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holy shit these pluralsight videos are good... at least so far
@Grixxly yeah, they are.
<3 Pluralsight
I'm still going to read books though :]
Finally getting MVVM tamed bit by bit. Boy does it make for sexy code.
I'm thinking of getting a subscription to pluralsight... thoughts?
I </3 counter-voters.
i might hate visual studio more than eclipse
@JMRboosties that's a big statement. Eclipse is pretty bad. Why the hate?
@Grixxly worthwhile. Although if you go to a microsoft event or a user group, they usually have free 30 day trials available.
The site has a trial and I'm going to sign up once I'm through the free mvc ones
Hey ya'll
hey hey
@Steve hooaah
any of you guys familiar with roles in MVC? Specifically, with the new SimpleMembership in MVC4?
Nope. Haven't even tried 4 yet
MVC4 == MVC3 with some extras
@Steve do you know about pluralsight? IT IS AWESOME
It's weird that MVC4 doesn't use the ASP .NET Configuration Tool though
no, whats the gist of it?
@Kyle I've barely scratched the surface of 3 :P
asp.net configuration tool?
It's the built-in website you can add users with and set up roles
Awesome videos that are actually worth a shit
yeah, did MVC3 use that?
I haven't used that since my webforms days
It did, yes, because MVC3 used the same Membership model that 2 used.
oh is pluralsight a website with mvc videos?
But MVC4 has a simpler (hence, SimpleMembership) provider that lets you tie into OAuth out of the box
but it also isn't compatible with that previous setup
I'm watching the mvc videos now but from what I understand they have all kinds of programmer videos
the mvc ones are available via asp.net/mvc
@Killnine interesting, I didn't know that - haven't used 4 a whole lot yet
Yeah, it's wonky. http://weblogs.asp.net/jgalloway/archive/2012/08/29/simplemembership-membership-providers-universal-providers-and-the-new-asp-net-4-5-web-forms-and-asp-net-mvc-4-templates.aspx

there* is an article on it from Jon Galloway
Kinda goes over why they made this new model. But I can't seem to get it to recognize roles that I create.
you can still use the asp.net membership provider, right?
I mean, I am manually going into the database and adding the roles and tying them to the users
@KyleTrauberman yep, still can but I think it takes a little bit of work to migrate
is the simple membership the same as the universal membership provider that they introduced?
@Steve they are awesome, so far...
awesome enough that I haven't even cracked one of my books today :P
@Kyle, not sure.
ok, well I'll look it up later
going drinking/bowling/laser tag tonight
@Kyle follow through on your spot :)
with all three
all 3 are in the same establishment
so its easy to accomplish
aim small miss small :)
3 hours later…
Hi all
3 hours later…
can anybody
tell me
i have problem
@KyleTrauberman i mean both are useful tools so i cant hate that much i guess. but im getting this stupid xmlpeek error which doesnt have any kind of tag as to where it is being caused, and i know for a fact if i were to build a new projct from scratch and paste the contents of this one which has the error into it the problem woudlnt occur
so basically its flagging a non-issue
3 hours later…
@KyleTrauberman When you wake up, what version of VS are you using for the leaderboard? I tried 2k10 express and it got angry at me.
1 hour later…
good mornin
whats upppp
@denonth Hi do you have the error message
@Scott hmm funny thing is that I am getting a bunch of errors. On different locations. Does this code that your wrote actually waits for DbUpdate() to finish?
@denonth Yes, the code cancels the close event. See the line e.Cancel
@Scott let me test it a few more times and see some inner exceptions so we can remove them
@denonth My example uses a simple sleep at the moment. If you make it very large what happens when you close?
wow do i have somebody on ignore? it seems like im missing big chunks of this conversation
@Steve no - denonth and I are debugging a situation.
@Scott this is basically a GPS applications, so lots of readings and lots of data that needs to be processed. Let me check errors
@denonth OK.
@Scott I have this function: `private void port_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
Invoke(new EventHandler(HandleGPSstring));
catch (Exception ex)
And I am getting this error when closing: Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be called on a control until the window handle has been created.
Any idea?
Guys we are discussing this question :stackoverflow.com/questions/12235731/…
@denonth I think this will occur because the code is in a separate thread from the window, and your code want to use the window. Let me think about a solution.
@Scott okay I can wait. I mean your solution actually closes the program but I would really like to remove that exception
@denonth OK try changing updateDb.RunWorkerAsync() to updateDb.RunWorkerAsync(this)
@denonth Then where you call Invoke in the worker thread, change to ((Form)e.Argument).Invoke
This essentially will pass your form to the thread, and allow you to use it to Invoke your objects.
@Scott when I tried first part error persists. I need to change in this part of the code:Invoke(new EventHandler(HandleGPSstring)); or not?
