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@TravisJ in that question, i'm confused
@KyleTrauberman - with which part?
what you are expecting to happen.
do you want to write js code inside that loop?
Well the listed code does nothing. But yes, I would be writing a lot of js code in there.
Should I edit it to show some generic useless code so it is more direct?
and have the code repeated x times
I will edit it, give me one second
try surrounding the js code in <text></text>
that's razor for "exit server context and write this literally to the response"
<script type="text/javascript">
 @for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    <text>var that = this;</text>
see edits, that doesn't change anything btw
well if that works, then cool, the posted example code had an incorrect ( in my environment and so I got an incorrect scenario
that code in your edit works for me
i created a new mvc app, pasted it in the index view
To be honest, I am a little annoyed at myself. Thanks for the help Kyle
so, it did work?
alright, i'm headed home
I have used the <text> workaround before, but not around a whole block of code
yeah, it works with anything, really
edited to make the question/answer make more sense
feel free to rollback if you wish
so I hate VS =/ it came back with the conditional compilation error
im going to have to deal with this tomorrow
1 hour later…
anyone got experience with combobox in winforms?
ive cleared the list but for some reason the previously selected item still appears in the textbox
@HansRudel How are you clearing it?
Are you setting comboBox.SelectedText = String.Empty; in addition to clearing the list?
hey kyle, i wasnt but i am now
thanks very much bro
how are u doing today?
Got a lot done at work today
This is a two day week for me
whats ur plans for the rest of the wk?
5 days of baby
after tomorrow
how come?
I have a 4 month old
aye ok, do u get extra vacation because of ur new kid?
4th of july is wed
and i'm taking two days off after
so it is.
this yr is flying by
yes it is
alright bro, this cat is gonna roll to bed esp as its nearly 3am and i have some dude coming at 8am to fix the boiler
Hope u have a great week with ur new kid celebrating independence day!
assuming i dont see u tomorrow
5 hours later…
@all i am using public Property IDFromClass; and getting value as Guid value = IDFromClass.Get();
but getting error as Using the generic type 'PostSharp.Aspects.Advices.Property<TValue>' requires 1 type arguments
is any one here @all
1 hour later…
ehy all
does anyone knows any utility using which I can execute hundred of SQL query files together
a script? :p
yeah but got no clue how that gonna work
I need add permissions later on as well then
i thought there will be some handy utility already there
put all the SQL you wanna execute in a single text file
with GO between statements
rename the file to *.sql
execute it from whatever you like (SSMS/Visual studio...)
still a long procedure :), looking for a short
kidding me?
I'd be surprised if it took more than 5minutes
so what, I have to open 100's of files then put them into a single file and then execute them :?
you can merge text files, there's a command for that
ok 5 minutes + 30s of googling and 1 minute of applying the command :p
ok, if a database administrator do that, I wouldn't be surprised but it wont gonna look professional for a developer to merging files
i mean we should develop things ;)
Whatever bro, be lazy and don't do anything. You'll learn a lot that way ;)
atleast i wont gonna be wasting time learning copy & paste lol
this link says it all

and this one

the thing is
you shouldn't have 100's of sql script files to begin with
true but..
@all by having the exe file can we add reference to some project and use those class and methods listed in it
@Gowthammanju still trying to find your bug?
@DavidDV s do u have any idea about this
Yeah fix your bug, don't implement tracing
@Baboon morning bro
@HansRudel morning
Hey all
Can any one here help me with ssis
1 hour later…
hi i have a doubt with WCF
Rest WCF
Is polymorphism allowed in RestWCF?
public class Service1 : IService1
public double add(double a, double b)
return a + b;

public double add(double a, double b, double c)
return a + b + c;

Is this possible?
I am getting an error at runtime
@Lily method overloading is outdated.... try to use optional parameter...
@Lily are you developing under 4.0
@Shankar Oh k
@Shankar yes 4.0 profile
And what should be the uriTemplate for this?
@Lily have you ever tried optional parameters?
@Lily What error?
@Shankar Nope
optional parameters is just cosmetic, it doesn't solve his problem
what is the error you're getting?
@Baboon @Shankar This is the error
Cannot have two operations in the same contract with the same name, methods add and add in type RestJSON.IService1 violate this rule. You can change the name of one of the operations by changing the method name or by using the Name property of OperationContractAttribute.
so a few things: "is polymorphism allowed in wcf" <-- where is this polymorphism you're talking about?
@Lily yes @Baboon is correct stackoverflow.com/questions/2649680/… look at this link
and then, reading the error, you cannot have 2 method with the same name in REST
so no, you can't do that
@Baboon It is the use of add for two purposes .I need to write a restful WCF and display in json format .... accordingly: …./2/3/4 will return a json wrapped response 9 …./2/3 will return a json wrapped response 5
the "use of add for two purposes" is called method overloading, not polymorphism
@Baboon Is it not a type of runtime polymorphism?
now, your design is bad
instead of making several methods taking a variable amount of double as parameters
make a single one that takes an array of doubles
and sum them up
but i need to pass the parameters in the url as per the requirement
you could also use Add(params double[] doubles)
i dont care about the design... its just an assignment and this is the requirement
i need to send the parameters in the uri which should respond to both :…./2/3/4 will return a json wrapped response 9 …./2/3 will return a json wrapped response 5
@Lily you should care about the design
well then tell me some method to set the uri template
@Baboon should i add a uritemplate at all? coz i am not sure how i should set
@Shankar How should i run this with parameters /2/3 in the browser localhost? It gives a bad request 400 http error
@Lily I don't understand your question or how it fits with your first question
besides, I don't do web
I just know some WCF
good morning everyone
morning women and menfolk
A quick guide to asking questions on stack overflow:

