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01:00 - 10:0010:00 - 21:00

any help is appreciated.
@Neil Cool. I need a help. See I am using this lines of code to make appear only 3 digits after decimal point. But in a low version that method wasn't there. What is the perfect way to achieve the same.
DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("##.###");
double convertedMonthValue = Double.valueOf(decimalFormat.format(originalmonthValue));
@Harish I did it. Found lot of mistakes while putting strings. You kept names instead of values.
and make folder drawable-xlarge whatever you want
in res folder
@Angel thanks , and what abt 720*1280?
Hi folks:) Does any one know how can I recall onItemSelectedListener from code?
add the listner
@user1551603 var.setOnItemSelectedListner
@RahulPatel use xlarge
@Angel ok, so 720*1280 & 800*1280 both same ??
yup @RahulPatel
ok so which folder for 600*1024 @Angel
@Angel Oh... I know how to set it and use it:) Listener provides some parameters and has some task to do. When I select Item it perform operation over the parameters. After some time i want it to repeat it but programaticly ( i wish to keep data uptodate) is it possible?
@Angel 4 image ??
@RahulPatel mdpi
@it is possible
@RahulPatel ya but convention is same for drawable
@Angel but how? Should i set listener again?
@Appu I don't think I understand what you mean
You cannot use that code?
@user1551603 no..wait
@Angel "convention is same for drawable" means i have to change drawable in place of layout, like this "layout-small-ldpi" have to chane in "drawable-small-ldpi" right?
@Neil Yeah. That 3 lines throw no such method error for setroundingmode() in android 2.2 and lower. Because it is added in 2.3. So I just wanna use any other way to get the same output.
@Angel : any idea???
@RahulPatel yaaa
@Appu You could extend the number of digits by 1 and then trim it off
In other words, if you have 2.45678, and you want to see 2.456, you can achieve the same thing by extending it to be 2.4568, then removing the last digit 8
Is that clear?
@Angel thanks a lot dear.
@Neil Sorry, I don't think I understand.
@Appu I mean, having ##.### format with floor rounding is the same thing as having ##.#### format without floor rounding if you remove the last digit yourself
DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("##.####");
String decimalString = decimalFormat.format(originalmonthValue);
double convertedMonthValue = Double.valueOf(decimalString.substring(0, decimalString.length() - 1);
@RahulPatel pleasure is mine
@Neil As I said it in informal way, that's why I thought..Anyways Now it's cool . :)
@Neil Okay. Now it's clear thanks.
Does anyone use instagram ? @Pratik @chintankhetiya @Appu @Neil
Hi @Appu @Kumar @angel @RahulPatel
i am sending mail as pastebin.com/e0J9Lsbh
But i want response on success and on fail.
@Angel tell me please, how can i update onitemselected listener:)
@user1551603 please google it..
@Rank I don't think we can do this bro.
later :)
@Harish there ?
@Angel hi how are you ?
@sup hey dude :P
@chintankhetiya fyn :)
@Angel i am asking because i did not found it in google
@Angel I don't think you're a newbie in android.
@Kumar i m.. i have just worked on only 1 project in android
@Angel You're answering people after working on only one project. That seems awesome.
@Kumar ya because i like to help :)
@Angel Introduction please
@Angel This is good, helping people..
@Abhi as i said i m new bie in Android
No other info avaiable?
not required also
Nice answer. Go head
@Appu i found it thanks dude
@chintankhetiya yup
Q: Android error while retrieving information from server 'RPC:s-5:AEC-0' in Google Play?

