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british compiler ?
haha :L
yes I got British compiler here :L
I wish... then I could do System.Drawing.Colour
that owuld change everything
I got this

                string[] columnNames = headerRow.Split(',');

                foreach (string cName in columnNames)
                    //I want to get resource name for each of name, what should I do
its on a webpage so I can get culture from webpage
you dont know how to parse your string ?
I need to localize it
you're using resx files ?
forexample if headerRow is

= "Apple,Mango,Banana" and so on

I want to check if what we call apple in german language, so I added a resource for it in .resx file
yup thats right
Unit tests. How do they work? Computer scientists be lyin to us, and it be making me sick.
so what's your issue exactly ?
Unit testing is good
I didn't had tea for last 30 minutes
Unit testing is yummy
The auto-generated scaffolding generates a ton of crap, it looks like I shouldn't need half of it. How do I get into the catch block of a try? etc.
hu ?
//attempts to write to event viewer
//catch writes to a file.
How would I write a unit test to hit that catch block?
brb, computer is going crazy
i'll check
so you actually want your unit test to run into a catch block ?
I mean, shouldn't it? I'm accounting for a possible error, shouldn't my test?
well acually no
@Billdr you can
Then this will be the shortest exercise ever.
your unit test should not suppose there will be an error
just call the piece of code you want and add the [ExpectedException] attribute
to your test method
idea is that the unit test will throw an assert
if the behavior is not the expected one
is this exception expected ?
@Sisyphe that's not completely true. You can certainly test your code for exceptions by add this attribute
Well, we're prepared for a possible exception. It'd be uncommon, but it could happen in theory.
@Rob : yeah that's why i was asking if the exception was expected
[TestMethod, ExpectedException(typeof(InvalidOperationException))]
@Sisyphe allright
but looking at his code i thought it was not the case
but you're totally right
its actually possible to unit test like that
@Billdr well he's accounting for a possible error
i mean @Sisyphe
my mistake
So... my job was actually to rewire something behind the scenes in this class. My changes only impact the catch block.
I'll check out this [ExpectedException] attribute
Oh... that doesn't look like what I want.
This'll tell me if the exception was thrown; I don't really care if it was thrown, I care about how it was handled in the block
what's the data you need exactly ?
I guess I need to find some way to reliably get my try to fail.
what are you testing and what do you want to assert ?
well, for test scenarios, you could add some kind of bool to indicate the handleStatus
you need a way to get the exception thrown ?
public Boolean LogError(String errorMessage)
    return true;
  catch (Exception ex)
    var fatalMsg = new StringBuilder("Fata Error in logging");
    fatalMsg.AppendLine("Message to be logged was:" + errorMessage);
    fatalMsg.AppendLine("Logging exception:" + ex);
    return false;
So, I want to verify that the catch does what I told it to. Both return values are valid.
you could add an out parameter that you could set differently wheter the code failed or not and test that in your unit test ?
My root problem is getting the test to hit the catch.
The try is writing to eventlog, which'll work 9,999,999,999 times out of 10,000,000,000.
gimme a sec i'll check the exceptions thrown by the methode
wich Logger is it ?
full System.Type ?
@Billdr are you i don't get the problem
can you create a instance of the class
Sorry, talking with my lead
you want to test?
If you want to know the value that's being returned by this method, then you simple can it like this:
I was over thinking the problem.
var nameOfYourClass= new NameOfYourClass();
I'm just going to copypasta the catch block into it's own "test" method and run a unit test against it.
"copypasta" love it.
var returnVal = nameOfYourClass.LogError("it works!");
Aybody know of a good ideas of querying a DataTable, I am trying to build an interface like Sql Server Management Studio, where the user enter SQL in the Editor and then run it, I have tried Dynamic LINQ, but this is limited....
Is there anyway I can find number of strings in string[] columnNames
length will be for just one string ini
off to the toillet, brb
Kendall has entered the building
count won't gonna work
yayyy . welcome Ken
Great. Now I just imagine Rob Angelier going to the toilet.
because there isn't any option for count here
Length, not Count.
@Lews : you like it ?
@TimeToThine @RobAngelier is right...
@Sisyphe Ha ha
count comes from "using System.Linq;" right??
@E.LDunn Or using List
No, Count comes from using List too much.
Count = List, Count() = LINQ
(the first being a property, the second a method)
yea thats what i meant on his array of strings
using linq would allow the extention method count
But that would just be stupid.
oh kendall is in one of his moods again
Anyone that uses Count() to get the length of an array should be strangled.
Anyone who uses arrays should be strangled :)
No way.
Arrays are great.

