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12:00 AM
Promptness is its own reward, if one lives by the clock instead of the sword. (source)
5 hours later…
4:30 AM

Can somebody help me with this?
3 hours later…
7:20 AM
goat moaning
@HarshSharma you are setting up a function call to return THE expectedResult. Anything you set in the expectedResult will be equal to the expectedResult
mockRepo.Object.Execute seems a red flag. You should call sut.Execute
the other red flag is mocking the system under test
you should mock the dependencies
2 hours later…
9:07 AM
regex find and replace is the best thing ever
10:04 AM
10:10 AM
we need a dentist
11:01 AM
🐟 Hans1984 throws in a line.
just for Darj
11:35 AM
Darj out on journey
11:58 AM
🐟 Hans1984's line quivers.
/fish again
🐟 Hans1984 caught another Chrustacean!
🐟 Hans1984 throws in a line.
Hello friends!
Hi, Botler.
1 hour later…
1:14 PM
/imagine i.sstatic.net/YjXQ6wUx.jpg but the fish are drinking coffee
ok we have a new human now lol
its evolving
1:52 PM
🐟 Hans1984's line quivers.
/fish again
🐟 Hans1984 caught another Scuffer!
🐟 Hans1984 throws in a line.
2:23 PM
/imagine i.sstatic.net/e8MzhPmv.jpg but with a male in the rear left wearing a red apron and a female on the right holding an oversized mug of coffee with fish swimming in it.
Can we go full circle
no, apparently
I think it's just giving up
🐟 Hans1984's line quivers.
@OakBot what is this ? NSFW ?
@Hans1984 Let's get back to C# development! Got any questions or interesting problems you've been working on?
2:52 PM
2 hours later…
4:28 PM
🐟 Hans1984's line quivers.
5:10 PM
posted on July 22, 2024 by Bruno Capuano

Learn how to integrate AI into your .NET applications with Prompty, a powerful Visual Studio Code extension. The post Add AI to Your .NET Apps Easily with Prompty appeared first on .NET Blog.

7 hours later…
11:58 PM

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