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Anyone know how to create an awaitable task out of Socket.SendAsync(byte[], socketflags, cancellationtoken)?
That returns a ValueTask<int> with the size of the data packet sent from SocketAsyncEventArgs().SendPacketsSendSize
Trying to make a similar version to the Socket.ReceiveAsync(byte[], socketflags, cancellationtoken) function.
2 hours later…
Plash Speed Air Purifier
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
Buenos dias
1 hour later…
[Squirrel in Training] GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' neglecterinos!
[Li] what
[Squirrel in Training] that profile @li223 😂
thank you Azure for being absolutely worthless
how the hell am I supposed to debug this?
@FatalSleep isnt ValueTask awaitable by itself?
[Alex (Yaazarai / FatalSleep)] @Wietlol Yeah, but SendAsync doesn't return a ValueTask<T> it returns a bool.
It's weird... They went to all that trouble using the task/async/await pattern, then decided to use a whole event system for the sendasync function.
So you get a TcpAsyncEventArgs object and subscribe a method to it's completed event.
> if the I/O operation is pending. The Completed event on the e parameter will be raised upon completion of the operation.
@Wietlol right, which they could have just used a task like ReceiveAsync then it'd be awaitable.
I am not sure how implementing an async function works, but I imagine you'd do something like
var task = new Task();
socket.SendAsync(new SocketAsyncEventArgs{
    OnCompleted = () => {
return task;
except that... Task doesnt work that way
and... SocketAsyncEventArgs doesnt have an OnCompleted property
and... this would still be missing the bytes
Yup. :(
but! that is how I imagine it to should work
1 hour later…
@mr5 discord saved me tfrom that lik
it's actually the opposite of what wiet posted hehe
@Wietlol this does looks sketchy. Hmm, maybe you meant TaskCompletionSource<T>?
Windows is also weird
that is 5.5GB ... which is apparently 95% of 16GB
because you have a weird digit grouping
that is normal digit grouping
[Squirrel in Training] probs nto all are seen
1.000,00 is dope
not all are seen, indeed
there are many more below it
[Squirrel in Training] check the ressource monitor
[Squirrel in Training] it has admin lefts
[Squirrel in Training] u should be able to see it
working set, right?
no wait, that doesnt match...
@CaptainObvious ping
@Hans1984 once I found out about bounty-hunting, this game got 5x better xD
oh yeah and I met Judy...I think I already know what I'm gonna be doing now
So yeah I'm not gonna be here as often until I get Cyberpunk2077. Everything is a spoiler.
[hollystyles] Is it just me? Or is the scrolling in MS Teams chat a jerky unresponsive experience generally?
btw V dies when someone shoots them too much
in-meeting chat scrolls fine for me
Mainwindow chat gets real slow when there are many messages
@Freerey Im still no convinced yet
but its getting better
certainly not the game I was expecting but could still become a very good game
I started another run with a different origin
I'm wondering if they'll make a sequel to fill in the gaps
they already got the framework, so a sequel should def take less than 8 years
but I have zero performance issues so far
no crash,no lag nothing
but then I just got my pc in may
I get crashes/lag when turning on ray-tracing
i playwithout it
and even then, I still can't see the difference when ray-tracing
it lags like hell
instead i play on ultra
it felt like I was in high school again playing skyrim on my laptop
runs very smooth
everything on ultra
ray tracing looked so blurry anyway
didnt like it
ray tracing probably only makes sense for high end GPUs
is your motion blur on? :P
no I mean with ray tracing
its not blurry on ultra
I know, but I'm just asking...is motion blur on?
or do you have standards?
no everythings on
just checked
certainly the best looking ass and tits I've ever saw in a game
btw idk if it's just me, but the game feels too easy on normal difficulty
I ve started on hard
so idk
I took out a gang of 4 guys and barely took a hit earlier
its not too hard at all so far
[Squirrel in Training] taht shiba be nice
cant you switch in game ?
[Squirrel in Training] ms items is not a good chat
you can, which I will probably do once I get back in lol
@Botler indeed
[Squirrel in Training] hwo did i write items there?
[Squirrel in Training] tha#snote even close to teams
I tried something a little different
gdi botler
Global Defense Initiative?