how would code know which resource to use
Lists are better
In some cases.
@TimeToThine By the Name?
Hey @KendallFrey, you know XAML right? Can I pick your brain about it this evening?
@E.LDunn Anyone who asks why should be strangled.
As in, 10 hours from now?
Or a different evening?
More like 8
Close enough.
I'm trying to wrap up my win8 store app, and the xaml doesn't seem as clean as it should.
I'm leaving fellas!
have a good one and see you tomorrow!
Have a good one Rob
@RobAngelier See ya
Stupid wifi going down.
Bye Rob
wb Lews
y u no use ethernet
Can't take your laptop to the bathroom on ethernet.
And besides can't use ethernet at college.
I wrote three methods on the john yesterday. It was great.
Anyways another lecture now. Later
Wife wasn't bothering me about the crappy plot of her crappy tv show. I think I might set up a desk back there.
Oh great
bye Lews
I still have another hour
Get on G+ and throw out some ideas :p
I was actually going to back to normalization. I find it excruciating :'(
@Billdr Did Andreas ever come on?
select * from xx where yy = @yy and xx = @zz

I have dictionary contains

@xx = 1
@yy = 2
@zz =3
@ll = 5

I want to replace each variable in the query string with the equavelent in dictionry without loop
any idea please
any one know please
Why ping me? :O @KendallFrey can perform some magic I bet.
because you're our hero Lews
you have to live up to your legend
I ask any one ,and I noticed that u r the only active one
help him now
@LewsTherin I'm not sure what happened with Andres. I haven't seen him since he said his job went sideways. His dad worked at the same place, so... who knows.
@Sisyphe I am also a villain
@Billdr :O I would think he would receive moral support from his father. Confused now.
I've got my win8 app to finish, and Dishonored. I don't know of any other games this winter that'll eat my time off hand. So... assuming I'm free after this week, I'm just going to start working.
@lews .NET villain, what a title
@AMH i didnt quite get your issue
Yea, not sure. I have some preconceptions about Brazilians from my personal experience, but I don't know how much of that is cultural and how much is just the family I know. The family I know would be pretty rough on someone who quit their job.
you want to replace all values in a dictionnary but doesnt want to iterate ?
@Sisyphe Short of magic I know not. Why without a loop?
all the values in string from dictionary
I want to search without loop
Isn't that what parameters are for?
And why are you against loops?
you want to retrive a value from your dictionnayr based on the key ?
that's pretty straightforward usually
I think it take more time , and my problem is random
am not sure that the condition will be the same
direct acces to a hashtable is too long for you ? oO
Loops aren't slow.
well , I dont know about the others, but i really don't get what you need bro
This wifi network should just die
I think I know what you need, and it is called a 'loop'.
@lews, you should get an ethernet cable from your home to your college
problem solved
@KendallFrey lol
it seems he doesnt loike loops
@Sisyphe Lol. Will you help?
Kendall always has the best suggestions.
@Lews sure, I have nothing better to do
"Use a loop." "Try programming."
@Sisyphe Agh.. I would take you up on your idea :D
just noticed the starred comments on the right
can't believe 7 guys starred my stupidity :P
I can't I believe I have no starred comments.
you were saying ?
Now I feel like a hero :D
though you were a Villain ?
I am a paradox.
any WPF guru around ?
Why does Firefox refuse to log me in?
cause foxes do not like paradoxes
That fox!
DataGrid is eating my MouseWheel events
hurray, unit tests worked and found a problem.
actually, it didn't find the problem, but when I went to confirm the test I found a problem.
@Sisyphe Try using PreviewMouseWheel?
I think after I master programming, my next career will be skyscraper window washing. Dude's dangling outside the window, pulling himself along with a suction cup.
@Kendall : Actually i'm not using any handler
i have a datagrid inside a scrollable TreeView
dataGrid scrolling is disable thx to ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility attached property
TreeView scroll corretly using mousewheel provided that mouse is not over a datagrid
I guess the inner datagrid scrollviewer is eating stuffs
Hi Nazmul
hi nazmul
How are you all?
currently i am in problem. any one can help me?
My code was working. I know you were all very worried about it. Unit testing just redirected my output away from the expected folder. Mystery solved!
I wonder how many times we will have to display the "don't ask to ask, just ask" message before it'll stick in people's heads.
@Billdr ,Have you any idea about file uploading in network mapped drive using asp.net/Vb.net ?
@nazmulhasan How are we supposed to know? You need to explain the problem.
billdr : wow, i can breathe again
@Billdr while(true) { DontAskToAskJustAsk(); }
@Sisyphe I'm glad I could help. :)
@nazmulhasan and what's the problem?
Maybe if we used more simple code?
Still dont know who's eating my events ...
Console.WriteLine("Don't ask to ask, just ask.");
I want to upload file in network mapped drive
that's too many complicated words for me
And what is preventing you from doing that @nazmulhasan?
Q: Could not upload file in mapped drive in VB.Net

