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@LeeButler One at studies
Study projects don't count unless they were actually used or developed further afterwards
@LeeButler Assembler isnt nice to fast write effective code. Even TempleOS is written in HolyC
> TempleOS
> HolyC
TempleOS and HolyC should not ever be considered a serious thing
Wietlang > HolyC
Why? It exist and ou can download it
Wietlang > everything
@J.Doe PHP also exists
and you can even download it
PHP and JS dont exist in TempleOS
Who win?
It was made by a guy who had mental health issues and decided that god told him to make some shitty OS which doesn't support anything ever
DogeScript also exists. I wouldn't build a product on it.
"The IDE that comes with TempleOS supports several features, such as embedding images in code. "
Why the fuck would you want that
>It was made by a guy who had mental health issues
Terry was a good guy
You can then send your code screenshots across the wire and embed them on the other side.
"Terry Davis, a schizophrenic programmer, has spent 10 years building an operating system to talk to God." source
CIA want to catch him and they are writing false articles about him
Oh we arrived at that level of genius again. Please stop.
this is madness
> God said to create the operating system with 640x480, 16 colors display and a single audio voice.
@Wietlol Yeah, I dont understand why CIA hates him so much
I highly doubt anyone would ever say that in 2003
He just writing own OS and language
no, I said "this is madness"
Kicked once again. No intelligent conversation ever comes from him.
did we just trade J. Doe in for mr5?
I'm sorry to continue but this is amazing
Hell, I'd settle with some form of level above absurdness.
I approve of this transaction
> he abandoned his car —a Honda Accord his parents had given him. He'd started thinking about Big Oil and the conspiracies alleged to have suppressed more efficient, water-based engines
@LeeButler Honestly, I believe JDoe just linked to his biography.
water based engines
Has this something related to Google's use of Java in Android lawsuit?
@LeeButler water is just hydrogen and oxygen and we all know what happens if you burn hydrogen and oxygen
I think it's about google pressuring device manufacturers not to use AOSP.
"it prevented manufacturers from selling any smart devices powered by alternative "forked" versions of Android by threatening to refuse them permission to pre-install its apps"
What an ass
Yeah I know but they don't burn well when they're stuck together
Basically, they blocked the Google Play Store unless you also installed the rest of the Google tools, like Search and Chrome.
Qualification for play services has always been really dodgy
Android is already vastly fragmented and they want it not to enforce some common market place
I can't wait for some BrowserChoice-esque thing on Android
@mr5 Fragmentation is a side effect of antitrust actions.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan what is it?
@mr5 When you have a single corporation that controls all Android devices, you don't have as much fragmentation - but you also have a monopoly.
Preventing the monopoly will almost always lead to more fragmentation, since, by definition. not everyone has to use the same version.
Once AOSP becomes a fully open policy, I would start to distrust it.
@mr5 What do you mean?
idk, I may be wrong but, the way Apple enforces their very strict policy seems like I can reliably trust my data to them. Those demands of EU are ridiculous.
What's ridiculous about it?
EU demands are quite to be expected. I would be surprised if Google didn't know it was coming with what they've been doing.
It's ridiculous because manufacturers would start to create their own playstore version and create their very own version of app publication policy, making the vast Android community lost of trust
Have you seen the Amazon app store for kindle devices?
Anyone can build their scamware because there are hundreds of version of policy for a common platform
Does the Android falls into freemarket category?
@LeeButler no idea. How is it?
It's a shitshow
Either they would comply or just completely throw Android off. They have profited enough already. They still have Fuchsia as an alternative
They haven't profited of Android. They've profited of manufactures using android, and the sales through the play store as a result. Android is licensed free to manufacturers
Blame the manufacturers really, they chose to use Android, they could have rolled their own or used something else
@mr5 That's the opposite of what this is about. Everyone wants to use the Play Store so everyone can use the same apps. But because Google controls the store, they can make demands that phones will also come with Google as the default search. If this demand is withdrawn. If the demand is withdrawn, it would allow different search providers, while still allowing them to use the same store.
This really is no different than the various antitrust lawsuits Microsoft went through in the past. You want to make an OS? Great. You want to sell an Office suite? Fantastic. Are you going to take advantage of your OS's popularity to hurt competitors to your Office suite? That's where the regulators come in.
