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14:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

Transfer drivers from Geneva to the ski resorts in France have...a unique set of skills
And so do their junction designers
from memory I think they just send one carriageway under the other by a bridge
So yeah. I'm going to be driving from Vancouver to Las Vegas end of next month
Well, not all of it
but probably a large part
I've never driven abroad before
@LasseV.Karlsen thats was a good watch lol
i kind of want to try it now
It's a scary video
Because the conclusion, which he outright says at the end of the video, is that you're looking at the world through a bias, whether you want to or not.
Which I actually believe is true.
But...it's a conscious bias, surely
Nobody thinks they can ride a bicycle equally well upside down or backward
I don't think I can drive with my eyes closed
Those would be biases, but they're silly
i think most of it is an unconscious bias based on your personal experience
All that proves is that people don't believe silly things
not unconscious
If you're made to, you can learn, but you know the difference
i was thinking more high level i guess
not specifically about 'learning things'
I agree with you but I don't think the video proves that
oh for sure
The only friend going on my trip who's been to the U.S. and had to get on with stuff solo said this
"that you're looking at the world through a bias", i took that as in, what is your world view, do you know why your world view is the way it is?

For instance, racist people who are racist because they were raised that way. They'll swear to god it's because x is better than y
Well, let me ask you this. Suppose I asked you to catch a ball that I throw at you, then I threw the ball at you. Not in the "throw it like a person-who-wants-to-hurt-someone type of way" but I lobbed it at you.
Then I ask you to explain to me how you caught it.
Yes it's a common language but it's not going to be quite as seamless as you expect and you won't realise where the issues are going to show up
And I mean, really explain how you caught it.
You'll come into situations where you both understand the words but not the context and won't be able to explain on the spot why you're confused
I mean, which muscles did you use, in which order, etc.
@LasseV.Karlsen I suppose I get the point
yeah thats an interesting way to put it
In the end you will come up with the conclusion that your brain figured out all the details.
I wonder whether great atheletes get better at this
But you can't explain it.
actually, I am quite sure they do
they do, it's muscle memory
they do it over and over and over again
im playing captain obvious today apparently
Training in something always makes you better at it.
So great athletes will be better at controlling or knowing how to control their muscles to do the things they want.
I read something yesterday about the UFC gym, where they're using the cutting edge of sports science. They mentioned it because Conor McGregor is using it, and Floyd Mayweather isn't, he just boxes. He goes to an old fashioned boxing gym, where he learns to box. The UFC gym has, get this
They'll be no closer to explaining why X is Z though.
A pool in which there is immersed a treadmill
i hate mayweather
i wish somebody would just beat his ass
and this mcgregor guy apparently has never had a professional boxing match in his life
They run on the treadmill - at either of two selectable water temperatures - and are recorded on video which is displayed in real time
so, im not too hopeful he'll do it, but we'll see
Not knowing a lot about that topic, I think that is the point, someone is going to get his ass beaten.
The video is analysed by a machine learning algorithm that spots asymmetry
They discuss with their coach whether they feel the asymmetry and what to do to correct it
oh we made an app that did that at my old job
oh yeah, so I am 99% sure Mayweather will win
they used it in the Olympics, but it didn't use ML
unless he throws the fight to make another hundred mil from the rematch
@Steve'saD Got your ass beaten? What a strange app!
lol yeah me too
which I'm not convinced he wouldn't do
he fights like such a sissy
I haven't seen him. I've read he is defensive
it's annoying watching him
Thing about an MMA fighter is you can't really defend
they just batter through it
1503 away from my new t-shirts :)
Yeah, they give out t-shirts from the SE sites when you reach certain reputation thresholds
oh neat
well I have a pound on mcgregor at 100/1
I'm 1503 reputation away from 250k, which is the next threshold :)
@TomW id put money on him too, even though i think he'll lose
@LasseV.Karlsen damn man
im both envious of you and sad at the same time
so much time spent getting that much rep
@Steve'saD like I say if failweather throws the fight
I've been here since the beginning, only reason.
thats neat
i started late
Hey guys, it is possible that some1 is downvoting my anwsers? I've got some makred anwsers and i have minus points on them :c
Look at my user number :)
all the questions i can answer get down voted and closed, so lol
@sTrenat of course it is, that's the point of the site
Are your answers bad?
