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-!!>Input string was not in a correct format.
-!!>Input string was not in a correct format.
-!!>Input string was not in a correct format.
5 hours later…
[Squirrel in Training] GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' pleberinos!
4 hours later…
[Captain Obvious] Hey botler can do code too
[Captain Obvious] Only c# tho
@juanvan Thanks a lot. Can I read my xml file this way and connect to signalR?
I think postman is being unresponsive....acting like it can't go online and I can't figure out how to test my APIs again
aaaand trying to sign out and sign back in results in a 500 error......wowwww
> Only C# tho
@Botler help
such ignorance
bots: Dear Wietlol, please remember all of the following command prefixes, what they are used for and to which bot they belong || ||> ! !! !~> /
[Captain Obvious] Botler has 3 prefixes
[Captain Obvious] And they all don't conflict with other bots
[Captain Obvious] I hate teamcity
[Captain Obvious] When I used it in the past it wasn't great
[Captain Obvious] But out build server HATES ME
[Captain Obvious] The latest (in a large list list of) issue is this one. I pushed changes to a PR for code review...
[Captain Obvious] compilation error: src\NDAW.BackgroundService.Common\NDAW.BackgroundService.Common.csproj;
[Captain Obvious] 4x error CS0246: The type or namespace name '<type>' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
[Captain Obvious] Meanwhile on my machine:
@learner Well it's more a shell of how they're doing it, you can see if your XML version can work in a similar way.
Anyone ever have an MSI install SQL Server for a clients app?
(it's an off line/online app) Gets updates
And blankness in the SO chat on that one
[Captain Obvious] I don't understand what you mean
[Captain Obvious] Also nice catch
\[**[Captain Obvious](https://discord.gg/PNMq3pBSUe)**] 1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: NDAW.BackgroundService.Common, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
1>NDAW.BackgroundService.Common -> C:\MDW\src\NDAW.BackgroundService.Common\bin\Debug\netstandard2.0\NDAW.BackgroundService.Common.dll
========== Rebuild All: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========
> Botler has 3 prefixes
but then I have to remember 3 prefixes
[Captain Obvious] holy shit I forgot that's borked to fuck
[Captain Obvious] No you don't, you only need to remember one of them
are they synonyms?
Botler, help
All 'native' commands (you can get more by asking me help <command>): about, clear_commands, conf, discordintegration, cs, help, join, learn, leave, say, shutdown, tell, test, tts
Botler! help
Botler, clear_commands
All learned commands cleared.
👏👏 help
I see
All 'native' commands (you can get more by asking me help <command>): about, clear_commands, conf, discordintegration, cs, help, join, learn, leave, say, shutdown, tell, test, tts
can we not get a list of commands?
like... all of them?
I dunno, I didn't write the learned commands module
you cleared all of it half a minute ago?
I assume that it either cleared my learned commands (like all other bots do)
or there is an authorization issue
Blame whover wrote that module then
Botler, conf
@Wietlol YOU'RE NOT MY MOM/DAD (you don't have permission to execute that this)
Botler, discordintegration
@Wietlol YOU'RE NOT MY MOM/DAD (you don't have permission to execute that this)
Botler, shutdown
@Wietlol YOU'RE NOT MY MOM/DAD (you don't have permission to execute that this)
Botler, about
Lee Botler: A bot for C# which probably won't work.
Written by CaptainObvious, based originally on Sandy, by SquirrelKiller.
indeed you apparently wont work for me :(
I mean it's not wrong
You aren't allowed to do that
Botler, help conf
conf: Control the bot config. If you don't know what you're doing here you probably shouldn't be doing it.
Botler, help discordintegration
DiscordIntegration: Controls integration with discord.
Botler, help clear_commands
clear_commands: Clears all the command learned
Botler, conf restore
@nyconing YOU'RE NOT MY MOM/DAD (you don't have permission to execute that this)
[juanvan] The images aren't showing up, or the quoted text
[Captain Obvious] What images
[Captain Obvious] Do you mean the user profile images? Because if so then yeah that's not gonna happen
[Captain Obvious] And yeah quote replies don't wokr
looks like there is an authorization issue
The only authorization issue is you being allowed to execute any commands at all
[juanvan] Ohh you caught it, I didn't finish reading
at least, Captain Obvious can obviously rollback
[juanvan] Sorry waiting on this code to error
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[Captain Obvious] Update on that build server hating me one
[Captain Obvious] Tried building using the same script the server uses, works dine
[juanvan] The script hates you?
@Squirrelkiller im into sadomaso
Makes sense
[Captain Obvious] Problem found
[Captain Obvious] There was an old file on the remote git which had been deleted on my machine (and git acknowledged on mine at least) which was fucking it up
[ntohl (MR.TaNk)] so it wasn't me?
[ntohl (MR.TaNk)] pitchforks...
[Captain Obvious] Oh no the pitchforks to you were about botler
[ntohl (MR.TaNk)] I covered some of the code with tests, removed some dead code I think and moved 2 features to conform how other commands work
[ntohl (MR.TaNk)] Maybe the dead code I was only pointing out?
gdi visual studio is doing that thing again where it skips over my breakpoints for no reason
I know I've fixed this before
[Captain Obvious] General poll: Do you guys write your own snippets? IF so, how do you name then?
[Captain Obvious] @Freerey probably try rebooting VS/your pc/yourself/the day and it'll probably be okay again
yeah I'm gonna lcose all isntances of vc righ tonw
[Captain Obvious] This is the extent of my custom snippets folder
me @ vs: "my god. fuck you. up the ass. with a cactus."
[Samurai Jack] Rebooting sigh
[Samurai Jack] I wish roaming accounts didn’t take five minutes for me to decide the log out process is taking too long and so I go to force the reboot with the button
[Captain Obvious] I think leave it until tomrrow, VS is done for the day
[Captain Obvious] That genuinely worked sometimes at my old palce
[Captain Obvious] The content of my snippets, if you're wondering
[Captain Obvious] On that note, it's hometime
Hi all
I'm trying to write the following generic method:
public static void ValidateViewModel<TViewModel, TController>(TController controller, TViewModel viewModelToValidate)
	where TController : System.Web.Mvc.Controller, ApiController
It throws this error: The class type constraint 'ApiController' must come before any other constraints. TController needs to be of either of those two controller types
Is this possible?
I don't think type constraints take an "or" for an answer
Because then, how would you know which methods you can call on the object?
Hey All,

