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anyone know where I can get Microsoft.SharePoint .dll files?
@AlRey but what's worse a dead random person coming after you or you having to kill someone that you have a relationship with to save others. the appeal is watching the human becoming the animal.
that's why there's so many breeds of zombie, because somebody just catching a virus isn't interesting
statistics say we'll be fine but are the statistics correct
I usually don't care about regular zombies where they're just normal-looking people with decaying skin; I'm more into stuff like the headcrab zombies where it's clear what's operating the whole thing
does anyone trust China?
never in a zombie movie have I seen animal zombies
and that seems like that could be such a cool idea too
I think I saw one movie but forgot the name it was ages ago
hi kame
Corona virus arrived here? :/
here not yet
@CupOfJava of course not
Here we are safe :D
Everybody please join us :D
even their own ppl dont trust them
in my country there are only 2 infected, and they're in quarantine both of them
rightfully so
@Neil only 2 that you know of
of course
china says its 30k but its more like 300k
does anyone feel like this is going to turn into people in China fighting their government?
I've actually been wanting to add zombies into The Domain....thing is that they're actually being kept alive through fusion tech and were prototypes for the androids
@CupOfJava I hope not for all that would come from that, but I also hope so for all that would come from that
I just have a weird feeling about that
@AlRey you'd need a good reason to keep dead people alive using technology though
Chinese Gov is a clusterfuck at the moment
maybe their knowledge is still made accessible
so much for chinas economic growth
With their false claim over several countries
it will all crumble under this disease
I think you could multiply the official numbers bei 3-6
like it's probably going to happen, people do crazy things when they know they're going to die.
@Neil the reason why is cause the Domain wants to build robocops from the remains of dead people
And with their false claim to the south china sea by creating man made islands
the end of the world has come :P jk jk
@AlRey seems like way more trouble than say, just making android cops
we ll see
the zombies were the result of prototype technology
well prototype technology is researched, and research costs money
well ya see....the Domain has a particular religion :P
@AlRey do you have a timeline on when the site will be up?
in that they want all people's consciousness and DNA to be transmitted to the system once they're dead
@littlemisscomputerscientist I think the virus is no problem for most people. But older men have a problem now
@CupOfJava I wanted it to be up in Jan 18, but I've been busy fixing the serial … and I'm still only halfway on making the banner x-x
I can pull up a WIP in a minute
my sinuses
gotta keep that immune system strong no matter the age
I am an older man :D
@CaptainSquirrel its over
it was nice to meet you
@AlRey I can't wait to see it
@BlackSquirrel SOON
this chat is under quarantine since yesterday
My boss that only comes in twice a week is still here
I sneezed and my sinuses felt like they just went
Go accidentally sneeze on da boss man
@CupOfJava thx!! :)
ok this WIP's like a week old....I actually have started inking by now
Accurate representation of my sinuses
whoa don't make me go into nursemaid mode
I'm going to go home
First im going to sainsburys to pick up more bread and soup
then i'm going home
putting on some soup
really.. waiting to download a 55 MB file on my own network at 17kb/s
grabbing the duvet from the bed
and watching TV snuggly in the duvet
good thing I zipped it or it'd have been roughly 800MB
AlRey will feed you some chicken soup
right ?
I need not Alrey
yus I will
I will feed my womans Carrot and Coriander soup
@AlRey that reminds me of autoDale for some reason
I already got the outfit
She will feed me the mushroom soup
we are both taken with the sickness
@CupOfJava you could say it's a dystopia :P
ugh but srsly that building took too long to make
the logo went through a handful of designs, as well
ggrrr cap I need to take care of both you now
bye bye all have a good weekend o/
byeeee don't get sick!
@littlemisscomputerscientist byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
cause apparently my mom is now
Tis the season
To get sick
falahalalalalaaaaalalalalalala puke
well I was gonna sign a check with her this weekend but nah
and I still have yet to get sick
TFW breathing makes me cough
bye @littlemisscomputerscientist
last time I had a cold was......November 2018?
RIP squirrel
colds suck
thankfully I didnt have a real cold in ages
I'm usually the one who's like "awww you're sick?? I must help! How'd this happen?? Are you really sick, or do you just want my attention? I'll help you either way hehe. Let me get a 24-pack of tissues"
in another universe I studied nursing
@AlRey viruses take the kind second
whatever idc I was getting tired of living anyway
too much energy
I got my shelter; I got my water. I'm not leaving here until this is over.
@AlRey, if I may be so bold, what is your avatar from? It looks familiar.
It is a rarety for me to not get a cold
yeah why would i sit in an office ever again ?
its insanity
all these sick f.cks
10/10 times i have a cold around this time of the year
@Hexum064 someone drew my avatar for me; it's one of the main characters from The Domain -- my sci-fi series
Not what I was thinking
yea prolly not
were you thinking of that chick from Kim Possible? I had someone tell me that
def not that.
She doesn't deserve to come back to the uk
Boris Johnson died?? :D
ah ok someone I don't know
no some stupid so and so that left the UK to join ISIS
And she had her citizenship revoked last year
and she's been trying to appeal it since
joining ISIS may as well be mutiny
I always wanted to join the ISS
Daesh can suck a fat one
people in the ISS are safe from our viruses
wow, I just had the thought that everyone on earth could die and people in the ISS would watch it all happen
that's kinda sad
If everyone nuked each other, the ISS is fucked
Can they grow stuff up there?
they recycle their air and water
happy weekend
and no corona ;)
maybe 1 or 2 max
@CupOfJava i'm sure they have some experiments and the like but i doubt they'd be able to grow stuff for them all to live on
Can someone explain the difference between TCPListener and TCPClient?
TCPClient has two C's in it.
I tried googling it but no SO posts come up.
I understand that the 2 are more abstracted versions of Socket but I fail to understand the. difference between the two.
@BlackSquirrel you're a genius
Q: Difference between TCP Listener and Socket

