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can someone answer a question for me?
4 hours later…
[{"title":"test questions ?","opttype":1,"option":["test1","test2","test3","test4"]},{"title":"test questions1?","opttype":1,"option":["test msg1","test msg2","test msg3","test msg4"]},{"title":"test questions 2?","opttype":2,"option":["test 23","test 255","test 2555","test 25555"]},{"title":"input test?","opttype":3,"option":[]}]
how i read json data in c#
Is there any open-source Installation software like InstallShield?
1 hour later…
@Marek Centurion Setup is another for same purpose
btw,IS is BEST
hi any one please tel me
@Marek: check out nullsoft's installation package. nsis.sourceforge.net
“A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 – Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) ”
@kathir: The easiest approach is to use NewtonSoft.Json package
Does it have any link to SQLite? I cosidered it earlier to be only SQL-speciifc
I would probably be using WIX installer
It would take a while to learn but it is worth it.
hey i am new in c# example
@JAVEDIQBAL: No need to scream
any example?
@scheien do u hv a fix?
@kathir: Check out the newtonsoft homepage, newtonsoft.com/json
Well, the error message says that it cannot establish a connection, so I would probably begin checking the connectionstring, since you say that the sqlserver instance is running (by checking services.msc).
m_dbConnection = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=MMIS.sqlite;Version=3;");
The .exe works pertty well on development PC and causes problem on deployement
actually i have this
"[{\"title\":\"dfdsfdgfg\",\"opttype\":1,\"option\":[\" dfg\",\" dfg\",\" dfg\",\" dfg\",\" dfg\",\" dfg\"]},{\"title\":\" sdfgfdgdfg\",\"opttype\":1,\"option\":[\" fdgfdsg\",\" fdgfdsg\",\" fdgfdsg\",\" fdgfdsg\"]}]"
when i parse to jobject its return empty
string kk = "[{\"title\":\"dfdsfdgfg\",\"opttype\":1,\"option\":[\" dfg\",\" dfg\",\" dfg\",\" dfg\",\" dfg\",\" dfg\"]},{\"title\":\" sdfgfdgdfg\",\"opttype\":1,\"option\":[\" fdgfdsg\",\" fdgfdsg\",\" fdgfdsg\",\" fdgfdsg\"]}]";

JObject results = JObject.Parse(kk);
I don't knew SQL Server in running is required for SQLite to work
Earthquake in Nepal
Bad news
In Nepal,Pak and Ind
What do you guys think about using an installer (for a simple desktop app, using .Net 4.5 and LocalDB) vs packaging everything in 1 exe via ILMerge?
The latter would be gud for me :-P
Just learned how to create MSI package with WiX installer, that is much more fun than InstallShield.
anyone knows how to work with runspaces while executing a powershell script from c# code
like...m getting a problem...whenever i create runspace to a machine... it works nice..bt when i try to open it second time it gives me a error.
Anyone have experience using SynchronizingObject on a System.Timers.Timer? I have a Windows Form that created the Timer and I set the SyncObj to the Form. But the Elapsed events aren't marshalled to the Form's thread unless I first Show() the Form. Huh?
I think it was because the Form's Handle was null or something.
In the Form's constructor I accessed the Form's Handle property to force it to be created and when I do that the SynchronizingObject works
5 hours later…
Error: File is encrypted or is not a db
1 hour later…
what are the SO rules on generic, opinion based questions?
i.e. Should I be doing this?
public static class Extensions
    public static void EnumerateAll<T>(this IEnumerable<T> collection)
        var enumerator = collection.GetEnumerator();
        while (enumerator.MoveNext())
void seems strange
Why is that?
I just want to iterate through all the elements
ok fair enough
use case is not obvious to me
        var pipe = Pipeline.Create<int, int>(i =>
            return i;
        pipe.Process(Enumerable.Range(0, 10)).EnumerateAll();
extension methods for IEnumerable<T> are standard though
@Darek smells of statefulness, which doesn't jive with the LINQ functional style
ok makes sense I guess
I prefer a foreach there
or a for
shouldn't pipe.Process do the processing by itself?
Well the @KendallFrey The Pipeline does not do squat until you run through all its eleements
And @JohanLarsson I donlt want to write foreach all the freaking time
nicer debugging a for in that case
@Darek you could replace your while loop with a foreach though
nothing stops you from using the extension
Tru dat @JohanLarsson
How to come around -->Error: File is encrypted or is not a db
@KendallFrey I could, but that would not be DRY
@Darek uh, yes it would
it's simply replacing a while with a foreach
How? @KendallFrey
I need your help, judges
good or bad
if you're not repeating yourself with a while, you won't be repeating yourself anymore with a foreach
they are the same thing, foreach reads better imo
maybe foreach has more allocations idk
rigth, but foreach is a 3-lione, while EnumerateAll is a 1-line
in that method it is an implementation detail and not very interesting imo
@JAVEDIQBAL You are a help vampire. If you expect us to help you, ask answerable questions, and put some of your own effort into your code.
@Darek I didn't say anything about EnumerateAll, I said while loop
also, foreach is a one-line
foreach (var foo in bar);
@KendallFrey dude I spent more than 2 hours
on the same issue
I don't prefer help until i crawl the web
Good point @KendallFrey
I still think U R the smartest guy around here
@JAVEDIQBAL Have you ever read a tutorial or guide on how to use databases? Because you should.
@KendallFrey This is what corresponds to my probelmhttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/16030601/sqlite-unable-to-open-databas‌​e-file-is-encrypted-or-is-not-a-database-c
but it's not matching my scenario as my connection string deosn't use any password rather it's

            m_dbConnection = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=E:\\MMIS.sqlite;Version=3;");
YES, for MySQL
I came across about 3 errors before reaching here but fixed it via web :-)
is there anybody that have ever used Vlc.DotNet ?
Hi guys. I've been trying to implement a custom login provider (azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/…)
For some reason.. I can't seem to find the LoginProvider class. What's wrong?
2 hours later…
Has anyone ever done a Google Code Jam?
some sort of event?
You get to solve some questions
What I don't understand is the format of how they want to your code to be structure with input files and output files

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