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var d = new[]{d1, d2}.Max(); awesome
the other guy deserves its +
you could just have a generic min/max for any icomparable<T>
in my case, don't need, single use
I have mutiple threads using a same mysql connection, I hitted a case where a insert ExecuteNonQuery failed for the reason "another dataReader is still opened with this connection"
Four consecutive pings over 2000ms. This connection sucks <animal> <genitals>.
hey again
anyone know anything about the performance of IGrouping.Count()?
4 hours later…
Moirning Geeks
any mvc geeks ?
I'm not a guru but I get it enough to get by.
Hey Ryan long time.
I borrowed a MVC app that runs in another machine well not in mine
Not that long. I've been logged in continuously for something like 60 hours!\
in my machine styles are not rendering
so like the css files aren't being found?
I am using bundles and in firebug i see the styles sheets
So at the browser the style sheets link ok, but they just don't work?
yeah you got it
Clear cache?
Are the ids matching the css?
everything seems fine..the same app works better with styles in other machine in which it was made
i cleared cache
and other browsers same effect?
yeah same effect in all browsers
it should be , since the same code works well in another machine there wont be any changes in id ?
same problem with javascript?
let me see the resulting html
it says script error in ('#date').datepicker();
are you linking jquery?
you mean 1.9.1.min.js ?
i do
Do you see <script src="../Scripts/jquery-1.4.4.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> in the code?
<script type="text/javascript" src="~/Scripts/jquery-ui-1.8.20.min.js"></script>
i see this
make sure it's before the other script call
yeah its before !
and i also added ` <script type="text/javascript" src="~/Scripts/jquery-1.7.1.js"></script>`
will multiple script reference will ruin the app ? like noconflict ?
oh wait, datepicker is in ui
ui scripts too added !
ok yeah you have 1.8.20
see the "~"?
it's not parsing
yes ?
in the cshtml it should have a URL solver
oh what should i do ? remove the ~ ?
<script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery-ui-1.8.20.min.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>
Url.Content has to be in there
it replaces the ~ with the root
 ` public static void RegisterBundles(BundleCollection bundles)`
            bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jquery").Include(
i am addng it this way
yeah you need it to resolve
I am trying to figure out how to use cleverscript to make a learning AI for windows :3
you can add Url.Content in there too I'm sure
Done ryan i ll try the trap !
alternatively, you can just call the root the old way, but it won't work at every level. Just one.
Probably wouldn't be an issue with MVC anyway
We can resolve bundles at Application_Start in global.asax..
i am trying that @RyanJM
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle(Url.Content("~/bundles/jquery")).Include(Url.Content( "~/Scripts/jquery-1.*")));
yeah got that ! :D
thanks mate
no problem
@RyanJM which assembly should i add for it ?
it's in System.Web.Mvc
MVC has only urlhelper and UrlParameter
Optimization is already added and intelli dont find url.Content :(
you shouldnt need that url.content
        bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jquery").Include(
then @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/jquery") in the view
similar for @Styles.Render
he says the script tag came out on the view source and had the "~" root.
so if he didn't do Styles.Render, he's calling it wrong
Thats how i am already doing
I've never used that method before
 bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/EMRMobilecss").Include(

al i have to ask how come this works in another machine and not in mine ?
Did you copy the code or the whole solution?
@drch in the image i added above , check that its renders with ~ hence the script is not found
@RyanJM whole folder
ok. So not web.config?
everything else is fine except the script part ryan..
even config files //
bundling looks at web.config for setting apparently.
Is this local or on your host?
Q: Ambiguous reference between 'System.Web.WebPages.Scripts' and 'System.Web.Optimization.Scripts'

ray247This may be a similar question, but since the other is not answered I thought I'd ask here. I have a mvc 4 application works fine on my local but when I deployed to my web host I got the following error ambiguous reference between 'System.Web.WebPages.Scripts' and 'System.Web.Optimization.Scrip...

