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02:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

6 hours later…
less than 2 days until Mr. CSS-tags-steal-my-bank-account-details comes back
will he be eager to do so?
We'll see in the next chapter of Dragon Ball Z...
If he comes back, which is fine, I hope he learned to respect the opinions of others and not force misguided ideals onto everyone. In other words, grew up, and not bother others.
Oh right, that's a line one shouldn't cross
then again, CSS tags stealing my info... that's something worth watching
good morning
gotta ask you something real quick
What would you carry for a 1-day trip
@HéctorÁlvarez dragon ball super is still on air. Can You believe, that childhood memory is still have new episodes
sandwiches and a bottle of water, I guess
@HéctorÁlvarez depends where to
and depends on marital status
@HéctorÁlvarez 1-day.. as in, staying one night, or, going out for one full day?
I have some business meeting soon, basically it's a 1-hour train trip in the morning, head to the hotel, meeting during the afternoon, business dinner, head back next day on train
yeah it's pretty simple, so my first thought was "meh, just bottled water and my laptop"
but I'm never sure about it
@ntohl not yet slaved to a woman's neuronal network
Ah. Set of clean underwear, toothbrush and toothpaste, telephone with charger, laptop (filled with movies/whatever you like) with charger, wallet with bank card, deodorant.
bring pain pill, and astringent to be sure.
A hotel should have them if the need comes up. They also have towels, shampoo, etc.
And a comb if you have long hair.
@HéctorÁlvarez than bring condom too.
depending on if you travel with other, maybe some cards.
boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/2655/hive <- that is very good for a 2 person travel
Well, I'll be carrying my wallet, I have my ID card, some money and other cards in there
@ntohl I already have it, plus the ladybug expansion
@HéctorÁlvarez it's train compatible. I have played it on train.
but I'm traveling on my own unfortunately
I could play against myself, but I always get so mad when I get grasshoppered
I'd be mad² if I grasshoppered myself to death
I could bring my Imperial Assault or Dark Souls tabletops, and play campaign lol
back on the serious topic, If I were to stay there for a week I'd carry a bag or something, but I feel like I can travel light this time
just what I'd take for a trip to the mall
@RoelvanUden This is true, so I guess the only deal is clothing
oh. And one more thing. If You are allergic to something. Calcium.
maybe a pair of socks and some underwear to change in the morning...
why would I need calcium at all?
legit question
some allergic reactions drops You dead (quoted from Majin Boo). Calcium saves lives.
K, I'll try not to turn into chocolate
hmm. It looks like Calcium is only Hungarian medicine for allergic bee stings. English literature suggest epinephrine.
28 mins ago, by Roel van Uden
Ah. Set of clean underwear, toothbrush and toothpaste, telephone with charger, laptop (filled with movies/whatever you like) with charger, wallet with bank card, deodorant.
So this really. :-P
Can easily fit into a day pack
Yup, except the laptop xD
I'll have to iron my shirts tomorrow, damn I hate some of those, every time you turn them around an entropy of reticulated splines form a bend in some place you can't see, but when you turn it back it's there and you have to iron again.
Solution: Don't iron your shirts.
how ironic
Good morning.
I don't remember the last time I ironed a shirt. Or had them ironed for that matter - it's not a matter of being taken care of.
I just hand them into my closet.. and put them on without any ironing involved.
Yup. Me too. That said, it goes hand-in-hand with prefering the types of clothing that don't need ironing.
T-shirts, usually. Or button-down shirts from a rougher fabric.
Exactly. And jackets with zippers. Easy peasy.
you guys always crack me up
With our clothing preferences?
I'm currently wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and a hoodie over it.
Same here. :-)
Now it's getting creepy.
Mountain shoes (black), jeans, black t-shirt, black hoodie with zipper
Crap. A match except for the color of the shoes (brown)
Hahaha. I'm guessing we both went for "Whatever is practical" and ended up here.
I actually usually don't wear black t-shirts with this black hoodie because, well, I like a bit more color.
But I grabbed whatever was top of the shirt stack in the closet. It was 5:15am and dark.
Oh. I grabbed something from the stack too.. except.. my stack of shirts and hoodies are all black.
excellent choice
Heh. No, I have reds and blues and browns and greys and even the occasional green.
Hi guys
Did anybody ever heard about LUA script?
Sure. It's a scripting language that's often embedded into software or games for automation.
Haven't written any scripts in it, though.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan You remember once i talk about implementing business layer where user will write custom logic
I'm experimenting with this>
Q: Regex - Find multiple matches

Korrie SoabI have following 1010159552597 and I would like to find the numbers that start with 10, followed by 1 or 0 and ending with 7 digits. I use following RegEx to search (10[01][0-9]{7}) Following result is given: 1010159552 But I also would have expected the following: 1015955259 How can I manag...

