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@Tokencodingnewbie what you need help with?
@Tokencodingnewbie in your ListBox code you posted just above, you need an item/data template. using {Binding ShopList} won't cut it, you also need to provide a template for your List Items.
<ListBox x:Name ="produceListBox" ItemsSource="{Binding ShopList}" DisplayMemberPath ="Name" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="270" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="142" SelectionChanged="produceListBox_SelectionChanged" />
                <Grid Margin="10">
                        <ColumnDefinition Width="20" />
                        <ColumnDefinition Width="150" />
                        <ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
@Tokencodingnewbie see above
do you know about services?
web services or windows services?
web services
Hi all
Is anyone know about web api
@Shaun hi
@Neha Sure
o hai Roel
@RoelvanUden hi
actually unknowinglyam getting with one exception of owin assembly
in my web api project
which is even i nvr used off
how can I use a parameter from a javascript function in a C# method?
mornin sippy
(web services)
In what context, Shaun?
The answer is probably AJAX
It's a web service, i've got a js method that contacts the webservice and it has a parameter that I need to use in an if statement in my C#
Q: pass parameter value to web service using javascript

user2841549This is my hltm5 code <div data-options="dxView : { name: 'home' } " > <div data-options="dxContent : { targetPlaceholder: 'content' } " > <h1 data-bind="text: message"></h1> <div id="textusername" data-bind="dxTextBox: { value: name }" style="width: 150px"></div> <di...

