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How or in what order is the if statement executed?
For example
int enteredNumber;
bool IsNumeric = int.TryParse(textBox.Text, out enteredNumber);
if (IsNumeric && DataContextModel.SearchCriteria.CurrentPage!=enteredNumber)
If IsNumeric is false and DataContextModel.SearchCriteria.CurrentPage!=enteredNumber is also checked then I will get a compile error.
Actually I won't supposing enteredNumber is never set.
So if IsNumeric is false does DataContextModel.SearchCriteria.CurrentPage!=enteredNumber get checked as well?
Or if the first expression is false then other expressions are never checked?
@user5500750 && does not check the second expression if the first one is false
& does, but it's almost never useful for condtions
likewise, || doesn't check the second if the first is true
Though, in this case, there wouldn't be any error even if it did check both
I can't think of a situation where & would actually be useful.
@hilli_micha I guess it'd have to be functions with side effects where both need to be evaluated, but idiomatically it would probably be better to just pre-evaluate them into local variables
Another theoretical possibility is non-boolean values for bool, since & is a bitwise and
Hello @mr5
@KendallFrey fourmilab.ch/images/kerbal - tho I don't know how you could have never seen this, or his site in general
@juanvan that looks interesting
the whole site is
Is there a way to access methods from .obj file created by c++ compiler from c#
@CodeBean is that a 3D object?
@juanvan i don't understand as it's not from c# dimension
I found this
is the extension .obj?
@juanvan i was referring to c++ object file
from reading it has complied executable code (or could)
But you would need to convert it to a DLL before using it in .net
Q: How to build static and dynamic libraries from .obj files for Visual C++?

anonymousI have Visual Studio 2008, Windows7 64 bit. I am using WinBGIm Graphics Library. This library is supplied with some .obj files. There are no .lib or .dll files. I want to convert them into static .lib and dynamic .dll files. I have copied all .obj files in the directory: C:\Program Files (x8...

