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@Purify like I said - no great story starts with a salad
and yeah - he's ALIVE!
@PatsyIssa Just about.
he's always alive
i've still got him sitting on my monitor stand
@CarrieKendall css challenge ?
giving me those judgmental eyes.
@Purify how you been bro
@rlemon seriously?
@rlemon pic of the cutout :D
posted on August 13, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by MonsieurLeMarquis */

@PatsyIssa gogogogo
also, I need to fucking dust
How is everyone doing today
@AaronSiciliano my cat died :(
@PatsyIssa That sucks
@AaronSiciliano thank you for reminding me of how horrible this day is :(
@PatsyIssa Your welcome
cc @SomeGuy
@AaronSiciliano just fuckin with ya I m great
lemon..... i swear lol grammar nazi......
Im gunna start speakin all terrible like so you have plenty of work ta do
in JavaScript, 47 secs ago, by Jan Dvorak
@dystroy doesn't flexbox distribute items automagically? It does resize them.
@ObiWanWesabi ^^^
@ThiefMaster chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/18259171#18259171 would you be the 2nd mod and be our hero? =oD
@AaronSiciliano doesn't bother me, just makes you look stupid :P
that is the best part!
@ThiefMaster I second that
the room needs to be re-opened
@rlemon I am already stupid. I don't need help with that
@patsyIssa I couldn't tell yet whether you were messing with me or not. I was going to call your bluff and say "I didn't ask how your cats day was i was asking about yours" but i was not entirely sure if you were messing with me or not
The room froze since no one was using it though :/
Why not just make a new room ?
just unfreeze the room
titled: long lost twins
jsfiddle.net/rlemon/wqbjohrv/1/show also i've started trying to move away from gifs
@PatsyIssa *slaps you*
animation is so much easier in HTML/CSS than it is in GIMP
@ObiWanWesabi you online?
or is there anyone in here with insane flex knowledge?
too many memories and posts already in that room. Unless Caprica or someone wants to crawl the transcript and repost everything.
GIMP seems to provide me with a very unfriendly user experience. Not sure if that is just me though.
GIMP has a learning curve
nothing is really called out for you
but once you get used to it, very nice program
I prefer GIMP > PS
Cool. I will keep that in mind for my media friends.
PS is way more powerful
but I don't do image editing all that often (professionally)
so I use the editor i'm more comfortable with -> GIMP
Hey man i can't even make a square in either of the programs. I am not really knowledgeable enough to talk about it :)
eh, I just do photo manipulation
for kicks.
like adding beards to room regulars.
lumberjack @TylerH > normal tyler
@TylerH grow a beard
I am one of those people that can not make any graphical decisions at all. I used to try very hard to use photoshop and hone my skills. I have finally concluded that i have no skills and no business in photoshop.
@rlemon back
@ObiWanWesabi wanna joint the JS Room
joint? yes
@CarrieKendall shut up borat
I have pics of you as well
my arm smells =o\
many troll, much time wow
Carrie with a beard @rlemon make it happen :O
@crypticツ like?
@PatsyIssa no need for photoshop, sup
I dunno, my cat sniffed it gave a disgusted look and growled at me. =o( *feels ashamed*
8CsxV9l <- i'm not saying that is an imgur id, but if it were - it would be Carrie in a Banana Hammock
nastey :D
@crypticツ there's only one thing you can do, cut it off :(
Carrie sadly was my third borat blend.
two JS room regulars got it first
damn I need to close this folder
There's one about a useless switch that used to crash servers :P
i find myself lurking inTFTS a lot lately
It's no wonder @rlemon didn't notice I wasn't here.
I'm always here for him...
@Purify back to the uk?
Later than expected.
Looking for work ?
Sort of.
I had surgery in Germany before I left, so trying to keep it easy a little for now.
O.o what happened
you and @will just vanished
I have history of having a fucked up jaw.
and it was a problem relating to that.
damn :/
get well soon niga
Thanks broski
had to star that
