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8:14 AM
brain tired. is this an answer? stackoverflow.com/a/77597899/11107541
1 hour later…
9:34 AM
@starball It doesn't relate to the question. I guess it shows "a problem". Not at all what the question asks for, though. It's also rather trivial - it's just trying to say (which requires some guesswork to begin with) that if you don't call a function it does not get executed. Which...should be self-evident.
That or you can call it "wrong" because it says one works the other doesn't apparently because it's "in jQuery" yet it would have worked if it was defined correctly.
I threw in a delvote because interpreting the answer requires, IMO, an unnecessary amount of effort. And once interpreted it doesn't even help with either the question, nor in general because the code is just wrong. It's not showing an error that you should be experiencing.
10:01 AM
@VLAZ thanks
6 hours later…
4:09 PM
ugh maybe we should have a rule that people need to explain their votes
This won't work for the problem described in the question, which is to do this from a web browser (potentially on a different device, but it won't work from a browser on the same device, either). — Ryan M ♦ 17 hours ago
that upvote was after my comment
"how do I execute Java code in an Android app from a web browser on another computer?" "well if you're doing it within the app on the same device you can do X"
well yes but that wasn't the question
for two totally independent reasons! it wasn't subtle!
4 hours later…
7:46 PM

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