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01:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

No one's ever here at night...
Don't be such a D Steve.
eat a dick
No thanks.
not even if i pay you in gum?
So I'm really enjoying C#, and EF and MVC... kind of a learning curve for me, been a webforms guy for a while. How about you?
did webforms for a bit, moved onto mvc/webapi
did php way back in the day
How long ago?
do abit of js
i started programming with PHP3
How long ago did you switch to WebAPI and MVC?
3 and a half years
Nice. Tell me it gets easier and it's worth it!
yeah i could never go back to webforms
it takes a bit more to setup, but everything is a lot more modular, clean, unit testable
I enjoy both. I actually work in VB daily, and I have to kind of sneak EF and LINQ into my new position. lol.
What's a "unit test"?
j/k but I never use them, barely know why I should, really.
basically testing all of your code you know it all behaves as expected
if you change something, unit tests break, you know you caused a bug
LOL, I've been working in VB for 15 years so, yeah. It's all good, I started with C# about 3 years ago but have only about one year experience with MVC.
it's basically bug prevention, and keeping interns from breaking shit too
Sounds interesting, I wish I worked in a more formal environment but on the other hand, it's casual where I'm at and no one is up my ass about my code except the guy who thinks I'm outshining him.
places even tie automated unit tests into the build process
But it's hard not to be epic when you're the Seventh Son.
so you cant deploy a branch which has failing unit tests, or integration tests
That sounds very complicated and time consuming. I would love it.
i think a lot of places consider that normal
I think you're right but I've worked in micro-environments, been a lone ranger most of my career.
and if you remove tests, because you did something stupid, it shows up in the code reviews
so somebody can intercept dumb mistakes there too
Last job had a couple other coders that were using BASIC. Like, not VB, lol. Job before that I ran everything. This job at now is a very small team, I can have impact.
oh wow lol
Tried running my own business for a while. That didn't work out...
what kind of business?
I'm a bit late for the 90's.
Websites, e-commerce.
Advertising, email, social media, etc.
Was trying to work my way up to app development B2B but thought I could target small businesses with need of websites. I guess Wix kinda killed that for most small business. Only bigger places need the level of customization I can provide.
oh i never thought of that
I was using an open source MVC e-commerce package though. It's nice.
Ever hear of NOP?
as in a no-operation?
Nah, Nop Commerce.
It's the biggest open-source e-commerce pack available I think.
C#, code first, EF, etc. It's pretty nice, extensible.
3 hours later…
Hello everyone
How to update ui of specific thread when multiple threads are running simultaneously ??
Get your Dispatcher you targeted. or use Application.Current.Dispatcher to find main UI dispatcher
Anyone ??
Dispatcher.Invoke(your lambda delegate);
Ok I'll try that , thanks
Dispatcher.Invoke(()=>TextBox.Text="Oh my meow god...=3=...");
Dispatcher.Invoke(()=>{TextBox.Text="Oh my meow god...=3=...";TextBox.Enabled=false;});
Can I do it with ThreadPool ?
I will think Can. But I never tried. You can try it.
Iam downloading multiple files simultaneously. So I need to update progress bar of each downloading file. What will be the best way to do it ?
Then you must having a controller that fetch the event of each download thread information(progress,filename etc)
The controller should mix/cat the each download information. and Invoke() information to the GUI
Theres tons of approach to do anyway
Well I'm using webclient downloadAync to download files. I can access progress of file but for only current running taks
why girls are so irrational Y_Y
Morning sharperinos!
Hi! Does anyone know what is the equivalent of this C++ method (DWORD WINAPI myMethod(LPVOID lpParameter){...}) in C# for Pinvoke?
Hi all is there any SharePoint Developer
@OscarMartinez stdcall int myMethod (IntPtr)
morning :)
stdcall means Standard Call
WINAPI means Windows API
declspec means Declare Specification
cdecl means C Declaration
@RoelvanUden are those right? I like guessing of abbreviations during C++ days
When I change a column length in the DB, and using EF-DB first. should I update the edmx?
@mr5 I don't know what the abbreviations mean. I just know that they shift the responsibility of cleaning the stack. In __stdcall the caller is responsible, in __cdecl it is the callee. Using the wrong convention thus leads to stack corruption.
@MohamedAhmed yea
guys, I have a problem with IIS and wcf - I have a app on IIS and it works fine when I enter localhost:8001/AppName/ to browser and when I enter same url but without slash it redirects to address with slash, but if I use service reference without slash I get Method not allowed error. Why doesn't it work from c# app and what can I do to make it work?
I'll make it more simple - right now when my app has endpoint address: localhost:8001/AppName/ it works. What can I do for localhost:8001/AppName to work?
