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@Kramb post on meta
@Kramb how about make it so that off-topic conversation happens elsewhere? like, in a different channel?
I mean, it's never, ever get implemented but go ahead and ask
@Squiggle Because it is inevitably going to happen, even unintentionally
Or, you know, have off topic chats in a different medium
demote squiggle for having bad ideas thanks
type 123 if you agree
One that's less rigid
Maybe having a bit more Slack
oh gawd
this is a good read
Q: How should I deal with an employee who has slept with my wife?

Waiter JohnI'm the owner of a business with about 30-40 employees. Recently, I found out that one of my employees has been having an affair with my wife. The employee has worked for me for 4 years. I felt like I was his mentor, since I recruited straight from university, taught him the ropes, and promoted h...

It's like watching a movie on netflix
Also, I'm scared of meta. I've seen some posts that seem like a good idea, but get bashed pretty hard
Check the edit versions if you want to get really depressed
have a ncie day of work later guys
seeing you
(like I have watched netflix before. lol)
Or just hang out here and wait for ndugger to post
That'll make you want a hug
I mean what?
@mikeTheLiar stop bullying me
can't we just be friends?
I love you
I always have
Nick, I'm sorry to do this here in front of everyone but I'm late
I want to keep it
^ r u 2 lovers?
Oh wait, actually that was just gas
a tiger and a train. what could possibly be the offspring?
Someone can help me about IDistributedCache?
A Lain
@Teo, nobody can help you
> Lion
I take offense to that
We Khajiit are a proud people
Oh a tiger
Thomas the Khajiit
Djanka the Khajiit
4 mins ago, by mr5
Q: How should I deal with an employee who has slept with my wife?

Waiter JohnI'm the owner of a business with about 30-40 employees. Recently, I found out that one of my employees has been having an affair with my wife. The employee has worked for me for 4 years. I felt like I was his mentor, since I recruited straight from university, taught him the ropes, and promoted h...

someone check this out
@Nathvi there is a new nice guy
That employee is a boss.
whats going on here
@Steve'saD we're discussing that situation you had a while ago when your underling slept with your wife and it was all very awkward
j/k it was me
i have a wife?
wow, life is looking up finally
Uh yeah. Don't you remember our wedding?
oh hun after all I did for you
sorry babe
Umm, I thought I was the only one
/me wails, runs out of channel
I want a divorce
oh so this is a 3some...a tiger, a train, and a wanna-be-qr-code?
seriously, what's that called?
oh man, all my side relationships are finding out about each other
what do i do now
sounds like the only reasonable thing to do
damn. workplace.stackexchange questions really interest me. this will keep me til 2am
Intellisense boxes seriously need scrollbars added to them
@ndugger way to go
i find myself
worrying that i'm going to be on one of those github polls here coming up shortly
@mr5 gravatar
im going to
god u dont want
peanut butty jelly time
oh yes baby
shut up and kiss me you fool
@mikeTheLiar donkey m8
Are you trying to say Danke?
yep m8
u mad bro?
danke is a fake word created by fake news
Q: Add the ability to mark chat messages as "On-topic" or "Off-topic"

KrambFrom time to time, "regular" users in SO chat may inadvertently stray "off-topic" from the room's official subject matter. I am proposing a request to add the ability to mark a chat message "off-topic". How it would work A user enters the chat and, by default, they will only see chat messages t...

by CNN?
There we go, question asked
Oh this does not end well
haha, that's my guess as well
haha, I mean if you don't like it than by all means
I'm gonna tell you want they're gonna say already
they don't care about chat
we're like the ghetto of SO
"Off topic discussion belongs elsewhere"
And yeah
why would you want people to become a robot?
it took them 7 years to give us the ability to kick people
They wish chat didn't exist
who knows
asking them to implement an on-topic/off-topic feature would be like buying a new steering wheel for a burned out car in the ghetto's of detroit
I mean it really wouldn't be that hard to implement though
2 mins ago, by mikeTheLiar
They wish chat didn't exist
I don't like the idea since you're putting pressure to users to always "behave"
I like being weird and off-topic as always
imagine being a mod that you need to constantly check each chat message as on-topic.
@Kramb look at the chat FAQ. It's basically still in beta.
Hi, someone has already used any DistributedCache?
i have not
Q: The resource cannot be found error in web API MVC 4 Masterpage Layout

Ivin RajWeb api looks working and it dispalys data in json format http://localhost:55304/api/InsuranceCompanyRegistration my routeConfig looks like this: public class RouteConfig { public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) { routes.IgnoreRoute("{resource}.axd/{*pathInf...

