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3:08 PM
@AndrasDeak There!
@Kyll zhere?
but you already wear a helmet
But my shpear was all unhatty
Now it's hatty
And firey
3:23 PM
will check out later:D
3:34 PM
3:53 PM
@AndrasDeak they are a lot less high-tech than the Swedes :P
3 hours later…
6:41 PM
posted on December 21, 2016 by CommitStrip

2 hours later…
9:05 PM
@NathanOliver large tf2 update store.steampowered.com/news/26486
At the end of a Casual match, players are automatically formed into a new match with the same players and teams
Players get to vote on which map the new match will take place on
There are 3 maps to vote on, chosen based on the maps everyone in the match had selected when they began searching for a match. The current map is always the first option.
This replaces the Rematch system
deck the walls!
@Kyll ^^^^^^^^
At the end of a Casual match, players are automatically formed into a new match with the same players and teams nice
9:06 PM
New autobalance system to help with balancing teams when players leave a match. The system will ask players to volunteer to switch teams.
@NathanOliver nop, can't play over the holidays I'm afraid
will be at the parents. Not sure whether the PC there supports TF2
5 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
just to keep the whole conversation here
er mur gurd some of these updates are great!
I don't want to go into the hat
and it's not forced!
it's voluntary!
I wonder what happens if you are part of a party?
9:31 PM
@gunr2171 if you're part-y :D
Is that how you roll?
I prefer tunarolls
10:14 PM
@gunr2171 EFFIN YEAH
i guess it's time for some tf2
@NathanOliver HOLY SHIT YES
Can't atm though
Mebbe... Uh... Tomorrow night. Maaaybe. But I'll be slightly drunk.
Yeah I'll be crapfaced.
I wouldn't have it any other way
10:15 PM
Oh well
Should be perfect then xD
@Adriaan Tomorrow night, after midnight?
@Kyll Nop, will be at the in-laws
and then a week at my parents, where, as I said, I'm not sure I can play
> You will stop at nothing to reach your objective, but only because your brakes are defective.
Screw you fortune
@Kyll not as aw as being French ;)
Gratuitous insults to those greater than yourself, typical of your kind heh
I doubt you're greater
since the Dutch are the tallest in the world :p
10:28 PM
@gunr2171 lucky you
trump that!
Trump Hat?
no, that's his hair. Might or might not be a wig
Oh Gosh
Maybe if you have more than 50 comments flag-nuked as rude you get a Trump hat
10:30 PM
It would be fun to have once the 2-year ban is over
Some people have way more than 50 comments nuked and are still active
oh, right, comments
I was thinking chat messages
See ya o/
Off to me bed now
10:35 PM
nutty dreams
@AndrasDeak of course his dreams are nuts,. they're in French

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