Roman RatskeyAs far as I know I can create a server using both TCPListener and Socket, so what is the difference between the two of them? Socket private Socket MainSock; MainSock = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); MainSock.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port))...

That''s TCPListener and socket, I already know that.
I'm asking for the difference between TCPListener and TCPClient
two of the answers explains
Ash got a new icon :O
TCPClient initiates socket connection to TCPListener socket.
I got stuff to finish. Bye
A co worker wants to store each incoming and outgoing network packet (we have around 500 - 800) in their own classes implementing an interface and a Handle() method, is this a good idea?
Umm... my first impulse is that it's a really stupid idea, but I suppose there might be some possible reason that I can't think of.
Is he trying to do some kind of network packet analysis?
@AshKetchum That seems odd. Each network packet being its own class with its own reader and writer methods is a good idea. But handling packets is not the responsibility of the packet itself, something else handles it, so something else should be doing that logic.
hi all
anyone here?
@AshKetchum Why not SignalR?
@TomCrosman Nah sorry
good morning squirell!
Good evening Tom :)
so last time i was here chatting with you all, you helped me come to the conclusion that I should not return Entity framework classes from my API
I see we did good
my question today is, since im still working with EF classes (but returning more basic objects), how can I extend oData syntaxes to my linq queries?
oData syntax?
i know i can do it manually, but i wanted to see if there is an accepted way of doing this before i reinvite the wheel
yeah, so here is my example
api/users return all users
in linq if i want to select users in certain offices
mContext.Users.Where(u => u.OfficeUsers.Any(oU => officeIds.Contains(oU.OfficeId)));
if i were working with only oData objects, i could use the standard oData url query params to pass that info
so, is there a generally accepted way to pass complex filtering query's to my API?
I don't know oData objects, I'm afraid you'll have to show me
sure, so oData is really cool, it gives makes your api calls more dynamic with no extra work
so if i wanted to get users with my name it would be
if you want to use odata urls why not use odata? It integrates with EF
odata/users?$filter=name eq Tom Crosman
@JonathonChase well I can't return oData objects from the API
Ah I see. Looks like something screeming SQL injection tbh.
@JonathonChase more specifically, i can't return EF objects from the API as it causes a loop from relationships
It's built on entity framework and the OData queries are specific in their operations. Injection isn't really a worry
You can just pass query parameters to the controller?
@Squirrelkiller the parameters have to relate to the return object, which isn't the EF object
so i made to versions of my classes
and DivUser
I return DivUser which doesn't contain relationships
but i still want to work with those relationships :/
public List<User> GetFilteredUsers([FromQuery]int officeId = -1, [FromQuery]int departmentId = -1)
@Squirrelkiller yeah i figure i'll have to do something like that, i always just like to check with ya'll to make sure theres no standard before i do
the nice thing about oData is not having to explicity declare any relationships
I guess my Repo would have something like .WithOffice and .WithDepartment in a chainable pattern or something, but I don't know about "THE way" here either.
Could have an implicit operator from the EF queriable to a List or something, executing the query, so you just chain the filters.
I'm not sure why you don't query EF with the normal OData options then project your results to whatever return type you want.
I'd just set up a mapping profile with automapper for the EF type to the data type and project the results that way.
@JonathonChase I have to declare my return type in my EDM Builder


that sets both my return and queryable type.

