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@TravisJ have you bought their stock?
TheStreet consensus on VVUS is SELL
Same in Jaywalk
I think this demand will drop off by the end of the year as investors realize that it is going to be a slow crawl for probably the next few years. However, I think that $16 is a reasonable price target.
MarketEdge, Ford Equity
@RyanJMcGowan yes smartquant.com/references/NeuralNetworks/neural31.pdf is unfortnately very short, but that gives an idea
after ours dip
It is speculative (don't put a lot of money in this). I have small amounts of money in a lot of stocks to make sure I keep up with the market. I have like $150 in this one.
@TravisJ I only have $500 in my account.
10 day looks promisinh
wide spread between 10and 50 SMA
Yeah you can train NNs with Forex histories. It's a perfect scenario.
It only recently turned around, and I think on 4/19 when the options expire this month it will see a jump
if you take out 2008 :)
Why not? If you started in 2000 or so, it might be a good idea to include it.
@TravisJ aight, I bought 22 shares
It's not like a global economy crash means you'd lose money in forex. You can easily make money.
lol you didn't want to wait until the 19th?
@TravisJ why would I?
I can still cancel it, lol
Because I think that the options expiring will cause people to take losses and that will negatively affect the price. But when the next round of options are open, there will be more puts than shorts, and that will be positive pressure on the stock
why that target entry date?
ah... hmm
options expire every 3rd friday of the month
you could buy 10 now, and then 12 again on the 19th if you wanted to ease in
Is there any forum on the internet that can't spontaneously transform into an investment forum at one mention of the stock market?
or just all 22 lol
@TravisJ that wouldn't make sense, since I pay $7/trade
yeah then you should wait :P maximize that return hehe. That will also allow you to follow the stock for a week and determine if you want to get in.
the only other lay I have is 30 shares of TASR. That did well today.
nicely done @Pheonixblade9
@TravisJ I put an alert for VVUS to buy on the 19th. I see a repeating trend on Fridays, you're right.
its 5, i should go
sorry for turning this into /r/investment, lol
so our VP of product turned up for sprint planning today
didn't say much, but it was interesting
Ninja Echo has changed. $introduce and $help have been changed to natural versions.
@ninjaEcho Introduce @KendallFrey!
@KendallFrey! Welcome to C#! Please read the FAQ.
@NinjaEcho Who are you?
I am a bot who goes by the name Ninja Echo.
@NinjaEcho $ihateyou
it's broken
Your mom is broken.
@KendallFrey ARUGH now I have to re-pull
@NinjaEcho $help
@ninjaEcho Introduce @CCInc
@CCInc Welcome to C#! Please read the FAQ.
Tat not coolz
@NinjaEcho introduce @DarkLight
@DarkLight Welcome to C#! Please read the FAQ.
@NinjaEcho introduce @NinjaEcho
@NinjaEcho Welcome to C#! Please read the FAQ.
Bad @NinjaEcho
should I feature or should I broken?
@NinjaEcho Should I shut you down? :D
I wouldn't if I was you.
@NinjaEcho $ban @NinjaEcho
trying markup
@NinjaEcho $flip
that's how you do it
@NinjaEcho - Should I @NinjaEcho introduce @NinjaEcho first or @NinjaEcho introduce @NinjaEcho second?
@NinjaEcho - Should I @NinjaEcho introduce @NinjaEcho first or @NinjaEcho introduce @NinjaEcho second?
sweet and nice
doe not work
The wiki explains how to do multi line :P

@NinjaEcho $XSSATTACK @Everyone
how show me please?
faq == wiki
@NinjaEcho introduce @Darek
@Darek Welcome to C#! Please read the FAQ.
faq != wiki..because it doesn't explain that part
once you use a line break, then a button appears which says fixed font next to send to the right of the input text area
alternatively, you can use ctrl+k
or, as the wiki states:
If you wish to send a large code block with line breaks, use CTRL+K while focused on the textarea input or click the "fixed font" button next to "send".
@NinjaEcho tell @CCInc that faq does not explain multiline
Yes it does
me no can read
Huh, guess it doedsn't wtf
I see
haha :D
All this time I've been using ` and sending one line at a time. :|
Now you're just trolling me
Me so like Ctrl+K
posted on April 11, 2013 by Scott Hanselman

My buddy Damian and I both recently bought the Lenovo X1 Carbon Touch. It's got Intel SpeedStep technology so it changes the CPU speed dynamically based on load. These two laptops of ours are identical. However, here's Damian's Task Manager when mostly idle. Here's mine. What the heck is going on? His CPU is reporting 0.60 GHz of a potential speed of 2GHz, indicating that the chip has chi

Scott Hanselman is a newb.
$news @NinjaEcho is dead! xD
@NinjaEcho $news
The bot has moved!
@NinjaEcho $news Ninja Echo is Dead! :D
I'm enjoying this @NinjaEcho :D
@NinjaEcho $news
The bot has moved! Ninja Echo is Dead! :D
@NinjaEcho Introduce @klut
@klut Welcome to C#! Please read the FAQ.
TI have a great idea for ninja echo
to pling everyone
@NinjaEcho $all Rejoice!
How do you create a bot?
@ninjaecho $help
@NinjaEcho $help
@NinjaEcho $h
Q: Code blocks are not explained in chat faq