@Learning-Overthinker-Confused Sure. You want to give them Lua for it?
So 1 user in javascript room suggested lots of companies goes with controlled LUA script
But dont know what it is
My case is a blue-scale-square-pattern shirt, silk trousers and... IDK if this is the right term in english, but google says they're called "Ankle boots"
the positive lookahead version is very promising, just match.Value is empty
I think we suggested Lua to you in the first place.
That seems like a fair option. Haven't done it myself, as I said, but there should be plenty of documentation for Lua, both for users writing scripts, and for you, to embed it into your app.
    string pattern = @"(?=(10[01]\d{7}))";
    string input = "1010159552597";
    Regex regex = new Regex(pattern);

    foreach (Match m in regex.Matches(input))
        Console.WriteLine("'{0}' found at index {1}.",
            m.Value, m.Index);
Lua is an excellent choice for embedding. After all, it was engineered for that exact scenario.
@RoelvanUden sir if you dont mind can you please tell me why do you think LUA is excellent choice for this?
Right now we are thinking to go with javascript where we will use JINT to execute javascipt code with c#
why is that m.Value is empty?
Lua sandboxes better
I just said. Lua is engineered to be an embedded scripting language. It cannot do anything, let alone even run, without a host program that YOU write. Everything it CAN do MUST BE ALLOWED by you. Thus, it's a completely isolated sandboxed environment with very specific allowed things it can do controlled entirely by you.
You can simply set the function table to be empty, and then add all the functions you want
LUA is the solution for border-radius
Ok so right now we are thinking for javascript
not sure how JS handles that, but doing this with, for example, Python is almost impossible
So LUA will be better choice over javascript considering most people are aware of javascripting?
Again, to reiterate what we said when you asked about this before, you must choose whatever your user appreciates. You said they are JavaScript developers and you trust all of them blindly NOT to mess up your servers.. then JS is a fine choice. Lua is far better if that trust IS NOT THERE.
I would not trust anyone to run code on MY SERVER, so I would NEVER give them access to JS that runs on my machine.
I can control Lua, so I can live with that.
Can lua script be run through c# on demand?
Sorry i just came to know about this option hence asking
Sure, it was designed for that. I just said.
So my scenario is like i will pass some parameter like json object to this script and this script will operate on that and return json as a string
All this things are possible with LUA?
Yes. You should read about Lua: lua.org/about.html
Also, "Lua", not "LUA".
It's not an acronym.
Q: How to Integrate Lua with .Net

UrviRequirement is user should be able to add Lau script in text box, and then I need to check user has added proper Lua script and if script is correct then I need to run script. Can any one suggest me some code. I tried following things. using (Lua state = new Lua()) { state.DoStrin...

Answer on above question is saying that we cannot integrate Lua with c#
> Lua has been used to extend programs written not only in C and C++, but also in Java, C#, Smalltalk, Fortran, Ada, Erlang, and even in other scripting languages, such as Perl and Ruby.
This is from the link Roel posted.
@Learning-Overthinker-Confused guess what is interop for
> Instead, you have to use a third-party wrapper such as NLua. ;)
I have used Lua as a scripting engine in a C# app. Just sayin'
I got the answer why is m.Value is empty. The real stuff is in m.Groups[1]
So are you able to run lua script with c# code?
Can you read
Sorry.I have read on website
@Learning-Overthinker-Confused Dude. We have told you again and again and again that it's possible. We have quoted the official site. We have said that we have, in fact, done it. We have shown that even the answer you brought that apparently said it's impossible did not, in fact, say so, but mentioned on the next line that there are wrappers available. YES, IT IS POSSIBLE.
All right.Thank you so much for the insight guys :)
Appreciated :)
@ntohl your regex is poorly set up
the entire match is a lookahead
which means that the value must be before that lookahead
and the value you match against is an empty string
so, it could be anywhere as long as it is followed by the lookahead
the only use you have for this would be to search for the start index of the match
on the other hand, your first capturing group (group 1) does contain the value that is searched
I have just found group[1] is ok. How would I set up the regex better?
I want both results. That's why it's a lookahead by the answerer of the question
just remove the braces and stuff around it
(?=foo) would match "abcdefoo" on an empty string between 'e' and 'f'
foo would match "abcdefoo" on "foo"
without ?= it would consume the letters. That's not what we want
"consume" ?
to give you a better regex, i'd clearly need to know what you want to do with it
removing ?= would mean only 1 match found
and since i dont give a shit what you want to do with it, you better go and use groups[1]
43 mins ago, by ntohl
Q: Regex - Find multiple matches