Step 1. Have an interesting problem
Step 2. Post the question but leave absolutely no details
Step 3. Don't check your post and respond to people asking for more details
Step 4. Come back two hours later and get at people giving you answers that don't answer the question you think you were asking due to lack of details
Step 1 is good
sounds about right
A quick guide to answering questions on stack overflow:

Step 1. See an interesting problem
Step 2. Don't read the entire question, just put down an answer the quickest cause that gets the most upvotes
Step 3. Defend your answer against people who claim it is wrong
Step 4. Silently delete it after your fifth downvote and sheepishly upvote Kendall Frey's answer instead
does ^ appear to anyone else as "loading..."
his username is loading
wait it's a her and no it isn't
oh, its Hans
you still appear as "loading...."
A quick guide to postingon stack overflow's chat:

Step 1. See an interesting chatroom
Step 2. Be awesome
Step 3. See Step 2
damn, the Chinese chatroom is empty
there's a chinese chatroom?
damn I don't have chinese set up at work computer
scruff you chinese?
I lived there for two years
met my girlfriend there (American)
me = american chinese
chinese in america
sometimes when I see a webpage in traditional I use google translate to translate it to standard and I feel dirty
I think we had this discussion before, I made an ass out of myself by saying Asians don't comment code
comment code, whats that?
Though code WAS the comment
do ppl still comment code?
my code is pure poetry
comments would just destroy the art
I comment my code all the time
when I'm at lunch chatting with other devs
when I'm explaining to my boss how my project is going
when I tell my uni friends what I'm doing
I comment my code whenever
like guys wanna hear me comment my code?
@Hans lie
I comment my code with poetry
@Hans lie
@Hans lie
@Hans and lie
@Hans lie too i guess
@Hans no
I just happen to comment my code verbally
so I just realized I was OCD
        //SHE walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
            byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jout);
        //And all that 's best of dark and bright, Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
            request.ContentType = "application/json";
            request.ContentLength = byteArray.Length;
        //Thus mellow'd to that tender light, Which heaven to gaudy day denies.
            Stream dataStream = request.GetRequestStream();
            dataStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
I inherited a project last week and the last dev was inconsistent with type names
at least now anyone who is trying to understand what the hell I wrote will become cultured
he used Object in some places and object in others, String in some places and string in others
objects = lol
basically I spent all morning changing object to Object so every type in VS will be the same color of blue
ok that's definitely OCD
@Hans, Find and replace?
the worst were methods that did this private void blahblah(int id, out string a, out String b)
it's like you can't even be consistent in the SAME METHOD DECLARATION
at least we all know how to torture Hans in a Jigsaw sort of manner
do event handlers run on their own separate threads?
no right?
@Hans Depends on how they are fired.
They run on the same thread that fired them.
winforms things like enter or valuechanged
okay that's what I thought
Q: How to stop many services C#?

user1498885How to stop many services if the service not exist go to the next service and so on until the end.