Let's find out if tiberium sun is playable in a browser yet
whut is that
It's only the force of good in one of the best RTS ever
wait, how are you gonna play that in a browser?
some 1999 game
Rely on somebody having done some black magic
omg when are we gonna get morrowind on browser? 😳
[Squirrel in Training] let's all create a runescape account and play together
Make sure to put plates under al your buildings
Also under much frequented pathways if you don't want worms to ear your people
Just saw the madman also put it on android
create a runescape account?
It seems tiberian sun is not in the browser yet :/
is that even legal at this point?
I...really don't care
You can download it and all
lmao nice
but yeah neither do I
it's EA
It's just not playable in the browser yet, and I'm not allowed to install stuff on my work machine
Exactly, EA destroyed that one
so since shockwave and flash aren't a thing anymore, what exactly is supporting games on browser now?
ol-fashioned Java?
I knew html5 could do it, but it's a pain in the ass
I guess now you could actually compile games to WASM and use webGL
Probably complicated to migrate old stuff to that
I may have figurd out how people are emulating MacOS and Windows 3.1 on the browser
I mean, Visual WebGUI practically was WinXP with WinForms for the browser
It literally used WinForms APIs
loln ice
If you just want to port a winforms application to web, absolutely
[Captain Obvious] Are you sure that's not like XBAP
If you come from WPF and have to use that...not so much.
now I wanna see if I can put MNOG on browser myself, even though it's already been done
or maybe lego worldbuilder...at long last
[Captain Obvious] Where in reality it was just the application was downlaoded and ran sandboxed on your PC then rendered in the browser for reasons unknown
Also inheriting a class hierarchy of like 25 for each form/table/whatever
@Freerey Those were WinForms?
nah they were flash games
well, I think worldbuilder was shockwave
There has to be some flash->HTML5 migration tool by now
[Captain Obvious] There is
[Captain Obvious] Not using flash
but all the old games :(
they werent made for webgl or html5
[Captain Obvious] It's fine somebody will probably make Flash player compiled for wasm
my entire childhood will be unsupported next year
[Captain Obvious] Then people like Roel will come in and say it's an acceptable experience while running at 7fps
anyway... @CaptainObvious ohai :D
[Captain Obvious] Afternoon 🙂
I have a problem...
with the relay
and I am not sure how to solve it
SO supports formatting like quotes and monospaced code
but you cant do a combination
those two for example must be the only part of the message
a quote followed by a code block is unsupported
but it is supported in discord
how should that be handled?
@Squirrelkiller I know there is now a tool out there that allows you to play shockwave...it's pretty early in development and I'm not sure if it just lets you play it in browser or what
[Captain Obvious] Well sending it to discord it should be handled in the same way stack does it, ie for multilines just ignore the rest of it
[Captain Obvious] But for sending it from discord to Stack, I;m not sure
what does it do atm?
for example, if you write
> hello
I mean, when you write that
how does it end up in SO?
sending from SO to discord is easy
[Captain Obvious] I might have a play later, ping me in like 3 hours and I might jump on and have a play
but the other way around is difficult
dont play with it yet
you might have a much easier solution tomorrow™
[Captain Obvious] ^ I copied your message from Stacjk
oh not well
[Captain Obvious] Not well apparently
[Captain Obvious] Well if your dodgy shit becomes less blackjboxes
[Captain Obvious] blackbox-y
[Captain Obvious] I might start working on Botler 2
I am working on it
yesterday, I was trying to figure out the workflow for the message orchestrator
Oh I was busy yesterday so I wasn't paying attention
a big facade for sending/editing/deleting messages on any platform
but the biggest problem is the supported messages
what I could do is make an image of the message how it should be and then just post the image in so :D
but that is just evil
[Captain Obvious] But then you'd have to host the image too
so I will probably do that
it is a thing that works tho
the other option (sending multiple messages) has quite a few limits
[Captain Obvious] What you could do is parse each platforms' incoming messages to your own type of formatting
due to them being desynchronized, I would need a globally synchronized queue to post messages (which slows everything down tremendously)
then, editing messages that changes the number of posted messages would not be supported
[Captain Obvious] Then when you send back to a platform, if the platform supports all of the features of the message, send it normally
stack overflow message ids would not be true identities any more
[Captain Obvious] If the target doesn't, then render it for them
@Botler I already do that
"each platform" is currently Stack Overflow and my own website
Discord should be added to it soon™
trying out a sql server cursor...which I don't think my cowrokers have done
if the target doesnt support it... would an image be fine?