It's so great to get to work every day and have a bacon sandwich
Little things.
I'm a veggie so that sounds awful
Hmmmm, bacon.
Bacon comes from heaven.
Or dead pigs >:3
Mmm dead pigs
pig corpse ;3
Veggies have tried and failed to do what you are doing right now.
Whenever I see a pig transport, I think "That's sad... but they shouldn't have been so delicious" :-/
I'm just joking aha
I'm not one of those militant conversion veggies :p
I don't think anything when I see those transports
Blank thoughts :D
Militant conversionists are a type in of themselves.
They believe everyone should live life the same way they do
Religions do it, hippies do it, politicians do it
and all of them are really fucking annoying :D
atheists are the worst
I'm an atheist
there's two types of atheists
I don't give a shit if other people believe in something, but if they argue with me about it I will argue back :P
people who don't believe in god, and people who believe in atheism hahaha
That's quite profound, haha
I'm agnostic
I don't see the point in arguing either side
I like Alan Watts
Religion through scientific principle
Don't actually know a lot abotu him
His talks pretty much revolve around how people see themselves objectively
As in they exist within the universe as a whole inside a whole
When in reality you are the universe.
Without you, it doesn't exist to you :D
I need some helpings
Hi @Sippy
But he takes inspiration from science and all religions to reach a conclusion which almost kinda makes sense, religiously.
It's more about spirituality I guess.
@baeltazor Wha' you wan'?
I finished a cool new tabcontrol. so ive decided to make a little browser that uses it. but the WebBrowser class/control in winforms really sucks balls. what alternatives are there that offer basic functionality (open in new window (without hacking stuff), etc)? I'm searching for alternatives atm but I only see a couple. one of them is awesome. it seems kinda complicated :/
2 days ago, by drch
you either drink beer or youre a terrorist
Are people favoriting this on its own merit as a statement lol?
yep lol, I think so
Poor drch, his context got lost.
Oh well.
WebBrowser embeds the version of IE installed on the client OS
You can instead embed Chrome or Firefox if you want.
@Sippy fanx bro lol. does firefox still use gecko?i thought I read somewhere they were thinking about using something else.
Don't know
I hate firefox.
For no reason other than I hate it :D
@Sippy what
oh ok lol
I hate chrome safari and firefox (but I love safari on iPhone ipad and macs - just not windows)
i hate itunes
@baeltazor Look at CefSharp.
Let it be known that Fruck is now an official swearword. Believe it. Or fruck off!
hmmmmmmmmmmmm, @RoelvanUden that looks good. am reading bout it
@RoelvanUden Was about to suggest that
What the fuck does 'fruck' mean?
FireFox is pretty sweet. I liked Chrome too; until 37, where the botched rendering of all fonts. Oh well, back to FireFox at that point :-P
And why was there a need to replace the word fuck?
@Sippy Because, Americans?
!!urban fruck
@Sippy fruck It's like fuck, only nicer, and easier to say around you parents.
Fuck that
No, no, frack that. To stay in Caprica style :-P
Well that's just totally different. xD
Not if you use the BSG reference :-D
i dunno y people hate IE so much lol. it's always been my favourite. yeah sure, some sites won't work properly on it... but that's cause they don't make the sites properly! lol :P
Get out
Chrome is my fav
The hate for IE10+ is ungrounded. But anything before that is a nightmare.
Safari is a piece of shit
Opera is alright but a bit sluggish
Firefox is clunky
@Sippy Uh.. Chrome and Safari and Opera are all the exact same thing..
@RoelvanUden I personally loved IE 9. For me it was the first version where I felt like they were finally taking things seriously. It's just gotten better since then
Safari is crap
Suffers the same design flaws as iOS
Which is also crap
It's fast but that doesn't make it good
I could make a car that does 200 miles an hour in under 10 seconds, it's crap if it won't turn corners.
@baeltazor Hmm, in that regard, IE8 was still pretty decent. It had ECMAScript3, which is a huge pain in the ass, but the rendering and performance were not bad for the time. 9 was better, but 10 and 11 are good, but severely lacking extensibility.
And who still can browse without Adblock, Ghostery, NoScript, and cookie/LSO cleaners?!
Like 70% of the world
Only the technologically enlightened even see ads.
The rest of them just submissively take in the information
Which is how they work :P
Ugh! I tried going to commercial database site with IE once. Ads above the site, behind the site, inside the site, between the content, automatic videos playing, pop ups via DHTML, blinking crap ... I can't browse like that.
As far as I know
Adblock for IE = proxy
But I think I only know that cos I worked in a school where I wasn't allowed to install Chrome or use portable chrome
And so I just changed their IE lol
my ankle is itchy for some reason. i feel like cutting it off
when you guys see @drch's username, do you say it as "durch" in your heads too? lol
I just say drch lol
in me 'ed
in ur noggin ey mate?
ok quick... 25 seconds... which browser should i install right now? chrome firefox opera or maxthon?
nah lol
i think i'll go firefox lol
How DARE you?!
I like my code like I like my women. Stop complaining and do what you're told.
@Sippy FireFox ftw! Chrome is screwed since 37 anyway!
@RoelvanUden what's screwed about it? I installed (and then uninstalled) it a few weeks ago, but don't remember what previous versions were like.
@baeltazor They "Fixed" font rendering. On my work computer, it looks fine (Windows 8.1). On my home computer, it looks absolutely horrendous (Windows 7 SP2). Whatever the "fix" was, a lot were affected...
yeah i don't get it. chrome is a massive failure when it comes to rendering fonts. and also scrolling is terrible. that's why i like IE so much, they tend to focus a lot on those things to make sure they're all smooth n stuff
Sooo let's say we have a fully drawn custom control... and then i wanna add a textbox to it (this.Controls.Add(textBox1);. is that normal?
@baeltazor So, why aren't you using IE if you like it that much? :-)
Fortunately for me font rendering isn't a massive point :P
@Roel I'm using IE 11 right now :) but the thing is... i like switching between things. like, i'll just randomly get bored of something if i use it all the time so i like to try new things.
i'm installing opera
I like opera
yah ish good
Was on the bus home yesterday and speaking to a girl I knew in high school who works in IT support now
She was like oh what do you do now?
some things i don't like about it though... they no longer use their um their own rendering engine. instead they're now using Blink,. i think. and they removed a shitload of awesome features that i used all the time
So I said I'm working on an ASP.NET Web Forms project atm
yah lol...
what she say lol
And she said oooooo that's bad like she knew what she was on about
Then she said I had to script 100 printers manually the other day
I thought wtf does that even mean so I asked her what she scripted it in and she was like I don't know
Okay what editor did you use? I don't know
Then she said 'But I can script in Java and C++ so it was probably one of those'
was she blonde?
But stupid
there goes my theory lol
She said she was earning £1750/week
I lold
how did she even get that job then lol
@Sippy She was trying to impress you! We programmers don't realize it, but she might be, GASP flirting?!
Cos IT support is fucking easy
yeah probs flirting
@RoelvanUden idc she gross
you shoulda got her number lol
Oh I should mention
I fucked her in highschool
She was less gross then
I might take my gf to Milan
i dated this girl in highschool for a bit. she was fucking hot. but now she's a junky LOL
(and looks like one too)
o christ
@Sippy take her to the broncs lol
why didn't they implement the chat rooms in the android stackexchange app?
or atleast make a desktop messenger for stackexchange
i hate using browsers all day long
my neck
my back
lick my p****
and my crack ....anybody know that song lol?
its like really ghetto lol
Why are you singing that shit in here lol
'cause dude i am bored and i completely forgot why i opened visual studio lol
hmm.. i think im gonna go answer me some questionz after my sammich
omg this is boring.
@Sippy 2 more days!
@RoelvanUden yeah I say that, but I'm betting they extend it
Then I will cry
Don't let them!
When I try to pass the areCodesBlocked into my programme, it's saying it's not a valid Bool.
Any idea why? D:
@KendallFrey wat is that?
a tunnel boring machine
@KendallFrey Oh cool
Looks weird
@Shaun y u no give me code I can copy
getMonthUAOverview = function (dateStart, dateEnd, rosterRatherThanOverview, areCodesBlocked) {
var user = getInfoFromStorage("userInfo_mRo");
user.AllowableALDays = null;
user.DepotLeaveDetails = null;
user.UserLeaveDetails = null;
user.UserOptions = null;