Korrie SoabI have following 1010159552597 and I would like to find the numbers that start with 10, followed by 1 or 0 and ending with 7 digits. I use following RegEx to search (10[01][0-9]{7}) Following result is given: 1010159552 But I also would have expected the following: 1015955259 How can I manag...

ah well, in that case, you are searching for the starting indices
but groups[1] would work just as nicely
> How can I manage to get both results
foreach match
how can I change the regex so the foreach match's match.value is the value. Not an empty string
and still have 2 output
you dont...
i would have assumed there was a modifier for it
but it seems it doesnt exist
at least regex101 doesnt know of any
but you can do this:
foreach (Match match in regex.Matches(myStringToMatch))
    string value = match.Groups[1];
or something like that
yes I have done that
        foreach (Match m in regex.Matches(input))
            Console.WriteLine("'{0}' found at index {1}.",
                m.Groups[1], m.Index);
so, it works... what is your issue?
my issue is with regex needing 15 min debugging where to find the value
with magic number [1]
Who has 3rd edition meap version of Jon Skeet's C# in Depth?
does it need 15 minutes at runtime to do so?
if it is 15 minutes for you to figure out how it works, then im sorry, but learning how regex works (in this case lookaheads) would be the only good solution
you could make it less magical by naming the capturing group
for example: "(?'group'foo)"
it would match "foo" and put it in the capturing group named "group"
at least. Finding out there are no problem with the regex > 10 min. Finding out there are Captures property of Match > 3 min. Still not there > 1 min. Finding out there is Groups property of Match > rest....
in your case, "(?=(?'number'10[01]\d{7}))" would be nice enough
then you could (iirc) do match.Groups["number"]
on a side note, the answer on SO did mention "Results are in capture group 1"
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' neglecterinos!
Apr 19 '16 at 12:10, by Avner Shahar-Kashtan
> Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use regular expressions." Now they have two problems. --jwz
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan i dont get problems by using regex
Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll make my own parser from scratch." Now they have no problem
... ok, i do get a new problem, which is that the engine always sucks
alright boys, legit question incoming
I've been asked to hide a control in a... uhm, dirty JS frontend
with dirty JS frontend I mean I've been instructed to build some crappy frameworkless frontend that will do some stuff without auth or anything, and run the stuff in JS, then request to the WebAPI the stuff I need
everyone who's worked with JS knows you can't really 'hide' stuff, it will be there, and the idea is someone must be able to enable-disable it quickly client-side
but they must not know it exists
I need ideas to hide those controls from their reach
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan @RoelvanUden @milleniumbug @ntohl I summon thee for thine wisdom
is obfuscate an option? @HéctorÁlvarez
Have the relevant block of javascript/html encrypted with a simple key and stored as garbage in the code.
Add a button that asks for the password, then decrypts the HTML/JS with it and adds it to the page.
@Kieran It is
It's in the code, since you can't avoid it, but not something that can be casually inspected using F12 dev tools.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I love the idea
That said, it's a crappy requirement.
It's a hack, because nobody around here knows what they want
nobody has a design or specs about what we are doing
What are they afraid of, a user enabling a feature they're not allowed to use?
And there's no auth to the server?
so in order to fix the VB6 piece of crap, they copied the SQL sentences to a WebService and requested another piece of crap to handle it as frontend, only for internal use, only to tell me a week later that the client is interested on it, and the next week they want to sell one of those features, so they want me to hide it
Jesus, I wanted to build an SPA, but they even forced me to put the frontend in the same project as the WebAPI
And it had to be a plain index.html landing
Hi,I need a small help for voxelising a triangular facet
would be glad,if someone can reply
@Exploring_Programming Sure, let me google those terms real quick
I know Hi = hello
@HéctorÁlvarez: thanks.I can also explain you in detail
mhm, mhm
@Exploring_Programming Please do. I know what a voxel is but I don't understand how it could come from a triangle.
I know some of these words
I basically have grids(cubes). I just need to know,if they intersect my triangle ,with vertices (x1,y1,z1)...(x3,y3,z3) (OR) if my grid lies inside the triangle
I am trying to do this in C#
Need an optimized code.
@Kieran @KendallFrey hope,u now understand what exactly I want to achieve?
That seems like it would be 1) find the two opposite corners of the cube that are farthest along the axis perpendicular to the triangle 2) see if they are on opposite side of the triangle plane
What're your opinions on this method? I'm constructing a URL to a resource dynamically, and I want to check if the resource exists or else I return a fallback value:
 private async Task<bool> CheckUrl(string url)
     var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Head, url);
     return (await new HttpClient().SendAsync(request)).IsSuccessStatusCode;
I'm mainly concerned with 404 errors because the resource might not exist. but it's good to catch other errors as well.
Creating a new client for every request seems a bit much
@KendallFrey Yeah, there's no reason not to reuse.
Q: Efficient AABB/triangle intersection in C#