Close, but yes :)
Also, if you doubt the "I've been here since the beginning", just check the log of this chatroom :)
oh you're one of the first messages
...Are you The Creator?
i remember that now actually
Not one of.
@TomW i've got some marked as "accepted as the best' and i have minus on them
THE creator?
The first :) The one that created the room :)
something something religious joke
7 days and all that
Not relevant in the programming world.
7 days is a long time
We have listened to you talk since the dawn of time, O Creator! And we have learned to imitute you exaltly.
@TomW I'm not, i just help ppl :/
One can go from "there is a bug" to "we've created an enterprise solution to replace the bugfix" in 7 days.
You'll be lucky if you get from phoning the helpdesk to the phone being answered in 7 days
Actually I've learned the trick of navigating the helpdesk
"Let me talk to your supervisor!"
When that fails you've reached the right level.
is that you?
No, that is not me.
i once did that at college to the lunch lady
she wouldn't let me in the cafeteria because i was just in there like 2 hours ago, and apparently im not adult enough to know i only get 3 meals and should spread them out
What did you do steve
So clearly she was the right level! :)
like, theres a limit how how soon you can go, even if you have meals left for the day
Or she wouldn't be able to boss you around.
anyway, i got mad, something somethign combat vet not dumb something something let me talk to your manager
breakfast at 10, lunch at 12
I don't see a problem
my gf was there too, i think i embarrassed her
were you fat at the time
no lol
then it's legit
> my gf
question answered
ha yeah
she was really nice
i should have married her, but i was too screwed up in the head back then to keep my shit together
now im fat and bald
I eat every two hours from about 6 to about 2 so I feel ya
this one girl at a credit union, who was totally out of my league hit on me, it made my month
@TomW So, with my experience coming from a company dealing with a software that exclusively deals with time, 6 to about 2 means all the hours of the day?
6am - 2pm
Not too good with am/pm to be honest.
oh yeah
Is that 06:00-14:00?
instead of 13 14 15, it starts over
Yeah so I do understand 'military time' obviously, but quoting like that as an anglophone makes you sound kind of...y'know
or european.
but I repeat myself
We're not all douchebags.
Some of us are though. Can't be helped really.
Well I'm British, so I'm technically European for slightly under two years yet
the worst of both worlds
You're european-not-really-wanting-to-be, there's a difference ;)
I actually voted Remain, so fu
It was a joke :)
So did more or less everyone with a brain
unfortunately those are in the minority
The facebook crowd got their way.
They got their president in the US this year too.
ugh don't remind me
It's a pretty even split across IQ grounds, tbh
Ahh, well....
with the outliers who think they're more intelligent than they are swinging it
That's like saying "It's pretty evenly split between those that have an IQ and those that don't", in my opinion.
[no intelligence detected]
Ask anyone that supported Trump to justify their support, and follow it up, and you'll invariably end up with "... well he said that she said that whoever thought that ...".
honestly, im just shocked by how easy it all was, by how easily they were convinced of the most outlandish things
No, it's the facebook crowd.
So social media was a bad idea
People who wants simplistic solutions to complex problems they don't understand.
it's really sad, idc who it is
@LasseV.Karlsen exactly!
giving people with stupid ideas equal platform to people with good ideas
Social media is a problem yes
i always grew up thinking "man, how could the germans have fallen for such propaganda, thank god america is smarter than that"
I don't know what the solution is, but social media of today isn't it.
Let me explain.
And they don't see the problem!
is social media the problem, or is the lack of an education (formal or informal) the problem
Let's consider that you wanted to bring in a lot of people that have somethiung to say about a topic for a talk. A serious talk.
social media is a problem, but that doesn't mean the solution is limiting free speech
Would you just open the doors? Let anyone in the neighbourhood wander in?
Of course not!
But that's social media.
And as along as people treat social medias as "something that matters" you got the exact opposite of what I asked about.