@Teo is that a .net thing?
@mr5 yes it is
@Kramb any time you post anything about chat in meta, expect like 30 downvotes
@IvinRaj Just out of curiosity, do you have a HomeController.cs?
@IvinRaj you have no default controller configured, it looks like
@Nerdintraining Before I came in here people were talking about government bureaucracy, chocolate balls, and code coverage. I came in talking about code coverage
Sorry for the late reply I got booted by some n00b that thinks I'm a random lol
I had 2 downvotes, then just 1. So someone agreed with me haha
I have seen blogs, where the off-topicness could easily handled with gray text color. You can off-topic any time, but the readers, who don't want to "just hang around" can easily ignore thoose.
Apparently Tyler thinks we should not discuss anything except for C# here and that ROs should move off-topic conversation to the trash can
what does RO stands for? Regular Osers? Random Osers? Robot Ox? Ronald Orump? Ronoroa Oro?
yes room owner
it means nothing, bunch of useless power that makes nerds get hard. get hard. stay hard. 1/6 hard.
I've put too much effort for it. damn. wasted my time again
@Kramb ok. It's hungarian, but check the gray content of 2nd post. It's not unimplementable... prohardver.hu/tema/dell_notebookok/hsz_1-50.html
@mr5 Yeah, if you see someones name italicized, they are a room owner.
Yea, that would work. But the background color of the message card already has different colors.
My messages are yellow and all of the others are grey
...but then my dark theme wouldn't work
why are mine purple
So split it as on-topic: dark grey and off-topic: grey or white
@Kramb I could italicized my name too! To the chrome dev tools!
mark everything on-topic as default and just manually mark some rows as off-topic. I think that's fine for the serious guys
It's been a long time since I've seen @Amy
We got married and had little memers
Make every off-topic vote set opacity of the element to 10% left, rounded. First off-topic 90% opacity, second 81, then 73, 66, 59, 53, etc
> rounded
border-radius detected
I can't sum two points?
and when it reaches 0 opacity, the row should now turn into a full opaque of darkness and tilted by 10° each time the off-topic has been voted up.
Q: Is it unethical for me to not tell my employer I’ve automated my job?

EtherableI currently work on a legacy system for a company. The system is really old - and although I was hired as a programmer, my job is pretty much glorified data entry. To summarise, I get a bunch of requirements, which is literally just lots of data for each month on spreadsheets and I have to config...

Why did microsoft think it was a good idea to make a Vector and Point class. Both have nearly the same interface yet they are not equal, not even sharing a common ancestor.
a vector is not a point
thats probably why
It has the same interface - if it quacks like a duck ....
but why, steve?
a vector has a direction and magnitude
And a point can also be represented by a direction and magnitude (on an abstract level)
I thought for a second that you're referring to std::vector
@paul23 eh, i'm not sure i agree with this, but admit that i could be wrong
It's especially annoying that you can add a point to a vector - which returns a point.
You can also sum two vectors.
But you can't sum two points.
A: XNA - Why does it use Vector2 and not Point?

BlindyEven assuming Point were using float values, what meaning would you give to "adding 2 points together"? Now adding vectors to update positions is a well understood and widely used concept, so vectors map better to describing positions and speeds in a virtual world.