all i can think about is "How is babby formed"
My least favourite event is Form_Load. Why? Because it doesn't run from the message loop, which leads to funny bugs.
it's always weird when someone tags a post and you remember stack overflow is a real thing in programming
im having one of those slow, tearful days today
-50 motivation, brain is virtually clouded with thoughts to be in bed sleeping
agreed Nadal, every other office in my building is empty
there was NO traffic driving in this morning
same here, most people on holidays or sick home. Apparently 15 mm of rain today so it is cloudy....plus, its a tuesday after a long weekend
Where do you live? I just finished a long weekend too.
our office is pretty much deserted considering it's the day before independence day
Canadian! Awesome! What did you do for the weekend?
went to Michigan for shopping and food, you?
Hung out Sunday and Monday, got a good sunburn at the beach.
^_^ i feel like i should have stayed home today
i wish i could print money LOL
Programmers have a lot of power. ;)
every time I see someone say "I need to store a large amount of data
"How big?"
"One Billion key-value pairs"
I imagine Dr. Evil
every time i see someone say "How big?"...
@Hans Oh, the memory swapping.
What talents or skill do you have (not programming related but as a person)
i find it so interesting to ask that question because no one gives the same answer
I can lick my elbow
LOL, okay, what else
I build furniture
I can solve a Rubik's cube. I'm currently working on speed.
I can do this thing with my fist where it looks like my thumb is upside down
@Hans I can too.
I can solve a rubick's cube
see i just love asking this
in all seriousness, I'm a trained chef
I am working on the Chinese Magic Ball right now...
I can solve a rubik's cube too
Oh, yeah, I have a Pyraminx, too.
I am the randomest person ud meet :P
I write, produce, and direct short films
and don't tell anyone but......I never got a degree in IT/CS :o
And I can solve, 3x3, 5x5, 7x7, 9x9, etc. cubes.
Never got a chance at that one.
satan's Rubiks cube?
try the youtube video of some guy on 12 x 12 :P
took him like 3 hours something
that's not me - I've got one side i can't fix =(
rubick's cube is probably fun the first times until you figure out the pattern to follow to solve it
rubik's cube == memorizing pattern
then you show off for a while, and then you trash it away, or store it in a drawer if you have OCDs
@Baboon I don't do it for the challenge. I do it for speed.
@Baboon I keep them on my desk
Throw away a rubik's cube? Never!
so you practice the speed at which you execute the pattern?
@Kendall do you do picture cubes?
with alignment, etc
i have -50 motivation when i think about dealing with this old messed up c# code....
I did once have to repaint my stickers. The color was all worn off.
@Hans No. :(
@Baboon Yeah. I need to learn a faster algorithm though. I'm still the best at the beginner solution.
an interesting fact, there is a lady that works for U.S govt with a super high IQ and after solving rubik';s cube for a while she admits that it is no longer about the most optomized algorithm
she tracks people using images and digital finger prints
i think on the median case someone proved you can set a rubik's cube back with 10 moves
God's number has been proven to be 20.
I thought it was 72?
God for 20$ please :P
so if I were to write a program to solve a rubik's cube
I can just use a 43,000,000,000,000,000,000 position lookup table
and find the optimal solution every time
easy peasy
I want to see the storage hardware for that data.
it's roughly 400 petabytes
no problem
fun fact, Avatar took roughly 1 PB of storage
@KendallFrey found a picture for you
does anyone here have experience in "locking" a screen in C#?
define locking
a prompt coming up on the screen that the user can't alt+tab away from and must click OK or enter information before they can continue
A modal Dialog?
oh ew why are you doing that
Modal dialogs do exactly that.
@Hans There could be billions of reasons.
@KendallFrey Then thats what I am looking for, sorry i don't know the terminology. I never properly studied anything GUI
I dont like things that dont let me do things
@Hans I'm writing an API that will sit on a SQL server and also on the user's Point Of Sale machines
the client side of that API has to be able to lock the screen, this is to extend the functions of CounterPoint since there are some things that it just can't do on its own
plus, our clients run their SQL servers off site typically, so any error handling or messaging that needs to be done can't come from MSSQL or CounterPoint, it has to be something external
I'm sure what you're doing is perfectly reasonable
I just don't like things that don't let me do things
oh me either
What is the best method for drawing efficiently without taking a toll on the systems resources? I'm using MVVM and WPF. When I'm monitoring, lets say 5 signals (reading from memobuses), and trying to put post them on a chart, there are performance issues. Am I doing something wrong?
and do you think it would cost more using teleriks spline charts vs teleriks cartesian chart? so smoothed lines vs straight lines.
First, WPF is not designed for drawing per se. It works better with a content model, where you add the shapes to the graph, and let WPF draw them.
What performance issues are you seeing?
CPU is just getting killed
when I connect to 4 devices (ethernet) I'll get near 100% and my mouse speed is even slowed
I didn't write the comms for the drives, so it could be a communication issue, but I think its more less how much the control is drawing the data points
I'm guessing that it has nothing to do with WPF.
Did you check to make sure it is your process using all the CPU?
my CPU "idles" around 10% with 3 visual studio solutions open, e-mail, streaming radio, chat service, Telerik Controls Demo and MS Expression Blend 4.
then I start connecting to drives and it'll just start using more and more
I believe the way the previous developer wrote this, is that she is also logging these values
Did you check to make sure it is your process using all the CPU? In task manager or resource monitor.
as in, she's writing to a file
application is using 50% on its lonesome
while connected to a drive
it's minimal when not connected
hello @MutturajBali
Cook ALL the foods!
yeah sure
"Saying "I need to Debug a Web application" is like saying "I need to cook a food." – Hans" I lol'd @Hans
to be fair, saying "I need to debug a web application" is like saying "I need to cook a food with my oven"
Yeah, let's make a spaghetti in the oven.
is that like making a java applet on a webpage?
I need to make an art. Anyone know?
oh wait, no spaghetti can be still made well in a saucepan
hi buddy
hi hans
wer u r frm
wat r u working on..
man I always feel so good about myself when I get a question closed
also, mwahahahahahaha
what is the ? syntax? so, int?
int? means Nullable<Int>
it's so you can do int? myvalue = null;
though now instead of saying if (myValue > 3)
you do if (myValue.Value > 3)
and you can check if myValue is null by either saying
if (myValue == null)
or if (!myValue.HasValue)
you can also do ?? on nullables
like int i = myValue ?? 3;
which means
int i;
if (myValue.HasValue)
    i = myValue.Value;
    i = 3;
but... does it compile? myValue is still a nullable int so can you assign it to int i?
ahh, thank you +1

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