@denonth Yes you need to change that line to ((Form)e.Argument).Invoke(new EventHandler(HandleGPSstring));
@Scott I have this error : Error 2 'System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs' does not contain a definition for 'Argument' and no extension method 'Argument' accepting a first argument of type 'System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
@denonth Actually, I have an idea. Just need some answers from you.
@denonth If the process doesn't take long, then we don't have to move the processing to another thread. If we keep it on the main thread, then we still have access to the window and don't have to mess with the current method.
@Scott That DbUpdate() shouldn't take longer then 5-7sec and I think we can stay in the same thread
@denonth So essentially. Forget about the backgroundWorker and instead, call the DBUpdate() Method normally. After-all the code has cancelled the close event. I will revise my code on the question and we can try that. 2 secs.
In SharePoint, I placed header and footer in the master page. Then I created the layout page for welcome page and another for sub-sites. Now, the footer in main page has an extra row (a div nested inside the footer div) for searchbar, but the sub-sites won't have the search field there (it will appear after the header).
Having said that, what would be the best way to handle it. Should I create a separate master-page for sub-sites? OR should I put the first opening tag and the search-row in the layout of welcome page and just the opening tag in the sub-site's layout ? OR should I put the condition in master page (which is not recommended by SP as SP AllowServerSideScript is false by default)?
On second thought, is there anything like SSI or render-partial in SharePoint?
@denonth I have updated the code in my answer.
@denonth Let me know if this works for you.
@Scott ok give me a sec
@Scott just one thing. this dbupdate is called almost in the loop all the way when program is running so this approach is okay?
@denonth, I realise where I have gone wrong. 1 more sec
@denonth OK I have updated the code again. This time I trigger the DbUpdate method from a timer. This means the FormClosing Method has time to go in, cancel the call and start the process.
@Scott let me try
@denonth Using the timer, will prevent it doing all the work in the main thread in the FormClosing method
Morning folks.
@denonth I hope this works, because I am out of ideas if it doesn't.
Morning @Bracketworks
Quick one for the room: I'm considering a filesystem hierarchy as follows, but I'm wondering if I can use Site/ as the web root, while the top-level master page resides outside of it.
+-- /
    +-- Site.master
    +-- Site/
    |   |
    |   +-- Foo.master
    |   +-- Foo/
    |   |   |
    |   |   +-- Page1.aspx
    |   |   +-- Page2.aspx
    |   |
    |   +-- Bar.master
    |   +-- Bar/
    |       |
    |       +-- Page1.aspx
    |       +-- Page2.aspx
    +-- (other files)
@Scott We have an error on the same place but other type: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'Main_form'.
@Scott any idea?
@denonth Unfortunately with so little to go on about what your source code is actually doing, I feel I could be fighting a never ending battle here. I think I may need to accept defeat here.
@Scott you were right there.. Maybe I can dismiss a event handler on the : comport.DataReceived += port_DataReceived; in the moment when I am actually closing the form
@Scott I'll try something and let you know
@denonth Cool. I hope it works.
@Scott Ahh man I am so frustrated :( It's not working. I am getting a new error such as shutdown.exe : The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000142). Please help
@denonth That one I don't think you can avoid. That will happen because not all applications would let it perform the shutdown.
@Scott but I need to somehow to just pass that, and all I get is a box that I need to press ok to go ahead
@Scott well after some time trying I can live with that shutdown error :) I don't know if everything is done correctly and saved but program is shutting down :) Is there anything that can remove that shutdown.exe window?
1 hour later…
Visual studio is trolling me
I'm using AvalonDock, but whenever I set the project from Debug to Release, AvalonDock's thing isn't found.. The tag 'DockingManager' does not exist in XML namespace 'clr-namespace:AvalonDock;assembly=AvalonDock'.
any idea how to fix that? ._.
Try clean and rebuild in release mode
Clean solution
So.. a new solution?
@LewsTherin - yo you still here?
I have a problem with try / catch
What problem? Just to say I may have no idea
@LewsTherin Did you mean to create a new, clean solution, add all there, build?
in my catch I look for an error from my httpRequest , if there isn't one , I want to get out of the catch and keep running code
I thought Throw would get me out of catch block , will return; do it?
@Tgys Clean the solution removes dll, maybe if you do that and build your solution in release mode VS can find it. I doubt it would work.
@ScottSelby throw will re throw the exception, I think it unwinds the stack looking for anther catch block to handle the exception.
Oh, found it :P
No, that didn't fix it :<
I would suggest you use a finally block.
@Tgys Delete the references and add it in release mode.
Can I put return ; in a catch ?
Yes, but I read it is bad..
Apparently only in Java
Q: Return in catch block?

