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1:00 PM
I'm a fan of semi-bold 600
@IanClark agreed.
Obviously unless you need to save bytes, in which case use anything, don't use spaces, use text speech yadda yadda
I'm using monospace for buttons
but firefox is not rendering monospace undermyhat.org/blog/2009/09/…
@mikedidthis what you mean with the stop point?
@IGRACH specific the font families?
@Naruto when the word slides down, where does it slide down to? off the page?
1:06 PM
I just use font-family: monospace;
And the article says that firefox has issues with that.
It's true; firefox has issues
@mikedidthis it's supposed to slide down but disappear on the bottom of the same line
any workaround
1:08 PM
@IanClark to be fair - neither do I
@IGRACH declare the monospace font-families.
@mikedidthis what do u mean?
@IGRACH font-family: "Courier New", Courier, monospace;
It will look for Courier New / Courier before trying the system monospace font iirc.
UI Gradients: uigradients.com
thx by now Im getting Courier New in all browsers
I just wona have straight lines like monospace has.
I give up, someone else want to help?
1:15 PM
@mikedidthis @Naruto jsfiddle.net/4zxhxykd/1 stops 4 being displayed twice.
*tags in with @mikedidthis*
@mikedidthis is there a way to move the box up with $test.height() * 2 ? before I move it down again? instead of animating it up?
@IGRACH what do you mean by "Monospace"? Do you mean a monospaced font, or a specific font named "monospace"?
@Will my bad, I didn't check my logic.
@mikedidthis no worries :P
1:16 PM
posted on September 03, 2014 by Jon Raasch

    In the early days of mobile, debugging was quite a challenge. Sure, you could get ahold of a device and perform a quick visual assessment, but what would you do after discovering a bug? With a distinct lack of debugging tools, developers turned to a variety of hacks. In general, these hacks were an attempt to recreate a given issue in a desktop browser and then debug with

@Naruto probably.. have you tried?
@Will :D
nvm thx for truble
As I am now working as a front end dev I should know these things :P
@IanClark font that have straight lines like monospace, and that is working(rendering) in firefox
@Naruto There is very likely a way to do it but we can't spoon feed you all the answer or you won't learn...
1:19 PM
soooo @mikedidthis
ready to make me that logo!
You didn't want my help.
@mikedidthis Yes, sorry was trying while I asked you :)
@Naruto no worries :D
@mikedidthis Thanks for poiting (read helping) me in the right direction :) If I can ever help you with PHP issues :) let me know =P
1:20 PM
He wanted 55 CMS site designs for 49$ yesterday, I think he may have hit the middle age.
@Naruto no problem at all, as long as you are willing to try, we are willing to help.
@rlemon wtf do you want a logo for? I will get it done at some point. At the moment releasing shit :D
not pooping
Helpful ghost is helpful.
@mikedidthis btw, for a lot of stuff WP related (you said you may have questions) bookmark this: generatewp.com
generates a lot of bullcrap nobody wants to write for you hehe
Sweet thank you :D
@k111ky he was joking
1:31 PM
@TylerH So was I.
CSS shapes editor (Chrome only)
@ZachSaucier nice nice
@ZachSaucier Awesome :D
We have a WordPress code generator now?
@SecondRikudo You'd rather live on a planet where you have to write all the wordpress code yourself?
1:42 PM
@Billy I'd rather live on a planet where wordpress was a scary story they tell children in case they misbehave.
And the older kids get "the tale of TinyMCE"
The horror.
I love WP. Screw you haters.
2:00 PM
@SecondRikudo replace wordpress with sharepoint and you've got my attention
@TylerH Both suck.
Haven't had to do any WordPress development yet, but at least WP sites are beautiful
I'm trying so hard right now not to insult @SecondRikudo
SharePoint sites I think have it in the EULA that your site can't look good
at least based on the ones I've seen, that can be inferred
@k111ky Do your worst.
2:02 PM
@SecondRikudo +1 on the wordpress story :D
Nah, I'm too friendly of a guy for that
@k111ky No, no. I insist.
I haven't had anyone insult me in a while and it's pretty depressing.
@SecondRikudo Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!
@SecondRikudo ok, here goes; take your **&&$# and shove it up the front hole of your &5#22 followed by a massive brainmatter of a $84521 which was digested by a gigantic whale spermmachine of the atlantic oceans dark side of the poopy.
@ZachSaucier =P
@k111ky no u
2:03 PM
that was a terrible insult
my goto insult.
I knew it was going to get an anti-insult in a form of less than three words just to piss me off -.-
2:04 PM
@rlemon what kind of insult it that anyway? :D
no u is the most perfect counter-insult there is
@Naruto the best kind
It's fast to write, fun to look at, and frustrates the crap out of the insulter :D
posted on September 03, 2014 by nlecointre

