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12:50 AM
@LuisMendo I had never seen that mathematical tool. At least not in that form. I guess it parallels another tool I’m very familiar with.
4 hours later…
4:31 AM
You're making it sound like I should watch the second half of the video
1 hour later…
5:41 AM
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні Happy Shavuot! ;)
6:05 AM
Have you guys checked out MATLAB GPT? hopefully we'll now see lesser 'giv me teh codez' questions on StackOverflow
4 hours later…
9:43 AM
@CrisLuengo Well, I meant the tool you are very familiar with, that is barely mentioned in the video :-)
2 hours later…
11:53 AM
@Dev-iL thanks, same to you!
1 hour later…
1:03 PM
@SardarUsama Trained on MATLAB Answers?
10 hours later…
10:40 PM
When asked about "a list of decimal numbers, 1.1-1.65 in particular", would you have imagined that this is what they wanted? stackoverflow.com/q/78615034/7328782
No way :-) But I just arrived now at the question, so I skipped the confusion. This can the first time that I'm using strings to answer something...

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