@PatsyIssa love it :D
@PatsyIssa gonna try freelancing for a few months and see how that works out.
taking a page out of @mikedidthis's book
Moved back in with the parents?
naw. got my own apartment.
I can't live with either of my parents. :P
Can't stand it or they kicking you out :P
They drive me up the fucking wall.
Seeing them is alright, living? No thanks
I feel ya
Also surgery wasn't that bad.
I was hitting on one of the nurses.
And then the drugs kicked in and you relieved your bowels ?
@Purify Have you had any luck with freelancing before?
not exactly.
@Aaron I got a job on monday and one today.
So... ish?
I haven't heard of any having much more than a couple successful projects before moving on to do something else.
Just curious what are you working on? And is it paying decently?
Our @mikedidthis has been at it for a while
monday was a ticketing system for a carparking company. today is just graphic design work.
You using a free lance website to pick projects up or is this local community stuff?
both are old clients of mine.
that came back for more.
Well good luck with freelance. It sounds like it would be fun to do if you can get a steady stream of clients.
that's what I'm worried about. It seems with freelancing you don't really know when or where the next one's coming from.
All heil the freelancers! @Purify welcome to the club
Yep. You have to work your ass off trying to find clients it seems.
and I really don't want to go to one of those freelancing sites.
just to get out done by some indian firm on a cost basis.
Some money is better than no money
If your not willing to low ball yourself on there then i suggest spending your time searching for customers other ways :P
about 60% of the work I've had so far has been local.
so I'm hoping to follow that up.
@PatsyIssa good news is that a company in Germany said they would hire me next year when they move office.
A year is a long time
Although they're heavily into magento...
@PatsyIssa next February :p
What's your current stack
mostly front end.
but can do a little back end stuff.
no where near full stack though.
What exactly do you guys mean by full stack current stack
I meant languages/tools/frameworks
I'm actually a designer that learned to code as opposed to always being a developer.
Although my old job didn't require any design. :<
Ever thought about getting into UX
@PatsyIssa Yeah I have a little experience in that.
It's in demand
good frontend developers sell nicely atm here
Yeah I'm hoping to get a frontend dev role in the future.
Work on your javascript
^ exactly
Yeah, I need to.
that's what I'm doing atm
and what better way to do it than to develop browser based games!
I had an idea for a project, but #1 it'll take forever to develop
and #2 atm I'm not sure I could build it...
@Purify dm me on twitter
it's JS/node.js
if it's node it usually is not forever from my recent experiece
the learning curve is quite fast
if you have your javascript basics down
@PatsyIssa you used WP?
@PatsyIssa too long if you ask me
I fucking hate wp :P
@mikedidthis no longer want to be a freelancer?
@PatsyIssa always. PJs are awesome! But it has been a while like you said. I think I may have got better at releasing stuff if I was in an office.
I'm probably the only guy here who actually loves WP. Even after 5 years of working with it.
@mikedidthis go to the office in your PJs?
because why not!
Then again, I probably wouldn't have learned / lurked here so much, so swings and round abouts.
@mikedidthis your solution is a co-working space
they're awesome at productivity as much as I've tried
@k111ky nah, my solution is confidence. Its better :D
well, I'm still working on my WP theme. Because apparently I don't have anything better to do.
but all of you WP haters should totally direct every client of yours who wants it to me
just sayin'
@rlemon 2.9
@rlemon not as good as my actual beard
@TylerH pics of current beard
@PatsyIssa but than @rlemon will photoshop it away
@easwee shhhh I know that but tyler might not
@ObiWanWesabi Just in case, I asked
Q: Distribute buttons as evenly as possible

