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new decimal(1.1) Vs Convert.ToDecimal(1.1) ?
what are you converting from
the example was from string, but for me it will be programmatic
i dont follow
if you are using convert, you are converting from something
wait let me think harder
maybe from a json string, deserialized
are you using json.net?
no the System.Web.Script.Serialization;
im pretty sure json.net handles decimals correctly but youll have to double check w/ JavascriptSerializer
yep ok i'll see
if i had to guess, id say it will work but obviously for financials, you want to be sure ;)
4 hours later…
goodmorning :)
anyone can help me here:
Q: Forms Communication

Elegiaci have 2 forms consist of: Form1: 2buttons named: btnCopy and btnPaste (with functions inside like rtb.Copy(); and rtb.Paste(); that should work for richtextbox in Form2) Form2: 1richtextbox named: rtb My question was: How can communicate the 2buttons from Form1 (with its functions) to the r...

2 hours later…
I have never done any winforms
Hi @JohanLarsson
I went to a vacation :)
good man
anyone can help me. To calculate pixel coordinates of image. Iam displaying image in picturebox when i click on mouse.I will get mouse coordinates,but i want pixel coordinates at that location..I have used approah of scalefactor but still it is not giving correct value.
I am stuck with this problem :(


Can anyone help?
hey guys, I think my question don't fit in the stackoverflow forum so I just need a hint. I want to learn more but I don't know what I need :D
I learned CSLA/MVVM in the last days in also used prism and EF4 for it. Anything usefull what I could learn now ?
Hello guys i really could use help on this one, i feel a bit lost: Im trying to build a querybuilder in my asp.net page. It should handle multiple inputs from different data. and so far it's working fine, until i get to the "LIKE" statement where I have problems making my querybuilder work if the user need more then one like statement:

Here is an example of what im trying to do:
DataTable CustIDtable = (DataTable)Session["CustomerID"];
List<string> CustIDList1 = CustIDtable.Select("Customer_ID =''").ToList().ConvertAll<string>(GetCustomerIDrow);
1 hour later…
not a single person can help?
if else condition for if(this.Form == Close) ?
im using winforms and i wanna know whats the if else condition for if (this.Form == Close) or if (this.Form.Close == true) ?
3 hours later…
Can anybody know the solution of this problem..
that how to transform mouse coordinates to image pixel coordinates..here picturebox size is 512 X 512 and image size is 300 X 300.
do you know how to get mouse coordinates?
yes by picturebox mouseevent i.e. e.Location
is the origin for the mouse events different than the origin of the pictue coordinates/
(i.e. 0,0 upper left)
hey people, weird thing just happened
does it involve a whip and a bathub of pepto bismol? count me in...
yes. when i click on top corner of picturebox i got (0,0) but when i cliked on top corner of image have to get same..but it is nt geting have to transfer cordinate from top of picturebox to top of image which is rendered in pictrebox.
so your picture in your picturebox doesn't start at 0,0
yes..it is displayed in center of picturebox.and its size is less than picturbox.
so then thats what you should google, how to find location of picture in picturebox, not how to convert mouse cooridnates to image coordinates because they're the same thing
ya.i have did it using scalefactor and matrix.scale() function but still it is not coming accurate.
can you give any hint?
i don't know how to do it off of the top of my head, i'll end up doing the same thing i'm suggesting to you -- google how to determine where in a picturebox a picture is
i have searched it on google..but only by calculating scalefactor solution is given.i have tried that but no success
Guys: E3.
hello experts!
@Aabha msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/… you can get the image details out of the picture box, get the width & height, and do some simple maths to figure out where the top left image corner is located, then do more maths and determine which offset from the mouse coordinates you should add/subtract, there is probably a better way and I'm sure @KendallFrey is going to yell at me, but meh
Experts? Did Skeet sneak in?
i'm a noooob
Billdr u are an expert
u always answer my questions
@Steve thanks steve. I will try this one.
I'm bulding a querybuldier in asp.net. The user can store multiple data that can be used in the querybuilder. Everything is working fine until i reach the LIKE statement. where i need to validate on multiple values. The thing is I know how it works on MS-SQL but on asp.net i can't figure it out... can anyone look into it maybe?
I'm not sure I understand the question. Can you show the broken code?
also, this site is neat: getaddr.bitnodes.io
@MishMish asp.net you can execute sql, so if you know the sql not sure where the problem is, do you not know how to connect to the db and execute the query?
DataTable CustIDtable = (DataTable)Session["CustomerID"];
List<string> CustIDList1 = CustIDtable.Select("Exclude='false' and Customer_ID <>''").ToList().ConvertAll<string>(GetCustomerIDrow);