RajaReddy PolamReddyI have been getting the following error on a mid-Android device. Error retrieving information from server rpc:s-5:aec-0` . It pops up when I try to download my in-app purchase product from the Play store. I did coding from the tutorial Simple InApp Billing / Payment and updated my APK fil...

help me
@Gajini no idea.. sry
@Angel on what you have idea?
@Gajini no comment boss
Then get IDEA 3G :P
@Gajini how many account are you using??
fake ppl
@Angel mind your business ? Show my other account
@Gajini i m not telling you
1 min ago, by Angel
@Gajini how many account are you using??
@Angel this represents?
I am pointing them who are fake
thay will understand
@Angel where do you pointed?
this is really abusing some one
@Gajini you may be one of tham as i jst faced the same situation
nd ppl like to hararase
if you have genuine problem u can ask
@Angel Hello . Are you healthy
@Gajini y
@Gajini sry if are not among them..
@Gajini but i cannot diffrenciate
@Angel it seems like your were mentally upset. please consult doctor . or atleast ask your manager. How to speak with others.
@Angel i am seeing you since from yesterday
@Gajini thnx for ur concern...
@Angel grow up. You are professional now
@Gajini and as u have seen, i was healthy yesterday..RI8 Mr. gajini
@Angel then you were not healthy today ?
@Gajini beacause of some ppl
@Abhi enti boss manaki ilontolu tagultunaru ninatnundi
@Angel Who are those some people?
@Gajini :)
@Angel again started with some. Look, if you have guts to face them then tag their names ask them directly. This is really sick behavior with others.
jarruri ntahi e kehvu
@Harish Welcome. What did you find?
What's going on guys? It seems messy to me.
@Appu ..
@Angel What is the issue here?
@Gajini oka
@Abhi nothng
But Dont be rude. if any problem tell. why to say some people
okay i can take names
@chintankhetiya r u there?
n they are among us only i dont know who are they
@Pratik Yep! Bro..
@Angel you were in wrong address then
@Gajini why?
@Angel All are not alike. Think out of stereotyped way. It's quite common in rooms that every person asks some basic info casually like where are you from, your name? If you don't like to reveal, then you can say it smoothly. I don't find any reason for being harsh.
@Appu i havent been harsh in taht matter
23 hours ago, by Angel
@Kumar I dnt lyk to share ma perosnal info here...
@Angel how it sounds?
@Gajini as chintan said : attitude
@all leave all this... i dnt want to fight
6 hours ago, by Angel
I guess it is understandable :O
n let other ppl enjoy
@Kumar @chintankhetiya have u made custom seekbar?
SORRY to all...
@Pratik simple seek bar only dude.
@Angel let it be then. Atleast from now speak straightly. Use full words
customizing means changing its style only na bro?
if you want what I really mean
@Kumar customize menas change the default appearance of it.
@Pratik then see this link
you got it. thanks
oye! thanks
@Kumar What do you mean, use instagram?
@Neil I just downloaded instagram. But there I can not see the icon of video recording, only i can see icon for image capturing.
@Kumar Oh, I don't know, sorry ._.
@Pratik @Kumar sorry dear power issue as i told
@Appu while inserting values i have given wrong i.e., keys i have included in quotes.here these guys are busy in .........
And free version is having both facility of video recording as well as image capturing @Neil
@chintankhetiya No probs bro.
@Gajini @Appu Buddies Do you use instagram?
@Kumar no
@Gajini Okay! Bhai!! :)
@Pratik there?
@Kumar Well you could try reinstalling?
@Neil Yep! that I can do. let me check if reinstalling fix it.
still the same
:( :(
@Kumar Sorry nope. I don't know what does it do even?
@Appu Using this app, You can share your images and videos on recording and capturing and get likes and reply of other users as well. :)
while retrieving i'm calling with number it is throwing 07-31 17:46:26.008: E/AndroidRuntime(19922): android.database.CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 requested, with a size of 0