@Dess Can't you just map both of them in the IIS?
ahoy mateys o/
@Metallkiller and how can I do that? I'm already searching, but maybe you can give me fast answer
IIS -> Site -> "Bindings...." in sidebar
Heyho negelecterinos
what happend yesterday @Kieran?
You can add several bindings there
And why the frig is VS 2015 keep forgetting my keyboard hotkeys?! Oo
moring @Nerdintraining, kid didn't wanna goto kindergarden??
@Metallkiller Is at my fathas nows had to bring him to him
Oh right, other side of town^^
@Dess I jsut realized, I told bullshit. Sorry about that.
Just a slight detour to work actually^^
left home late though
@Nerdintraining my internet died
@Kieran i thought so
I might or might not have killed someone that round
i hit him like 3 times and then he vanished behind a bush so i dont know^^
Without propper scope!
I felt so badass
Kierans internet died so he went into the bush?
so, any other ideas?
@Dess Figure out where the thing without a slash goes, and redirect?
I realized I don't know enough about IIS/endpoints/binding to give adequate answers
@Nerdintraining I played a solo before i went to play with you and your mate
Got three kills with a pump action
@Kieran neeerd
@Nerdintraining I don't mean to point out the obvious, but thats kinda ironic considering your name :P
badum tsss
@Metallkiller in browser path without a slash redirects to the one with slash, but when it's an endpoint address in application then it gives error 'Method not allowed' when trying to use webservice's method. I have no idea what can I do to make it work
@Dess Figure out where exactly the / endpoint leads, and figure out where exactly the w/o slash endpoint leads. Maybe there is a method that redirects the browser to the / endpoint, but for some reason the webservice interpretes that the wrong way? Maybe it's something in the browsers ID that redirects it and the webservice gets blocked instead?
This goes to an area where I can only ive highly speculative answers, since I don't know enough about the basics.
interface can't contain private methods, but what if I want to implement a private method for a group of classes?
protected method in the base class
@Metallkiller the is already a parent class
a private method, per definition, is only accessible in the containing class. No other class has anything to do with it.
If you want a group of classes to share a method, you either put it in a base class and use an access modifier that fits, or a public class in an interface. Depends on your intention.
Since there is a parent class, you can easily put the method there. Now tink about who uses that method. Each class on its own? Does a class use that method, but of another class? Do other classes use that method?
Check your intention. Determine who needs to use the method or whos responsibility that function is.
@MohamedAhmed let the base class inhereit from the parent and then the childs from the base
base = parent
parent: universal name afaik, probably used in some language
base = C# name
super = java name
TIL: C++ has multiple inheritance.
I still think that if you use interfaces properly, you dont need multiple inheritance :D
@Wietlol Totally agree with you
If I select include data as following
_uow.Articles.AllIncluding(x => x.ArticleBody.Translations, x => x.ArticleHeadline.Translations).ToListAsync()
Does it include both ArticleBody and Translations in ArticleBody?
or should it go like this
_uow.Articles.AllIncluding(x => x.ArticleBody, x => x.ArticleBody.Translations, x => x.ArticleHeadline, x => x.ArticleHeadline.Translations).ToListAsync()
I save that data to Cache and I get System.ObjectDisposedException
after some time
does anyone know how could I compare project sizes between two commits in git?
@mr5 diff?
@SebastianL I only need the size in bytes though
we're having an ASO (App Search Optimization), basically, it's just a clean up. Removing unnecessary/unused resources from the project. I would just like to see the progress I made :)
git clone
get the number of bytes from the folder
and then do the same with the revision before the commit
afk, lunch
@Wietlol excellent! I would try that tomorrow. Thanks! :D
So I'm now not alocal admin anymore, as we'd like to find out if we can still work under these circumstances.
When I remote in to another server, I can still open IIS and restart websites. Am I still admin there? How can I find out if I'm still admin on the remote server?
@Metallkiller start something in admin mode?
I can start cmd in admin mode locally too, no error msg
But error msg when I try opening IIS locally
!!giphy its fucked
I don't think that could have gotten a better response
!!giphy Kieran
So thats what you look like @Kieran
Uh, not really haha
!!giphy jack sparrow
thats more like me lmao
maybe in your dreams
!!giphy nyancat
I'm trying to clarify my understanding of C#'s name resolution system. Is it accurate to say that if your file has no using directives, then you can't access any names that were defined outside of the file?
not entirely true
the using statements specify that you want to use types from a certain namespace
the namespace that you are in is implicitly being included
Hmm, thinking about it, I guess using directives don't so much make completely inaccessible names accessible, as much as they make "names accessible only if you qualify them" accessible without having to qualify them
You can't do Console.Write without using System; but you can still do System.Console.Write
using statements are just so that you dont have to write the namespace over and over again
and they might be important in case of extension methods
on a side note, there is no such thing as inaccessible names.