string sqlStatement = " SELECT Count(SendingID) AS Antal" +
" FROM Sending INNER JOIN Address_ViewI ON Sending.PickupAdrID = Address_ViewI.AdrID" +
" INNER JOIN Address_ViewI AS Address_View_DE ON Sending.DeliveryAdrID = Address_View_DE.AdrID" +
" WHERE (Address_ViewI.CountryUK = @puC) AND" +
here is some of the code im working on
does t-sql have a count()? Yes, yes it does.
the code you see I have done it with other tables and all works fine because im using the IN statement, but it's different with the LIKE statement
the above code works fine bildr with these examples I use here:
string sqlStatement = " SELECT Count(SendingID) AS Antal" +
" FROM Sending INNER JOIN Address_ViewI ON Sending.PickupAdrID = Address_ViewI.AdrID" +
" INNER JOIN Address_ViewI AS Address_View_DE ON Sending.DeliveryAdrID = Address_View_DE.AdrID" +
" WHERE (Address_ViewI.CountryUK = @puC) AND" +
" (Sending.PickupDate >= @start) AND (Sending.PickupDate < @end)";

//Postal Pickup
sqlStatement += (PPostalList1.Count != 0) ? string.Format(" AND postal in({0})", string.Join(",", PPostalList1.ToArray())) : "";
but the question is here:
sqlStatement += (CustIDList1.Count != 0) ? string.Format(" AND Customer_ID like({0})", string.Join(",", CustIDList1.ToArray())) : "";
Im using like but it's totally wrong
and Customer_ID like(sometext)
i have a gridview
al customers added in there
then the customer are put into an array
i'm 99% sure that thats not correct syntax, although i haven't attempted it
i can show u the whole code i just need a better program
to view the code
then u will understand what i mean
i'm not going to go over your whole application line by line, if you get stuck on an error or a piece of code i'm more than willing to look at it
it's not an error
and my code either
everything works fine, im just missing to write a line my code that make the Like statement work
4 mins ago, by Steve
and Customer_ID like(sometext)
3 mins ago, by Steve
i'm 99% sure that thats not correct syntax, although i haven't attempted it
the code above works, the only thing is missing customer_ID
u are right
because when i debug the result is like SELECT something from something where something LIKE ('exa1', 'exa2')
Thats because i added 2 values in the grid
but i only need to take 1 value at a time
Is it possible to bind a default item to a textbox in which autocomplete is implemented ?
how do i fix this line so it works fine? sqlStatement += (CustIDList1.Count != 0) ? string.Format(" AND Customer_ID like({0})", string.Join(",", CustIDList1.ToArray())) : ""; thats all :(
that is a scary pastebin holy shit
> ;User Id=sa;Password=GaUbdFO2;
nice touch
you noticed that too eh?
that made my monday a lot better
the WTF to LOC ratio is like 2.5:1
frick, i was working on a bunch of stuff last week before my vacation and now i don't remember what i did to break everthing
compiled probably
lol i broke everything by compiling? thanks for the confidence in me ;)
if it compiles, it always works !
what was it you were workign on again?
making a dating service for prostitutes
dude hook me up with a promo code
promo code is KendallFrey
adds a 50% surcharge
anyone done like a bit flip for enabling a feature ? shipped, but not turned on until told?
@drch he's the best prostitute around, just trying to get him to join the service
@jeriley no, but ive looked into it. check these libraries here david.gardiner.net.au/2012/07/…
Java likes singleton Calendar.getInstance().getTime()
but in this case I understand
it has to access system clock
ugh what. the fuck\
Single point of entry for resource acquisition was their goal, I think...
but they chose the wrong pattern to use for that.
@drch that's just dependency or feature injection.
supports date range, config, and sql query for enable/disable
my laptop dropped off my vpn so im paranoid that ive been robbed
@drch They're coming for you, Barbara...
How do I convert a List<object[]> to List<int[]>? Not all of the items are numbers and some are strings holding numbers.
for example one array could be { "foo", 1, "2", 3 } but I want it to be { 1, 2, 3 }. I can do a skip on the actual word since it's always on index 0.
Let's see.
You could try forcing a ToString() on all of the values, then doing a Parse on them, and only accepting them if they pass the parse without exception.
I have this ugly code:
foreach (var log in Data.Where(x => x.Length > 3))
            thisArray[0] = int.Parse(log[4].ToString()).Between(int.Parse(log[2].ToString()), int.Parse(log[3].ToString()));
2.5 hours to E3, or as I call it, "Christmas Preview."
If you know that all objects (other than the first) will be numeric by design, then yeah.
@Billdr Screw you, I had my ticket application waiting on my computer, but never sent it in...
and I don't want to do all those int.Parse..ToString()s
@ShotgunNinja I'm not there. I'll be watching the streams.
@HjalmarZ Well, you're using a list of raw objects, that's kind of to be expected...
It'd be hard to play infosec analyst as a games industry position, even when Watch Dogs is coming out.
@Billdr You'd be surprised; a lot of game companies are running their own sites, servers, and online services, all of which need security.
Look at Origin and Steam.
Look at League of Legends.
Or Sony and Microsoft over the last 3 years.
I should go to E3.
I went in '11...
and all I got was a stupid hat.
Oh, and I hung out with some Blizzard employees the whole first day
Got front-row tickets to Video Games Live
Almost killed Fatal1ty
I generally don't like PR and marketing people. I don't know what I'd get out of it.
Other than watching the presentations I'm going to watch anyway. Maybe drink with some journalists.
Yeah, the PR and marketing was kind of bullshit, but the IndieCade booth was kickin'
No media coverage, a few couches and computers and Xboxes
Why would you kill Fatal1ty? His headset is great.
@Billdr I took out all of his armor with a couple well-placed rockets
But I sidestepped off the side of the map
Also discontinued, I think. I had a hard time finding one for Mrs. Billdr
Three seconds later, he had full megahealth and armor, and instagibbed me on spawn.
I thought you were one of those dudes who really dislikes him. I'd totally play a round of quake with him.
I did play a round of Quake 4 with him. It was 10 minutes or 10 deaths, whichever comes first.
So, 3 minute game?
I have a video of it on Facebook somewhere.
Yeah, it only lasted around 3 and a half minutes.
That's probably two and a half minutes longer than I'd make it.
Hi guys
well, it takes time to get around Q4DM17
...that moment when you realize your design won't work. :(
Imagine I have a string array like this {"one", "two", "three"}