I have only loaded DLL's into C# never an obj
@juanvan thanks
Good Luck - Air Speed :)
Does c# create a new reference each time I use a new keyword?
For example;
ObservableCollection<SQLiteDb.CourtCase> CourtCases = new ObservableCollection<SQLiteDb.CourtCase>();
Then if I do this;
CourtCases = new ObservableCollection<SQLiteDb.CourtCase>(await SQLiteDb.db.Table<SQLiteDb.CourtCase>().ThenBy(x => x.Id).Take(30).ToListAsync());
CourtCases will have a new reference?
new allocates a new memory on the heap
The old reference is destroyed?
So anything referencing the same memory will not get the new object?
well garbage collection will pick it up eventually - is the scope being exited at all? or is it running in a loop?
can you provide a clear example?
The property is used until the application is exited.
you could do..
I get it now.
ObservableCollection<SQLiteDb.CourtCase> CourtCases;
CourtCases = new ObservableCollection<SQLiteDb.CourtCase>(await SQLiteDb.db.Table<SQLiteDb.CourtCase>().ThenBy(x => x.Id).Take(30).ToListAsync());
Very common in Web apps, to use these when constructing db calls
How would you rewrite that without using the new keyword assuming has already been declared.
ObservableCollection<SQLiteDb.CourtCase> CourtCases = new ObservableCollection<SQLiteDb.CourtCase>(await SQLiteDb.db.Table<SQLiteDb.CourtCase>().ThenBy(x => x.Id).Take(30).ToListAsync());
Now I want to remove the old items and replace theme with new items from the List
does anyone know of a live video streaming library
Assuming this is WPF?
Without using a loop.
There is .Add but adds 1 item.
Usually would put the DB Call in its own method, and have it return to the object
Taking a look at an app
@mr5 no I have not but it would be interesting
We have found one: twilio
You need a library for video streaming?
Isn't this built in?
...using HTTP headers
would you use http protocol for video streaming?
But you're using a loop. I think that's the only way to do it.
that is loading the data into the collection to use in the View
usually you would call
when changing the collection
1 hour later…
Does anyone here have any experienced using the Facebook Live API?
or similar VoIP/WebRTC APIs ...like Twilio
How would i go on about unit testing an desktop application with settings?
I have currently implemented an abstract class with virtual's for some data access settings
How to make a LINQ query between two dbContexts (two databases)?
hi ho my fellowship
I have a deal to ask you about
brb in a few minutes, I have to do some workstuff
good morning :)
I hate spam.
to an extend where i consider hacking a server where the landingpage is.
just to know who the fuck sends this shitty messages
Example: Me young russian girl big boobs, looking for older caring man. Do everything and best. LINKTOLANDINGPAGE
sorry @all
had to vent a bit ^^
I don't remember the last time spam got through my spam filter.
@SebastianL tell us where do we find those russian women with big *** and stuffs
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan i recently acquired a new domain and for the in the first 1-3 months its like spamaggedon for the registered mailaddress...
Dynamic Role Based menu and submenu In MVC any open source code?
@SebastianL it's OK, venting your frustrations is part of the chat!
so, guys, I've been offered a position as a Java hiss analyst that requires some skills
Java skills?
Or skills in general?
@HéctorÁlvarez to analyze java or analyze some things with java?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Some skills in general apparently... Their acceptance requirements are rather high, and then the skill test is on the range of "Please put the following sentence in its negative form: The dog barks"
i guess to analyse Java itself
could be interesting... who would you be working for?
From Java frameworks to Sonar, docker, DBA...
I'd rather not disclose the name for now
I assume this position would have a couple of oompa loompas to flail and whip while they code
and my task would be to tell them "this method requires these arguments and has the following outputs, there's your worksheet, due date: 3 days form now"
because it requires knowledge about a lot of technologies, english, spanish, different non-java-related tools
and a lot of security
seems like a job the dad of my gf did for HP
he was generally happy with it
but he had to travel a lot
(china, USA, switzerland)
I love travelling
sounds great
unless you have a family and want to see them every weekend
oh and the security checks were awful
Good only 60% of tests failed :)
dunno how it'd be in your country, but there was a generic blacksuitstatesecurityagent searching and knowing almost everything always near :D
back on topic, all in all I have for this position:
location is at my home city, whose life costs are lower than my current's
paycheck is larger, and I mean, it can be up to 50% larger O.o
tasks require more responsiblity and complexity, which will let me learn more and faster, and I like learning, designing, etc.
and against it:
Java hiss which is not that much of a drawback... at this point, .NET has copied so much from Java, including Generics...
why hiss?
also the company's reputation isn't the best among my knowledgeable fellow people
and it's possible that the contract has a time limit, contrary to my current situation
.net generics suck though
on the other hand, java generics also suck
@Wietlol because everything that isn't C#, MS SQL Server, Oracle and emacs is to be hissed upon. Not because it's bad, but because this is the C# room.
but they only suck because they dont exist in runtime
@Wietlol yeah, the point is it's copied from Jabba
C# is copied from java, with changes made to make it better
but I dont think Microsoft did a good job at making it better
I've read some shit, like Roslyn C# 6.0 new features
then again, I've read about Java enum optional semicolons
shit's fucked up, I'll choose between the lion and the wolf and beat them both with my bare fists
you all know about xkcd's Bobby Tables?
theres a company named ; DROP TABLE "COMPANIES";--
"enum optional semicolons"
what do you understand about it?
the semicolon at enums has a very particular meaning
its nowhere relative to any C# concept
like... at all
@SebastianL they forgot a quote at the start
they didnt end the string
maybe they didn't want to screw the register :D
@Wietlol please enlighten me, I'm not a Jawa guru
I just know random stuff about other stuff
oh and by the way, what do you guys think about this opportunity, I was thinking about maybe an interview first, and whatever comes next out of it
@HéctorÁlvarez what do you expect to happen here?
the enum works either way, the parser reads it following the ancient incantation of the JVM's eye of Mordor, and it compiles just fine
can you give me a java example of how you think it works?
public enum Day {
I took that one from the docs @oracle
and how would it look like without optional semicolon?
it doesn't have a semicolon in there
because it doesn't have constants
so, without optional semicolon?
public enum Day {
if I'm not mistaken, that is
then why are you so hyped about it?
that would be with the optional semicolon
with the semicolon
dude, you don't seem to understand the point of it :)
no pun intended
i understand the semicolon
there is no point
here it is
it's like the Java dude yesterday, you aren't being helpful at all
@Kieran That didn't make much sense. Did you mean C#?
J.Doe. 50 Days to go
man, i cannot wait
@HéctorÁlvarez that is an ordinary Java enum without any implicit stuff... at least the ones that are used more often
the semicolon is the separator between the values of the enum and the enum declaration body
java enums are like C# classes except with a private constructor that can only be called on startup
via the code, it can only be called using the values list
(I added in the trailing comma just because its awesome)
the private constructor is optional as it is the same as the default one
as there are no arguments in the constructor, the parentheses at the values are also optional
and as there is nothing in the body (after removing the constructor) the semicolon is also optional
@Wietlol wait what, the final comma is also valid?!
however, in java enums, you generally want to provide your values some extra information
that is the entire concept of object oriented enums
which C# doesnt have
it has primitive type enums
so, in java enums, you actually always have more than just a list of values
even for days you can, but oracle didnt
Back when I was researching I used enums basically as lazy lists of whatever class, but I didn't really know this
as I said, Java enums are nowhere near any C# concept
I just thought enums were more powerful versions of whatever .NET had implemented for C#
still... they can be null facepalm
oh well
I might have to study a bit for this
study is for noobs
also, late reply is for people with filled bellies
if anyone ever wondered why germans are so weird: a german image board
That doesn't seem to explain why.
oh dude
what the fuck
NSFW that shit @SebastianL
hello Guys i am working on VS 2017 web api mvc .net core project
i followed this link to apply generic repository pattern