If i use EF classes, it crashes my API becuase of relationships
I'm still not sure how to use automapper, so I just have my repo implement the interface from my core and return the domain object with a nextension method lol
right, because i'm assuming that your type has a cycle of some sort between properties and you can't enumerate all of them endlessly.
correct jonathan
so you project the queryable to the return type for the API, and the projection doesn't try to get all the linked properties so it's not trying to serialize a cycle.
@JonathonChase as far as i know i can only set one type for both querable and return:

are you suggesting i can split that into two syntaxes?

What are you doing right now when you return from myContext.Users.Where( /* predicate */) to not crash out?
I convert before returning

List<DivUser> users = dbUsers.Select(u => (DivUser)u).ToList();
And what's stopping you from doing that with the OData filters?
because when i make the query, oy
it's only allowing me to query properties that in the return type
so it doesnt crash from the relationships in C#, it crashes on the JSON response
thats the reason i created the copy type that doesnt have the relationships, which is my return type
Are you applying the query before or after the select?
Before i think..?
maybe the problem is that im using EF core and asp.net core?
oData can work with the complex types, but the basic the regulat api routes can't
/odata/users will return complex EF oData Types
/api/users returns a loop error
@JonathonChase actually i think im probably applying the select after, as i am having to manually right linq queries
like i can't pass an $expand without handling it in linq ahead of time
Ugh, OData is freaking terrible. But how are you doing this JSON response?
Nullable references analyzer still needs tweaking
that is something the compiler should do for a lot more, but still doesnt
Yeah but this is an actual bug
In a simple case
Not like I'm fucking around with pointers and shit
Why is that a bug?
string.IsNullOrEmpty(username), done
Because at that point, username cannot ever be null
If it's null, it will return before the second query
Yeah NullOrEmpty, I know. Still, this applies to more complex queries too.
I mean, I get why you think that, but I'd also say the right hand expression evaluation is also correct.
So not a 'bug' but a PITA
if it's null, right hand would throw, if it ever got executed. But it doesn't.
Left side sees it's null, sees a '||' coming up, returns true.
How can hte right side username ever be null?
The parameter itself may be null.
But the analysis is "May be null *here*" - but it may not be null *there*.
Because if it ever comes there, it won't be null.
@AustinTFrench do you have an EDM you prefer over OData?
@Squirrelkiller, but the analyzer can't expected to check every permutation of evaluations that came before. So at some point, we have to accept that a logically valid set of expressions will throw a warning... Also, I still don't get why string? is necessary.
Because this is supposed to be the guard that checks if a parameter is ok, so afterwards it will be seen as not null.
@TomCrosman what exactly are your requirements? Are you just looking for a very easy to implement RESTful pattern, like OData provides?
i want basic thigns like filterin and relationships
Also I switched it around a bit to make the bug obvious, but generally that is a guard being called first in a method, so the rest of the method accepts the parameter as not null.
It actually also checks for requirements within domain logic
From a UI? Without static filters I assume?
for an aPI
I'm not tremendously happy with oData, but i graphQL is the only other i know of, and i havnt tried it
@Squirrelkiller we could probably go back and forth all day. It might be weird, but I can't see that as a bug. Especially when since.NET 2 IsNUllOrEmpty has been recommended and proven faster...
IsNullOrEmpty won't let me do this though:
@TomCrosman sadly they fill a niche, if you aren't willing to write a bunch of expression trees. If I had the time, I'd build the trees: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/programming-guide/…
If I do "username == null ||" directly, it works.
the main reason i went with oData is because it's what microsoft graph uses, so then my api shares the syntax
Yeah, and it's not going away from what I hear. It just does so many things weirdly... and even is called out in MS articles as what not to do with a query string, lol
I love it when webpages have a recursive hyperlink...
Will a browser stop if you go
URL: localhost
Response code: 301
Response Header: location:localhost
Wait this should be easy to test...
@AlRey If you like recursive hyperlinks, you'll love this
Can confirm, browser is not completely stupid.
@AlRey 😗 love you, too
@TomCrosman hey, you might want to look at GraphQL if you want your client to have a custom filtering on their own
Anyone still awake? It's 5:36 AM here. Nobody to talk to :(
@mr5 is it client side or server side filtering?
@TomCrosman client side

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