Lets say I want to print this line How can I use a foreach loop so at the print I get this : one, two, three

I use this code and obviously it adds a comma at the end as well...

foreach (var head in headers)
_sb.Append(head + ",");
I know I can do with "for" loop, but how about foreach
Isn't there a Join() method you can use?
never heard of Join :D
so String.Join(",", elems) should work
:D your jost too good :D
Bah, I just know my utilities.
well it still counts!
posted on June 10, 2013 by Eric Lippert

Take a look at this little program skeleton: class Foo { private int x; private int y; public Foo(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; SideEffects.Alpha(); // Notice: does not use "this" } ~Foo() { SideEffects.Charlie(); … Continue reading →

When closing a cryptostream should i use CryptoStream.Clear or CryptoStream.Dispose?
or CryptoStream.Close...
Probably Close
Thanks, is there any difference security wise?
I doubt it.
Except I don't think Clear is at all what you want.
ok, thanks ; )
Hi Guys
I have a question not related to C#.
I am a student on an internship and I have had my past internships as a programmer.
I decided to do this internship in Servers and Storage so that I can learn a lot as I have never worked in such a department before.
We have all sorts of VMs and physical servers in the room. I don't have a clue as to have things work but a lot of the senior folks do.
Where can I start learning to be useful to my team? I have tried reading wikipedia on servers and different components but I don't really have a solid platform to get sequential learning...
if you don't know how things work, ask people who work there
it's usually better to be annoying and learning for a little while than to be silent and ignorant for a long time
for the company
Hey everyone.
Whats going on?
can u helps me
dafuq Steve?
y when i do "1235" = somevar does it not compile
Who asked that?
or something = "1243" throws error
Your messing with us Steve, aren't you>
mocking yahoo answers
"PLZ HAlp I needz CODES"
Sup guys
I just fixed some issue in < 8 hours, while the planned time was 16
I feel confident
too bad I'm stuck with issue #2 of the day, which is InnoSetup
use innosetup
i have no idea what it is :/
it's a setup builder, basically
It helps me install a Windows Service
well, 'helping' is a big word
Install? fine. Uninstall? fine too. Update new version? 'idk d00d, let's just install'
lmao what?
I can't find how to 'update to new version' in the InnoSetup script
but hey, its bound to be somewhere
ahh well good luck!
whos good at web design/graphics
@Steve <p>I can write HTML. :P</p>
ugh i wish programmers were more artistic
//points at kendall
You mean //points at kendall's website
that too
@KendallFrey If that is your html, then I'm scared-
i can do html & css, it just looks like what would happen if a toddler got into daddys liquor cabinet and then drew all over the livingroom wall with a crayon
@Greg What? My website? Or my comment above?
That's like someone going, string i = "hello world"; I can write C#
@KendallFrey I was just messing with you, if you have a site I'd love to take a look.
Well, I can use <br/> and stuff too.
I even use HTML5.
i can use <table></table>, i hear its the best way to create websites, ignore css cuz its hard
What'd you use to design that?
@KendallFrey That's what you used to write it. Writing != designing.
Obviously, but- Did you try to do MVC? Or just a basic HTML site?
Everyone misuses "Web Design".
@Greg Look at the source.
@ShotgunNinja I designed it with my brain.
thats why its so shitty
;) jk
Design and development should be decoupled. Design is the art of preventing bugs before they happen. Implementation (or in this case "development") is the art of adding bugs to code.