Hi friends, I need to log all sql commands at run time with EF 5. EF6 has Database.Log in the DbContext, but in EF 5 no. I'm not finding good stuff about it. Has anyone here faced the same problem?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Basically like the whole thing with having to ask what browser people want to use?
༼ つ ◕ ◕ ༽つ GIVE BAN ༼ つ ◕ ◕ ༽つ
You've already linked to that J. Doe. No one cared then, no one cares now.
@WilliamMariager Exactly the same thing.
You posted that before
@J.Doe this is the third time you posted this, now its enough
@WilliamMariager This is evolving
EF6 has been around for half a decade.
Why are you still stuck with 5?
nope you're right.. 2013
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan we are still stuck on ASP.NET WebFriggingForms
I'm working in a old project, we didn't migrate to EF6 yet
Careful, b/c the Objects changed in EF6
Anyway, you could use the SQL Profiler to log the statements.
I'm connecting in an external Oracle database. I'm looking for something like this github.com/Kukkimonsuta/Clutch
> Oracle database
Good luck on your quest
hahahaa I know, oracle + EF is a bad combination, anyway, I'll keep looking for a solution
thanks for the atention!
A solution? Use MariaDb
a solution? use json files
a solution? use anything else
@RenanAraújo what is the problem, or what are you trying to accomplish?
storing information
retrieving information
that is common when using a database
In EF6 there's a easy way to log sql queries (DbContext.DataBase.Log = logger), In EF5 no. I want to log all sql queries generated by EF5 because we are facing performance issues
Might be better to log them at the DB
The DB Logs would give you Way more info over the Sql Queries in terms of Time/Execution data
I agree with you. But we have multiple systens connected in the same database. We have legacy systens in Power Builder
And the database user is the same
The user is the Same?
Bad DB Admin BAD
Don't listen to him!
You need to profile your DB and find out if the poor performance is even down to your application or other users/applications on the database
One user and the password on a postit/random email chain is a recipe for awesome.
It sounds like that's exactly what he's trying to do Lee
Using logging to see how it's performing.
No he's trying to profile his EF applicaiton. He should be profiling the database because the application he profiles might not be the cause of the poor performance
I found a problem that was: long properties defined as NUMBER(18,0) in the .config. And mapping a column NUMBER(19,0) with type long. Using EF with Where(x => x.Id = 12345) the sql generated was where id = cast 123123 as NUMBER(19,0)
With this, indexes don't work
It's difficult to explain, because my english is not native
with oracle, you need to define all types in a .config like "long" = "NUMBER(18,0)"
dbas here really sucks
That is a bummer, there any way to pass a number and it not thing it's a string?
x.Id is a Number in the mapping file?
It's just defined as long, but they didn't specify the column type as long
but we are loosing the focus, I just want to log the queries, after this I'll look for problens solutions
    How the hell do you debug the `Update-Database` command? It's returning:

System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbUpdateException: An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details. ---> System.Data.Entity.Core.UpdateException: An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The conversion of a datetime2 data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.
    The statement has been terminated.
Stupid fucking stack message box having 2 different max lengths
Update-Database is a huge pain to get that correct. I had some issues with something like that, but not with datetime. You can probably read through the migration's code and see where it's changing some column to datetime from datetime2
It's an auto migration created after I added a new class which doesn't have a DateTime field in it
@LeeButler "I don't know what field it's on about though." this is typical
Right. I understand that. Something made EF decide it wanted to touch some other table, too.
you probably have a default(DateTime) somewhere
So I don't know what it's kicking off about because there's no new DtaTime fields for it to complain about
aka, a field that is not initialized
All of my migrations worked fine prior to this
and default(DateTime) is 1900, which falls out of the bounds of an SQL datetime
also, is this mac os?
good luck making it work on mac
Nah it's Windows
then I expect a 1900-01-01 case
It's not even running any migraitons, it's failing on the seed
I'm gonna wrap the whole thing in a big ol' try/catch and find out
does your seed include any insertion of records that have datetimes?
(for me, I had this issue many times because 90% of all tables have 2 or 3 datetimes at least)
It did previously and worked, I've added some new bits to my seed which don't have any DateTimes though
@J.Doe - Please take the hint that people do not want you to participate in this chatroom. Our patience with you is exhausted. If we are called in again for you disrupting a room, you will no longer be welcome to participate on Stack Overflow.