@Harish That means your cursor has no data in it, but still you try to get the data. i.e., you are calling cursor.getType()..... with having no data in the cursor. You need to check whether you have data in it first by while(cursor.moveToNext())
@Kumar Okay.
@Appu what to do now?
@Appu i want to retrieve particular row...?
@Harish Make sure you are querying correctly that fetches data or it could be that your table doesn't have data. Then use where clause.
can check it once please... if you don't mine...
@Harish Can you show your exact method snippet that queries the table?
@Appu here is my code
@Neil there?
@Appu there?
@Harish What is str? And why didn't you put if condition for the whole code where you use cursor?
if (cursor != null) {
LoginData logindata = new LoginData(Integer.parseInt(cursor
.getString(0)), cursor.getString(1), cursor.getString(2),
cursor.getString(3)); }
@Appu where condition value.
to return loginData..@Appu
@Harish I know it. But are you giving exact value which KEY_NAME column should contain?
@Appu Yes..
hi all have anyone tried this... i have some issues please help me out...gaut.am/making-an-ocr-android-app-using-tesseract
@Harish Everything seems fine. Tell me one thing are you getting cursor which is not null . Just log it and let me know.
and try the below query if you are getting null
db.query(DATABASE_TABLE, new String[] { KEY_ID,
KEY_NAME, KEY_PH_NO, KEY_EMAIL }, KEY_NAME + "="+str , null, null, null, null);
@Appu it is giving 07-31 18:29:19.048: I/Cursor value(31767): android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@40f62a38
@Harish Fine. Don't go away. Let us track. So you are getting data.
same error @Appu if i kept your query also..
I told you to keep only if you get null. Not when it is not null.
Are you sure you have these columns at the same indices?
reverted back
what should i do now?
I believe that's where it is going wrong.
yes @Appu id,name,phno,mailid
bye guys :)
@Harish cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(KEY_ID)); repeat this to every data you query instead of hard coding the indices. And make sure the control flows inside if condition of cur.moveToFirst and let me know quickly.
@AndroidDeveloper cya
same error @Appu
Can you tell me at what line the control stops flowing exactly? Make it quick @Harish
@Appu cursor.moveToFirst(); after this line it is throwing error
shall we see it tmrw..don't mine yar.. thanks for your cooperation...:) hope you understood @appu
bye @ALL
@Harish: bye bro
@MahaveerMuttha hi dude
can u help me?
@asha: yaah asha if i can
@MahaveerMuttha i am doing swipe with GestureDetector
thisd is my code
i follow this link
@asha: i never worked on gesture buddy
but i cant able to achieve
@asha: sorry buddy never worked on it :(
@Harish Bye.
@all cya later. I am off
@Appu: gesture pe kam kiya he tune kabhi?
@Appu: okkkk bye buddy
@MahaveerMuttha its k dude
@all any body can help me?
@Appu @chintankhetiya @Gajini @Pratik @Neil @MahaveerMuttha @asha @Rank @All Bubye buddies take care see you all tomorrow.
@asha hello
Bye @Kumar @Appu @chintankhetiya
@Rank: bye buddy
@Rank bye dear
@Nathvi hey
@what's cracka lackin on here?
Can someone tell me why I get a NullPointerException when I click the button in this code?
@chintankhetiya hi dude
if i remove lines 44 and 45, it works fine, but the TextViews don't update :(
@Nathvi for that there is only one solution and that is Debug
@chintankhetiya, do you know why updating a TextView would cause a npe?
or really i guess @anyone
double latitude = gps.getLatitude();
double longitude = gps.getLongitude();
replace this
try it once ant let me know
@asha what is your issue ?
i did swipe using by gesture
but my scroll is too hard
done ?
how can i get smoother?
then crate custom scroll :P
are you testing that in emulator ?
try it in device it will solve your issue
but i dont have device
@chintankhetiya, same thing happens
this link given by you, read second last comment
@Nathvi what is in logcat ?
idk wtf is going on
don't use short from in here . try to write whole statement
where are you from
@Nathvi you haven't create TextView Obj for latitudeTextView and longitudeTextView
@chintankhetiya, i guess that's what I thought I was doing when i wrote:

