Europeans brought their old civilization to a new land. So it's like, old Europe is a training ground. Once they harness their skills there, they establish a new civilization derived from their own. Thus USA is like a polished software.
@MwBakker there is no "biological" benefit from that; hospital records really should say "sex" on the documents but that's more reflective of what they're actually asking for
I don't mind facebook for facebook things I suppose. I don't really like them trying to be my jam or my organizer or something they're not really specialized in
I mean hell, I'm sure google is tracking everything I do as well, but at least they're subtle about it
Having Mark Zuckerberg's head stick out from the side of the browser saying, "Hey.. I think I know which songs you like to hear.. want to see?" is creepy
off-topic, but ughhhh the feedback to the latest Green Day album annoys me ...not because the reception is split down the middle, but because people are like "Rev Radio was their return to form!!"
what I understand is the android userbase is so fragmented that the same is also true for OEMs...especially when they all have their own versions of the OS and default apps that come up