I've got this page that's uploading a file that errors out on production. I'm trying to get the actual error message from the ajax response (other than a generic 500) but it still takes 10 minutes to actually return the error. I've tried changing all the timeouts I can think of but there's no change. Any ideas as to how I can reduce the time?
In web.config, I turned off custom errors, set debug to true and enabled the trace, but I'm still just getting a generic 500 error back from the ajax call.
If I have an application that is performing user interaction (User32.dll based) how do I stop the user from interacting while this process is being executed?
Inside a Linq Select statement, I'm trying to do a FirstOrDefault that might return null, and get a property from the result if it exists, and null if it doesn't. But you can't do ?. inside a linq statement. What's the alternative?
I would always have to make a list instance or something and return that
But that yield would presumably also lazily evaluate too? So if you first '.First()` on the yielded result you won't have to wait for the entire thing to enumerate once you find one?
If that is true then you've just blown my fucking mind and I have some methods to rewrite
function* prompt() {
console.log('What is your name?');
const name = yield;
console.log(`Hello ${name}!`);
const iter = prompt(); // iter is an iterator object.
// What is your name? printed
// Hello Madara! printed
I recommend not ordering non-essential stuff during Corona lockdown, as the system is already on its limits because everyone is ordering non-essential stuff during Corona lockdown. And because so many people sit at home instead of going out, more people are ordering non-essential stuff.
There's a tool in Visual Studio that lets you see how long processes take to run. It's always popping up when I don't want it, but how that I want it I can't find it or remember what it's called.
Anyone working with SignalR still here? I'm wondering why my hub gets instantiated twice when my client connects. Any idea? The class in the client handling it gets injected as singleton.
I made an application, and am trying to connect to the backend via SignalR.
The ASP.NET Core 3.1 backend is hosted in IIS for easy development.
Calling the StartAsync method on the client successfully negotiates, but then hangs forever on the GET:
GET http://localhost:81/signalr?id=W3F2TRVrx_l...
I have an MVC page that's trying to call a partial view. The function that returns the partial view works fine. It runs through and returns without error. But for some reason a 500 gets returned back in the ajax call.
using this, it is really easy to make a yieldAll(items: Iterable<T>) and that one is also included by default (considering that the SequenceScope<T> has some special logic depending on the implementation of the SequenceScope)
The class is using HandleErrorAttribute and it keeps erroring out there (in OnException) because it's being passed the wrong kind of object. I can't tell what's causing the initial error. It never even hits the View file.