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@Codeman @SpencerRuport Same
We just have very different standards
I am using find what as document.all.(.*)
VS2013 working out awesome for me.. over a year now
Replace with document.getElementById('$1')
now watch... something is gonna break....
.* is a bad idea
\w* maybe
somehow its adding new line
like follows
var objElem1 = document.getElementById('HNBCEA1_ddlHNBCEASuppCovg
') var objElem2 = document.all.HNBCEA1_txtHNBCEASuppPremAmt
what happens if you use \w*?
Yes it worked
you r champion
woo, one more thing for my resume
@SpencerRuport not you :P it was more the "I wouldn't want to work for you" comments when I was trying to describe how to get a job at a big tech company. Shitting over someone when they're acting in good faith is not how to make friends and influence people
"developer, CHAMPION"
champion rockstar ninja
@KendallFrey lol
not made yoda or darth yet?
all this talk of ninjas, rockstars, etc. - why no love for the developer pirate?
LoL or HoTS?
@Codeman - Aight cool. :) Last thing I would want to is say something that would prevent us from being able to discuss things in the future.
Now Hiring: Zombie Developer, 5 years of experience required
haha Zombie
@JoJo LoL is a deeper game but HoTS cuz its easy to play ... and gaming is chillout time not hard work time
@KendallFrey brains?
@Wardy I am liking HoTS for the quick 15min games if your lucky, but yeah LoL for the variety
@JoJo yeh im hoping paragon meets expectations
@KendallFrey slow zombies need not apply
No kidding!! I got the trailer for Paragon up on my Content monitor above my desk!
@mikeTheLiar haha.
@mikeTheLiar only raving 30 days later zombies?
i'm so tired.
@JoJo lol first comment "watching this in 4k ..." ... i completely agree this looks epic in 4k
Forgot there was coffee in my mug. That almost ended badly.
Wow, that looks...generic
@SpencerRuport hehe, you were fine. Just makes me sad when someone thinks they know everything there is to know and that there is no value in them learning something I value.
@TomW I mean... It's Epic Games, they do Unreal Tournament. Though TBH I might just prefer another UT, it probably is a bit dated at this point
I'm replaying Twilight Princess on the Wii
Holy moly I forgot how great that game is
I might get a Wii U or NX just so I can get Twilight Princess HD and play it again
Because I like it that much :^)
I couldn't get used to the controls.
Picked up Fallout 3 again. Never got that far with it
Apart from being buggy AF on Win10, kind of disappointed.
The AI is duuumb.
@Amy What about them?
I liked twilight princess, but didn't get far into it because of the wiimote
"code is compiling" thoughts:
@Amy It does take some getting used to, yeah
There's always the gamecube version
But the plot is really solid, and the gameplay and dungeons are nice
It has that OOT-like magic
...in a lot of ways, they kind of just re-did OOT
i grew up playing Ocarina of Time religiously.
I just want to hear more stuff about new Zelda game :(
The new game would be enough to get me to buy a Wii U or NX
...I had a Sega Genesis and a PSX, no Nintendo...
I bought a SNES with my allowance/birthday/christmas money right before N64 came out :^)
My mom felt bad for my 6 year old self and returned it and got me an N64
I bought a game cube a few months before Twilight Princess was supposed to come out, just to play that game
Then it was delayed
And delayed some more
And finally...
@mikeTheLiar that's basically the story with the current zelda game lol
When I bought a GC they were still calling what would eventually be known as the Wii the Revolution
but IMO I'm happy they took so long on twilight princess
you should have frozen yourself for a few months in the snows around South Park, Colorado
By the time that game actually came out I think my GC was broken.
Long story short I've never actually played Twilight Princess
N64 games were hella expensive though
@Codeman Agreed :)
we used to rent Sega Genesis games
Majora's Mask was really bad. It was like $100
And I looked in to getting much later - like when during the X-Box/PS2 era - and it was still like $100
Majora's Mask was $100?
gonna win 1.3 b tomorrow