lowlyinternIs is wrong to have a return statement in a catch block? What are the alternatives? i.e: public bool SomeFunction() { try { //somecode return true; } catch(Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.message); return false; } }

I don't know if you know much about webforms , but I do Repsonse.Redirect() , which automatically throws a thread error , I don't care about the thread error
@LewsTherin That fixed it somehow, thanks
My bad, return is only bad in a finally block. And I suggest you figure out why you are a thread error is occurring. Swallowing exceptions is not good (so I've been told).
@Tgys Nice.
I've been told - by Kyle - that this happens by default everytime you put a Response.Redirect in a Try block , that its ok
Oh ok, is it possible to have the Response.Redirect out side the try catch block?
Why not?
because there are so many bad outcomes that could come from this redirect , it is to paypal using a dynamically created token , so the possibilities are endless at what could happen
What page do you redirect to?
the way paypal works you send soap message , get a response , then redirect to their site with the token
Is the page outside your control?
Ah ok
Yeah you can use the return.
so I want to keep the try block , then i catch thread exceptions , and want to return out of those
Hi people
@Billdr 2012
I need a form of error reporting
I always think your name is Kayne
theres Kyle
That's funny
It's actually pronounced Key-Ann
I thought - "I wonder why Kyle isn't on here working on a nice holiday Sunday" then - there you are @KyleTrauberman
returning from exceptions sounds bad :)
@Qiau What's your 2 cents?
@LewsTherin just got back to the computer, catching up on your problem, give me a sec :)
I hate drama
and I had buckets of it last night
@Qiau Not mine..
just noticed :P
I would like to know why returning from exceptions is bad though.
can't figure out a good reason, but I'd go with setting an variable inside the exception instead
why does code work on my comp, my laptop, an ipad, my cell phone , but not my bosses comp , this is like a cruel c# karma
he sends me screen shots of the link and an error
he gave me an ipad to make sure everything works on there , it works from work on my laptop, from home , my girlfriends laptop
@LewsTherin maybe I'm colored by other languages than C#.. and C# handles those kind of returns just fine
I learned c# first
C first :P
actually c and c++ , but I programmed hardware on those, so I never got past binary stuff
languages like Ada where exceptions should never be a part of the normal routine, and where you shall do as little as possible inside an exception routine
handling data that might lead to new exceptions and eventually stack overflows and such
I'd go for "It looks ugly" as reason :P
my code's always ugly - if that's the only reason - im cool with that
I like random indian comments that aren't in proper engligh either - those are fun
"engligh" :P
just like that
What comment though?
in my code that was originally written in India
in vb.net - of all f*cking languages
Ah fuck that.
there are just little differences - like Default is a keyword in vb.net so you can't call your class Default for default.aspx
it has to be _Default
Since I have this window open and you guys/girls probably know.. are there any easy way to get memory info about stack size for example inside a C# program?
I have no idea
Jane Doe? Lmao
what lol
I like that someone took the name undefined
what if my name actually were jane doe ?
@Grixxly I found out were all those crazy comments were coming from: gscraper.com
@JaneDoe Then that would be bloody hilarious
Then noone would believe it
i think john doe is one of the most frequent names in US tho lol
Doubt it:
> There are 222 people in the U.S. named John Doe. [Source.]
i see
then it's john smith
eitherway i like "jane doe"
We got a Jane Doe...
45,444 John Smiths
in the US
it's an album by converge aswell, altho i doubt you'll know that lol
Why isn't my ContentPresenter working for things like StackPanel but it is working for things like Label?
It says "The following type was expected: UIElement"
About 0.0146% of US citizens
Actually, my census data is mismatched
Throws a CensusMismatchException
There are actually 46,067 James Smiths so it would appear that that's the most common name
I wonder if anyone hates Lana Lang like I do.
and girls
does anybody know how the metro ui rolling balls loading animation can be made?
and others
@Grixxly Are you one of the others?
I am. You would have been cool.
I'm big jim and the twins standing proud, unless the wife is around
trying to be quiet today... My Dad is full on coo coo for coco puffs today... Somehow the working kitchen sink isn't working and needs replaced :-/
Then replace it!
It works fine!
yea tony - it only works fine , if the owner thinnks it works fine - you know that from software
@Grixxly Are you saying your Dad is lying? REPLACE IT NOW!
yeah... cept I changed out the one that wasn't working correctly about 6 months ago
so... you got practice to do it again :)
@Grixxly Lol
anyone try the games on lumosity.com ?
I'm addicted to them now
some days I wish it was me instead of him. Some days I just can't take it
Natural I guess
On a lighter note... I love pluralsight... thinking of getting a subscription
so anywayz :D
forget it :D
I've watched about 6 hours of their videos now and they have been great... almost feel like I know what the hell I'm doing
Bah.... I give up today. I'm going to blow up some tanks on WoT.... see you guys tomorrow
They make you feel that way, but then you actually sit down to try it and you're like "I don't remember a thing of what I just watched."
Is there any way to specify a dictionary in XAML?
Or bind test data at design time
2 hours later…
hows it goin lew?

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