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02:00 - 13:0013:00 - 22:00

@CaptainObvious yeah he's really slow atm
they are taken hostage
I've got this page that's uploading a file that errors out on production. I'm trying to get the actual error message from the ajax response (other than a generic 500) but it still takes 10 minutes to actually return the error. I've tried changing all the timeouts I can think of but there's no change. Any ideas as to how I can reduce the time?
can you listen to the file upload?
the progress callback
I'm just looking in the network tab of the dev tools
yo yo yo
no no no
ho ho ho
In web.config, I turned off custom errors, set debug to true and enabled the trace, but I'm still just getting a generic 500 error back from the ajax call.
do you have a path controller for file upload?
r u using asp?
Yeah asp.net
"path controller for file upload" I'm not sure what you mean. I didn't originally write this page.
@Hypersapien just check EventViewer where IIS is running.
I tried that. I don't see any errors.
Would it be in Windows Logs -> Application?
how are you going to upload something when there's no one listening to it?
Yeah typically
which path are you uploading this file?
Only if the exception is not handled by a catch block somewhere or code in Global.asax ApplicationError
Oh, one of the projects in this application is an actual service for the file imports
It's using ServiceBase
does anyone know an implementation of ObservableDictionary that they recommend?
Maybe the ObservableDictionary?
If I have an application that is performing user interaction (User32.dll based) how do I stop the user from interacting while this process is being executed?
As in you're trying to automate the UI intereaction?
during that, I do not want the user itself to F things up
I'm not sure
Inside a Linq Select statement, I'm trying to do a FirstOrDefault that might return null, and get a property from the result if it exists, and null if it doesn't. But you can't do ?. inside a linq statement. What's the alternative?
Aside from like disabling the mouse and keyboard devices
But some antivirus applications will (hopefully) frown upon that and shut you down
@CaptainObvious but if I disable them then will my automated interactions still work?
@CaptainObvious oh
That's definitely something which could be malicious behaviour
Yeah, the devices don't have to work for the software mouse to work
Good afternoon to you fine folks.
Hmm I'm not sure on that one
Hey Madara
I think someone with ghost in its name might have an answer too
Libman is so slooooooooow
Does C# have an equivalent of JavaScript's yield*? That is, yield an IEnumerable<> and automagically yield return all its values?
I suppose I could foreach (var x in xs) { yield return x; } but that's ugly
@CaptainObvious is it though, this is built in a framework that is accepted by the antivirus programs
There are many things which exist, but when used in specific ways can cause problems
For example you can delete your application's temporary files (good)
But you can also delete a user's entire profile (bad)
@CaptainObvious Aye, I can think of quite a few things that, when used in specific ways can cause problems.
@Madara'sGhost I don't even know what yield does, and the MDN didn't make it clear either
Do you know C#'s yield return?
I did not
@CaptainObvious yield return puts the returned element in a list that is not being overwritten
Omg that would be so helpful
so it's not like a real return rather just a "put in this list but do not overwrite this list"
@CaptainObvious yield return is a convenient way to write iterators
Which can then be consumed with foreach
This is a incredible discovery
I would always have to make a list instance or something and return that
But that yield would presumably also lazily evaluate too? So if you first '.First()` on the yielded result you won't have to wait for the entire thing to enumerate once you find one?
If that is true then you've just blown my fucking mind and I have some methods to rewrite
public IEnumerable<T> filter<T>(IEnumerable<T> xs, Predicate<T> p) {
  foreach (var x in xs) {
    if (p(x)) { yield return x; }
@CaptainObvious Yes, it is lazily evaluated
This is somewhat equivalent to Linq's .Where() ^
@CaptainObvious never thought I would tell someone something new in this room but happy I could do my share along with Ghost
We all learn something new every day
JS's are even more powerful
In C#, yield return may only return values to outside of the function
In JS, you can send values back in
The only people in here who rarely learn anything are Avner and Madara because thye're both wizards
I'll have you know that I'm a Wizard Ninja. Thank you very much.
@Madara'sGhost then tell me how do I disable user interaction while running an automated test that includes simulation of human interactions
function* prompt() {
  console.log('What is your name?');
  const name = yield;
  console.log(`Hello ${name}!`);