/* by Tito Machado */

@PatsyIssa The Ship has a kamasutra book when you get into prison hahaha
2:06 PM
!!> [64, 83, 101, 99, 111, 110, 100, 82, 105, 107, 117, 100, 111, 44, 32, 121, 111, 117, 32, 115, 117, 99, 107, 33].map(function(n) { return String.fromCharCode(n); }).join('');
@rlemon "@SecondRikudo, you suck!"
hwz the game btw? I am checking out the gameplay but am not getting whats really going on.. @PatsyIssa
Didn't download it yet
haven't had the time
hell didn't even claim it
@rlemon what do you need a logo for, son?
2:07 PM
!!> [110, 111, 32, 117].map(function(n) { return String.fromCharCode(n); }).join('');
I was thinking to buy but I checked the gameplay first where I didn't got what was going on
@SecondRikudo "no u"
I'm making a stock image service
I like the ask ubuntu logo
My insult will be to make a better stock image service
2:07 PM
kk, I will add it to the list.
@rlemon I hate when sites do that to their images
makes me have to work to get the image
jsfiddle.net/rlemon/xojsrewa @mikedidthis so this is the inspiration
but that is an exact rip of the AU logo
I don't like doing that :P
Me neither.
I will pull something together with a speech bubble.
2:19 PM
and a potato
the AU logo is just so damn slick
yeah potato. I will finish the other logo as well, as long as I can get my backup harddrive to boot.
I kind of find it uninspiring
I think Ubuntu sucks at design in general
its clean
> It's good to note that if you gift the 2 extra copies you receive to some friends, they also get 1 gift copy for them to give on. So essentially this is $1 for 5 copies of the game! :D
2:26 PM
I'll buy it... will gift 2 over here to anyone who wants
Web design proposal is at 71%
posted on September 03, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Whee!