So I am now constantly manually casting everything to vectors by using new Vector(point.X, point.Y) - and then later on casting it back to points for mfc.
Especially the FrameworkElement.TranslatePoint should then really return a vector.
Since it is the "difference between a point and an element on the field" -> that's a vector.
Microsoft just being English nazis
But I'm now more frustrated about the underlying framework: if I give something that has a certain public interface (X, Y values that can be setted and getted) and I just use that, a function shouldn't care if it's a point, vector or whatever. - Why so little use of templates/dynamic binding in c# :(.
Each time I use C# I get frustrated that it doesn't have the dynamic duck typing of python. -- Each time I use python I get frustrated that it doesn't have tooling that C# can have.
Well I mean a point and a vector are fundamentally different.
As said before, a point is a 1 dimensional object with 3 possible properties (in 3d space) x, y, and z. I believe a vector is also a point in that it is 1 dimensional with the 3 properties (x, y, and z) as well as a magnitude and direction
@Vap0r If I have a number I can describe it in base 10, as well as in base 2. - Similar to points/vectors whatever you name it: describing it in eucledian coordinates is the same as doing it inpolar/cylindrical coordinates. Whether I put a point by stating x=1, y=1 - or by stating d=1.4156, theta=pi/4 - it's the same point/position in space. Only by putting a context one can notice differences between "points" and "vectors".
And yes in C# vectors have those added benefits: but then why are they not a subclass from points/a general location describer. -- This would be solved if I could inject base classes in the inheritance tree.
Go multiple inheritance and super()!
@paul23 your first point doesn't change that there are multiple descriptors added to Vectors. And that's inaccurate, points and vectors are fundamentally different. Using your example, base 10 and base 2 numbers can all be multiplied, divided, subtracted, and added to. But in this case you can't "add" two points, but you can "add" two vectors. That makes them sufficiently different.
THOUGH that lends creedance to your second point, a vector is a perfect use case for inheriting from a point and expanding upon that pattern.
It then also leads to the case: why would you ever use a "point" - the extra bagage that a "vector" gives in really minor and it's all intuitive; it wouldn't ever make a library more (or less) complex if they would accept vectors instead of points - and return vectors instead of points.
vector - lets say you're making a game, you want to move a game object. a vector tells it how far to move (magnitude) and in which direction. a point doesn't. A point is a specific place in space. It has nothing to do with movement or direction.