i'm currently working on a text twist solver which find a word that matches the letters in the text box, the application is good and working perfectly but I can't find a good source of word dictionary, i mean i can't find a dictionary(downloadable) in the google
is there a built in word dictionary in C# (LOL) :D
@RyanJMcGowan thanks so much! :D
no problem. Thank google. :)
have you tried this app? the wordnet dictionary?
no. just googled english dictionary database
Can somebody help me decide which language to pick up?
And English
@Steven LOL :D
@Steven it was a typo. I very good English speak can.
Can you develop proper software in C#, like software that pop up in Add/Remove Programs List, and develop a installer for your software?
There's not much you can't do with C#. But the question is, can you?
@Steven I am willing to learn, so if it is the best option, I will get into it right now.
@AnkurSharma what language/s have you tried?
@DarkLight Atm I am decently experienced in ActionScript3, JavaScript, Java, and some experience in PHP.
C# can do anything you want. It's like C++ with automation like garbage collection. It's virtually equivalent to Java.
oh, why not continue java?
@RyanJMcGowan yes and i think java and C# are quite have something in common
I dont like JAva because the GUI is not Windows like and you cannot develop a proper program with installer and dlls and exes etc.
It was made specifically to compete with Java
Java does not utilize the GUI of the OS.
I want to get into developing a complete and proper software with the GUI of the OS (Windows) and that it should appear in the Add/ Remove Programs list in Control Panel, and it should run its own process like MySoftware.exe in processes in task manager.
I also want to learn java :D but now I'm currently practicing C#, I'm also newbie, I am programming(C# the only language I'm working with) about a year.
^ same as me
Can you develop the kind of software I am talking about in c# or do i need to take an even lower level language like c++?
go C# :D just an opinion
C++ programmers move to C#. Does that answer your question?
for now, many people use C++
C# is meant to do what C++ does, but easier
@DarkLight ok. What c# libraries exist for developing OS GUI applications?
but yes, many of them moved to C#
oh GUI
I don't know GUI libraries off hand cuz I'm doing web
Can you develop a program that has a Gui like the Os you are in.
In .net
Q: Visual C++ versus Visual C# , which is the best to learn?

M3taSpl0itI've done my C++ classes and practices after which i started learning Visual c++ using book Ivor horton's visual c++ . The problem is that i am unable to understand the language of this book and badly trying to understand the codes . I want to learn visual c++ for windows application development ...

Oh I must go, I will come back in an hour. Thanks for helping so far. Really useful.
Bye for now
mmm, are you talking about the designer?
in C# for developing UI
I'm guessing cool whiz-bang libraries over the visual IDE library, but I could be wrong.
someone there?
Do you know if I can make window applications with Windows GUI in c# using .net framework? Or am I understanding .net framework wrong?
Do you even need .net framework for it, can you do it directly in c# (visual c#)?
C sharp is .net
You don't have to have .net. But sure makes it easier.
Oh, I thought it was like a separate library.
C# is a language built for .net, but you could compile it with other libraries like Mono.
I want my applications to appear in the processes list like MySoftware.exe I want to develop a installer for it like many other softwares have and that it should appear in the Add/Remove Programs list.
Can C# do this?
Ok , I think I have made my final decision.
C# is the way to go it seems.
it's unanimous.
I want to clarify something, is .net a language or a library or a synonym for c#
library. You can use .net with c++ and F# too
Is it built in or do you install it manually like Jquery
built in to Visual IDE
Ok. thanks. is there an official c# book list like there is for c++ - stackoverflow.com/questions/388242/…
C# 4.0 in a nutshell is pretty good. To be honest, if you know Java, C# will be a breeze. It's not really much different.
Another question, is it better to learn c++ or c# first?
If I plan to learn c++ , should I do it before c# or after c#
HI all
Can you develop c# (and .net) in Visual Studio 2012 Express
Or do you need to download Visual C# 2010 Express
Can any one tell me how to set 2 copies in crystal reports
I am very new in crystal reporting
and don know so much about it.
I do not know as I havent even started c# yet, but which IDE are you using, just to know.
Visual Studio 2012 express or Visual c# 2010 express, which one is best for developing c# with .net
visual studio 2010 professional
Did you buy it or trial or ...
I had purchase it
ok thanks.
@ankur: get vs 2012 express
I had already a trial version
and can u tell me more feature of VS 2012 Express
@drch is it free?
@Anki, @AnkurSharma: The Express versions are free. And you can do quite a lot with them.
Can any one tell me how to set 2 copies in crystal reports
I am very new in crystal reporting
and don know so much about it.
@steven it is compatible with window 7
@Anki: VS 2012 is the newest line of development tools from Microsoft. Of course is it compatible with Win7.
btw. I'm currently running two VS 2012 Express Web Edition instances as we speak on my Win7 machine.
Ok I have got VS2012 (downloaded it about 3 months ago) and now it asks for a product key. Is it not supposed to be free?
and i have 3 GB Ram in my machine and just 200 Gb HDD
I'm using the professional editions for years, but I'm quite amazed of the features of the Express 2012 editions. For instance. You can have solutions with multiple projects consisting MVC, Class Library and Unit Test projects.
@AnkurSharma: You have to insert a license key, also for Express editions. However, you can get that license key for free. Just did this a couple of days back.
@Steven can you tell me how can i know more about MVC. and currently i am working on window based application i don have experience in ASP.NET
Hello @CSharper
I have a question... may someone knows the answer: I have a WCF service, and if i look with netstat, the LocalEndpoint is x.x.x.x:50645 and the RemoteEndpoint is x.x.x.x:http ..

