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12:12 AM
7 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
12:50 AM
Too Broad (gimme teh codez) Interval between dates‭ - DiegoJ‭ 2019-07-15 00:11:24Z
20k Low-quality dupe / too broad w/ no Roomba stackoverflow.com/questions/57031328/…
Too Broad - Homework dump Basic Functions & Loops‭ - Cbeginner‭ 2019-07-15 01:25:14Z
No MCVE: no code block React.js first application with .NET core 2.0‭ - julieta‭ 2019-07-15 00:35:00Z
5 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
2:51 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported question (93): Watch Super 30 Full Movie by Watch Super 30 Full Movie on stackoverflow.com
4 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
3:13 AM
way too broad or third-party library request stackoverflow.com/questions/57032698/…
6 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
6:34 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in answer (79): jsblocks animations example by grey clan on stackoverflow.com
6:58 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted user (70): Update Node Version From 6 to 9 or Greater by Azeem Ullah on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted user (70): Excel VBA: How to Use Nested Arrays by im_chc on stackoverflow.com
7:34 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer, potentially bad keyword in username (81): Strip URL in Python by Pkbazaar.pk on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported question (93): Visit www.motorcyclescreens.eu/ by motorcyclesreens on stackoverflow.com
Unclear; Too Broad (“I can not find a way to interact with other sites via javascript (please do not need to suggest node, php ... Just bare javascript)…”) Interaction with a remote site‭ - Sergej‭ 2019-07-15 08:54:21Z
Too Broad (GMTC interview question) stackoverflow.com/questions/57033055/…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in answer, username similar to website in answer (58): cash on delivery take extra fee online pay before place order in woocoommerce by MakeWebBetter on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector k
Typo or Cannot Reproduce list lines with start and end with vowels‭ - Piyush‭ 2019-07-13 19:22:02Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive answer detected, toxic answer detected (160): How can I connect to a specific wifi network? by Josh on stackoverflow.com
dupe stackoverflow.com/questions/57037687/… <- probs multi-dupe, but I'm not too familiar with the tag..
10:53 AM
Request for Off-Site Resource Javascript library for pivot-table creation‭ - Augustas‭ 2019-07-15 10:03:46Z
No MCVE DeepFakeLab Issue‭ - avl‭ 2019-07-14 23:55:48Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer, no whitespace in answer, repeating characters in answer (265): How to read a list of files from a folder using PHP? by drp on stackoverflow.com
11:27 AM
38 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
11:39 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive title detected, potentially bad keyword in title (54): how the fuck do i execute a java code from visual studios by fucktard on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector I retracted my rude flag because the question was edited into shape but it should probably still be flagged for the offensive user name
11:58 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer, mostly punctuation marks in answer (141): How to make a categories tree in angular 6 ? So that all the children (all levels) ✏️ by ghvaladze on stackoverflow.com
This answer appears to be correct Answer to: Code not working properly after updating to PHP7.3‭ - Rajkumar R‭ 2019-07-15 12:06:19Z
12:55 PM
Typo or Cannot Reproduce Delete String(s) Between Two Pattern Matches‭ - arnpry‭ 2019-07-15 10:46:12Z
10 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
the only answer is pretty much a copy-paste from the accepted answer of the duplicate stackoverflow.com/questions/57039968/…
1:39 PM
Request for Off-Site Resource Will you help me to learn web development?‭ - ZISAN‭ 2019-07-15 13:35:42Z
2:02 PM
Self-duplicate Profile Image not showing‭ - Shuvo Roy‭ 2019-07-15 13:59:46Z
No MCVE - wall of code w/ no explanation Profile image not showing in circle imageView‭ - Shuvo Roy‭ 2019-07-15 05:06:50Z
12 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
2:19 PM
Request for Off-Site Resource How to calculate metrics/features s from C Code‭ - quart-ul-ain abid‭ 2019-07-15 14:15:04Z
Too Broad (code translation request mixing the two languages) I want to convert my Matlab code to Python code‭ - Obakeng Tom‭ 2019-07-15 13:48:34Z
7 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
3:07 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Username similar to website in answer (57): GoCardless webhook by BCSIRT on stackoverflow.com
3:20 PM
Request for Off-Site Resource IDE-like solution for Excel formulas‭ - kentcdodds‭ 2012-05-06 06:02:17Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body (96): Need to validate phone number in Google form by Elmahdy on stackoverflow.com
6 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
Opinion Based Do I need to unit test this method?‭ - Levi‭ 2019-07-15 15:38:10Z
4:37 PM
12 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
Belongs on another site Setting event window in Princeton event study example‭ - TomK‭ 2019-07-15 16:09:50Z
5:15 PM
stackoverflow.com/q/57031994/7296893 Off-topic for multiple reasons + new dubious tag
5:29 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body (96): Mobile Menu not showing properly by Hadi Butt on stackoverflow.com
Too Broad Http and Https running in Spring‭ - ing‭ 2019-07-15 12:24:05Z
13 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
1 hour later…
7:44 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer (86): ID card and wrapping it identification by Ahmed Mongey on stackoverflow.com
8:35 PM
off-topic, off-site resources stackoverflow.com/questions/57046211/…
11 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
9:28 PM
Off-Topic - SEO - NATO Redirect spam/bot IP to its own address‭ - Widor‭ 2011-04-12 16:42:09Z
Request for Off-Site Resource or Too Broad - NATO Magnetic declination in JavaScript / Google Maps‭ - Horst Walter‭ 2011-07-10 12:43:02Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Luncheon meat detected (41): Allow spaces between emails in regetx Java by Cristian Hernandez on stackoverflow.com
10:08 PM
Opinion Based; Too Broad (“Why do we call it the Random User Generator API as opposed to the Random User Generator Server?”…) Why is the term “API” used so sparingly?‭ - Amandeep Pasricha‭ 2019-07-15 19:13:46Z
10:25 PM
10:52 PM
7 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
11:34 PM
Custom: it shows no effort in solving the homework task yourself. stackoverflow.com/help/on-topic script from the scratch which will output the text provided as an argument‭ - Bokan23‭ 2019-07-15 23:26:18Z
Too Broad (“I'm looking to translate this code into pure javascript so I don't have to use jquery”) How can I transform code of Jquery in JavaScript pure?‭ - Marco De La Cruz‭ 2019-07-15 21:23:45Z
Too Broad (“Is there any 'proper' way to approach the caching of the API? Or should I cache request by request until, gradually, I cache all of the possible responses?”) Service worker / caching the API responses in a Flask app?‭ - birdybird03‭ 2019-07-15 20:28:21Z
11:57 PM
Unclear (entire question: “I need help to gather several rows that have the same value in the column G of sheet1”) Is it possible to join rows of the same value in column G?‭ - Novato‭ 2019-07-15 18:02:36Z

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