dystroyI have a variable width container (a div). This container contains a variable number of buttons whose sizes vary. <div class="buttons"> <button>Reddit</button> <button>G+</button> <button>Facebook</button> <button>Stack Exchange</button> <button>Twitter</...

i'm nearly entirely sure it isn't possible @dystroy but i'm still learning flexbox too, who knows :P good luck
@ObiWanWesabi Maybe there's no flexbox in the solution...
js, and call it a day?
@rlemon Are you speaking to me ?
@TylerH launches GIMP
@ObiWanWesabi needs more punk :P
@dystroy yes
or tables?
display: table; ??
sometimes ugly is all that works.
I already did in in JS for a similar problem at work (automatic layout for printing), but it's a mess
Hi. How can I select, using nth-child, the second LI in each row? Each row has three LIs. here is an a example. the ones with the "*" are the selected ones:

1 1* 1
1 1* 1
1 1* 1
1n2 or something
It's not worth the pain for the buttons in the login page of Miaou, I'd rather keep Miaou maintainable and skinnable than fighting for a fair distribution of buttons
@rlemon 3n+3, TNX :D (I decided to choose the third)
@dystroy can we add a wrapping element around each button?
@mikedidthis yes
Question: if I asked you to demonstrate or explain your knowledge of responsive design in 2 sentences what would you say?
@JoJo wat
yes, your in an interview
You don't say anything, you show them your previous work.
Sorry to be that guy, but your erection for responsive is off putting.
yes mikedidthis.. you clearly dont like it.. feel free to ignore me.. I will do the same :)
he said erection
@JoJo you're
I would say as @mikedidthis, I don't like those buzz meaningless terms
All jokes aside, you actually show your work
@JoJo its nothing personal, but you seem to be spending more time talking about responsive, when you could actually being doing something. That's all.
@rlemon is there any troublesome overhead I should know about with using object references instead of explicit values? eg var person = {name: jesus} vs var person = jesus?
@TylerH one is a variable, the other is an object.
if person only has one property, than the first is fine.
A: Distribute buttons as evenly as possible

Obi Wan WesabiAs I told you, I think this is not achiveable with css only (yet) :P Using some JS, this is the best solution I can think of: http://jsfiddle.net/p5rfsb34/ var buttons = document.querySelector(".buttons"); function distribute(){ buttons.style.width = "auto"; var height = buttons.offs...

> I don't want a JS based answer (I already did it in JS)
@mikedidthis it's not that invasive
@ObiWanWesabi she doesn't want the D, still gets the D? :D
@TylerH overhead === minimal.
@mikedidthis and if the person has multiple properties?
case by case you can use it
@mikedidthis haha
only if it makes sense to encapsulate the properties
var peson = {
  name: 'rob',
  age: 28
var food = 'apple';
^ that
it wouldn't make sense for food to be part of the person object
rename room to "HTML / CSS / WebDesign / D"
@ObiWanWesabi You might want to delete your interesting answer the time to tune it so that it doesn't crash the browser ;)
!!afk he is a fat tub who is stuffing his face.
room topic changed to HTML / CSS / WebDesign / D: Please use Google before asking! ▲▲▲ Don't ask to ask, just ask! ▲▲▲ Support room for HTML, CSS, DOM and WebDesign. If you need help post an example of your issue please. Religion and Politics are off-topic! devdocs.io documentation often helps. [colorado] [css] [css3] [dom] [html] [html5] [microdata] [responsive-design] [xhtml]
@dystroy wut?
@rlemon well obviously :-P
@ObiWanWesabi reduce the width a lot
you get the D even if you don't want
I do understand it's one of those things that shouldn't be used if it isn't necessary
sudo pkill chromium
how did that crash your browser? :|
infinite loop
ah yeah you might have resized the panel too much :D
sorry i will fix it in a min
Keep in mind each browser works with resize differently chrome and ff keep firing the event as long as you're resizing
Yeah, debounce / throttle ftw!
I'll let you debounce my throttle, baby
brb putting that in an email to Caprica
I'll .mousover your element and console.log the experience
I didn't expect those upvotes. I shouldn't have asked the day I already got to the rep cap. Bad planning, that is...
@mikedidthis "it's not that invasive" -> "crashed @dystroy's browser"
@ObiWanWesabi well played! :D
GUY ON THE RIGHT IS @ObiWanWesabi?????
lol google at one point indexed a link to my site such as mysite.com/Unexpected Syntax Error On line X
Which was probably when I was doing finishing touches haha
@Purify negative
@dystroy fixed the code xD
@ObiWanWesabi We're all still waiting for a picture of you
Need to see if you look like Mario
He doesn't. He looks like the bass player from Limp Bizkit.
I always imagine @Obi to be a little shorter than me and stocky. He better live up to the hype.
@mikedidthis how do you know? xD
I dunno, its just how I imagine you.
i had sideburns for 10 years xD
Poorly Drawn Lines
posted on August 13, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by Beerf */

