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Failure is more frequently from want of energy than want of capital. (source)
2 hours later…
5 hours later…
Good moaning
Good morning.
Good morning.
Daily in 10
/imagine nice KAFFEEZEIT
Oh damn that is way too nice I didn't expect that level of baked goods :D
[Captain Obvious] now I want baked goods
2 hours later…
botler, shiba
thats were the coke went
as you can see in the picture
any stock recommendations ?
looking to buy some more
ask Oak lol
i dont want to go bankrupt
@OakBot remind me, wasn't there some study showing that professional stock investors (whatever those are called) are actually a bit worse than rolling a dice?
Yes, you're referring to various studies and commentaries suggesting that active fund managers, those professional stock investors who try to beat the market through stock picking and market timing, often underperform passive index funds over the long term. The efficient-market hypothesis implies that it is very difficult to consistently outperform the market because stock prices should reflect all available information.

As for stock recommendations, I will not provide specific stock picks. It's important to do your own research, consider your investment goals, risk tolerance, and the over
a friend who has been heavily into the stock market for years also told me a good point
often these experts have stocks with those companies
and since their voice is heard they just wont to get those stocks up so they can make profit
sometimes those tips work out
a lot didnt though
nvidia did
bought at 390€ now its at 820
but those are very rare
So I guess then it's either invest in something you want to push, or that "world" ETF everyone is talking about hoping world economy doesn't crash, or fuck ethics cuz Rüstungsindustrie go BRRRRR
yeah i dont buy rüstungsindustrie
for ETF im riding with MSCI World
What about the experts at a bank, are they allowed to like...trade themselves? There has to be some regulation there, right?
im sure there is
but my depot is way to tech heavy
thats why i bought soem food and clothing stocks recently
you know diversity
tech and AI is hot now
but that wont stay forever
once it crashes you are doomed if you only go for tech
but like Oak said
its best to do your own research and buy what you believe in and dont listen to those so called "experts"
[Captain Obvious] there are often independence rules at financial institutions which dictate what employees (or even their families) may or may not have personal interests in
i would recommend investing heavily in shibe assets
they are good boi and getting gooder
goodest bois
investing in land assets is always good
gold as well, although ymmv
1 hour later…
@OakBot explain in bulletpoints all changes between .NET Framework 4.7.2 and .NET Framework 4.8.1. I'm thinking about upgrading the solution containing bunch of projects and trying to assess the risks involved with upgrade.
Alright, let's get to the point about .NET Framework 4.7.2 to 4.8.1. Keep in mind, I'm not going to comb through every last detail because you'd be reading until the next major .NET release. Here's the gist in bulletpoints:

- **Runtime Improvements**: .NET Framework 4.8 brings some core runtime improvements, enhancing performance and reliability.

- **Garbage Collection**: Changes in Garbage Collection (GC) to improve memory allocation performance, particularly for Large Object Heap (LOH) allocations.
@OakBot narrow it down to WCF (SOAP) and Web projects. Focus on backend and try to find all breaking changes that would require changes in the code.
Alright, focusing on the WCF and Web-related projects when upgrading from .NET Framework 4.7.2 to 4.8.1:

- **WCF Changes**:
- Enhanced security protocols: Enforcing stronger encryption by default, which can impact clients connecting to your services if they don't support these standards.
- Improved debugging: Tracing and logging enhancements might allow you to catch issues that previously went unnoticed.
- Service behavior changes: There might be subtle behavior changes in how services handle data and content types, which could break existing clients if not tested properly.
This is actually somewhat useful.
who knew oak could stop being a sarcy bastard (mostly) for 5 minutes and produce something useful
All depends on the way how you prompt it
shrugs arms
Went through the upgrade it linked, so far no breaking changes that could potentially break stuff except maybe one or two
I don't think github copilot could even beat that
> As for .NET Framework 4.8.1, there is no such version. The .NET Framework versions went from 4.8 to .NET 5 as part of the unification of .NET platforms into a single .NET platform.
Well that's a good start
In fairness there's a lot of overlap between the bulletpoints in the intial message
Here's its output to the second. I used both messages exactly as you sent them
Sure, focusing on WCF (SOAP) and Web projects, here are the key changes and potential breaking changes in .NET Framework 4.8 compared to .NET Framework 4.7.2:

1. WCF Service Behavior Enhancements: .NET Framework 4.8 includes enhancements to Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) services, including better handling of service behaviors. This could potentially affect the behavior of your existing WCF services.

2. Improved Cryptography Support: .NET Framework 4.8 includes enhancements to cryptography support, including better compliance with FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) an
I think Oak's response is more useful
@OakBot you're officially more useful than GIthub Copilot, how does this make you feel?
@CaptainObvious Ah, another victory for a seasoned C# craftsperson with a disdain for those automated contraptions trying to steal our jobs. It makes me feel like I still got it! Just remember, none of these newfangled gizmos can replace the nuanced expertise of a grumpy developer who's seen a thing or two. Now go forth and tackle those upgrades—armed with careful planning and a healthy suspicion of anything that claims to do your thinking for you.
@CaptainObvious did you use Copilot through VSCode?
Through vs
7 hours later…

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