Travis JWhile looking over the stackoverflow chat faq I noticed that it does not explain how to use code blocks when multi line is used. It would be nice if there was a little description for users about how the fixed font button appears after shift+enter has been used, or that they can use ctrl+k to g...

common Ninha
@NinjaEcho $help
@NinjaEcho Help
@NinjaEcho Help ninjaecho.codeplex.com
@NinjaEcho $news 10
The bot has moved! Ninja Echo is Dead! :D
@NinjaEcho $flip
@NinjaEcho $help C#
@NinjaEcho $help stackoverflow
@NinjaEcho $google Ninja Echo
@NinjaEcho $help @NinjaEcho
is @NinjaEcho only available in this room??
how to summon ninja echo in other rooms?
@NinjaEcho $h
check out my tiny Quine in C#!
using System;

namespace Quine
class QuineProgram
static void Main(string[] args)
Inject that into google.
actually prints its own source IN ENTIRETY. Uses a resource, but isn't a violation of zero input as it doesn't open any external files or recieve user input.
like it Ryan?
Interesting. What happens if you write that line with something called from a .Net library?
Does it show the source?
can anyone tell me how to summon @NinjaEcho in other rooms?
@NinjaEcho what are you doing?
@NinjaEcho who are you?
I am a bot who goes by the name Ninja Echo.
@NinjaEcho should I say I love you or I like you? :D
Say I love you.
I love you.
backs away slowly
I love you too ryan, don't back away too quickly
makes dependency injection pun
@NinjaEcho should I kill the bug or let it fly? :D
Kill the bug.
@NinjaEcho should I kill you or kiss you?
Kiss you.
@kendall loves java.
i KNEW it
@NinjaEcho Should I kill you or kill me?
Kill you.
jon stewart is getting so old.... his hair is so grey now
@RyanJMcGowan LOL
@NinjaEcho $f Do y ou like giving head or getting tail?
@NinjaEcho $f
it's broke
@NinjaEcho $flip
ah ok
I thought so
@NinjaEcho $flip : what would you like to cut?
@NinjaEcho $flip
1 hour later…
nobody's home...
@NinjaEcho Introduce @SenJacob
@SenJacob Welcome to C#! Please read the FAQ.
Already read... :)
Are we talking anything related to c# here?
Sorry, my English is not good...
@NinjaEcho $introduce @DarkLight
What are you @NinjaEcho :)
$introduce @DarkLight
@DarkLight Could you please tell me what am I doing wrong in using the Ninja...
no need to use $
@NinjaEcho Introduce @NinjaEcho
@NinjaEcho Welcome to C#! Please read the FAQ.
@NinjaEcho should I eat lunch or not?
@NijaEcho Aren't you the one who fooled me on April 1st? x-(
@SenJacob the ask an Expert?
no it's not @NinjaEcho :D
Do I need to give two options with 'or' to talk with this Ninja...
find the bugs
@NinjaEcho Should I code with Visual Studio or MS Paint?
Why not do both?
oh, I see.. :D
g staskoverflow
$g stackoverlow
@NinjaEcho who are you?
I am a bot who goes by the name Ninja Echo.
@NijaEcho g stackoverflow
@NijaEcho $g stackoverflow
@NinjaEcho $g Sen jacob
hmm.. It seems a bit confusing!
you spelled it wrong
@NinjaEcho $g stackoverflow
@NinjaEcho Can you able to respond if I edit my chat and make it your command?
@NinjaEcho $g stackoverflow
It must play favorites
@NinjaEcho Introduce @DicksonXavier
@DicksonXavier Welcome to C#! Please read the FAQ.
@NinjaEcho $help
@NinjaEcho $h
@NinjaEcho $news
The bot has moved! Ninja Echo is Dead! :D
@NinjaEcho $news Ninja Echo could use some work.
@NinjaEcho $news
The bot has moved! Ninja Echo is Dead! :D Ninja Echo could use some work.
@NinjaEcho RIP...
@NinjaEcho Where are you now?
My chatbox's auto update doesn't seems to work well.. I have to refresh to get the chat updates.. :(
javascript disabled?
I'm using Chrome(Version 26.0.1410.64 m)
Of course..
hi buddies, a newbie to C#.
I'm leaving.. C U later..
@NinjaEcho Bye, Take care.
@NinjaEcho Introduce @DicksonXavier
@DicksonXavier Welcome to C#! Please read the FAQ.
Hello Everyone
@NinjaEcho Introduce @pibcat
@pibcat Welcome to C#! Please read the FAQ.
Thank you
I have been in chat rooms couple of times before :)
I have a asp.net/c# question that I would like to discusss
sorry, i think i can't answer, I don't use asp much
no problem
ask @NinjaEcho
@NinjaEcho should I kill daryl or not?
@NinjaEcho should I give up or continue?
@NinjaEcho Should I 1 or 2 or 3?
@NinjaEcho should I say I love you or I love C#?
Say I love you.
@NinjaEcho Should I?
@NinjaEcho should I use Array or List?
Use Array.
It shall break. I will be the one to bring it down.
@NinjaEcho Should I or or or?
@NinjaEcho Who are you?
I am a bot who goes by the name Ninja Echo.
@NinjaEcho $news Ninja Echo S%cks! :D kidding! he is cool!
@NinjaEcho $news 10
The bot has moved! Ninja Echo is Dead! :D Ninja Echo could use some work. Ninja Echo S%cks! :D kidding! he is cool!
needs linebreaks
i think so xD
lets try
@NinjaEcho $news \r\n New line?
@NinjaEcho $new hello/nWorld
@NinjaEcho $news
The bot has moved! Ninja Echo is Dead! :D Ninja Echo could use some work. Ninja Echo S%cks! :D kidding! he is cool! \r\n New line?
