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I wonder if they are going to use france as an excuse to tighted security against terrorism in europe
for example the planned completion of the american missile defense system in europe
might be used as an excuse for a greater military presence in Syria
Also now that they closed the borders no syrian can enter
comes in handy for france.
I feel bad for the Syrians that are good folks; they're gonna get singled out as terrorists
The entire thing seems too fishy for me. I mean radical islamists are crazy but all those awesome high res "hollywood style" photos of terrorists and non stop mentioning of "islamist" there "islamist" that induces fear and with fear you can control people so easily
@Nick Its sad yes
US Congress is considering authorizing a a full military campaign in Syria
@Nick you can also feel bad about Turkey which currently suffers under the same fate like Irak in the 90s
dunno where this will take us
Erdogan is a dictator who financed the IS terrorists. Well those terrorists are also sponsored by the NATO due to interests in that area (fossil fuel, boric acid etc). Terrorists destroy and the "Building Industry" earns money with restoring and creating new buildings. The weopons industry gets to test out their new weopons.
Also I remember rice mentioned plans for changing the borders of the middle east
@nick ++
Let's change the room title to JavaScript and Politics
@Asperger does not compute, does not compute!?
@Asperger Holy fuck, some terrorists are good photographers?
Mind is literally blown
@nick that will turn into a major clusterfuck - first major proxy war in 21st century
@tereško not really a proxy war, as it's our own military
@nick are you aware that Russia has been supporting Assad?
and we've been supporting various rebel groups
5 mins ago, by Jon Clements
Perhaps we might consider political comments out of scope for a javascript room? (ie - me not wanting to deal with flags?)
up until now its basically been a proxy war
@copy fair enough, but it isn't really politics
@teresko the result of their support: the russia crimea crisis
I think supporting assad is the best worst thing they can do
assad kept / keeps stability, like the good bacterias we have. They are evil but prevent greater evil from entering
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