Honestly, the only way you're going to have trouble with indentation in Python (or Haskell for that matter), is if you use some crazy indentation scheme.
I have a file "injectdll.h", code:
#include <windows.h>
#include <tlhelp32.h>
void GetTargetThreadIdFromProcname(char *procName);
bool LoadDll(char *procName, char *dllName);
And a file "injectdll.cpp" with following code:
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "injectdll.h"
void GetTarg...
> Source code itself, pure, unadulterated and unaccompanied, is a rather impotent learning tool — from an entirely objective standpoint. This isn’t an issue you can reasonably contest with abstract arguments about a person’s “learning style.” You cannot learn from what isn’t there. Unlike a tutorial, which is at least attempting to be educational, the purpose of source code is to communicate a programmer’s intent to a machine.
> Source code is devoid of context. It’s simply a miscellaneous block of instructions, often riddled with a fair bit of implicit assumptions about preconditions, postconditions, and where that code will fit in to the grand scheme of the original author’s project.
> Lacking that information, one can’t be sure that the code even does what the author wanted it to do! An experienced developer may be able to apply his insight and knowledge to the code and divine some utility from it (“code scavenging” is waxing in popularity and legitimacy, after all), but a beginner can’t do that.
"the purpose of source code is to communicate a programmer’s intent to a machine" no that's just a secondary purpose. if the source code doesn't communicate well to a programmer reading it, it's fail.
Francis Glasborow once remarked (several times, over the course of some months) that the nice thing about syntax coloring is that you can configure comments to display as white on white
i know that seems noobish but i have no idea about c++ and i need to compile this code below, all what i know that it needs gmplib (mpir on windows).
i got hundreds of problems while building. So i need someone to compile it for it (win32).
thanks in advance.
//****** la classe rsa_gmp.h *******...
And thought "hm, more of that kind of thing would be nice". There should be a virtual appliance for every major open source project that you load up and it's all ready to go with a debugger set at the first line of that project.
Pizza is an open-source superset of the Java programming language with the following new features:
* Generics
* Function pointers
* Class cases and pattern matching (a.k.a Algebraic types)
In August 2001 the developers made a compiler capable of working with Java. Most Pizza applications can run in a Java environment, but certain cases will cause problems.
Work on Pizza has more or less stopped since 2002. Its main developers have concentrated instead on the GJ project, another attempt to add generics to Java which was eventually adopted into the official language version 1.5. The pat...
I have inherited an old VC++ project that requires an old proprietary .lib file to link against. I have the header file for the lib, but the original developers seem to have lost the .lib file.
I did find a DLL file that I believe a driver from this software package uses that has the same name ...
@RMartinhoFernandes - The context of the desktop wallpaper I have behind this window which points an arrow down into it and says "Pretend in this window as if you're speaking to professional developers about serious issues." Sorry you didn't see it.
Pizza (; ) is an oven-baked, flat, disc-shaped bread typically topped with a tomato sauce, cheese and various toppings.
Originating in Italy, from the Neapolitan cuisine, the dish has become popular in many parts of the world. An establishment that makes and sells pizzas is called a "pizzeria". Pizza is one of the national foods of Italy and the Italian people.
The Ancient Greeks covered their bread with oils, herbs and cheese. In Byzantine Greek, the word was spelled πίτα or pita, meaning pie. The word has now spread to Turkish as pide, Serbo-Croatian and Bulgarian as pita...
There was design discussion from 2007 on this exact topic. Consensus at the time seemed to suggest adding a FROM as a solution the working group wanted fast-tracked into 1.2:
The issue was tabled and didn't make it in to the 1.2 spec. However, i...
@TonyTheTiger My students were given the exercise, and I wanted to make sure I was up to the job :)
Set<Weg> bekannt = new HashSet<Weg>();
PriorityQueue<Weg> nachbarn = new PriorityQueue<Weg>();
nachbarn.add(new Weg(startKnoten, 0));
while (!nachbarn.isEmpty())
Weg min = nachbarn.poll();
if (bekannt.add(min))
if (min.knoten == zielKnoten) return min.entfernung;
for (Knoten nk : min.knoten)
nachbarn.add(new Weg(nk, min.entfernung
+ min.knoten.gibVerbindungsgewicht(nk)));
return -1;