@ZachSaucier will take a month or so to complete
@BoltClock stackoverflow.com/questions/25646683/… bitch slapping users in the face since 2014
2:32 PM
shit, my country sucks, I cannot buy that
wait, they debited the money, but the transaction failed
contact support
@TylerH For posterity:
> delete this question already – Dawar Husain 16 mins ago
@ Dawar Husain: Don't like the question? Don't look at it then. – BoltClock♦ 14 mins ago
@PatsyIssa takes 7-30 days for a refund :p
I meant contact them so they send you the game screw that dollar :P
2:43 PM
I don't know how they can give me cuz g wallet doesn't accept my card, and paypal is banned in my country, still I tried but failed
@TylerH I also posted an answer
@BoltClock yeah I saw both the original comment and your answer :-)
@Mr.Alien What, America has sanctions against India?
That doesn't sound right.
@SecondRikudo PayPal != America
free shirts: newrelic.com/sp/…
2:45 PM
But PayPal + G Wallt ~= America
@SecondRikudo nah, RBI (Reserve Bank of India) policies, we can receive amount overseas on paypal but we cannot flow the cash out of our country
That sucks
@SecondRikudo There needs to be an easy way to type the approxiately-equals sign
Why are you still in India again?
That's the cost of direct investment
2:45 PM
@BoltClock I know :(
≅ There
@SecondRikudo sigh, will try to get out soon... am also fed up with 1mbps connection here :p
@Mr.Alien Come to Israel :P
@BoltClock ≈
One of my favorite things about Ubuntu is CTRL+SHIFT+U
I think inline styles can apply conditionally.Eg. this code :<br /><style> div { display: inline; } div p:nth-child(2) { color:blue; display: inline; } div p:nth-child(3) { color:blue; display: inline; } p { display: block; } </style> <div> <p>sdad</p> <p>dasdas</p> <p>dasd</p> <p>dsads</p> </div>Dawar Husain 33 secs ago
@Dawar Husain: Those aren't inline styles. That's a stylesheet. — BoltClock ♦ 6 secs ago
@SecondRikudo ahaha... after the ghaza thingy gets over :p or after I learn how to use a rifle...
2:47 PM
@BoltClock Any idea why the CSS spec doesn't allow for something like overflow-x:visible; overflow-y:hidden;?
@Mr.Alien Meh, it's already over.
@BoltClock wait, not a stylesheet, thats document level declaration
@Mr.Alien It's a stylesheet
@ZachSaucier Well for one thing: how would you expect it to look?
@SecondRikudo I don't know the story behind that, was on first page of newspaper so I was like, ahaa, another fight.. so do you live in a safe place in your country?
@BoltClock then why he is using <style>
@Mr.Alien move to Seoul or Tokyo
free 100mbps wifi
2:49 PM
@Mr.Alien It's a stylesheet embedded in an HTML file
@Mr.Alien I live in Tel Aviv
I think the term for it is "internal stylesheet"
@TylerH was planning for Netherlands... didn't submitted the project files
Which is in range, but pretty far
As opposed to an external stylesheet which is .css
2:50 PM
My family lives up north, out of range.
I am sorry I thought you were talking about display attribute — Dawar Husain 1 min ago
What? Who said anything about display?
@BoltClock For all things above/below the element to be cut off (including to the left/right of above/below) and for all things directly to the left or right to be shown
@SecondRikudo scary ..
@Mr.Alien NL would be nice, too
@BoltClock doc level
@TylerH yea, decent country..
2:51 PM
You can see the statue of Baruch de Spinoza :-D
!!wiki Baruch Spinoza
Baruch Spinoza (/bəˈruːk spɪˈnoʊzə/; born Benedito de Espinosa; 24 November 1632 – 21 February 1677, later Benedict de Spinoza) was a Dutch philosopher. The breadth and importance of Spinoza's work was not fully realized until years after his death. By laying the groundwork for the 18th century Enlightenment and modern biblical criticism, including modern conceptions of the self and, arguably, the universe, he came to be considered one of the great rationalists of 17th-century philosophy. His magnum opus, the posthumous Ethics, in which he opposed Descartes's mind–body dualism, has earned h...
eh, I've not seen Taj Mahal yet
@Mr.Alien I like how the only results that actually use that term are all educational institutions
w3.org appears in the results but never uses the term
I remember I've read that somewhere so I have an habit to describe those styles as doc level
@ZachSaucier I guess if the author really wants content to look like that...
2:53 PM
I'm doing an animation where I need just that
@BoltClock I think the whole point is to show overflow on one side but not on another
without using extra elements
@TylerH s/side/axis/
God I hate that jsFiddle doesn't handle HTML void elements correctly
> closed as duplicate of Stack Overflow by Robert Cartaino♦ Aug 15 at 13:58
@Mr.Alien interestingly, Spinoza was a Dutch philosopher who was excommunicated from the Jewish community. Had he not been, he probably never would have become the world-famous ethicist and philosopher that he became known for being.
2:56 PM
@BoltClock yea, they are validating as xhtml
@BoltClock yup, I know, that guy raised a question on SO meta
@Mr.Alien And yet they don't seem to actually support XHTML
@Mr.Alien wat... "drain users from existing sites" isn't that the point
@TylerH I heard that name for the first time, well, I love travelling around ... first thing I want to do is finish up few states in my own country first..
@TylerH dupe
I thought it was the web design one for a minute
I see now it was proposed by the guy who asked how to have CSS overwrite inline styles
web design or web dev, dupe of both
3:00 PM
@Mr.Alien area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/58647/web-design even this one I'm not 100% it has sense - even though I commited
Baruch Spinoza, fan of the d14 before it was cool.
@easwee Welp, so much for being top answerer in
@easwee haaa, same here ;)
