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hi guys
I have created one task scheduler service. how to stop that task scheduler service..programatically???
please answer my question guys.....stackoverflow.com/questions/15817064/…
How to stop this task scheduler service
2 hours later…
room topic changed to C#: Inane conversations between bad faith people. More info at csharpchat.com [.net] [asp.net] [asp.net-mvc] [c#] [entity-framework] [linq] [visual-studio] [wcf] [wpf]
4 hours later…
anyone hiding in here?
i need help in linq
while I might not be able to help, fire the question someone may see it who can
ok then i am trying to get tree like structure from two table and i have posted the question too and if you could look at it then it would be a great help.the link for it is stackoverflow.com/questions/15826474/…
dunno if it will help but maybe look at this stackoverflow.com/a/5018497/1194870
linq experts are master coder :P
lol I like your "im a programar pic"
i got nowhere
any body here know ext .net
Good morning @Johan!
only home to walk puppy, short session
you only chat from home then? :P
what kind of puppy do you have?
yes chat is blocked at work, think it is mostly good
Ok, so I'm having a brain failure... I have a class MyClass that extends a class SysClass. And I also have a object SysClass theSysObject but now I want to create a object MyClass myObj from the theSysObject (something like MyClass myObj = new MyClass(theSysObject, "extra value");
HOW should I do?
@ActionHank meet Loke the pointer puppy, also 25% piraya
@Johan Ah so cute!
but also pretty mental woke up with blood in my face this morning, again!
@Markus - define "extends"
forehead had traces of sharp objects
does "extends" mean "inherits"?
public class MyClass : SysClass
@RonKlein I think VB calls it that
(sorry, I was taught java in school, must be from there)
looks like it :)
@Markus just use the constructor to copy the values from the sysClass object I guess?
@Markus construct it with an extra argument
and copy each individual value in the SysClass?
and use the base costructor
I'm not sure you can cast a generic object to a inherited object explicitly
@RonKlein doesn't there need to be a copy constructor in the SysClass for that?
and in my experience copy constructors is something you often do in c++ but not c#
oh, sorry we are in different time zones I forgot :D
1 hour later…
simplest question: How do I get one of the ManagementObjects from a ManagementObjectsCollection? just a random, and avoiding foreach
I have tried mo = moc[0] but that doesn't seem to work...
WCF for biginers
@565 was that directed for me?
Morning guys.
Anyone used c# to access a java api?
Does it matter what language the API is in? :P
@RoelvanUden ?? im not sure, api virgin here. but it seems to be in Java so im assuming yes
@Markus yeah! will you plz ping some links to start my WCF learning
hi everyone..
@565 hehe sorry, I don't know anything about it :)
@Markus it'k no issues cheers:)
@RoelvanUden i take it ur busy or cant be assed to answer?
@HansRudel Missed the ping. What do you mean, exactly, with "Java API"?
Ah. You can't use that directly.
im wondering if its possible to use it with c#
@RoelvanUden is it possible to set up an interface between c# and java so c# code can interact with that API?
or is that quite tricky
You can expose a Web API from a Java application that you consume with C#.
is that tricky
Depends on the complexity of your requirements ;)
fair point
need to handle events which will be raised when price changes. Need to be able to place orders and request info on account status
1 hour later…
@565 -> if you want to learn WCF -> servicestack.net
look, it's @Beginner
and nobody wants to learn WCF
hey @DavidDV ! I haven't seen you in here in so long!
Why learn WCF?
where have you been?
vacation / sick / vacation / working
don't lie you were going to conventions talking about how great EF is, we all know it
lol :)
WCF and EF => TL;DR;
so quiet
yeah it is quiet here
everyone is profiling there shitty EF performance
or reading a book on WCF
i wonder if SO uses EF
they used Linq2Sql
and now they use a lot of Dapper
It doesn't. It uses dapper.
look it's me
So most .net devs now know EF and Dapper
Dapper = No Linq Provider = Meh
Just think about it writing strings with SQL commandos in C#
ew linq2sql
who in his right mind would want to do that
Linq2Db is next big thing ;)
well not big, more like worth checking out
thank you for your remark
i was reading a post a couple of weeks ago, and somebody posted an incoherent comment, so the poster replied with that lol, i don't know why i found it so funny, but i dont think i'll ever forget it
Angered a coworker just now, because I was laughing at some code that turned out to be his :P
what did he say?
I was like 'wtf is this?' and he's all like 'fu!' and turns back to his desk
haha thats funny
good morning @KendallFrey
@kendall's back
back again
tell a friend
what was the problem with the code?
nice one @Steve
nothing, he just didn't speak enlgish well
@ActionHank eminem man, not me
I know, but still
ugh I'm going to see eminem this summer :s
damn wiggers
@DavidDV it was an E164 converter, but it was a bit rigorous on the converting part (more or less a hack-and-slash unconditional string replacer)
@DavidDV lol i'm 27 and i still like eminem, i have no idea why, but listening to him increases my productivity at work ten fold
it's for converting a national phone number into an international one
I made this one a few days ago.
yeah well its a festival and headliners of that day are eminem and NIN \o/ <3 <3
@KendallFrey i bookmarked it, i dont have headphones with me today because i didn't plan on doing much work rofl
@DavidDV oh i like NIN TOO!
NaN ftw
im all hyped up on sugar, we have an unlimited supply of hot coco here
other festival that I have to go to is Iron Maiden + Red Fang \m/
what city are you in david?
oh neat
i'm coming to visit you
lol :)
i haven't been to europe, well other than air ports, but that doesn't count
man i have no motivation to work today
and its friday and nobody is talking, what the bloody hell
It's Friday? yessssssss
my beef jerky conists of beef and mechanically separated chicken
Brain! Y U NO can think of anything witty to say?
Have a C# question. Anyone?
I mean... I have a C# question.
No, I can't answer that question. I left my Tarot cards at home.
If you told me what the question was, I might be able to tell you what the answer is.
Ok sorry. Well. I want to save an image that is uploaded to the server to the minimal quality
How do i save it as JPEG?
Maybe you should read the rules at csharpchat.com
@Alex You want to convert PNG, BMP, GIF, etc. to JPG in server-side code?
Have you tried the Bitmap class?
Where did you get stuck?
Going to randomly paste some code
         var ratio = new EncoderParameter(Encoder.Quality,   75L);
         var depth = new EncoderParameter(Encoder.ColorDepth,  8);