Let me give a more concrete example.
i honestly think we need to better educate our population, give them the tools to critically think about topics, a baseline knowledge of said topics
having said that, people don't care about evidence based facts, they care about social circle facts, so maybe education won't be enough
Last year, one of the top bloggers in Norway got a lot of traction for her attack on companies that produced chocolate, for them using "palm oil" in their products.
And yes, palm oil usage is a bad thing, leading to deforestation and related problems.
i don't know much about that
However, one of the companies she attacked had done all the right things. They had identified the problem, replaced their usage of palm oil with something else, a different oil which had the same end results but not the same problematic production, and then required all subcontracts to adhere to this.
i think i read some where that most of the chocolate is made by slaves or something
But no, this was not recognized, her attack on that company was still lauded as "justified".
thats too bad
But its the reality.
Social media is not about right or wrong.
It's about number of likes, or upvoters, or supporters.
social circle evidence
@LasseV.Karlsen that sounds very tame for the scale of mass media issues in the world today
if somebodys social circle says x is true, you can never convince them otherwise, no matter how many facts you throw at them
Norway Problems.
It's an example
Not entirely sure what you mean though, clarify?
Are you talking about "fake news"?
You're asking tom, right?
I mean the scale of that issue and the consequences are quite minor, and it's quite a 'Norwegian' attitude to see that as a big deal, when much more catastrophic issues are caused by much greater stupidity elsewhere
Even though it is stupid to ignore evidence, ignoring of evidence that a company that makes food has in fact removed palm oil from its processes and continuing to criticise them for using palm oil is, well 1) wrong, but understandable if the person doesn't listen 2) kind of not that big a deal, you can just ignore them
for reference my received wisdom as a close neighbour is that Norway is one of those countries that has a culturally very high standard of reasoning, certainly higher than ours, and I think you'd probably die of despair if you had to live among the imbeciles in most other countries
No, it was an example
My problem with the "facebook crowd" is that I see quite a lot of people wanting simple solutions to complex problems.
They don't want to learn anything about the issue.
They don't want to know anything about the issue, other than "it's bad".
yep, if only we opened up health insurance across state lines, everything would be great
So if I were to pose an example
They just want a simple solution to it.
I'd say "We voted to leave the EU"
That is a Big Deal.
Problem is that someone has presented a simple solution and they take it.
And then they apply the exact same heuristics to the solution as they did to the problem.
I don't want to know how complex the solution is.
I really don't want to know anything at all about the solution.
Just fix it, implement the solution, because someone else said it would be simple.
paraphrasing George Carlin, believe me you don't have stupid people like we have stupid people
Let's build a wall.
fuck it wasn't George Carlin
While here in Norway nobody is suggesting we actually build a wall, they are suggesting the same cause and effect.
dead, swore a lot
Let's stop all immigration. And by all, we mean all. 100%
steve pls
But very few is looking at what the actual consequences of that would be.
very offensive
They're looking at 1 or 2.
That's like saying "We know how to travel at the speed of light"
And then saying "Well, let's do it then"
im not against everything trump does, just like i wasn't for everything obama did
people are so white and black now
Bill Hicks!
Whereas the current solution to that problem contains this paraphrased sentence " .... only problem is it would required the entire known energy storage and production of the known universe ..."
Thanks Steve you were no help at all
im not funny, im just an asshole
Bill Hicks is legendary :)
^ true
i've never heard of him
I've been to Shaftesbury
It's not much of a muchness
never seen that before, that's like, earl 90s I think
and I haven't seen Clive Anderson since either
@Steve'saD god that accent
I have trouble placing some accents, but not that one
1 hour later…
netflix/amazon prime/hbo/stars/etc recomendations?
thepiratebay :P
i need tv shows lol
like, idk what to watch
I've just started again on Chicago P.D.
probably not new but nothing is over here
oh in that case I can't help you because I watch anime
I like it
was it ever filmed in that definition?
you can see sweat on Patrick Stewart
fuck you can see sweat on Brent Spiner
you can see the bridge arc is made of wood
14:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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