@Brad <3 (nohomo)
who is Brad?
Dunno but his low res PP makes me trust him
@BradLarson So tell me what ive done wrong first
Im not helping in SO from i get ban
Well, that and the fact that he's got "♦ (moderator)" next to his name too
This is result of your actions
@J.Doe Yeah that's the idea
In chat C# im only for few ppl
Oh shit I completely forgot you can flag messages and it summons the elders
@BradLarson So tell me what rule im breaking
Rules are equal for all
@J.Doe I think you dont really understand, we are not here to listen to you, we are here for constructive feedback and occasional C# hate.
Love, I mean C# love
@Wietlol You can hide my posts
Thsts option
In chat
Use it
Its created for that ocasion
but I can't hide your influence in the mood of the room
But i dont understand when moderator come here and without any reason insulting me
Im not a bad men
Not breaking a rules
Sigh. Get the hint. We're all fed up with your bullshit. Either participate as a normal functioning adult, or don't at all.
1, you dont have to break rules to be bad or annoying
and so on, and so on.
2... the above
Yeah, I created it
And this is true
I told 100% true
You can check links from there
being right that one is an asshole doesnt justify being one
I for example am an asshole, but I know when it is time to stop being one
or at least... I try
@BradLarson Are you joking? A get many bans ago and its old
༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ GIVE LONG BAN ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
I get bans but insulting me not
Where is law?
You know where?
I know where is lack of law - There, in SO
Specially in chats
and you keep coming back...
When you are owner you can call me "asshole"
It is right in SO?
Chatroom rules and conventions are at the whim of the room owners, so long as they don't violate SO rules.
You walk into a bar, start causing a problem with the regulars, and they kick you out, don't be surprised when they respond poorly when you return.
Of course, you promoting it
@BradLarson I get ban for ive done
That case is closed
You've violated those, in addition to violating SO rules and guidelines. It's clear. And time and again, you've been given chances to change your behavior.
I can say more, i get 3x bans FOR THE SAME THING
Look my bans history
Platform and Service providers are free to impose any rules and restrictions atop regulatory ones as they so please, as long as they do not contravene laws of the appropriate land
Your past behavior colors the present, because you don't seem to learn from this.
If you're gonna use the law defence, it's more a case of finding one that keeps you here. Stack can at any time introduce rules which exclude you from using the platform
> 24 hour suspension
Anyway, back on topix
Wrapping the entire seed didn't trigger a catch
And none of the code in the Update call exception's stack trace is mine. The entire stack trace System.something
so... its not in the seed?
then its somewhere on a background thread
ow, that reminds me of something
Wait, so you're calling Update-Database from the command line? Or you're invoking it in your program?
I'm doing it in the package manager console
So as far as I know I can't make it break when it hits the exception, unless any of you know of a way
No.. you'd have to manage to attach the debugger to the process while it was running.
Yeah. They just dump the entire stack trace.
Yeah which has been helpful with the last few exceptions because it has had my code called somewhere, and it would tell me the line which was failing
I think the issue is some uninitialized, non-defaulted datetime2 value is breaking when cast, and I'm betting it's in some migration. It almost certainly shouldn't be, but my only way to track it down would be opening the migration files - the ones that start with the datetime slug
woot \o/ I did Python today :D
for the first time in... years? decades?
the .cs are pretty readable. Update should be calling the Up() method of any unapplied migrations.
I could try to add an explicit migration, although it's already automaticallt done it anyway
The difficulty is that large migrations will be a lot of code to parse through
Nope, migration is emoty
The last migraiton was scaffolded at the start of June and I've done suceessful migrations since.
Wait I know
I can't even roll back to the last auto migration
Still fails? Is it possible the database has been touched by someone else, not-automatically? IDK why anything would have datetime instead of datetime2, but it's not a problem unless you have a date out of range. But if somebody got cute and monkeyed with it...