const iter = prompt(); // iter is an iterator object.
// What is your name? printed
// Hello Madara! printed
I think the easiest option is just don't have users look at it
Or unpleg the mouse for tests
I'm just gonna leave this until tomorrow and maybe it'll be finished
we found a security bug either in FB itself or in the browser.
99.9% chance it's facebook
Apparently such a thing that I want doesn't exist.
foreach (var x in xs) yield return x; it is
oh madara is here
Anyway I'm off lads, it's costco time#
@CaptainObvious good luck mate
Costco is ezpz
Has anyone used sass in an mvc project before?
with auto building etc
@CaptainObvious heh
Some people say my errors are a bit SASSy
I want to use it for something im working on in my spare time but i'd prefer to not be building the bleeding thing all the time
@CaptainSquirrel no its just his ghost
calm down
@Madara'sGhost Isn't that just .AsIEnumerable() or something?
@Squirrelkiller Yes, if that was all
But this is part of a larger generator method
.Select and .SelectMany are pretty powerfull, if that helps. I don't know the actual use case here.
I ordered some parts to fix a condenser mic i broke 4 years ago
should be arriving today at some point
i just need a soldering iron :/
I recommend not ordering non-essential stuff during Corona lockdown, as the system is already on its limits because everyone is ordering non-essential stuff during Corona lockdown. And because so many people sit at home instead of going out, more people are ordering non-essential stuff.
what about opening the stores up then?
so we dont have to order stuff online
its ether or
but for myself i havent ordered more stuff online than I did before corona
btw @CaptainObvious using yield return you can make infinite IEnumerables
The alternative to restrict yourself to essential stuff
Like, don't go order more flowers or mirrors for the house, like my girlfriend did.
public IEnumerable<int> EndlessCounter() {
  var i = 0;
  while (true) {
    yield i++;
Accept that there's a global pandemic and we need to hold back for some time.
yield return is awesome
My work for today is done, bye bye
foreach (var i in EndlessCounter().Take(5)) {
  Log(i); // 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 is logged
actually my wokr is not entirely done, hi hi
more flowers for the mirrors is probably the most unecessary thing one cold order
How about more mirrors for your flowers?
thats a close 2nd
More mirrors for your mirrors?
Actually it's not flowers or mirrors. It's 'Flowers and a mirror', more precicely.
Has anyone here every worked with Harmony before?
afternoon, is there a nice way of leaving catch block (like break; or continue;) without executing the rest of the code within??
github.com/pardeike/Harmony – this is pretty badass
@Madara'sGhost I recently saw Locke and Key, get that the hell away from me
This time my work is really done, bye bye
A mirror to make it look like you have more flowers?
So I'm finally here
No a mirror that makes my girlfriend look even prettier
There's a tool in Visual Studio that lets you see how long processes take to run. It's always popping up when I don't want it, but how that I want it I can't find it or remember what it's called.
Well you'll just have to stop wanting it then
Anyone working with SignalR still here? I'm wondering why my hub gets instantiated twice when my client connects. Any idea? The class in the client handling it gets injected as singleton.
Ok so my hub isn't actualy instantiated twice now. Not sure why.
Next one though:
I call `.StartAsync`, and the http cal doesnt return. Why the hell not?
it throws
The actual http call from the browser doesnt return
As yo ucan see, the get call in the middle just runs forever
I'm pretty close to making a new SO question. Although there are quite a few like it, they're mostly "How to get my code into IIS" basically.
If I now attach my debugger to the w3wp process, it returns successfully.
If I attach the debugger and then start the call, it hangs again.
I made something
Q: SignalR connection won't start to IIS-hosted app

SquirrelkillerI made an application, and am trying to connect to the backend via SignalR. The ASP.NET Core 3.1 backend is hosted in IIS for easy development. Calling the StartAsync method on the client successfully negotiates, but then hangs forever on the GET: GET http://localhost:81/signalr?id=W3F2TRVrx_l...

@Madara'sGhost and then ofcourse there is kotlin
I have an MVC page that's trying to call a partial view. The function that returns the partial view works fine. It runs through and returns without error. But for some reason a 500 gets returned back in the ajax call.
using this, it is really easy to make a yieldAll(items: Iterable<T>) and that one is also included by default (considering that the SequenceScope<T> has some special logic depending on the implementation of the SequenceScope)
The class is using HandleErrorAttribute and it keeps erroring out there (in OnException) because it's being passed the wrong kind of object. I can't tell what's causing the initial error. It never even hits the View file.
3 hours later…
02:00 - 13:0013:00 - 22:00

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