Now, I'm talking about Vector3 in Unity. I have never used a regular Vector class.
@paul23 That might be because averaging a couple points and averaging a couple vectors are both very common operations but neither operates anywhere near the same way
I should be RO so I can stop RO abuse
... of me
one more outburst from you sir
and you are OUTTA HERE
lol I can't believe that dude kicked me this morning. Did you know that caused me a 30 minute chat-wide ban?
I think from the kick stacking from the last couple of days lol
oh lol
who kicked you?
@Vap0r that wasn't from a kick that was from a validated flag
Oh, on the "fuck your mother" comment?
I can't see flags so I never know why any of this is happening :/
Flagged in 3....2.....
Those still aren't answers! Dude says I'm a Nazi and then kicks me for telling him I have sex with his mother in German. Then he calls me a random??? wut.
So what's a validated flag vs a flag?
A mod comes and checks out the flag and agrees?
Or 10k+ers
Oh that's lame.
Who said you were a Nazi?
And anyone can flag and message for any reason. 10k+ users get notified and they choose whether the flag is valid or not. I don't know how many validations are required before it's applied but it results in a 30 minute chat-ban.
Roel said I was in the Reich, and I don't think he's talking about the 1st or 2nd. I also believe he might've been the one to validate the flag. It's a conflict of interest
> Roel validated
> Roel has 3.5k rep
> 3.5k < 10k
> mfw
Are you a professional victim or do you just play one on TV?
@mikeTheLiar I only assumed that off of someone telling him "thanks" after I was kicked
I didn't check his rep because that would be about as petty as kicking someone for insulting your mother (in german) after you insinuated they were a Nazi
Go to Germany, make the same claims to them and see if you get off with as little as "ficken deine mutter"
I doubt it severely
insult me
you're ndugger
oh I was once on a train in germany - was getting fined for apparently not having the correct ticket (my ticket was only valid after 9 o'clock in the morning, didn't know that). So I said -loudly- "Ich habe das nicht gewusst!"
Apparently that's not the thing to say in that situation :P
@paul23 what's "gewusst"?
@paul23 I don't speak german I only drank in Germany with them
.... You don't have to speak german to know that sentence..
So I only no "fick, sheisse (spelling?), du, deine, mutter, etc.."
I understand "I do not have _______"
Do I have to explain the joke here -.-
"Ich habe es nicht gewusst" = I didn't know (about) that...
It's what a common thing that was said after the atrocities in the second world war.
Oh crap lol that gives it some context
I do not have knowledge. That's great
@paul23 lol what happened after you said it loudly
And what's the proper thing to say? Probably less formal? nicht gewusst?
To be frank: not really that much.. Apart from every passenger looking up and angrily to me. The conductor kept a straight face :P.
@paul23 but you're not Frank, you're Paul
He's not Paul, he's the Senate!
@Vap0r Basically any construct apart from that specific way. It's quite an archaic construct literal to "I have not known this".
Normally you would probably just say Ich wusste etwas nicht
@Vap0r so it's treason then
Or "Ich weiß nicht".
(had to google for the eszet)
@paul23 neat
!!afk got to actually work
How do I select which version of c# in visual studio?
In project settings i can select the framework - but I can't seem to find the settings for the c# version?
properties page, build>advanced maybe?
stop fighting
ah, but that only shows upto c# 6.0 - it doesn't allow me to install a newer c# version.
for, say, 7.0 you need to install a nuget package
Ah ok, seems to also have troubles with highlighters though? That's a lot of work just to get native tuple unpacking :P
in Trash can, 1 min ago, by Steve's a D
why am i not a RO of the trash can, how am i supposed to move ALL of these messages from the beginning of time to the JS room
oh my word
i wouldn't do that.... i don't think
It's never occurred to me
But it occurred to you. Figures.
only because i was hanging out in there for 20 minutes alone
im sorry tom! :(
No you're not
the thought is funny, actually doing it would be terrible
Make me RO please
I said please
i said no
i probably shouldn't even be a RO because im
I should be a RO
@Steve'saD what's that have to do with me?
@Nathvi woah woah woah, one RO request at a time
you're even more disruptive
BWAH? Me? disruptive?
That's ludicrous
it's happening right now
no more RO's
im watching it in real time
one in one out mate
is that how we're doing things?
So that meas if one of the ROs here gets the boot I can be RO?
theres a line
@Nathvi is ahead of you
@Steve'saD well if are the booted RO you won't have much say, eh?
I am a responsible adult.
I've got responsibility oozing out of my orifices guys forget @Nathvi
I'll make updates to the bot
who here prefers var to explicit types?
Depends on the situation
I will add on-topic off-topic flagging! I will make C# great again!
@Nathvi I prefer let or const
@ndugger will you be my RO campaign manager?
Anybody do some compiler extensions?
no. I need my RO back first
@ndugger check out this link:
I don't know who this michaelrwiley guy is, but he's got a point
Anyways don't want to derail the conversation from C#.
Favorite C# feature?
I'll let you guys get back to your active and on-topic conversations.
Does anybody know why it was called C#?
because C++ needed glasses
!!afk I love everyone but roel
You are all my children, except @007
@Nathvi music notation
but y
In music, sharp, dièse (from French), or diesis (from Greek) means higher in pitch. More specifically, in musical notation, sharp means "higher in pitch by a semitone (half step)", and has an associated sharp symbol, ♯, which may be found in key signatures or as an accidental. Sharp is contrasted with flat, which refers to a lowering of pitch. Intonation may be flat, sharp, or both, successively or simultaneously. Under twelve-tone equal temperament, B♯, for instance, sounds the same as, or is enharmonically equivalent to, C natural (C♮), and E♯ is enharmonically equivalent to F♮. In other tuning...
> in musical notation, sharp means "higher in pitch by a semitone (half step)"
I know what the sharp symbol means in music. I studied piano.
It's c♯ not c# btw
Dnag late
going with the analogy to C++, just like C++ is "incrementing C", C# is "increasing the pitch"
I could see that
C#++ == Java
Probably marketing, c# and c++ have very little in common (way less than C and C++ I think)
@ndugger sure, sure, whatever
c# is much closer to java than to c++; Should've been called Java++ or J++.
C## === JavaScript
Dick and ♭alls
@ndugger do you love trolls, was your life long dream to be a trol
I'm not a troll
stop bullying me
nooo??? I am not sure if you troll to troll or to roll to roll
@ndugger You have something in your teeth.
I think it might be bits of billy goat.
I hardly knew'em

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