the only dates out of range for datetime that are in range for datetime2 are before 1753, so IDK how that would 'sneak' in
I'm the only person. I understand why the rollback is failing, but I'm trying to find out if there's a way I can find out what an automigration actually did
The seed method doesn't even get called
I need to write whatever crap it is that actually calls the migration from code so I can catch the exception myself and analyse it that way
omg. Were your conversation with jdoe for real? Why is he giving too much fuck about this site's policy? Why the hate towards him? Y'all guys are either trolling or being sarcastic. Fuck me. I don't get it
@mr5 jdoe has a long history with this room
@Failsafe can you tell me story summary? I would love to read it
@mr5 look at this image Brad posted
damn i posted that comment in Jan 2017
its been a long time
Damn, 8 bans in one month... But why don't you just ban him once and for all?
i wish i could give my coworker a short suspension. he eats peanuts all day, and they are shelled so he is always cracking them all day
Damn. Not gonna lie, I laughed at one of his remark. I can't believe there are lots of adult people here in SO doing the adult thing
Roel and failsafe are featured there. How I wish to be an adult like them
@Dragonrage did he give you some? If not, he's already entitled for suspension
Or at least offer?
@mr5 i dont care about him giving me peanuts. i care about the noise. i have selective sound sensitivity syndrome (Misophonia)
@Dragonrage make an unauthored note in his workspace telling some guys dont like peanuts 🥜 noise. That should do it
I'm trying to do this:
var configuration = new Configuration();
configuration.TargetDatabase = new DbConnectionInfo(csBuilder.ConnectionString,"System.Data.SqlClient");
var migrator = new DbMigrator(configuration);
But I'm getting an exception which is about it trying to load a connesction string from the application.config,and not using the one I'm giving it
Specifically, the exception message No connection string named 'PapyrusConnection' could be found in the application config file.
How I wish I could answer that, but I'm new in .Net stuffs
Developers shouldn't even worry about those. Problem of too much abstractions
@LeeButler which namespace is Configuration from?
@Dragonrage It's the Configuration which has my seed method and stuff
does a DbConnectionInfo require the connection string o be in the config file?
i havent used entity framework much
@RudiVisser Thanks for that high quality comment
Are you willing to answer phone calls to clients etc
I usually use the connection string specified in code, because it'll vary by user/envronment
Shut up I'm being serious
Uh in what context, are they screaming at me about shit being broke or general enquiries about features/development
Is that a managerial position offer?
Probably, unless there's a meltdown happening and everything is dead for everyone
@LeeButler depending on your situation, it may be worth putting the different possible connection strings in the config file and swap between them.
And as long as it's not too often
That would come to me
Can you call me
I'll email you number?
K 1 min
@Dragonrage Would I have to put it in the project with the entity contexts in or the one I'm calling it from?
@LeeButler i think it is the one that the entity context is in
does this help you at all?
Thanks @LeeButler will email in a bit
@Dragonrage That literally says the opposite of what you just said
@RudiVisser Cool
@LeeButler yeah, didnt find that question until afterwards. i was going off memory before which was apparently wrong. sorry :(
I'm gonna make a note though of it and have a look at it tomorrow because I'm gonna go home in a minute
I just made an interesting discovery. If you feed the Configuration a connection string, it will kick off if the Connection string it is expected to use by default isn't there. However, it will then use the one you supply anyway
So it doesn't matter what the string in the app.config is, as long as it's there, because if you supply one in the DbConnectionInfo constructor, it'll use that one anyway. Thanks Entity
Turns out there is a unassigned DateTime in one of the properties of the new object in the seed method.
I'm glad I just spent the last 2 hours for that]
Wasn't that the original error you posted?
Oh, that was a conversion thing. A little obscure I guess.
I just know I've seen those kinds of errors before when dealing with JSON serialization. :P Conversion breaks with some weird message and it's because something is null.
ive spent hours trying to trouble shoot a missing semicolon that gave me a huge amount of compiler errors, none of which directly told me i was missing a semicolon
@WilliamMariager I knew what the issue was, I just didn't know where it could have been happening, but when I ran the migration from code isntead of the package manager console, I got the full exception so I could see the faulting entry
@LeeButler emailed
3 hours later…
@RudiVisser ahhh you little rat mentioning me in the chat. I'll get back to you in a bit. Or in the morning, dunno yet
I see symbols like this (G36) in clean code book, any idea what is it?
2 hours later…
how do ms people get things done? i had vs for months and all it did is updating itself. i could never launch the program, because by the time i installed the updates, new ones became available
the key is to learn to ignore the yellow flag for as long as you can
Just keep dismissing it and you'll be fine
you can try training your patience by staring at this

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