nazmul hasanI have tried several times to upload file remotely in network mapped drive but it raising exception Could not find a part of the path 'X:\test\testing".wav'. I walk over internet /blog/ microsoft help site. has changed some configuration for get the solution. Finally i am failed. So, Actually ...

you could have a look on this question
I took a quarter of VB, I got this.
@Billdr What about the other 3/4?
Okay, don't use drive letters.
VB always scares me
do \\server\foldershare\<path>
ok thanks? did you also fall in this type of problem previously?
also, is that the exact error you're seeing?
Because the formatting on the quotation marks is suspect.
one things interesting is..
when i run my application in development server then its working fine
Using drive letters can cause conflicts because there are a multitude of issues that could cause drive letters to not map as you expect them to.
but if i published site then it fails
thx bill, i'll sleep a little less stupid tonight
@nazmulhasan sounds like a permissions problem, but as Billdr says, use the full path rather than a drive letter
Also, double check the permissions on your host machine.
have you any idea.. why its showing multi behave?
i checked permission is ok
Because the final server either 1) has a permissions issue, or 2) the drive letter differs.
also set full controll in that drive for aspnet user
If you can RDP to the server (as the same user your program runs as), check the drive mappings. $5 says x maps to \\something\else\
anybody has a simple solution for making ScrollIntoView works with a virtualized itemsControl ?
i am not getting you @bi
could you please clear me your last spech
Spend money..
No! Don't spend money!
Ok, I am trying with full shared path.. if i failed then i will back to you
@dav_i Nice :)
anyone used MEF before?
... waiting for the "yes" from @KendallFrey
almost time to get wasted
Haha I haven't yet.
@KendallFrey ahh ok :( no worries then
@KendallFrey Disappointed in you.
Hours up. Later
have fun lews
@Billdr are you there?
@E.LDunn I seriously doubt I will. Most likely end up sleeping. But thanks :D
Any one here.. have idea in uploading file in network mapped dirve using asp.net/vb.net
i'm into WPF, sorry, can't help :(
Anyone good with COM?
Thanks @Sisyphe
but i need one , who could help me
once upon a time, i was using COM
but it was a long time ago
what's your issue ?
general query about releasing references and such
Cleaning up
I'm in the process of writing wrappers for almost every object
don know if it is good practice to implement IDisposable for them
I use COM a lot. Most of our internal objects have a Close() method that effectively Disposes the object. If your objects have such a mechanism, it's probably a good idea to use IDisposable.
@nazmulhasan What's up?
agree with Kendall
I was using smart pointers
overriding -> operators ans such to avoid havong to handle ref count
(eating dinner)
Bon appétit
Guys, if I have a static method in a static class and I call that method through two difference instance classes at same time, is there any problem with that?
there should not
but what do you mean at the same time ?
from two parallel threads ?
do they modify the same set of data ?
well i'm really not a specialist when it comes to multithreading
but i guess it should be ok
Hey people, may I ask you a question? The module keyword in TypeScript works like namespace in C# right?
@KendallFrey How do I know what objects needs closing?
        public String GetProcessName()
            var currentProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess();

