just guessing what it's written in. PL/1 maybe
writeByteArray (char *in, unsigned char len) maximum length of in is 255, is this unsafe?
@rightføld are you aware of tracking, and especially the reach and promiscuity of that on fb? privacy is non-existent there. Yes, they have "privacy theater" going on by allowing you to "control" who sees your content. But that's ignoring the fact that FB can do with your content whatever they wish. And they do. As well as their advertisers. (And then a few plugins. And the malware...)
@19greg96 Not inherently.
The content is owned by school not me anyway.
"Some of the selected type(s) cannot be added to the class diagram. This may be due to several limitations of the tool, click help for more information." -- I just got this error from Visual Studio diagram editor, as I tried dragging a class onto the diagram. This just after I recovered from the diagram rendering a giant red X for a reason I don't understand. Is this tool just a time trap or is it possibly useful?
9:44 PM
As for cookie shit use ghostery.
@rightføld It's about your identity. Your behaviour unmistakenly identifies you. Even if you use Tor.
@JDiMatteo No.
@JDiMatteo "Why would you try to add a class to a class diagram? Fucking idiot." —Visual Studio
@rightføld evercookies
oh well
9:45 PM
who cares about that shit anyway
Facebook probably knows as much about you as they know about me.
Facebook probably knows as much about you as I do about how you were conceived.
Because I told it both things.
@JerryCoffin lol. I was gonna say. People will start to think about privacy when it's too late. Which is, when the next war happens in our cosy countries.
Snitching, thought police, silent coercion... the possibilities are too attractive
@sehe Could be much sooner than that.
9:48 PM
What are you thinking of?
@Puppy: thanks, I won't waste any more time with the "several limitations"
@sehe Pretty much right now, being used to invade privacy in ways that are already pretty clearly illegal, with no declared war in sight (and governments already saying "we need permission to do more").
Well, it was a good guess.
@JerryCoffin I mean, for people to start worrying.
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol
9:52 PM
I think I can't have ... because the pack isn't an argument to the function
I think if anything, it's increasingly clear that by and large, people simply don't care that much about privacy
it seems to me like it's been revealed that it's being mass invaded by every government, and I feel that the public response has mostly been "meh" and a few sarcastic jokes.
maybe everybody's just busy with the recession.
@Ell swallow, dude.
@JDiMatteo Maybe it's best to back up and think for a moment about what you're really trying to accomplish. What do you hope to achieve by drawing the class diagram in the first place? Are you out to document code you've already written? (If so, consider something like Doxygen that can generate diagrams from code). Are you trying to figure out how to design things? If so, something like Visio that emphasizes easy of drawing and manipulation may be more useful.
IMO, UML is usually a waste--to much detail to be useful for a design diagram.
9:54 PM
@JDiMatteo did you like my quote
@Ell You said you needed .... Make up your mind.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit yes, I lol
@JDiMatteo good ;)
@Puppy I'm googling all I get is about macros :L
9:55 PM
there is nothing on cpprefernce
@Ell Ask someone smarter than Google.
this morning I managed the performance of waking up and being in the office in less than 30 mins
@Puppy People care about privacy, but they haven't the foggiest what to do about it and they don't care enough to exhaust the five years it would take to find out.
@JerryCoffin: I am trying to understand a large old unfamiliar code base where many classes seem to use multiple inheritance
9:55 PM
@Puppy could you tell me about swallow?
being drunk together with being very tired made me forget about setting the alarm
woke up this morning, saw it was 11:47 AM
(will flattery work? google is pretty smart.)
@Ell I could but I'm not really feeling like it right now.
9:56 PM
Nono, you set the alarm - you just set it for someone else!
@Alex How much trouble were you in?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit not at all
I usually go to work at 12, 12:15
Sorry, it was a joke. You said that you forgot to set the alarm....I really need to learn to stop making non-sequitur jokes.
9:57 PM
To be fair, I did almost the same thing: waking up and in the office within 30 mins, but that's partially because I was in a hotel not too far away, and also it was only 9.40am when I got in.
@sehe Hmm...I dunno. Some people are clearly worrying already, but exactly what (if anything) will get the majority to even notice, I'll admit I'm uncertain what (if anything) will trigger that.
so I was still on my usual schedule
@Puppy <<== THIS
@Ell fail
9:57 PM
I could probably get away with doing that, logistically and officially. However socially it would be a disaster.
but it was scary as fuck
I usually wake up at least an hour and a half earlier to take a shower and prepare
I already get enough shit from the dicks who haven't a clue what they're talking about regarding the fact that I work from my home office three days a week.
I guess they think they do more work than me. Hah!
@JDiMatteo I that case I'd consider something like Doxygen (or Rational Rose, if it's still around) that reverse engineers a diagram automatically from existing code. Not sure how much good it'll really do, but might be useful.
@JerryCoffin I think the problem is that by the time the public worries, it'll be far too late to erase enough "incriminating" information
They would have a heart attack within days if they did as much work as I do.
9:58 PM
@Ell geez cue obscene joke.
Like a joint, synchronised heart attack.
@rightføld can I get it to work?
It's unclear what you want to do.
What do you want to pass?
you made NUMEROUS totally unrelated errors that I had to fix.
you wanker.
9:59 PM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit back when I was working from home I was working way more than now too
but that was mostly because of the non-existent schedule

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