Funny you should mention extensions, as this question is an XY-Problem smokescreen for my true issue, which is that OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(ConnectionStringExtensions.UOWConnectionString); spontaneously stopped working in a file which has not changed in seven days
From the error message The name 'ConnectionStringExtensions' does not exist in the current context, I expect that the name used to be resolvable, and now isn't.
how is that related to extension methods?
It has the word "Extensions" in it :-P
in any case, it could be that the library you are using has been updated and that the newer version just doesnt have that class any more
for example
*no such thing as inaccessible names*
Of course, in another project/library that isnt referenced.
the name is not inaccessible :D
the type it refers to can be inaccessible though
I agree that a change in a library's public interface might be the problem. The file has using directives for System, NHibernate, and TremendousInHouseUtilityLibrary.
but if the library it is refering to is not referenced, then its again a non-existing type (in the current context)
@Kevin in this case, I prefer Java imports, they are type based by default instead of namespace/package based
in that way, you know where you got it from
Is it possible that ConnectionStringExtensions is its own library? I'm guessing that's not a common kind of library name, but I don't expect my workplace to adhere strongly to community naming guidelines
it could also be in one of your project files that you removed it from and now that reference is broken
if you have some sort of version control, move back to a point where it worked and ask your IDE where it comes from
i at least hope you have some sort of version control and have implemented it properly
Version control? yes. Implemented properly? ... Eh.
so that a clean install will give you a properly compilable project
which includes external libraries
Historically, installing from scratch requires a heaping dollop of "now add these references, modify these web.config values, put your right foot out and shake it all about" steps
First I need to figure out if TFS has a "Roll back all files to whatever they were at 8/17/2017" option. I know I can revert individual files to previous versions but doing that manually for five hundred files seems like a bit of effort
uhm... it shouldnt require those steps
and i always use git
so iDunno how horrible TFS is :D
I struggle with it but I don't know if that's because it's objectively bad or if it's because I'm relying on 95% cargo culting and "this convoluted way works for me, kinda" laziness
probably the latter
It is overwhelmingly likely.
problem is, one day you find out that it isnt working... not even kinda
Ah, "Get Specific Version" has a date field, that's right. Ok, I'll go rollback now. I have to disconnect from the Internet to connect to source control, because Security (tm). Will return shortly.
and then you are yelling at all the younger people that they are sooo stupid to do the same thing
@Wietlol Why do you sound like a 80 year old guy from the Netherlands to me? :-/
because i am from the netherlands?
And... you are 80 years old?
not even close
i guess
Hi guys
I am having a table in which there are 2 fields uniquely identifying a record i.e composite key so does my below url make sense :
Is above url make sense as per REST API ?
a-patchy OP
@Learning does it make sense to you?
Sorry what?
does the url make sense to you?
No no at all
what are the parameters you want to get from the request?
why not
First is Id and second is access
then i assume the link is: "/root/customers/{id}?access=100" right?
Yes thats right
But does above url make sense when you have composite key
id and access is pk
then above url make sense as per rest api?
what is this access value doing?
i assume id is the customer id
Yeah but i have this access column also which along with id is uniquely idenfitfying a record
which makes it preferable to be placed after the customers url path node
you could do "/root/customers/{customerId}/{access}"
treating those two values as an actual pair
gahh, what may cause error, that I cannot add Controller from models.
throws Object reference not set to an instance of an object
and it doesn't work with any of Models
I was writing my weekly report to my manager about my achievements in the week, while happiness is dominating my report, this visitor was having another opinion:
@MohamedAhmed You gotta download more ram bro
isnt that an OutOfMemoryError?
If the code I'm writing need more than 8 GB of ram, then there is a serious problem
and that the stack limit is runtime specific or somewhere in the options
8GB pfft
Is it considered low?
The out of memory error isn't to do with your ram
whatever variable you are using, needs to be able to hold more data
I think
if you run out of ram... it cant get more data... which means you are out of memory
If you ran out of RAM, You'd know about it
Q: C# : Out of Memory exception

TalkingCodeToday my application today threw an OutOfMemoryException. To me this was always almost impossible since I have 4GB RAM and a lot of virtual memory too. The error happened when I tried to add an existing collection to a new list. List<Vehicle> vList = new List<Vehicle>(selectedVehicles); To m...

OutOfMemoryError = no more heap memory for the object I'm creating; SOException = No more stack memory for the method call /variable/...
i thought 32 bits' limit was 4GB
maybe its signed lol :D
Also to address is 8gb considered low
thats my idle
I think they made a kind of extension years ago, so 32bit systems may use 8gb ram.
windows tends to use 50% of your ram
Idle being i have programs open but im not currently debugging/compiling/running anything currently
@Kieran Don't watch all the porn at once bro
if you had 8GB ram, you would use around 4
@Metallkiller I CAN'T HELP IT
@Kieran Is that Windows XP?!