it works perfect ,
but i need to add unit of work class
how to initiate the context in controller through unit of work class ?
@SebastianL err 404?
Using an Interface? @Bassem
That example has an IRepository interface.
@Kieran thank god for proxy
i followed this

but exception occurred

Cannot consume scoped service 'DAL.DataConnection.DataContext' from singleton 'DAL.Repo.UnitOfWork'.
cuz they blocked the shit out of that
@Failsafe its just wierd
@Failsafe what did @Proxy do now?
@guys please help !
Cannot consume scoped service 'DAL.DataConnection.DataContext' from singleton 'DAL.Repo.UnitOfWork'
@Bassem It looks like you're registering an instance of one class but trying to resolve an instance of another.
this is code in startup.cs
services.AddSingleton<IUnitOfWork, UnitOfWork>();
and below is the controller

     public class coursesController : Controller
            IUnitOfWork Uow;

            public coursesController(IUnitOfWork _UoW)
                this.Uow = _UoW;
> class
> camelCase
Dear God man.
field, PascalCase
parameter, _UnderscoreLeadingPascalCase
private field with out a marker :-o
visibility modifier / access modifier
@juanvan ^
running on 2hrs of naps
Help Please
why is everyone so rude and excludes me?
Well you fall into one of those, Plant/Animal/Mineral
no :(
Are you the building block of a spirit?
@Wietlol you smell like Java.
your mom's a java dumpster
my java dumpster is a mom
you are not my java dumpster
nor my mom
not the momma?
im a java champion
youtube recommends me vid y every time i watch vid x
but now, it also recommends vid x when i watch vid y
i see error in design
even if you watched it before?
How many times can you watch the same episode of rick and morty?>
i watched both
they are quite good
i never re-watch rick and morty
on a side note, i never voluntarily watch rick and morty
triple nipple dribble
@juanvan what a thought
Does anyone knows what this command is doing
RUN ["cmd", "/c", "echo [{rabbit, [{loopback_users, []}]}].> c:\\rabbitmq.config"]
@KendallFrey penny for a thought, nickle for an idea, dime for a dream
@Mathematics Looks like it's writing a string to a file
Should i prefix all entities in an shared project to avoid ambiguous naming?
the namespace should prevent that
unless you're using the same namespace in 2 projects
Yes it works but i'm considering in the sense of readability
why are the entities the same name?
guess that's a better question
@Raldo94 Probably doesn't hurt to add some information for readability
Current working with an ERP system with integration with multiple projects, the naming for an article is Article in the project and also the same in the ERP system
The local project also stores the "article" in its database but all fields are not 1:1
if it adds to readability, it's good to
usually my entities are lowercase and views are UpperCase
I will go with prefixes, thanks for the help.
Good luck Sir
Is there a method in C# that take an `Action` as the first parameter, and a time as the 2nd parameter to dispose the action after the time passes:
in a Xamarin forms app I want to change the background color of a button and restore its default when the time end
@MohamedAhmed That's not how actions work, you can't just undo things willy-nilly
You have to change the colour back when you're done
@Feeds I don't get it. Maybe because it's some joke about waves and crap
Or are they particles?
@mikeTheLiar they're quanta
@HéctorÁlvarez They're good dogs Héctor!
They're good memes, Marada.
@mikeTheLiar Marada :)
!!tell Héctor joke
I see you are men of cult
@mikeTheLiar Damn, Brent sounds kind of like a dick, huh?
Bront did come off overly harsh.
why are you so mad, halli
Because your rating system sucks >:(
is brant any of you guys
because that would be the icing of this sweet cake
Hello? Yes, this is Brynt.
@mikeTheLiar No, this is Patrick
I identify as an eggo waffle
Only children would put you in their mouth?
ey what up pimps
and non .net peasants that might be hanging out here
@mikeTheLiar every adult puts it in their mouth
@Failsafe i was not even here :'(
i was referencing my web proxy
you have an unfortunate name
unfortunate name Hitler
3 hours later…
posted on November 29, 2017 by Scott Hanselman

I got an email this week asking how to download some of my Azure Friday video podcast videos from http://friday.azure.com as well as some of the Getting Started Videos from Azure.com. NOTE: Respect copyright and consider what you’re doing and WHY before you use this technique to download videos that may have been embedded for a reason. I told them to download the videos with F12 tools, and they

3 hours later…
I actually had to ask a question on Stack. :(
I haven't done that in so long.

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