Now, how can I change the LocalEndpoint port number to also http?
@Steven oh ya thanks. it works. perfect IDE setup, now I am moving on to hello world example.
@Anki: There is a "Visual Studio 2012 Express for Desktop" edition as well.
@Steven Thanks for the link..
have to say that VS Express 2012 is very nicelooking and Windows8ish.
@AnkurSharma: it will ask for a key after 3 months but you can get one for free. they just want you to register
ya thats true @AnkurSharma
@drch yeh I have got through that. Thanks for the reply. Steven already suggested that and it worked.
It's solved.
what is the difference between Windows Forms Application and WPF application? Also, I should create a console application for hello world, right?
some one help me also please
console application is a text input application
WPF and WinForms are frameworks for making gui applications
if youre starting out, you should probably learn WPF instead of WinForms
hii i want to bulid a application which interact with hardware like printers
so please guide m from where i take start
btw i win form developer
@drch Thanks for the explanation and advice.
Hello, I'm having a little problem with the NotifyIcon.Click / DoubleClick events!
everytime I doubleclick the icon both the click and the doubleclick events are executed...
That's normal.
To double click, one must first click.
how can I avoid it?
well in the first example there I see nothing more than the double and single click events, so I guess you mean that I should use the second example?
Did you read the description?
Looks like that articlle tells you all
ok, I understand now.. rollback... geee
hmm doesn't seem to work that good... :) when I single click the window should appear, and double click should have some completely different functionality and making the window minimized in the double click didn't seem to help...
The best idea I can think of is a delay.
because the click is called later...
What are you trying to achieve?
single click -> windowstate = normal, double click -> run a system function
I can't really understand why they fire the click event at all after a double click event, especially if you can't cancel the click event (e.handled = true or something)
hmm just a note, but from a user point of view I dont like the behaviour
The click comes after the double click?
yes at least when I have a breakpoint at them both
hm isnt there something link e. cancel?
So you get two click events and a double click?
can't really see that their example would work then...
I get one doubleclick event and then one click event
you are working with winforms right?
Surely you get a click before the double click
not in the debug at least.. I can set a variable to try without the breakpoints
It makes no sense to me that you would get a single click event, after the double click.
You really shouldn't.
I did a sample project, and I get first the click then the double click
So something is wrong on your side :)
yes, when running with no breakpoints the single gets called first, and then the double. But not when using breakpoints... strange...
Kendall's right, you should get a click fire before your double click
@Markus Are you sure you didn't set your breakpoints wrong?
You know it's bad when you can set breakpoints "wrong"
Sure you can.
Say you accidentally set one inside an if when the else in fact fires
how do I set them wrong? I set them at the { in both of the functions
then it just never fires
roll your own double click
5:40 am. I should sleep. I always forget to do that.
how can you hit the double click breakpoint, when you have a breakpoint at the click single event?
what if the ytriple click
hmm the marking while debug is yellow, but when the click is run the marker is green??
Green... Can't remember seeing that one :).
Who is it that's been starring menial comments? Is someone bored?
@RyanJMcGowan You should really get some sleep :P.
I think I am asleep.
Nope, sorry.
I have a collection of objects. The user should be able to create "Actions" with these objects (change some of their properties, etc.), which "actions" have to be executable and modifiable. Any ideas?
visitor pattern

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