TextView longitudeTextView;
TextView latitudeTextView;
@chintankhetiya, does that not create the objects?
longitudeTextView= (TextView) findViewById(R.id.longitudeTextView);
latitudeTextView= (TextView) findViewById(R.id.latitudeTextView);
set as per your id
5 mins ago, by chintan khetiya
don't use short from in here . try to write whole statement
@chintankhetiya, what do you mean, short form?
@Nathvi don't write short form, as you have wrote, try to explain in proper manner with full form
Now I'm getting a new problem
new code is this:
and the logCat is this:
On the logCat, it says "ActivityManager: Warning: Activity not started because the current activity is being kept for the user." I'm not sure what that means, or why it is happening
its warning go to project > checked build auto...
and clean the project
now run it
when I run it on my phone it crashes
@Nathvi the thing you had paste is not logcat , its a content of progress states
go to logcate , save it and use that
@chintankhetiya, you're right. The logCat is actually,
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
something that is passing blank while you running app
@chintankhetiya, idk what that could be...
o i think i know
@Nathvi then do it
@chintankhetiya, nope, didn't get it
@chintankhetiya: ki hal he bhai ?
@MahaveerMuttha kuch nai , aaje company ko bye bye kar diya
joining next company from tomorrow
@chintankhetiya: cool to ab kal se new company sahi he good going bro
@chintankhetiya: aaj to bahot boar huva yar din bhar me kuch productive work nai hua :(
why ?
@Appu are you still @ office ?
@chintankhetiya: bas yar mood nahi tha aur kam bhi interesting nai tha.
@Appu: jake vapas aa gaya kya bhai?
@chintankhetiya No I am home :)
@MahaveerMuttha Did, for switching images from left to right or left to right. But copy pasted the code due to lack of time on that day.
@Rank @Kumar Bye dear
@Appu: didn't get you
hi @Appu, long time no see
@MahaveerMuttha I have replied for your previous ping. Gesture. For the second one. No I am home actually now :)
@Nathvi Howdy! It was you who remained as a stranger in spite of being said not to be :P
@Appu, I've been busy programming :v
@Nathvi Is it? What about you studies?
@Appu, I'm done with school.
@chintankhetiya, bye
@Appu: ohhk actually @asha: was asked me the question so asked you.
@chintankhetiya, bye
@Appu, I was wondering if you could help me out on some gps code if you would be so kind
here is the code:
and here is the logCat error:
it's giving me a npe for some reason...
@Nathvi: @Appu: @asha: @Neil: @VishalDesai: Good Night Guys.. see you tomorrow.. :)
@MahaveerMuttha, bye :)
I probably would be better at debugging, but I've been up for 18 hours
@MahaveerMuttha Oh! Okay.
@Nathvi What is at line Activity.java:1647 It seems you defined that in other xml file and trying to access it in different activity.
@Appu, how do I find that out?
@MahaveerMuttha Bye take care
@Nathvi What do you mean? setContentView(xml file) Are you sure that view is in same xml file?
@Appu, the program breaks only when I try and update the TextView objects. If I leave the TextView objects out, I can get GPS coordinates by pressing the button.
but I want the TextView objects to update continuously
@Nathvi Did you clean project? Though the problem persists, not only you even I have been facing the same issue. One view is not being updated. I don't know why?
@Appu, yeah I've cleaned it several times...
maybe it's an eclipse issue
@Nathvi I think so, even I have been facing the same issue and I think people are not gonna be ready to believe. Of course it's really a big blunder at eclipse, but still can't figure it out. Because all the views I add in other xml files later are perfectly detected but not one view in that particular xml file..
humm... I wonder if I can update any sort of TextView...
maybe there are some updates or something
@Nathvi Hmm. Let me know if that is solved.
package com.example.textviewupdatetest;

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.widget.TextView;

public class MainActivity extends Activity {
TextView t = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.text);

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
t.setText("hi :)");

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
// Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
is all my code, just to see if the freaking TEXTVIEW would update. and it won't.
@Nathvi Omg! I feel ashamed that I compared my issue with yours.
First make the textview reference variable global like TextView t;
Then after setContentView() line, then you code to access that view like t = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.text);
@Appu, wow, I can't believe I just skipped over that!
@Appu, it works now :)
@Nathvi That's fine. I thought I got a company who has got the same issue which is very weird and strange. At least your problem is a known one and solved.
@Appu, yus
@Appu, what have you been working on as of late?
@Nathvi I have been working on Android apps itself and I don't have time to learn jee though I wish to.
What about you?
3 hours later…
@Appu, o not much. just messing around
01:00 - 10:0010:00 - 21:00

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