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8:19 AM
this room is dead
meow meow meow meow meow
8:58 AM
[Squirrel in Training] yes, yes it is..
[Squirrel in Training] GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' pleberinos!
[Squirrel in Training] Time to party to coldplay i guess
9:45 AM
[Captain Obvious] Morning
3 hours later…
12:33 PM
anyone following prime ministers questions?
the UK PM? what'd he say this time?
he had a christmas party in lockdown last year and hes getting a new arsehole ripped because of it
2 hours later…
2:25 PM
[Captain Obvious] ughhhhhhhhhhhh
[Captain Obvious] Autofac is a pain in the ass
Try TinyIoC
3:07 PM
Ryan Donovan on December 08, 2021
Vision AI used to be something only specialized shops could add to projects. Now it’s accessible to any software developer out there.
[Captain Obvious] Autofac has already been decided though
[Captain Obvious] It's just having to register all the deps
[Captain Obvious] Because for some reason it shits itself when it tries to autoregister
[Captain Obvious] So I'm having to start app, make request, see what it fails to create because of missing registrations, add the registration, start the app again, reinse and repeat
3:43 PM
ah, why don't you do that one you did on your Botler where it searches the entire assembly for classes/interfaces.
4:22 PM
SiT thought m y name was Amy
[Squirrel in Training] I didn't think
[Squirrel in Training] I know that your username used to be aammyy
[Squirrel in Training] No point denying
[Squirrel in Training] Also nice how long botler has been running
4:42 PM
[Captain Obvious] no idea

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