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2 hours later…
6:57 AM
where them other bots
6:58 AM
wut te fook
why the bot collapsed it
7:18 AM
Collapsed? I can't even open it as "the image [...]contains errors" whats up with that?
[Captain Obvious] Also @harry I'm not even a real scouser
[Captain Obvious] I'm a fuckin wool, my scouse is weak compared to natives
8:29 AM
cause youre on the wirral right
might as well be from tranmere
1 hour later…
9:56 AM
[Captain Obvious] Hey fuck you
[Captain Obvious] I'm not even on the wirral anymore
[Captain Obvious] Now I'm in Cheshire
[Captain Obvious] I have "CHESTER" on the town field of my address
[Hans1984] cheshire cat
[Captain Obvious] oh right
[Captain Obvious] My brain is not making connections good tiday
3 hours later…
5 hours later…
5:37 PM
Hi guys, does anyone have an ideea?
Q: Predict numbers in a sequence

Castielgiven the following array input with float numbers, how can you predict (or get close to predict) the next float numbers? Using Python or C# Input: [8.94, 7.67, 4.92, 1.19, 1.73] Next number as output: [4.68, 1.38, 13.25, 1.12, 1.08, 1.12, 1.64, 6.72, 1.54]

6:15 PM
Hi Guys
this link can make strng shorter (22 character)
How can i compress long string to be 20 characters max

any recommended links plz
3 hours later…
9:07 PM
Anyone know if its possible to add to a list when you dont know the lists type ahead of time? I have a case where I create an object with new Obj(), and some of its fields are lists. I want each list to have one value (the default value for the type of the list)
I used reflection to get the properties of the Obj and iterate over the properties to find all enumerables, and then I can get the type of the list and create a default object with Activator.CreateInstance, however I don't know how to access the original list property inside Obj to add this new instance
I cant do setvalue on the property as I cant create a new list of the same type, or at least Im not sure how to
9:31 PM
Hmm so I narrowed it down to the issue that the types in my Obj are actually LinkedLists instead of lists (Obj is generated through Bond), and im trying to figure out how to create a LinkedList of a type determined at runtime
For a normal list you can just do IList newList = (IList )Activator.CreateInstance(newListType) but LinkedList keeps complaining about needing a type argument
9:56 PM

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