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A: Identical Select menus list item toggle

LinkinTEDI believe that this might do the trick. I've commented the function to clarify how if functions. $('#tagSel_main').on('change', function() { /* find selected option */ var selector = $(this).find(':selected').val(); /* remove the disabled property from the active sub tag (if it exi...

People, please... I really don't mind a downvote. But an explanation would be nice. I believe my solution is good and works, so what's wrong with it :)
Hey Thank you.. As I saw the Danyial answer first, I assumed taht it was answerd by him.. Not sure y is this downvote.. I am gonna upvote it.. Could u pls help with additional thing about add/remove instead of disable enable?
is it possible to do Remove/Add toggle instead of Disable/Enable in 2nd select list while selecting the Sub tags?
@Sowmya You mean that the option isn't visible at all in the 2nd list? If so, check
Thank you.. Thats all I wanted... I merged ur previous 2 fiddle and this is my expected answer DEMO
1st selection is not working as expected in internet explorer
which function?
check the same fiddle in IE
when I select the item in 1st select box, it is not removing the same in 2nd select menu
check this
It seems that Chrome and IE don't accept display: none on an option
Worked it out here:
Edited my answer as well, for other users :)

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