callRosterService(wcfServiceUrl + "GetUAForMonth?userInfo=" + JSON.stringify(user) +
"&dateStart=" + dateStart +
"&dateEnd=" + dateEnd +
"&areCodesBlocked=" + areCodesBlocked,

function (data) {
if(data.Message == "Success")
What's your error message?
The exception message is 'String was not recognized as a valid Boolean
that's what firebug says
can you make a smaller sample
oh damn, uh
It's a webservice and the code is quite long.
This is SO, we like our problems short
Short and reproducible.
Damn it, was hoping maybe I'd made a really obvious error in that function but I guess you can't really tell without the rest of the code. I'm never gonna fix this D':
Shaun it's a type error
Those aren't massively hard to fix :D
Either the param you're passing in is wrong, or the param it's meant to be is wrong.
It's meant to be a bool, but I think because it's declared true or false after the service call is made it means that when it gets passed into my programe it has a value of null. But I have no idea how to prevent it from doing that D=
Give it a default value.
Q: Is there a better way to do optional function parameters in Javascript?

Mark BiekI've always handled optional parameters in Javascript like this: function myFunc(requiredArg, optionalArg){ optionalArg = optionalArg || 'defaultValue'; //do stuff } Is there a better way to do it? Are there any cases where using || like that is going to fail?