@ShotgunNinja I agree.
@KendallFrey As do most people.
But have you ever sketched out a layout on a napkin or something?
@KendallFrey Is that site to help you learn web development / design?
@ShotgunNinja Hell no.
i half agree, design is more than just preventing bugs, depending on the context, like when i think of "design a website", I think of the process of deciding what it will look like then creating the UI, but you can also design the architecture of the site, so diff
@Greg What do you mean?
i sketch out layouts in MS PAINT, which is probably why they look so bad
Well, the site is really basic- It's bland, it looks like someone starting to learn or build a site.
@Greg That's because it is.
I don't have anything to put on it.
You can still make a site that has little content, stimulating.
@Steve Yeah, for sure. Software design and UI/Web layout design are completely different processes; but they both remove bugs. Even if the definition of "bug" is stretched to include "crappy UI decision".
@Steve You know, a website drawn in Paint could be a cool idea.
@ShotgunNinja thats true
@Greg 'Stimulating'?
I didn't mean pixel art.
@KendallFrey thats how i sketch the basic layout, but the only good design i had was for a site i had in 2003
@KendallFrey Yes, web-sites are designed in a manner that expresses a core idea of a business to the visitor. The goal is to highlight your information; but then make the site memorable for visitors so they want to come back or stay on the site.
well, i'm afraid to look at it now, i'm sure its shitty in todays standards
@Greg There is no business. There is no reason for the site at all.
Oh, except for the REBEL spec.
i always rant about back backgrounds, sooo many kids create websites with black backgrounds and it makes me want to slit my wrists, so i went to buffalowildwings.com the other day to order some food, and they have this shitty black background now, it makes me hate life
Well, your taking the term business literally. Why do you need the site?
@Greg he doesn't need the site... thats the point he's making lol
@Greg Because my e-peen.
@Steve That may be the point, but it is illogical. He obviously thought something warranted a web-site. Whatever that notion was, is an idea
@Greg the desire for knowledge warrented the website, how to create one-- the content that it holds is irrelevent
It was less about how to create one, and more about being able to say I have one.
well, make me look dumb why don't you
I used to have a (nicer-looking) one on Webs, but I wanted more control so I wrote it myself.
Well, if you'd like a nicer looking site I'd like to help you=
How so?
So, @Kendall, out of curiosity, how long did it take you to write Whitepad?
@ShotgunNinja Half an hour.
@KendallFrey I figured it wasn't long, after looking into the source code for it. It's a neat little tool, but very barebones.
No offense, but it looks like a first grader with a finger painting. Yeah, there skill in art is limited- but it still doesn't take away from how shitty it looks.
hey all
@Pheonixblade9 Hey.
@ShotgunNinja The base program was half an hour, the rest was spread out over my spare time. Examine the commit dates for more info.
Sep 27 '12 at 14:25, by Kendall Frey
I need to design an infinite whiteboard app.
Sep 27 '12 at 14:33, by Kendall Frey
And yes, I could make that in half an hour.
@KendallFrey I'm not trying to be a dick, I just have wicked issues with sites like that- Mostly cause I've seen a lot of people design a site like that then call themselves web designers. So it just annoys me- So I apologize if I'm coming off as a dick or belittling you. That wasn't the intention.

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