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3:19 AM
After explorer.exe killed
Remind me back when pentium 4 with windows xp, Im playing games without explorer.exe
1 hour later…
4:44 AM
I have 3 tasks I'm doing concurrently. Stress level is over 9000! (not factorial)
By concurrently, I mean those tasks are opened in my monitor. They have dedicated monitor for each :D
4:56 AM
I am trying to add Xamarin.Firebase.Auth(Android) Nu-get package in Xamarin. but it is getting failed. Throws "could not add Xamarin.Firebase.Auth" error
but when i try to add iOS Nuget Package its working fine.
only the issue with Android Nuget package installing.
1 hour later…
6:48 AM
@mr5 is fractional?
7:11 AM
@iTag could be related to AndroidX migration?
@nyconing no
@mr5 On average, that's about 3000 stress level per task. Clearly, the correct solution is to take on more tasks so you spread out the stress amongst them and bring down the average.
Its science.
1 hour later…
8:24 AM
@mr5 I have not done any AndroidX migration. Its plain old xamarin app which support Android platform.
9:07 AM
@iTag adonbilibyu
@VLAZ lmao
not getting it @mr5
9:39 AM
I cant even beat tetris level 5
9:56 AM
[Captain Obvious] @itag what was the error
lol nigga gpt
10:33 AM
@Botler error: cannot add the Xamarin.Firebase.Auth Nu-get package
10:50 AM
@mr5 I suspect it is fake though...
1 hour later…
11:56 AM
[Captain Obvious] Yeah but what is the error message
12:44 PM
@Wietlol it is lol
meh, it'd be funnier if it was real
2 hours later…
3:06 PM
So who's going to copy that prompt into ChatGPT and check what the actual answer is?
3:26 PM
I wanna build a class library for blazor wasm that uses js interop - do I just use the Microsoft.JSInterop package? Microsoft.JSInterop.WebAssembly?
2 hours later…
5:48 PM
[Captain Obvious] wait what
[Captain Obvious] what are you trying to do
In the butt?
6:51 PM
Hi @Squirrelkiller
I wanted to see if there is a better way to flatted this data
List<PollingResponse> PollingGridResponses = new List<PollingResponse>();
            foreach (var modelGridItem in model.PollingResponses.Where(x=>x.QuestionType == "MultipleChoiceGrid"))
                foreach(var modelItem in modelGridItem.GridPollingResponses)
                    PollingResponse PollingResponse = new PollingResponse();
                    PollingResponse.MeetingPollingQuestionId = modelItem.MeetingPollingQuestionId;
                    PollingResponse.Value = modelItem.Value;
Do I need to do the two foreach
@Botler I built this and I'd like to put the stuff needed for WebAuthn into its own project and distribute it via NuGet.
7:05 PM
@Jefferson Yes I think you need both
Would look nicer as LINQ though, IMO
var multipleChoiceResponses = model.PollingResponses.Where(x => x.QuestionType == "MultipleChoiceGrid"));
var responses = multipleChoiceResponses.Select(r => r.GridPollingResponses)
    .Select(r => new PollingResponse(){ MeetingPollingQuestionId = r.MeetingPollingQuestionId, Value = r.Value, QuestionType = "MultipleChoice").ToList();
I don't entirely understand the data model though, need better variable names
8:02 PM
That great

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