7 @RoelvanUden
@Wietlol where did you get that from?
basically opening my taskmanager :D
and using 3 different computers
one with 6GB, one with 8GB and one with 16GB
its not really 50%, but it tends to use more if you have more ram
Ok, I'm back. Turns out that the missing extension was in source control, but VS didn't consider it part of the project until I did "Add Item"
well... problem solved
@Kieran if this is right then I'll include this in my report to upgrade my machine :P
and another reason not to use Visual Studio
hells no
VS has more benefits than problems
benefits compared to... what?
Problem partially solved. TremendousInHouseUtilityLibrary now builds successfully, but the projects that depend on TremendousInHouseUtilityLibrary still don't recognize the method that was added to the type by the extension.
@Kevin probably outdated reference
Hmm very possible
TremendousInHouseUtilityLibrary has a special post-build action that adds its dlls to the GAC and also to c:\projects\misc\allOfOurDLLs and one or both of them like to fail because of permission problems
Anybody ever worked with Hpoks before?
One would think that I, the administrator user, running VS in Administrator Mode, would be able to write files without trouble
one would be so intuitive, yes
While I'm here maybe I should make it so the build fails if gacutil /i fails
Right now the post-build event looks like:
copy "$(TargetDir)$(TargetFileName)" "c:\projects\misc\allOfOurDLLs"
gacutil /i "c:\projects\misc\allOfOurDLLs"\$(TargetFileName)"
copy "$(TargetDir)$(TargetFileName).XML" "c:\projects\misc\allOfOurDLLs"
I assume this means that the build will only fail if the final copy command fails. If the first copy command fails or gacutil fails, it will quietly continue
The bandaid solution is to move the gacutil command down a line. The actual solution is to spend fifteen minutes researching batch file syntax to figure out what their equivalent of logical AND is
copy "$(TargetDir)$(TargetFileName)" "c:\projects\misc\allOfOurDLLs" &&
gacutil /i "c:\projects\misc\allOfOurDLLs"\$(TargetFileName)" &&
copy "$(TargetDir)$(TargetFileName).XML" "c:\projects\misc\allOfOurDLLs"
I think this works, but on a failure the error message is not very descriptive... I wonder if I can make it identify which of the three failed.
that is why you shouldnt make build scripts in some build script language
but instead be able to write it in code like C#
@Wietlol You mean "that is why you shouldnt make build scripts in some build script language that doesn't have informative error reporting"
C# isn't designed for build scripts and there are languages specifically designed for that
@KendallFrey hascall?
@Nerdintraining Haskell as a language has notoriously terrible error reporting
Atleast I almost nailed the name
Although in this case the error reporting comes from the implementation of a build framework, not the language itself.
@KendallFrey im just saying, why make a new language with as little features as possible if you can use a more powerful language which you already are used to anyway?
Looks like the idiomatic approach is riskyCommandGoesHere || echo risky command failed with error level %errorlevel% but it's not clear to me that VS makes echoed text visible to the user in any way, and I don't know that %errorlevel% exists outside of bash's usual execution environment
@Wietlol Because of Python
it has a cool name and is just as stronk
@Wietlol Because it may be more convenient and maintainable to use a specialized language.
you could use python
What abot powershell?
@Wietlol For example, that argument implies that you think we should all be writing machine code.
@KendallFrey ofc, the code will look shorter and more maintainable, but you will lack certain things
You will lack things that you don't need
take for example this line "copy "$(TargetDir)$(TargetFileName).XML" "c:\projects\misc\allOfOurDLLs"" i read it as "copy" is some reserved word to specify you want to copy some file to another place, and it has 2 path parameters of where to copy and where to paste
maybe, just maybe, there is this small chance that I dont just want to copy it, but loop through the folder searching for all files that end with a certain extension and only copy those
and with the others do something these that has to make it into the final folder
that was literally one of the scenarios where the build script thing wasnt enough
you mean like xcopy "%sourcedir%/*.xml" "%targetdir%" ?
@Wietlol What do you mean?
@Metallkiller depends on its functionality
lets try a website, html files should be separate files that keep their folder structure
css files should be merged within their own folder
and js files must be written to one massive script
i prefer just writing the code in C# because I know how
and not have to search google how to do it, find out after 2 hours that it is not possible and that I have to write it in C# anyway, build a .exe and run that one with the in/out folder as parameters
I'm 80% confident that batch files are Turing Complete so in principle you could do arbitrarily complicated post-build processes. Albeit in an ugly fashion.
ofc you can do it, by calling an external executable
I think using batch as a representative for build scripts is somewhat unfair. Make is a much more polished system.
in intellij, when I have larger projects, I add a module that is simply there to build the project
01:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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