            _processName = currentProcess.ProcessName;

            return (_processName);
@Sisyphe Gonna have a look at that ty
How would you unit test that?
@JohanLarsson API documentation.
I'm guessing "You wouldn't."
I'd say you would, by hardcoding a process name
@Billdr not much logic to test there
You would be testing the framework
Yea, this assignment is weird.
Half the methods return void, the other half are like that one.
@JohanLarsson yw ;)
        public String GetProcessName(IProcess process)
            var currentProcess = process.GetCurrentProcess();

            _processName = currentProcess.ProcessName;

            return (_processName);
contrived, I dont recommend it
But then you could pass a mock for process
@Billdr - You start an infinite recursion where you first mock Process. And then GetCurrentProcess. And then you start to mock the creator of the process.
Yea, I think I'll skip to the end and say this is dumb.
Why is that method even being used? Wont this work?
@TravisJ + more readable
@Billdr keep posting methods, find some with nested ifs for example
still no WPF guru around ?
@Sisyphe what is the question I'm no guru but with some luck
This is the last class I need to test, and there are no ifs in here
It's all abstract getters/setters.
@Billdr no logic at all?
@Billdr post some code for them
abstract can be tested easily, you just make a stub
well i'm looking for a simple way to solve a common issue : i'd like a working bringIntoView method for a virtualized treeView
that will work for not yet realized items
guys, i have a question about wpf. I'm writing log view application. I have a datagrid with few columns. Source column need to be colored. Color changed at runtime. What is the best way to color it? Now i'm using multibinding to converter. First binding - to source name. Second binding - to viewmodel, which i got by find ancestor x:Type DataGrid. It works, but i get lots binding warning messages.
        public void InitCounters()
            _numJobsCompleteInError = new PerformanceCounter("Counters", "NumJobsCompleteInError", false);
            _numJobsCompleteSuccessfully = new PerformanceCounter("Counters", "NumJobsCompleteSuccessfully", false);
            _numJobsActive = new PerformanceCounter("Counters", "NumJobsActive", false);

            _numJobsCompleteInError.RawValue = 0;
            _numJobsCompleteSuccessfully.RawValue = 0;
            _numJobsActive.RawValue = 0;
not abstract in a code sense, abstract in a logical sense.
@Sisyphe not a clue
@Billdr That one is more promising
can the instance calling it pass itself as argument?
Could it? Sure. Does it? No.
that might be an easy refactoring
and then it is testable
I'm looking over what he wants me to do... I'm supposed to call that method, then another one that increments some of those values, and then another that clears it - verifying the numbers go 0->1->0.
@JohanLarsson - So I am back and forth on the issue of rewriting the mysql connector. Especially after how well the javascriptserializer went. Today I am forth. If I have all the source code, and make the edits, would I be able to compile that into a .dll and seamlessly put it inside of my references instead of the previous file?
hi, any java developers here? (though I might ask because Java room is totally empty and some people in here may know Java :S )
I have javaed.
ok it may not be totally java-sepcific but generally object-oriented-specific
just ask
I have a bunch of classes and they all print to one certain Swing Component
We have this type of conversation prohibited three times on our sidebar.
now in order to print to this output component
I have to constantly use the call GscSystem.mainWindow.printf("stuffhere);
@Billdr a test is somewhat appropriate for that, it serves as documentation of what is expected + you will notice if anything changes by accident
is it a good practice if I make an interface implemented by some classes with tons of prints that contains a method printf(String stuff){GscSystem.mainWindow.printf(stuff);} ?
@JohanLarsson Yea... I'm just going to stop asking questions when something seems dumb, and do it. The brass can deal with the fallout.
@Spiritios Maybe you want an abstract class instead.
@TravisJ Im no expert but that should work. The downside is the versioning hell it will create
Otherwise, I don't understand your situation.
I remember I had some reason I did not use an abstract class but I dunno why exactly right now xD
what happens when there is a new release of the connector? run a diff?
btw in general is this some kind of antipattern or is it ok if I use it?
@Spiritios Well, you could. Personally I'd do something like "GscSystem.MainWindow log = new GscsSystem.MainWindow;" once somewhere, then "log.printf(stuff);"

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