And second-place in
And moderator of Stack Overflow
@BoltClock it sucks when I click on tidy up.. I don't care about the red fonts
3:02 PM
I think @Abhimanyu is asking for inline _value_ of display attribute. Your interpretation of the question seems weird. Because he's asking for applying inline styles to containing div and his code snippet shows inline style for child of div (p) TylerH's interpretation seems acceptable — Dawar Husain 1 min ago
12 mins ago, by BoltClock
What? Who said anything about display?
@BoltClock SO in indian is needed
@easwee Badly
@easwee the day I become a mod is the day I freeze the hindi rooms first...
why you wants to do that .... suspend all of them instead :D :P
3:06 PM
@NullPoiиteя tedious
I need 11 rep
@rlemon You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/829835/rlemon) have 10100 reputation, earned 10 rep today, asked 71 questions, gave 369 answers, for a q:a ratio of 71:369.
avg. rep/post: 22.95. Badges: 4g 36s 77b
ohhh ..F** Robocraft got stuck
ooo 1 rep
how the hell do I get 1 rep
i can do that .. by one upvote and 2 downvote :D
3:07 PM
not worth it
btw someone voting my random answers since yest, no idea why
what's 10101 in binary?
Oh wait, in binary
3:08 PM
Not decimal
@BoltClock nah your reply is correct - my wording sux
can be -11 if unsigned
@Dawar Husain: Why do you keep talking about the display property? Who said anything about it? You seem to be the one misinterpreting the question - or worse, looking at the wrong one. — BoltClock ♦ 2 mins ago
Right after posting this comment I finally realized he might be mistaking "inline style" for "display: inline"
Awaiting his inevitable response
oh god
you have such nerves :D
Or should I pre-empt it?
3:10 PM
otherwise this might go on for another hour
@Dawar Husain: If you're reading "inline style" as "display: inline", then I can assure you that it's your interpretation of the question that's weird, because I've never seen anyone conflate the two, ever. — BoltClock ♦ just now
well anyway:
1 message moved to Trash
3:33 PM
When are the annual user surveys?
@ZachSaucier @TylerH Because I had nothing better to do I decided to see if I could mock up visible/hidden
Naturally, highlighting the text looks wonky because pointer-events: none blocks it but I assume the text would be above the scrollbar
That's faking it, and why the inclusion of JS?
@TylerH I said "mock up"
Of course it's not possible, but I'm just showing you what it'd look like. The JS is to have the non-scrollable element scroll in sync so you can see what it looks like when scrolling x-visible content
It's... ugly
You could try and make a case for allowing it, I dunno. I don't see a reason not to allow it, but I can see why they didn't at first
I think it kind of defeats the purpose of being able to set different values for -x and -y if they are going to be automatically changed to something else.
It's annoying that JSFiddle (in FF, at least) doesn't seem to recognize pointer-events, but it still works when you hit "Run".
Is it recognized, or not?!?!
3:48 PM
uigradients.com <- Good tool for beautiful gradients
^ Don't like not being able to simply enter my own hex values
@TylerH I'm almost tempted to start using data: URIs for demos going forward
But I'm not good at one-liners
is that an actual tag or will it make anything we say into a tag
@TylerH Just use dev tools? :-)
@IonicăBizău I feel like that defeats the point of having a website service then...
3:54 PM
"Adding a gradient is easy" Not if I have to open up a json file and make a github pull request.
What if I don't have a github account or am unfamiliar with json?
all of a sudden it got impossible to use
Anything-design is easy, making it look good however is not.
@TylerH The idea is to share nice, premade gradients.
@mikedidthis it=s like colourlovers for gradients in a way
yeah pretty much. Its hella easy to make a shit looking gradient.
Case in point :D
4:03 PM
a country flag looks like that, ain't sure which one
Hello, all.
@Mr.Alien Portuguese
and probably some african too
4:19 PM
@easwee that..
second one is Madagascar
A: How does CSS computation for background percentages work?

AlexDomLike Woodrow said because of your background-size rule who gonna apply for each background, each background gonna take a third of your flag so 0% it's starting point for the first background. Second one gonna take a third again but to be more easy to understand think 50% it's center more than 50...

4:32 PM
A: How does CSS computation for background percentages work?

BoltClockA percentage value for background-position does not position the origin of a background image with respect to the background positioning area. It positions the entire image. This means the dimensions of the image itself are also taken into account (after resizing it with background-size). A back...

Poorly Drawn Lines
4:44 PM
@BoltClock that's exactly what I need
@ZachSaucier See if you can mock it up like I did: have another element holding the content that overflows the original container but only allow the content to overflow in one direction. Clip that with overflow-*: hidden. The content can still scroll, just not by the user
I know how I can work around it, I just don't know why the spec disallows it
I guess you can ask www-style. I don't know the answer :/
(Hell, you can even scroll the content by user action... try tabbing into the a element jsfiddle.net/BoltClock/ey4ozxxk)
How should I go about suggesting a synonym for a tag I don't have 5 points in? Meta?
Should be
4:55 PM
Aw, we can't do tags inside of links? [](chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/29074/html-css-webdesign)
No for the same reason you can't have an <a> as a descendant of another <a>

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