@AvnerShahar-Kashtan what about a code base for 3 developers? Should we still practice the use of PRs? I'm the one who's going to review since the 2 are kinda new to the following concepts: creating abstractions, making their code reusable, boiler plate free, strict coding conventions (including but not limited to 1 line break separator for each method, indentation in XAML, switching of case conventions [Pascal, snake_style, camelCasing, etc], brackets), not writing code in code-behind files, ...
@mr5 Ask yourself this - what does it mean to commit a changeset to master/develop? If the answer is "any code pushed to that branch will be part of the next revision/version", then ask yourself this - do you want any of three devs to be able to push code into that version, without anyone else knowing what they did?
@CaptainSquirrel Do you have any guarantees about the structure of the text? Say, it will always be a valid HTML snippet, and you only need to modify the links in <A> and <IMG> tags?
@SamuelWakeman Because of your ToList call in the foreach. ToList creates a copy of the list - so you're iterating over one list, but removing from another.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan right now, I'm letting them push to develop branch (we just started to practice Git Flow from this new project), and I'm doing the review in develop branch. Adding bunch of TODOs and informing them as well in chat. It's kind of hassle but that's the only thing available right now. Well, I am still unsure how do I distinguish Master from tags since if we merged dev into master, I consider that as RC already.
Whereas in the loop scenario, you're retrieving all records from DB to memory, then removing the ones you don't want.
@mr5 We don't use proper gitflow, but it's pretty similar in concept - devs create feature branches, work on a (small) feature, and create a PR to master. Then a different dev (in our case it was any other dev, but it can be the senior dev if you prefer) go over it, adding comments, and approve it when satisifed, and then it's merged to master. This makes sure that there's always a second pair of eyes.
It doesn't matter. It's a matter of style and convention. In C#-land, the first is much more common, so if you're looking for a style for yourself, it's best to stick to the common convention. But in a team, use the shared team style.
@SamuelWakeman I use the latter in Java, JS, C++, and PHP whereas C#, VB.NET for the former. The only thing in common is I always add space after the keyword for then followed by the enclosing parenthesis (whatver)
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Anyone have a free or open source(MIT) ZPL renderer that can take raw ZPL commands and draw PNGs or PDFs without connecting to a webservice like labelry?