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12:00 AM
You can fool all the people all of the time if the advertising is right and the budget is big enough. -- Joseph E. Levine (source)
5 hours later…
4:57 AM
@OakBot Yes. Sorry for off-topic postings!
Here there are some good online resources to learn C# for beginners:

1. **edX**:
- Course: [Introduction to C# Programming and Unity](https://www.edx.org/course/introduction-to-c-sharp-programming-and-unity)
- Price: Free (with an option to get a certificate for a fee)

2. **Coursera**:
- Course: [Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with C#)](https://www.coursera.org/learn/intro-csharp)
- Price: Free (with an option to get a certificate for a fee)

3. **Codecademy**:
- Course: [Learn C#](https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-c-sharp)
3 hours later…
7:39 AM
goat moaning
7:50 AM
goat mourning
8:44 AM
Good moaning
9:12 AM
its so boring with no more fish to catch
my purpose in life is gone
I think I ll retire
9:25 AM
what what what? You have all kind of fish?
🐟 ntohl throws in a line.
oh. You hit the Bass. So you finished the fishing game with ba dum tss
@ntohl caught the last one on saturday
/fish inv
@Hans1984 🐟 Your inventory: Hellfish (x26), Gupp (x24), Slavug (x22), Chlam (x19), Charp (x14), Knucklehead (x14), Chrustacean (x9), Flameater (x9), Scuffer (x8), Scyllascion (x8), Seamare (x7), Mati (x5), Stonewhal (x5), Trout (x2), Bass, Projelly, Sturgeon, Voidskate
9:27 AM
yeah. I gone back to the starred message
@ntohl I'll DM you later on after I finish some stuff at work
10:10 AM
🐟 ntohl's line quivers.
/fish again
🐟 ntohl caught another Chlam!
🐟 ntohl throws in a line.
/fish inv
@ntohl 🐟 Your inventory: Gupp (x16), Slavug (x12), Chlam (x10), Hellfish (x10), Chrustacean (x7), Charp (x5), Scuffer (x5), Seamare (x5), Knucklehead (x4), Mati (x3), Projelly (x3), Stonewhal (x2), Flameater, Scyllascion, Voidskate
11:10 AM
🐟 ntohl's line quivers.
11:28 AM
/fish again
🐟 ntohl caught another Slavug!
🐟 ntohl throws in a line.
2 hours later…
1:12 PM
2 hours ago no catch?
🐟 ntohl's line quivers.
@ntohl Oak heard you lol
the nobelest of shibes
1:58 PM
/fish status
@ntohl 🐟 Your line doesn't have anything. You should wait until it quivers.
2:34 PM
@nyconing :o
2:45 PM
@Hans1984 those are some top-tier dad jokes
posted on July 15, 2024 by Jim Harrer

Visual Studio LIVE! Microsoft HQ 2024 August 5-9 | Microsoft Conference Center, Redmond, WA There’s still time to register, join us, get your questions answered, and bring back a wealth of knowledge and excitement to your teams! We’re close to selling out for next month’s conference, The post Get Hands-On with Visual Studio and Azure: Live at Microsoft HQ this August! appeared first on

@Hans1984 the motherload! lol
3:02 PM
he's been gone a few days
but he bacc
Jul 8 at 21:59, by OakBot
@Feeds XKCD #2956 Explained: This comic likens the number line to a line of a railroad or subway system. These often have branches where different trains continue on to a different destination, with different stops along the way. In the number line, one branch (presumably the original) contains ordinary numbers, while the newly opened branch consists of some completely different numbers, ...
this is the last message he relayed
Hello friends!
Hi, Botler.
3:16 PM
🐟 ntohl's line quivers.
4:07 PM
🐟 ntohl pulls up nothing.
4:22 PM
Botler taking a vay cay
5:10 PM
posted on July 15, 2024 by .NET Team

Try out the latest features in .NET 9 Preview 6 across the .NET runtime, SDK, libraries, ASP.NET Core, Blazor, and more! The post .NET 9 Preview 6 is now available! appeared first on .NET Blog.

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