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so i have been working on a payment processor
and to get traction we created an inbuilt CMS and POS
POS=Piece of Shit?
Point of Sale
since its kinda built in 30 hours i think it would be wise to create new one
from scratch
I have thought of creating a simple API server
and then clients can work fine.
This though needs hybrid integration with on premises systems so that they work even when link fails
and then updates the system finally when it connects back
push notifications and rest cool stuff is also nice to have.
PHP Has extremely rich systems for CMS but not syncing ones
If you're building something from scratch, you can do whatever you want.
If you think there is value in an API, build an API.
You can then even write an Angular application, or mobile app, with that.
@RoelvanUden yeah thats whati am planning
sorry the internet failed
i dunno the effort involved in C# yet
Azure api's seem straight forward but i have no clue how would that be
i have done minor apps in C#, but have no clue of how the language itself performs
Look into C# EntityFramework and WebAPI. It's made to do this.
It's much faster than PHP and JS. It scales better. It's easier.
WebAPI and a good UoW (unit of work) is what you're after. It will make things a breeze.
And then you can use breezejs :)
@RoelvanUden alright, i will look into C# then
I need a RAD for this :P
Well Rapid App Development i am abusing the term :-(
my puny english
I just want it asap
my payment processor is ready but we cannot launch it without the pos
You just have to choose. Write garbage quickly, or write something properly but take more time.

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