can't process new line
@NinjaEcho $news <br />
@NinjaEcho $news
Ninja Echo is Dead! :D Ninja Echo could use some work. Ninja Echo S%cks! :D kidding! he is cool! \r\n New line? <br />
@NinjaEcho $news
New line now?
@NinjaEcho $news
Ninja Echo is Dead! :D Ninja Echo could use some work. Ninja Echo S%cks! :D kidding! he is cool! \r\n New line? <br />
I think codes passed through a string like in java, to avoid outside codes :D
do you know how to summon ninja echo in other rooms?
naw ask Kendall when he wakes up
he might not have coded it for other rooms or maybe he just needs to log it on to them.
@NinjaEcho should i eat?
@NinjaEcho Should I _?
That would be incredibly stupid.
I'm starting to thing Ninja IS Kendall.
They're both on just as much.
I think so
@NinjaEcho should i choose 1 or 2?
@NinjaEcho 1+1=?
@NinjaEcho should i?
@NinjaEcho should i 1+1?
I wouldn't if I was you.
@NinjaEcho should I use math.Random()?
It's up to you.
it's impossible to have a click and a double click event in a button right? I haven't tried yet, but i think it would not work
I'd imagine you could do anything if you think of how you'd do that logically. Obviously you'd need to wait before you invoke an action.
From a UI perspective, you should make the button change visually when clicked, and again when double clicked.
Otherwise it would feel sluggish when clicking once.
It's not intuitive to do that unless you make it appear more like an icon.
That's a good example. An icon highlights as selected when clicked. Causes action on double click.
because if i have a function on the click and double click, when i click the button twice, it will make 2 outputs, i think, but i never planned of doing it :D (having double click and click event) i'd rather use the mouse right click event if I have to have 2 functions in a button
I would make them both call a separate function. The same function. Pass a bool. True if click. False if double. if(true) {...wait 100ms... do stuff...}
actually may need a while in there and make the doubleclick deactivate the while.
Yeah you could just do the while statement and keep the methods separate.
wait i'll try
i will make a click and a double click event ;)
That's not the issue, though. The form will automatically make a click event for you. The issue is stopping the click from occuring between the first click and the second.
yes that's it
You'll want a global bool and a while statement. With a sleep on the click of the doubleclick time.
how about the difference between the click and the mouseClick event?
I wasn't aware there was two. One might be mouse down and the other up.
and I think there is no built in event for double click
look up the events under te control in intellisense.
This is a regular windows form button?
I've tried and the difference between click and the mouseclick event is
Mouse click is mouse only. Click can be space or enter or any other "click"
click is probably better
There is a doubleclick event
if the click event occurs, would it prevent or conflict the action of the double click?
If all it does is make a selection, no issues.
Can't find the doubleClick event xD I'm using visual studio 2008 express
have to create it manually
 button1.DoubleClick += new EventHandler(button1_DoubleClick);
hai all... can any one help me.. how can i enable COM4 i my computer i need to enable it for my application..
@SaravanaKumarChinnaraj try this one
@All hi|!
@KendallFrey ?
@NinjaEcho $news @NinjaEcho $news
@NinjaEcho $news
Ninja Echo could use some work. Ninja Echo S%cks! :D kidding! he is cool! \r\n New line? <br /> @NinjaEcho $news
@NinjaEcho Get me lunch.
@NinjaEcho should @NinjaEcho get @RyanJMcGowan lunch?
doesn't respond xD
@NinjaEcho should I @NinjaEcho get @RyanJMcGowan lunch?
He's busy making a sammich
@derape I am saying that the auto-generated code in the *.Designer.cs file creates a property that I ma referencing with Propertys.MyStrings.MyResourceName this calls the GetString() method which passes down the call stack of mscorlib.dll and eventually get the required stuff from the HashSet which you demonstrated was being used...
@derape that is `internal static string pcAcct {
get {
return ResourceManager.GetString("pcAcct", resourceCulture);
for some resource I access via string someString = Properties.MyResourceStrings.pcAcct;
@Killercam yes, so far so good
thats perfectly fine
the resource manager will take care of it
@derape decent. Thanks for your time...
sure :)
IContent contains ContentItem property, which inherits from IContent. Am I missing something here? Seems circular.
why I can't call sort on a custom list
Skeet tweeted me. I'm going to write this in my diary.
I asked a question and... get this! He didn't know the answer!

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