eejai42Can anyone recommend an efficient port to CSharp of any of the public AABB/triangle intersection algorithms. I've been looking at Moller's approach, described abstractly here, and if I were to port it, I would probably start from this C++ version. This C++ library by Mike Vandelay seems like it...

Just a throwaway right now. I'll clean it up and extract the HttpClient.
in this link there is a code for triangle box overlap test
Also, would it be more useful to return the status code directly?
@KendallFrey Not really. The code that calls it doesn't care, at least for now.
It just wants to know whether to return the URL or a fallback.
@KendallFrey but I am not if the code in that link, also gives me the cubes lying inside the triangle
@HéctorÁlvarez I don't know. It sounds like a weird thing to do.
@HéctorÁlvarez Remind me again why you're not looking for a new job?
Because, in the long term, "wrote crappy insecure vanilla JS web apps" isn't going to look good on your resume.
No matter what the specs were.
Made web apps from client specification
Its all about wording @AvnerShahar-Kashtan ;)
@Kieran That will get you past automated HR screening. Then you get to the interview and they ask you about what you built.
@RoelvanUden you said i will never allow user to run his/her code on my server with javascript right.How user can harm with javascript code on your server?
I am failing to understand this and sorry once again if this is stupid or silly question
@Learning-Overthinker-Confused while(true){} BAM one core at 100% cpu
@Learning-Overthinker-Confused Here's a simple example of how code running under node.js, for instance, can execute an external binary - meaning it can run cmd /c del *.* on your system:
Q: Execute a command line binary with Node.js

Dave ThompsonI am in the process of porting a CLI library from Ruby over to Node.js. In my code I execute several third party binaries when necessary. I am not sure how best to accomplish this in Node. Here's an example in Ruby where I call PrinceXML to convert a file to a PDF: cmd = system("prince -v build...

