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Q: how to fix bootstrap responsive mobile menu open delay?

Muhammed AthimannilAt the first time the bootstrap responsive mobile menu open has a stuck in the middle of the page for a while then dropping down. And also rest of the time has a delay when menu dropping down, at the same time menu close works well without any delay. I have tried with .collapsing{ height: 0 ...

the issue is here .navbar-default .navbar-nav { overflow: hidden; margin: auto; position: absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px; bottom: 0px; left: 0px; height: 240px; } the height: 240px
Dirty fix is set height: 100% and add padding-top: 80px; to .navbar-default .navbar-nav selector
@Shehary As where I understand the issue is in the jQuery. jQuery run inline css as menu height then our css runs
If I remove your custom CSS, i don't see any problem with the drop-down without CSS and if CSS added then this and if ` height: 100%` and padding-top: 80px; then this (it's a dirty fix so i see the problem still exist) but i don't see any reason the issue is in the jQuery because even if i remove the height the issue still exist, so i replace the padding with margin here and it seems working properly, no height define
@Shehary still the issue occur. navmenu closing speed and opening speed are not the same. I will update my question with more explanation
I noticed first time the menu opens fast and onwards open and close slow, so you want it to keep opening fast or you want it to open slow even first time?
you also forget to mention that menu behaving differently in different browsers, in chrome its acting weird like open n try to collapse and then open first time but in firefox it just open fast firsttime and onwards speed slow
@Shehary I have just updated with question. Hope you clould understand what I am looking and also appreciated for your efforts so far
can we have chat regarding the question please ?
3 hours later…
thank you very much for you effort to help me in the trouble
hope you have understand the updated question part
no problem
yeah i read the updated question
the thing is that the opening menu and closing menu are not in the same speed because of collapse.js function
Here is my repository
oops i miss this repository i didn't include it in fiddle may be that's why i can't understand the problem
but it's not also include in the code pen too
unfortunately I am not allowed to show in public because it is confidential
that it why I didn't include in my question
sorry about that
yeah i see that i can't download it from the site
codepen code is almost same like the repo
wanted to ask everything else working fine only issue is the menu opening and closing speed
did you try it with jQuery, addclass and removeclass
yah but still problem occue
I know it is not big issue, but very I am keen that work should perfect even in pixels
agree with you, should be perfect or don't do it all
have you seen in the code that collapsing injecting and inline css adding at the beginning of the click function starts
Here is the details of collapse.js
i will check it can you please have look at his
i remove the margin-top:80 and a transition effect from this selector navbar-default .navbar-collapse
I made screen shot of the page navmenu opening function
here is the part
so basically when menu open jQuery put height:240px inline

last day (14 days later) »