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Good Morning all...!
Good morning...
Good morning
GOod Morning
Good Morning All
Ram Ram bandhu ooo
good morning
Good Morning all
@ChiragHirpara gm sir
@NitinGohel welcome sir
ok sir
good sir
Subh Prabhat Badha ne!
@ChiragHirpara hehe
Good Morning
Good Morning
Good morning
1 hour later…
hii all
@NitinGohel hello sir
@hi to all
@rameshbhuja yes sir
@NitinGohel sir when i get pushnotification than no any method call
@NitinGohel...bro i want to show alert like this
when i get pushnotification than this method is call=> didReceiveRemoteNotification rght ?
@rameshbhuja thats good
@Priya i have no idea
@NitinGohel :-)
then that wont call
in background
@NitinGohel say.. me some solution
or app is not running mode
than how to update my badge count ?
no app in bacgground mode
bage count must be in Interger
so apple set badge automaticuly
aps = {
alert = "Hello from APNs Tester.";
badge = 1;
this is my dictionary
but i can't get badge count
and update bage count
Q: Update badge with push notification while app in background

AbolfoooudI have got push notification working and managed to update icon badge count when app is brought to foreground. I am a bit confused about this though...the iPhone receives the notification and the pop up message appears to activate my app, and the badge only updates after me starting the app. ...

and also you need to set parmissiong for badge also
in appdelegaet firstlaunch
Q: Attempting to badge the application icon but haven't received permission from the user to badge the application : iOS 8 Xcode 6

Hemant ChittoraI am checking my app compatibility with iOS 8, I am getting following Log in console "Attempting to badge the application icon but haven't received permission from the user to badge the application" . Can anyone please help me to get rid of this warning. And Yes, my app shows Badges on App Icon a...

i set all things sir
Q: Push notification badges not appearing?

Cal SI'm using Urban Airship to send push notifications to my app eg: {"aps": {"badge": 2, "alert": "Part 2 of the August Issue is ready to download!", "sound": "default"}, "device_tokens": ["X"]} The alert will display perfectly, however the app icon is never badged regardless of what I set "badg...

any one have idea about show alert with image
@NitinGohel my code is rght ? for permission
didReceiveRemoteNotification this method is not called
for the badge no need to cl method
@NitinGohel nice sp
badge count not int
@ShabbirDhangot sp
stack picture :p
navu laya tamen to
@NitinGohel ha but vo to dictionary mene dikhai na apko
@NitinGohel dictionary to proper ave chhe
jo didReceiveRemoteNotification aa method call thay to badge set karu ne tya
are direct thai jai bapa
ketli var kav
ke intiger hoi to direct thai jai
pachi change karva mate tu code kari sake
app running mode ma hoi to badge kem dekhai
okok sir
kem ke a intiger valu emathi direct set thai jai
che apple handle it
tanba na patra ma lakhi ne dav :D
samjai gyu .. hu APN tester ma badge:"1" send kar to hato
@NitinGohel :D
9 hours later…
posted on June 21, 2016 by Reto Meier

Posted by Dom Elliott, the Google Play team Today, the Playbook for Developers mobile app is now generally available for Android devices. The app helps you stay up-to-date with the features and best practices to grow your business on Google Play. Thanks to all our beta testers over the last six weeks whose feedback helped us tweak and refine the app in preparation for launch. Here’s

posted on June 21, 2016

iOS 9.3.3 beta 3 (13G29) Now Available

posted on June 21, 2016

tvOS 9.2.2 beta 3 (13Y823) Now Available

posted on June 21, 2016

OS X El Capitan 10.11.6 beta 3 (15G19a) Now Available

4 hours later…
posted on June 21, 2016 by Reto Meier

Posted by Dimitry Ivanov & Elliott Hughes, Software Engineers As documented in the Android N behavioral changes, to protect Android users and apps from unforeseen crashes, Android N will restrict which libraries your C/C++ code can link against at runtime. As a result, if your app uses any private symbols from platform libraries, you will need to update it to either use the public NDK APIs o

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