In my C# web application, I have a file uploader/processor component that expects Excel ( .xlsx ) files.
I needed to write some Unit Tests that would Mock out the file uploader code
I installed both of the following packages:

- System.IO.Abstractions

- System.IO.Abstractions.TestingHelpers

I’ve been researching on the internet in order to find out how to mock out a file uploader/processor component.

In the following website, it shows how to mock a file uploader/processor component involving plain text (.txt) files:
@Alex if it is indeed about a specific method those two classes have, maybe take their base class or something?
@crazyTech What exactly are you trying to mock away?
@Squirrelkiller Thanks
I thought so
@Alex this didn't work? stackoverflow.com/a/588681/1026459
@Squirrelkiller mock away something like the following:
public void LoadFromStream(string fileName, Stream stream)
Guard.ArgumentNotNull(stream, "stream");
Guard.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty(fileName, "fileName");

FileName = fileName;

using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(LocalFileName, FileMode.CreateNew))
but expect steam to be associated with Excel ( .xlsx ) file
@TravisJ Here's the original method. As you can see, it's fetching the ModelState on the controller, which is just one for the two types
In that example, it's only the ApiController
[ntohl (MR.TaNk)] I'd not unit test anything from it. Testing if File.CopyTo works? Or Controller works?
@Alex where TController : ApiController where TController : System.Web.Mvc.Controller was the suggestion from the link I sent. If you only need .ModelState you could also consider just making your own interface with a ModelStateDictionary property of ModelState.
vs still isn't treating breakpoints like they exist...sigh
@TravisJ Oh, didn't realize that. Thank you!
[ntohl (MR.TaNk)] <@226165836899942410> are they empty circle? The dll is not loaded then
2 hours later…
[Samurai Jack] Yes it was. Hopefully the dll will work tomorrow

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