@mikedidthis whoa you saw a picture of him?
@Purify nope, I just fantasied.
fantasied for me? i'm blushing
@dystroy if you were wondering, i just tried various versions with with min-content, fit-content & co. and i failed
Hi. I set min-width to 1200px, but when the window is at 1230px it's already shows the overflowX, and when you scroll, the background that set to width 100% isn't shown there. It's because of a div with position: absolute. What can I do? I don't mind if this div will not be shown fully.
@VladGincher example?
What a sec
Just make your screen small but larger then 1200 and you'll see that the photo of the client in in a white place, but I dont want to make the minimum width higher
Nope, not seeing it. I have to go. I would suggest a screenshot of the issue along with browser details.
@VladGincher html, body {overflow-x:hidden;}
@easwee But what about the small screens?
wrap in media query @media(min-width:1200px) {html, body {overflow-x:hidden;}}
@easwee and when the screen is smalles, it'll still show him a white place - the screen size in the photo is less then 1000
@VladGincher I don't know what's you desired behaviour on all resolutions - but overflow-x:hidden is what you need to use to sort the overflowing absolutely positioned div - figure out on which container to put it to get desired behaviour
@easwee I just want the browser to ignore the div - if it is out of the screen - let it stay out!
@rlemon still waiting for that gimp work
@TylerH rlemon is afk: he is a fat tub who is stuffing his face.
takes on a project and doesn't deliver!
it isn't even you
A doctoral advisor asked one of his candidates why he had so much trouble with his dissertation on Freudian psychoanalysis, and the guy responded, "Well, if it's not one thing, it's your mother!"
get it?
@ThiefMaster we need our jam room back :P
Q: Taggle.js working example using PHP?

user2839497I'm using PHP, jQuery(jquery-1.9.1.min.js and jquery-ui-1.10.0.custom.min.js), Bootstap framework(Bootstrap v3.0.0), AJAX, etc. for my website. Now I want user to be able to enter multiple email ids into a HTML text field. It should work like Facebook friends' names in privacy setting or the Ta...

your better bet is to ask in the repo for better examples
has everyone had a chance to check out http://runnable.com/ ?? via @GetRunnable
everyone re-tweet please
what a movie
what, a movie?
?what a, movie
are new eps of Silicon Valley coming out any time soon?
next year
season 1 only has 8 episodes
I know
seen em all
fuck man
I finished Modern Family S5 last night as well
I dunno, The West Wing
The Newsroom
might not be on Netflix though
Newsroom definitely won't since it's HBO
@rlemon I started Modern Family. It's pretty good.
only gets better with character development
I'm sure :-)
season 3 I think was my favorite
I won't lie - it is one of those comedies that had me almost choked up at times
sometimes it can just be really sweet
other times funny as crap
I could see that
fruity.ee < my local competitor, horrible contrast
never do sites like that folks
Yeah. Bad news.
    var $this = $(this),
        pos   = $this.scrollTop();
I almost close a webpage if I see debug statements left in production
:goes to check whether his latest release has debug code:
@k111ky beautiful. I can totally read everything.
do minifiers remove console statements?
I kinda hoped they did
I'm not sure
it would make sense too imo
@Purify Really? What?
... why does grep -rin "$log" * match every line in every file?
That doesn't make much sense to me. It seems like it should match nothing.
@k111ky Oh, dear god... I didn't even scroll down. That contact form is horrid.

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