[Captain Obvious] You also need to keep a record of every incoming message's original ID (as well as your own) and then the IDs of the mesasge when it's broadcasted to other channels
[Captain Obvious] I guess so, I doubt there's loads of messages like that
[Captain Obvious] And otherwise you'd just be sending them garbage
I already have a built-in message relay tracking
[Captain Obvious] At least they'll be able to see what the message is meant to look like
messages sent by the orchestrator as relayed messages are filtered from the message-posted/edited/deleted events
I could maybe... figure out a way to one-box them but still link to a simple web page that has html formatting to show actual text
[Captain Obvious] That would probably also be platform dependent but doable
I would have to do some monitoring tests to see if I can distinguish between an embedded image and when you open it in a new tab
the one-box would be platform dependent
but I already have a platform dependent formatter
which would handle that logic
[Captain Obvious] I'm not sure exactly how it works, but I know it's doable
there is probably some header when it is embedded
but that would be step 2
... or step... 472
[Captain Obvious] It's probably the ContentType
[Captain Obvious] It'll expect an image from an image request
[Captain Obvious] Whereas a normal request might now
[Captain Obvious] I mean there's an easy way to resrt
Yo how do I manage two seperate alert queues so I can remove each alert after 5 seconds but when a new alert comes in before the first one gets removed the timer restarts, and each of the two alert sets has its own timer?
My service right now 2 lists, 2 trigger methods, 2 timed removal methods
Seems extremely redundant
the easiest way to test is for me to just set it up and log the request
That's when the iamge loaded in the image tag
Ryan Donovan on December 11, 2020
Welcome to ISSUE #51 of the Overflow! This newsletter is by developers, for developers, written and curated by the Stack Overflow team and Cassidy Williams at Netlify. We have a bevy of beautiful links: getting to the finish line on hobby projects, the difference between modern motherboards, and the history of games on the internet. From the blog…
And when it was loaded independently loaded in it's own tab
@Feeds Well yes thank you feeds I'm trying
sounds like an easy switch
[Captain Obvious] Yeah should be
[Captain Obvious] If it contains text/html or application/xhtml, it's a page request
well... guess I will throw away all my tests for multi-message processing :D
[Captain Obvious] Otherwise just render the iamge
Dec 1 at 20:12, by mr5
@Freerey DO IT!
I'm finally doing it
@CaptainObvious :o
[Squirrel in Training] ^ damn that looks ugly here
til: don't edit clear link messages
it's like a time capsule from hell
Guys, what's the difference between authentication method and authentication scheme?
Better write up on the difs
@juanvan Ah! Thanks a lot
But I still don't get one thing, what is that parameter passed to AddAuthentication?: imgur.com/a/NTAUjaX
2 mins ago, by d4rk4ng31
@juanvan Ah! Thanks a lot
Still does not explain that properly...
But that's probably the only literature available on that
7 mins ago, by d4rk4ng31
Still does not explain that properly...
A closer look helped. Thanks loads man!
LOL that was funny to see
So looks like Scheme is the idea of a u/p
Method is the implementation methods tokens/u/p/
[Squirrel in Training] have a ncie weekend loosaaas 😄
[Squirrel in Training] seieng you
[kesarling] umm... so basically, authentication method is by what method will the authentication data be sent, and scheme is what data will be used for authentication. Correct?
looking that way
3 hours later…
Happy Friday!
1 hour later…
@Alex tgif
Anyone have a DataTable to SQL process?
found an excel one, could make it work but it's looping
@juanvan :)
Thought I had one of these already.. Damn projects
ahh ha finds it
Nope doesn't work darn
2 hours later…
There a way to use SQL IN and point to a DataTable instead of physical database..
I don't understand. You can have in memory DataTable

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