@Learning-Overthinker-Confused And of course, if you've got nodejs access, I can access/delete/modify ANYTHING
But this is with node.js.Is this possible with simple javascript code?
@Learning-Overthinker-Confused How are you running this code?
Also, Roel's while(true) example doesn't need any framework.
simple javascript code might have include in it... From that point, it's also node.js
And if it's got a DOM, I can make it access/load whatever I really want.
Make XHR requests on behalf of the server etc
JS code is always run by a JS runtime. It can be node with the V8 engine, with a lot of power. You could be using a more primitive, restricted JS engine, but unlike Lua, I don't know if there are JS engines built for constrained embedding.
You guys are very genius
I mean i could never ever imagine such things
@Learning-Overthinker-Confused That runs on top of the PCL? If so, it can probably do whatever a .NET app can do. Which is a lot.
(Well, a .NET app running on the PCL)
such possibilities,problems associated with any of the options
Jint requires a separate .AllowClr call.. but yes, if you do, you can do anything .NET can do.
Which is, well, anything.
new Engine().Execute("while(true){}"); that's all folks
but i can also do While(true) in lua also
Sure, but you can set execution limits on Lua, e.g. no more than 5 seconds.
How does lua solves problems mention by you guys
Furthermore, Lua has NOTHING built-in that can access ANYTHING on your system. Everything it can do is restricted to itself. To, say, read a file, you must specifically add a function to the Lua engine that can read a file. And thus, you can control what can be accessed and what can't be.
@RoelvanUden Seems like you have used LUA alot
3 hours ago, by milleniumbug
You can simply set the function table to be empty, and then add all the functions you want
I've used it for 5 years in a commercial product. So yeah, I've used it a bit.
But i was just trying to identity that does lua have ability to manipulate json or can convert json to string like javascript JSON.stringify do?
Ok, fine. You can use javascript. Go ahead. Use javascript. Why are you even asking if you're going to be arguing and resisting our advice anyway?
First google hit: github.com/rxi/json.lua
Also, that ^^ If you want to use JS, just go for it man.
Yes, javascript will work. It will work fine. But it will A) be more insecure by default, and B) require more manual work to make it secure.
Becuase our main scenario is we will inject json in to this middle layer(business layer) where there will be some sort of logic manipulating json and then returning that json as a string
Your main scenario is trivial for every single scripting language you can use.
Indeed. Very trivial.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Sorry but just trying to know if we can achieve this scenario or not with LUA
"Can this scripting language manipulate JSON and return it?" - yes, it can. For every half-decent language.
@Learning-Overthinker-Confused And yes, we told you seventeen times already that you can.
function manipulateJson(value)
  local data = json.decode(value)
  data.myAddedValue = 123
  return json.encode(data)
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan my scenario is very trivial for every single scripting language
Sorry i didnt understand this
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan the nickname is very indicative
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Actually i want to be ready for all those questions by project manager if i suggest this
tell him/her "Lua is the new sh*t. Forget JavaScript. Works miracles. Can iron clothes too."
seems to me, they only make decisions around this kind of talk...
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I'll avoid putting that in my resume, and stick to my angular SPAs...
I won't add I'm experienced in VB6 for bvious reasons
VB6 is the future dude. You know how hipsters like to take old crappy stuff and pretend its rad because it's semi-nostalgic? Give it another 5 years.
All the cool kids will be writing sweet beer brewing apps in VB6
get out
Also, VB6 is obviously better than Angular 4. I mean, look at it - it's version 6. Not 4 - 6!
Oh, shit, there's Angular 5 already? Well, my ridiculous point still stands.
Damn! 6! Definitely better.
Also, you know it's good because it's in bold. Not VB6 - VB6.
@RoelvanUden Metallkiller and I passed our finals!
Congratulations~ kouhai-chan!
Kouhai-chan (後輩ちゃん)?!
Thats us?! ^^
But thanks sama-senpai-sensai-sankudan
That's one cute kouhai-chan. Haven't watched that yet!
:D what does kouhai-chan mean exactly?
> Senpai: A Japanese honorific used when someone is older than you in age or they have more experience in a field than you. The opposite being Kouhai
Senpai (先輩, "earlier colleague") and kōhai (後輩, "later colleague") are terms from the Japanese language describing an informal hierarchical interpersonal relationship found in organizations, associations, clubs, businesses, and schools in Japan. The concept is based in Japanese philosophy and has permeated Japanese society. The relationship is an interdependent one, as a senpai requires a kōhai and vice versa, and establishes a bond determined by the date of entry to an organization. The kōhai defers to the senpai's seniority and experience, and speaks to the senpai using honorific language. ...
Japanese culture is fascinating.
jApAnEsE cUlTuRe Is FaScInAtInG
@RoelvanUden thanks for sharing
I have created a shared project which contains all code that interacts with an 3:rd party database, also entities / tuples that replaces code all over the place.

Should i use the entities that are from that project or should i convert them to the alike that where there before to avoid hard dependencies?
Or should i consider the new project an core part of the whole application?
@Raldo94 A Shared project in the sense of the new Shared Code projects in VS? These aren't even dependencies - they're copied into and compiled with the project that references them.
Or simply a class library that's referenced by all other libs?
man these last 2 hours at work are exhausting
@RoelvanUden senpai have you bought a switch yet? if yes, we can drive karts.
Yes, an VS shared project, Well multiple shared projects

Main application -> Common code -> 3rd party data
Other Application
Another Application
@Proxy Nope :-) Probably not going to get it either. Unless Pokemon.
02:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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