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2 hours later…
[Squirrel in Training] GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' neglecterinos!
good morning
Good morning
have you tried out angular?
I'm using angular at work^^
I had a small question
Although technically 90% AngularJS :/
loadChildren: './upload/upload.module#UploadModule'
what's up with # do you know?
AngularJS is fun
I tried it out
[Squirrel in Training] Vue is nice 2
Blazor is boss
\[**[Squirrel in Training](https://discord.gg/PNMq3pBSUe)**] never used
I guess it takes work to make blazor look nice correcto?
@Botler Depend on the specific case of "nice" - the default template is kinda nice, except not if you wanna build something for dota then it's just...sterile.
@TonyBrand Have you posted that question in here before? My spidey sense memory is tingling
You did, on 9th June. And you did not answer my followup question AFAIK.
@TonyBrand So I can either spam you with pings, or just remove your message each time you come here.
Wow, your history says you spam it everywhere
It's time for you to leave chat for good
Yes, please flag future recurrences of that. I would appreciate it being brought to our attention.
Is this one flag or should I go and flag all of it? chat.stackoverflow.com/users/13087204/tony-brand?tab=recent
Seems to just spam after 2017
I think we can just go from here forward.
Alright thanks
No problem
[Squirrel in Training] Just ban killerino
Don't get Botler banned :P
[Squirrel in Training] just ban him*
[Squirrel in Training] the tony dude
[Captain Obvious] Blazor is excellent
2 hours later…
seeing a good boy reminded me
did you hear Scooby Doo is getting a crossover with Courage the Cowardly Dog??
o rly
no I did not
lol remember when they did a scooby doo movie and it was just softcore pr0n
yes i also remember scooby doo the movie from 2002
hey harry
hey rodent
been worse, get to see gf for first time in ages tomo, howu?
[Squirrel in Training] Fine with new baby
I finally got videos to stream as I wanted
[Squirrel in Training] adult movies? ๐Ÿ˜
yeah adult movies about how to hoist a casting
Teresa Dietrich on June 23, 2021
We’re thrilled to be launching this new product with Google Cloud and Go.
[Squirrel in Training] ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
Is there a way to make an item in a dictionary into an array?
oh but you want an item
Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, Models.cars.car>[]' to 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, Models.cars.car>
im getting that error
with toArray()
[Captain Obvious] You said dictionary to array
[Captain Obvious] That's array to dictionary
it's cause it doesn't know what to do with this Models object
I get that error after i set a variable to save the result of cars.car.toArray()
i am iterating through it with a foreach i just dont know if there is a way to update the dictionary without saving the result to a variable
[Squirrel in Training] What do you want to achive lu?
my goal is the make the car to an array before it gets sent to the frontend
[Squirrel in Training] So you basically want to select all Carout of your Dictionary<string, Car> and send those to the FrontEnd - correct?
[Squirrel in Training] In that case you could just simply use LINQ to .Select() the Car from the the dictionary.
I want to send the whole dictionary Cars.car but i want to make car into an array before sending it to the frontend
[Squirrel in Training] I don't quite follow, maybe some code would help unconfuse me?
What is the ToString format that converts number like 1000000 to 1,000,000?
I'm sure they have that on the msdn page about .tostring
[Squirrel in Training] THat's waht i think
[Squirrel in Training] Damn i need to quit 4 the day
google would like that question
[Squirrel in Training] Feierabend wie das duftet gott dafür hab ich so shr geschufgtet
Is this a good controller?:
public async Task<IActionResult> Index(string id)

    IndexViewModel indexViewModel = new()
        Assets = await databaseContext.Assets.Include(asset => asset.Alerts).ToListAsync()
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
        indexViewModel.Assets = indexViewModel.Assets.Where(asset => asset.Id.ToString() == id).ToList().AsReadOnly();
    return View(indexViewModel);
[Squirrel in Training] No a he's been a very naughty controller ๐Ÿ‘ฟ
[Squirrel in Training] In all seriousness: Accessing the DB fromt eh controller like that can be considered a code smell
I am stuck in a very weird situation. I am trying to write a method to replace the LINQ in the controller:
public async Task<IActionResult> Index(string id)

    IndexViewModel indexViewModel = new()
        Assets = await databaseContext.Assets.Include(asset => asset.Alerts).ToListAsync()
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
        indexViewModel.Assets = indexViewModel.Assets.Where(asset => asset.Id.ToString() == id).ToList().AsReadOnly();
    return View(indexViewModel);
However, it seems like we cannot constraint template to just 2 types:
public IReadOnlyList<T> Populate<T>(IReadOnlyList<T> list) where T: Asset, Alert
    //this method will replace the DB Calls
I thought of doing:
public IReadOnlyList<T> Populate<T>(IReadOnlyList<T> list) where T: IModel

5 hours later…

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