         var codecParams = new EncoderParameters(2);
         codecParams.Param[0] = ratio;
         codecParams.Param[1] = depth;

         var pngCodec = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders()[4];

         using (var srteam = new MemoryStream())
            bitmap.Save(srteam, pngCodec, codecParams);

            byte[] imageBytes = srteam.ToArray();

            return imageBytes;
have you tried google @Alex?
Q: c# convert image formats to jpg

mashta gidiI need to get a picture from the user, with different format extensions, and I want to always save it as "jpg", for easy handling. is there a good way do that in c# without arming the quality?

Ok sorry. Thx. I missed that answer.
You can't do it without (h)arming the quality, but you can do it.
BTW, I am SO happy that whoever designed this database decided to use a char(1) as the primary key, THANK YOU FOR FUCKING ME IN THE ASS
Or maybe JPG has a lossless format too.
@Steve That is... wow.
the pk thing or the ass thing
The PK thing.
yeah, i know right
I'd never say wow about your ass.
lol char(1) PK :)
@Steve If someone who doesn't understand sarcasm comes in right now, they'll think you're quite homosexual.
okay, my boss has to know i'm not working now, i just lol'd so loud
Tell him you just found some funny code.
its a her, i told you i work with all women
Who spells email 'e-mail' anymore? Eesh.
@Steve I call your bluff.
i wonder if i change it to char(2) if it'll break anything
really? or are you kidding?
It probably will break something.
@KendallFrey I do. :-(
@Steve wat
@ShotgunNinja what what?
I'm gonna pop some tags...
Only got $20 in my pocket....
i got like 7$
Yeah, I actually only have like $2 in my pocket.
I got $160
Fucking gas.
Also, screw you @Kendall.
Doesn't that sting?
Fucking gas, I mean.
Only if you light a match.
Now would be a bad time to enter the JS room.
i guess i can start using symbols as a pk if i can't convert char(1) to char(2), man the thought of doing that makes me sick to my stomach
The thought of you makes me sick to my stomach.
Why on Earth did someone make a 1-char primary key, though?
don't lie, it makes you feel dirty and hot
Is it at least Unicode chars?
i dont know why they did it
is a really old database, probably from he late 90s, but they should have known better
Well, clearly they assumed only 256 people would be using their system, tops.
not unicode, (thats nchar(1), right?)
Um, yeah...
@ShotgunNinja its not for regular entries, people don't add stuff to this table frequently, and i think they'd have to do it manually
I bet Hitler made that database.

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