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1:10 PM
Ryan Donovan on June 19, 2021
In the fifth lesson of the series we’ll learn how to build more flexible linear models by adding interaction and polynomial terms. We’ll fit and inspect our models both mathematically and visually to understand how they work. In the process, we’ll continue to practice our Python skills and discuss some of the merits (and drawbacks)…
1:35 PM
new live caption
9 hours later…
10:27 PM
**Good morning everyone, excuse me. Can someone help me? I have this code in the c# console:

string text = "ñb, mé. n90";
string textOrganized = Regex.Replace(text.Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormD), @"[\u0300-\u0301\W]", "").ToLower();

**Is printed to the console: ñbmen90
**The result I want is the same but respecting the spaces: ñb me n90

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