in that answer where it says 'defaultValue' you'll wanna replace that with true or false I guess.
it fixed my error, but I'm back to square one :p
How's that?
if (areCodesBlocked == true) is what triggers what's loaded in my C# it just loads whatever the default value is and not what is in the if statement D=
Not sure I get what you're trying to do.
In the C# I have the if statement which decides depending if areCodesBlocked = true or false, load a list of 5 for true or a list of 11 for false.
However in the JS function I posted before, whatever the default value is set as by "areCodesBlocked = (typeof areCodesBlocked === "undefined") ? "false" : areCodesBlocked;" decides what list to load, since it's set to false it always loads false instead of IF statement below deciding
demmit why can't I delete that
if (rosterRatherThanOverview) {
areCodesBlocked = false
else {
areCodesBlocked = true

is there a shorter way to write this? maybe in one line?
rosterRaterherThanOverview ? Method() : Method();
rosterRatherThanOverview ? areCodesBlocked=false() :areCodesBlocked = true()
like that? O_o
var areCodeBlocked =  rosterRaterherThanOverview ? True : False;
var areCodesBlocked = !rosterRatherThanOverview;
why u make the big bucks
uh areCodesBlocked is already declared and it's a bool D: what's the purpose of var?
that confuses me :p
its just lazy coder habits
areCodesBlocked = !rosterRatherThanOverview;
so does that set it to false if it's rosterRatherThanOverview?
@Shaun var is great :D
if you cant figure out what that statement does...
But you need to know when to use it cos you can get yourself in a mess with it.
var is just Infer the type from what I type after it.
But if you aren't paying attention to what you type after it
! is just a not-statement, just like when used in an if. Not true is false ;-)
Sometimes, especially with EF, you'll end up returning a dataset rather than a list :P
thanks Roel :)
var is not friendly to XNode ~ XElements
Mmm Douwe Egberts coffee is niiice
It is. var element = previousNode.firstChild as XElement :-P
probably a stupid question, but does the ! just not always determine that it's always true?
does that statement have the exact same purpose as the if/else
try it and see
bool a = true;
bool b = !a;

Console.WriteLine(a + " " + b);
hands on dirty hands best way to make mud pie
thank you mr drch
<td colspan="1" td class="blueCell" width="200px">Application name:</td>
<td colspan="1" td class="blueCell" colspan="3">
why is td in there twice
The fuck
Why is colspan in there twice?
yeah thats a better question
Whoever wrote this needs shootin'
blueCell is a nice class name as well
And the whole application uses tables for layouts.
Oh the agony of naming a class after a color. Then your designer comes in: "I want them red.". ARRGGHH!!
I didn't do it
Lol, I don't take any responsibility for the way this shit is coded xD
And to think the guys who wrote this gets paid twice as much as I do ..
Get a raise!
Need experience :(
I'm only a whippersnapper.
.blueCell {
problem solved!
That makes me itch.
Starred! Because, hah!
sb.Append("<td td class=\"blueCell\" width=\"200px\"><strong>Application name:</strong></td>");
They've done it everywhere
Also the above denotes a stringbuilder outputting HTML from backend to webpage.
i cri evertim
Hi. Do any of you folks know the correct way to output a <br/> using HtmlGenericControl
I get an output like <br></br>
I want it to be a single closed element : <br/>
HtmlGenericControl doesn't support that.
You can write it yourself.
Q: HtmlGenericControl("br") rendering twice

adripanicoI'm adding some content to a given web page from code behind. When I want to add a break after some text, I try to do that this way: pDoc.Controls.Add(New Label With {.Text = "whatever"}) pDoc.Controls.Add(New HtmlGenericControl("br")) ,where pDoc is the Panel in which I'm adding the content. ...

Sounds like you're doing it wrong if it's closing it as a regular tag instead of self-closing, anyway.
yes. I bumped on to that. thankyou. @Sippy
The second answer to that question looks a little more succinct.
btw what do you call this type of object instantiation new Literal() {Text="foo"}
you know where the properties are set at that moment...
@deostroll I believe it's called Object Literal Instantiation.
Q: Is Object Literal Instantiation faster than setting properties?

WesleyGiven the following example, is one objectively better/faster/safer than the other? Should object literal instantiation be a best practice where it is practical? Where is this inappropriate? class Person { public string name; public int age; } void MakePeople() { Person myPerson = n...

That having nothing to do with Literal() :P

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