I guess if it requires the Expansion Pak
@ShotgunNinja yeah, somewhere around there.
@ShotgunNinja yeah, cartridge games were expensive to produce
many of them had specialized hardware - the OG starfox had a 3d accelerator in the cartridge. Makes it very difficult to emulate
I didn't like Majora's mask much
Chrono Trigger is where it's at.
my GF's alarm sound on her phone was Frog's Theme for the longest time
yeah, Chrono Trigger is pretty awesome
I got to the airship boss rush and basically just got stuck because I didn't grind hard enough
but if I'd have gotten through that, I'd have beaten the game.
(playing on the DS remake)
I like the DS. I never used mine though so I gave it to a random kid for xmas along with Advance Wars, Pokemon, and Ace Attorney
I need to find a classic DS charger. I've got a repro cart of the English redub of Mother 3 that needs to be played.
Might stop at Mega Media Xchange at some point
yeah, it's a local chain that sells refurb DVDs, CDs, and games/electronics
yay, Walmart Online sells them!
$4.50 later, ordered
I implemented an integration to walmart online, lol
it's a combination of really cool tech and an utter shitshow
yeah, it looks like they aggregate data for third-party sellers onto their site and provide a sale interface for them.
yup, that was my last job basically
we did that at Hal Leonard for sheet music dealers
fuck me
im so tired
but we also did the reverse; they could sell our product on their website
my life is tired
I'm bored so I shot my coworkers with NERF guns
i have a short stupid question: does a linq2sql datacontext ALWAYS throw change clonflict exception if the dataset has been changed between the select and submitchanges by default? :(
@qd0r why wouldn't it?
it uses the repository pattern, so you can change the data and submit it then reretrieve it and it won't necessarily make another DB call
hm, because i have something in my database what shouldnt be there arrrrr.
well okay. i thought so. thanks
@Codeman I'd be so mad if I was like
in the zone
and someone shot me with a nerf gun
@Jeremy I hit him right in the forehead, too
he just said "I will have my revenge" lol
C# is such a nice language
I forget quite often how nice it is
yield return
@ShotgunNinja Tbh, generics and LINQ
and all the other functional-flavored goodies
are what keeps me
And you can still be a lowly state-pusher when you need to be
what weirds me out is event += delegate
@Jeremy ironically, that's exactly what's made me start going away from it
@ReedCopsey That last part, you mean?
generics and linq and functional flavored goodies -
@ReedCopsey Why is that?
they're "functional-lite" in C# - and the more I learned, the more I wanted to do that better ;)
for the font I currently have shown, the horizontal bar of the plus is aligned with the BOTTOM bar of the equals sign!
@ReedCopsey OH, right
I played with Haskell last night
I'm so upset by this
And remembered that I'm not a functional programmer at all
Haskell is interesting - but it pushes the line a bit far for practical usage for me
I really like it
But... like... functors do not need 30 pages of explanation
And it's still not totally clear to me how polymorphism looks in Haskell
I'll probably play with F# before I go further with Haskell
it's definitely going to be easier if you're coming from a C# background
since the framework is the same
I think the thing that will help me the most is finding a pet project suitable for FP
Implement Crash Bandicoot
oh wait
Ever hear of GOOL?
The first Crash Bandicoot game was pretty much entirely written in a dialect of LISP called GOOL
the only Assembly/C they wrote was the GOOL runtime
Q: Deploying web forms app to IIS on remote machine

Kala JI'm a web forms app that I want to publish and deploy to IIS on a remote web server. I have the machine IP and credentials for Virtual Machine access. Currently, I've been following several tutorials on how to deploy a basic web app to IIS but all of them go over doing it on the same machine bu...

I could have sworn I got the binaries and dlls hosted on IIS before but I forgot what I did and I can't repeat it
I don't think I did it by copying and pasting the files either

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