can any of you help me ? I want to make a application.. Where I want to connect to object with each other with arrow. Just like SQL Server 2005 Diagram. where two table get connected on the base of relation ship ?
Hi. If I have function that takes IEnumerable<T>, should I copy it (e.g. with .ToEnumerable ()) before change? Or I should instead assume that caller already took care of it?
Dear C# overlords. I have a file with 4 integers each line. What's the "fastest" way to store these? (Fastest as in, I'll have to go through them with loops, as fast as possible. Multi-threadedness is a must.)
Alright. And what about the calculations? I mean... how does C# handle multi-threading? Do I need a specific storage for that? (Like "ConcurrentBag" and it's fellow brethren.) Or can I just ... let's say ... split the array / cores and run through it?
I'd like to set up a multidimensional list.
For reference, I am working on a playlist analyzer.
I have a file/file-list, which my program saves in a standard list. One line from the file in each list entry.
I then analyze the list with regular-expressions to find specific lines.
Some of the dat...
@drch I was after being able to switch templates and I was missing a rather obvious solution, use the template binding KnockoutJS provides. You just need to hook in some URL routing (like Director) and it works splendidly.
@LewsTherin Ah yeah, that is true. It isn't actually quite that bad for popular frameworks such as ExpressJS and even less so if you use IcedCoffeeScript, which has an await/async-like functionality as C# has. Thanks for your reasoning :)